LEED GA 考试模拟题带答案

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Question 1Show Answer LegendWhich item can contribute to Construction Waste Management?AHazardous construction debrisBFill dirtCConcreteDSteel and wallboardNotes:Hazardous debris does not qualify for this credit; therefore, hazardous construction debris is incorrect.Fill dirt does not qualify for this credit; therefore, fill dirt (excavated soil) is incorrect.Question 2Show Answer LegendA project team has decided to shrink the building footprint. This change can have a positive impact on what issue?ACar pool parkingBParking capacityCPedestrian accessDOpen spaceNotes:Reducing the size of the building footprint may allow for more open space (fields, grasslands, landscaping, etc.)Open space are the ground areas that are vegetated and pervious.Green roofs can be considered open space but only for urban areas.For the purposes of LEED, open space is the property area minus the development footprint, when local zoning does not define open space.Question 3Show Answer LegendWhat would contribute to community connectivity?AA site with pedestrian access between basic servicesBA site near mass transitCA site near public parkingDA site near a restaurantNotes:Community connectivity channels development to urban areas with existing infrastructure. This includes areas with walkways and areas near basic services.Basic services are those services that are open to the public, and are common services that people might use regularly. People must be able to walk between the project and the service without being blocked by walls, highways, or other barriers (this is called pedestrian access). LEED encourages building near a variety of basic services, not just one type of service such as twelve clothing stores in a strip mall. LEED provides examples of basic services as:BankChurchSupermarket / convenience storeDay careDry cleaner / laundry matFire stationSalonHardware storeLibraryMedical / dental officeParkPharmacyPost officeRestaurantSchoolTheatre / museumCommunity centerGymAccess to public transpiration (mass transit) helps with reducing automobile use in the LEED Rating System, however picking a site near mass transit does not help earn the community connectivity credit.The answer choice of public parking is incorrect because a parking lot or parking garage is not defined by LEED as a service. A public park is defined by LEED as a basic service.Question 4Show Answer LegendWho is responsible for the development of the LEED Rating Systems?AArchitects, engineers, and contractors onlyBProduct manufacturersCLocal, state, and federal government agenciesDVolunteersNotes:The intent of this question is to learn the LEED Rating Systems are developed by committees of volunteers from all types of backgrounds.From USGBCs website:LEED Rating Systems are developed through an open, consensus-based process led by LEED committees. Each volunteer committee is composed of a diverse group of practitioners and experts representing a cross-section of the building and construction industry.While it is true employees of local, state, and federal government agencies can volunteer for the committees, as can product manufacturers and architects, engineers, and contractors, it is volunteers that make up the committees from these professions as well as many others.Question 5Show Answer LegendWhat is the goal of providing secure bicycle storage?ATo keep bicycles dryBTo meet local regulationsCTo prevent theftDTo increase the life cycle of bicyclesNotes:Glossary: Secure storage is any method or methods that prevent theftQuestion 6Show Answer LegendWastewater from sinks can:ASometimes be recycled and used for irrigation, depending on local codesBAlways be recycled and used for irrigationCNever be recycled and used for irrigationDAlways be used for makeup water in cooling towersNotes:Reference: USGBC GlossaryWastewater treatment systems are sometimes used in projects to treat wastewater and reuse it onsite for non-potable uses such as irrigation and for flushing fixtures.Blackwater does not have a single definition accepted nationwide. Adjacent cities may have different codes that allow or prohibit the use of sink/shower water for non-potable uses. On jurisdiction may define sink/shower water as blackwater and not permit its use, while another may define it as graywater and will permit its use. Review local codes before making design decisions based on the use of wastewater.Question 7Show Answer LegendWhat is the baseline water demand of a building?AThe annual fixture and fitting water consumption based on the rates from the EPAct 1992 standardBThe annual installed fixture and fitting water consumption rateCThe amount of graywater and rainwater harvesting a building is planning to useDThe annual water rate as determined by water billsNotes:To calculate water consumption in a building, a baseline water demand is compared to an installed design case.The baseline demand uses the fixture and flow rates from the EPAct 1992 standard. For example, commercial toilets have 1.6 gallons per flush, commercial urinals have 1.0 gallons per flush. These rates for all toilets, urinals, and faucets are used to create a baseline. Also used is the number of Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) to determine how frequently the fixtures will be used.The design case water consumption (or design demand) calculates the rates based on the higher efficiency fixtures that will be installed. For example if waterless urinals are used the design case will calculate them at their zero gallon per flush rate. The percent in water savings is determined by dividing the design case by the baseline case and subtracting that from the number 1Example:Baseline case: 100,000 gallons of water / yearDesign case: 60,000 gallons of water /year60,000/100,000 = 0.61 -0.6 = 0.4Percent reduction = 40% reductionQuestion 8Show Answer LegendWhat types of systems are not acceptable by LEED as sources of renewable energy?ALow-impact hydroelectric power systemsBBiomassCWindDHigh-impact hydroelectric power systemsNotes:This question asks what choices arenotacceptable by LEED as sources of renewable energy.While low-impact hydroelectric power systems are accepted, high-impact hydroelectric power systems are not. High-impact hydropower is not considered environmentally friendly because of water quality issues, and the negative impact it has on fish and wildlife.Question 9Show Answer LegendWhat is a characteristic of open-grid pavement?AIt is 100% imperviousBVegetation can grow in itCIt is at least 50% imperviousDIt is at least 75% imperviousNotes:Reference: O+M GlossaryOpen grid pavement is pavement that is less than 50% impervious and contains vegetation in the open cells.Here is an example of open grid pavement:Open grid pavement is different than pervious pavement.Pervious pavement is designed to allow percolation or infiltration of stormwater through the surface into the soil below where the water is naturally filtered and pollutants are removed. In contrast normal pavement is an impervious surface that sheds rainfall and associated surface pollutants forcing the water to run off paved surfaces directly into nearby storm drains and then into streams and lakes.Here is an example of pervious pavement:http:/www.us-Question 10Show Answer LegendIn a state with a closed electricity market, how can off-site green power be purchased?AThrough an ENERGY STAR approved utility providerBEnroll in a Green-e renewable power program from the utility providerCHave certified wood scraps delivered onsite for burningDPurchase power from a USGBC approved providerNotes:Some utility companies allow the purchase of renewable energy, sometimes for a price premium. Make sure the source of the energy is Green-e certified.Question 11Show Answer LegendOzone-friendly refrigerants differ from ozone-damaging refrigerants in what way?AOzone-friendly refrigerants are global warming neutralBOzone-friendly refrigerants may cause less global warmingCOzone-friendly refrigerants may cause more global warmingDOzone-friendly refrigerants are more energy efficientNotes:According to Treatment by LEED of Environmental Impact of HVAC Refrigerants, some refrigerants cause more ozone depletion than others, but the most ozone-friendly refrigerants cause more global warming.HFCs, while generally better for the environment in regards to ozone depletion potential, are less efficient than HCFCs. Because they are less efficient a building that uses HFC refrigerants must spend more energy to keep the building as cool compared to using HCFC refrigerants. Using more energy to cool the building uses more fossil fuels to run the HVAC equipment and generates more pollution, thereby increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.Question 12Show Answer LegendAt a minimum, a project team must successfully do which of the following to obtain LEED certification?AGather documentation for the prerequisitesBHire a USGBC approved consultantCRecord all vendors used on the projectDGather documentation for 40 points of the 110 points availableNotes:Projects must meet all prerequisites to earn LEED certification.The minimum number of points required for certification is 40.USGBC consultants are not required for projects.The product vendors are not needed when submitting documentation on the project.Question 13Show Answer LegendWhat issues do the ASHRAE standards NOT address?APlumbing codesBThermal comfortCEnergy efficiencyDHeat island measurementNotes:ASHRAE 62.1-2007 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality specifies minimum ventilation rates. These rates are used to improve indoor air quality as part of the IEQ credit category.ASHRAE 55-2004 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy help with defining what makes a comfortable indoor environment for occupants. Indoor conditions are considered acceptable if 80% or more of occupants find them acceptable.ASHRAE 90.1-2007 establishes minimum requirements for the energy efficient design of buildings (not included are single family homes or multifamily homes less than 3 stories).Question 14Show Answer LegendLEED for New Construction, Core & Shell, Schools, and Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance were designed to evaluate what building types?AHigh-rise residential buildingsBInterior spacesCCommercial buildingsDCommunity developmentEInstitutional buildingsNotes:Reference: GBCI website, Minimum Project RequirementsYou should go to gbci.org and review the Minimum Project Requirements page.Question 15Show Answer LegendWhich of the following does not help achieve a water-efficient landscape?AInstalling hardscapesBPerennialsCAdaptive plantingsDOverhead sprinklersNotes:Overhead sprinklers contribute to runoff and evaporation by wind and sun.Hardscapes can increase the heat island effect and stormwater runoff, but they do reduce the size of the area that needs irrigation.Question 16Show Answer LegendWhat type of water is rainwater?AGraywaterBBlackwaterCNon-potable waterDPotable waterNotes:Potable water is water which is fit for consumption by humans and other animals. It is also called drinking water, in a reference to its intended use. Water may be naturally potable, as is the case with pristine springs, or it may need to be treated in order to be safe.In most jurisdictions rainwater is considered non-potable and is therefore considered non-potable.Question 17Show Answer LegendA door found onsite and turned into a table as part of a major renovation would automatically qualify as:AComingled materialBRegional materialCRapidly renewable materialDPre-consumer contentNotes:The door would be extracted (salvaged) and used within 500 miles, qualifying it as regional material.Question 18Show Answer LegendWhat does the IPMVP Volume III provide information on?ABest practices for verifying the energy performance of a new buildingBBest management practices for construction activity pollution preventionCGovernment restrictions for the water flow limits of fixturesDBest design techniques for acoustics in schoolsNotes:The IPMVP Volume III is used for measurement & verification, and provides best practice techniques for verifying the energy performance of a new building.You can view the IPMVP v3 here if you want to take a quick look: http:/www.p2pays.org/ref/41/40512.pdfDont spend too much time in this document - the link is only provided to reinforce your knowledge. The document isnt in the exam reference materials so dont read this document for more than a minute.The standard is used in the rating systems and you should be familiar with what the standard is used for.Question 19Show Answer LegendHow should a project team view all green building costs when budgeting for a project?AIndividuallyBAs soft costsCSynergisticallyDCumulativelyNotes:The best answer for this question is synergistically. Costs are not cumulative since the cost of adopting one sustainable strategy for LEED may assist in earning points in other areas. Costs are also not individual costs for this reason. LEED of course includes soft costs, but not all LEED elements will be soft costs.Question 20Show Answer LegendWhat needs to be done for water management?AInstall an onsite wastewater systemBUse waterless urinalsCUse drip irrigationDEstablish a baseline water demandNotes:The first step in water management is determining how much water is being used, or will be used. This baseline allows project teams to determine how much they can save.Question 21Show Answer LegendHow long must an existing building be occupied before the LEED application process may begin for LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance certification?AThe application process can begin as soon as regular occupancy is reachedB3 monthsC6 monthsD12 monthsNotes:This question is asking about the Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance rating system.For this rating system, the LEED project must be in a state of typical physical occupancy, and all building systems must be operating at a capacity necessary to serve the current occupants, for a period that includes all performance periods as well as at least the 12 continuous months immediately preceding the first submission for a review.In short, for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance you must wait twelve months after the building is occupied before applying (not registering, applying). LEED requires this because this provides 12 months worth of utility bills which are needed for measurements.Question 22Show Answer LegendWhat does the baseline water case represent?AFlow and flush rates of all design case fixturesBThe Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct 1992) flow and flush ratesCThe amount of water metered for the buildings indoor areasDThe amount of water metered for the entire projectNotes:All Water Efficiency credits measure water savings by comparing a baseline case against the proposed design case. The baseline case uses the flow and fixture rates from the EPAct 1992 standard.The baseline water usage is based on estimated occupant usage (Full Time Equivalent calculations) and the water fixtures and fittings, such as:Commercial toilets have a baseline water use of 1.6 gallons per flushCommercial urinals have a baseline water use of 1.0 gallons per flushCommercial lavatory faucets have a baseline water use of 2.2 gallons per minuteResidential toilets have a baseline water use of 1.6 gallons per flushResidential lavatory faucets have a baseline water use of 2.2 gallons per minuteResidential kitchen faucets have a baseline water use of 2.2 gallons per minuteResidential showerheads have a baseline water use of 2.5 gallons per minuteQuestion 23Show Answer LegendWhich of the following is a strategy to prevent stormwater runoff?AMinimizing the quantity of open space in the project boundaryBInstalling a vegetated roofCReplacing native plants with turf grass to capture and filter the waterDLocating the building 40 feet from a water bodyNotes:A vegetated roof helps capture stormwater on a roof.Minimizing open space would negatively affect runoff - you need to maximize open space.Turf grass should be avoided because it requires more watering than native plants. Replacing plants with turf grass may have a negative effect, because turf grass may have more compact soil and not infiltrate as well.Question 24Show Answer LegendWhich of the following causes depletion of the ozone layer?APropaneBAmmoniaCCFCsDCO2Notes:Reference: Treatment by LEED of HVAC RefrigerantsCO2, ammonia, and propane are natural refrigerants that are not detrimental to the ozone layer.Question 25Show Answer LegendWhat type of water has the highest quality?AWaste waterBProcess waterCPotable waterDGreen waterNotes:Potable water is water that is suitable for drinking.Potable water is water that meets or exceeds EPAs drinking water standards and comes from wells or the municipal water supply.Question 26Show Answer LegendWhich of the following are counted as part of the buildable land area?APublic rights-of-wayBPublic streetsCAreas with treesDLand excluded from residential development by lawNotes:Reference: LEED for Homes Rating System, Compact DevelopmentBuildable land is the portion of the site where construction can occur. When used in density calculations, the calculation for buildable land excludes public streets and other public rights of way, and land excluded from development by law.Question 27Show Answer LegendWhat would planting native trees near a parking lot help with?AMinimizing energy performanceBImproving water qualityCReducing heat islandsDSource reductionNotes:By shading the parking lot the trees help reduce the heat island effect (non-roof).The heat island effect is created when developed areas have higher temperatures than surrounding rural areas. An urban heat island effect is caused by sunlight heating up dark colored surfaces such as roads and rooftops. Huge quantities of heat are generated in buildings that have dark rooftops and absorb heat rather than reflect it.LEED defines a heat island as one whose temperatures are at least 10 degrees higher than those of surrounding suburban or rural areas.Question 28Show Answer LegendAt what point can a project earn points for credits?AAfter the construction phaseBAfte


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