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2014高三英语周练 一、单项填空1. The old system must be reformed as soon as possible_ some honest people cant fully show off their abilities. A. which B. that C. where D. what2. Our former maths teacher moved to Beijing last year, or he _ us. A. will still teach B. would still have taught C. would still be teaching D. still taught3. - Ill ask the teacher about the attributive clause. Im very puzzled about it. - Thats just _ most of our classmates have doubt. A. what B. why C. how D. where4. Many experts hold the view _ teachers development is _ the key to better education lies. A. which; where B. that; where C. which; in which D. that; in which5. We need a (n) _ team leader who can really motivate the members to work harder. A. considerable B. cautious C. dynamic D. conventional6. - What do you suppose _ her look so upset? - _ by her boyfriend again. A. made; She was misunderstood B. had made; Having been misunderstood C. has made; Being misunderstood D. made; Misunderstood7. Your composition_ beautifully. Is it the one I saw you write yesterday? A. reads B. is read C. was read D. read8. - Have you seen Mike these days? - Yes. I saw him the day before yesterday. In fact, I _ him for three years. A. didnt see B. havent seen C. hadnt seen D. dont see9. - How do you find the movie The Cove? - _sad. It _a bloody picture of dolphins being killed. A. Looks; presents B. Looking; presents C. Looks; presented D. Looked; presented10. Is it true _ the rain stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here? A. when B. that when C. whenever D. That11. It is the first time that smoking control _into Chinas national economic and social development. A. is put B. will be put C. was put D. has been put12. According to the newly-made traffic regulation, whoever drives through red light _be fined at least 200 dollars. A. shall B. may C. would D. should13. When I was chatting with her on the mobile phone, the battery _ dead suddenly.A. went B. came C. remained D. changed14. Our planet has gone through too many wars._there never be another world war! A. Must B. Can C.May D. Will15. The director requested the flexible approach some engineers refused to adopt _ into practice at once. A. should put B. to be put C. be put D. of being put二、完形填空Wranglers and Stranglers Years ago there was a group of brilliant young men at the University of Wisconsin,who seemed to have amazing creative _1_ talent. They were wouldbe poets,novelists,and essayists. They were extraordinary in their _2_ to put the English language to its best use. These promising young men _3_ regularly to read and critique (评论) each others work. And critique it they did! These men were merciless with one another. They _4_ the minutest literary expression into a hundred pieces. They were heartless,tough,even mean in their _5_.The sessions became such areas of literary criticism that the _6_ of this special club called themselves the “Stranglers (扼杀者)”In order to _7_,the women of literary talent in the university _8_ to start a club of their own,one comparable to the Stranglers. They _9_ themselves the “Wranglers (争论者)”They,too,read their _10_ one another. But there was one great difference. The criticism was much softer,more _11_,more encouraging. Sometimes,there was almost no criticism at all. Every effort,even the weakest one,was _12_. Twenty years later an alumnus of the university was making an exhaustive _13_ of his classmates careers when he _14_ a vast difference in the literary accomplishments of the Stranglers as opposed to the Wranglers. Of all the _15_ young men in the Stranglers,no one had made a significant literary _16_ of any kind. From the Wranglers had come six or more successful _17_,some of national renown such as Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings,who wrote The Yearling. Talent between the two?Probably the same. Level of _18_?Not much difference. But the Stranglers were strangled,while the Wranglers were determined to give each other a(an) _19_.The Stranglers _20_ an atmosphere of argument and selfdoubt. The Wranglers highlighted the best,not the worst.1. A. architectural B. artisticC. literary D. musical2. A. strength B. ability C. performance D. power3. A. gathered B. organized C. challenged D. collected4. A. turned B. translated C. combined D. divided5. A. appreciation B. criticism C. assessment D. judgment6. A. leaders B. organizers C members D. arrangers7. A. participate B. practice C. succeed D. compete8. A. determined B. agreed C. promised D. dreamed9. A. regarded B. called C. thought D. recognized10. A. works B. letters C. books D. papers11.A. fantastic B. critical C. positive D. serious12. A. required B. spared C. made D. encouraged13. A. experiment B. study C. analysis D. judgment14. A. reflected B. resolved C. explained D. noticed15. A. optimistic B. confident C. bright D. honest16. A. achievement B. influence C. contribution D. improvement17. A. engineers B. writers C. doctors D. lawyers18. A. courage B. patience C. education D. skill19. A. reward B. favor C. honor D. lift20. A. ruined B. lightened C. promoted D. enjoyed三、阅读理解AThe word religion is derived from the Latin noun religion, which shows both earnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence. In modern usage, religion covers a wide spectrum of meaning that reflects the enormous variety of ways the term can be interpreted. At one extreme, many committed believers recognize only their own tradition as a religion, understanding expressions such as worship and prayer to refer exclusively to the practices of their tradition. Although many believers stop short of claiming an exclusive status for their tradition, they may nevertheless use vague or idealizing terms in defining religion ,for example, true love of God, or the path of enlightenment. At the other extreme, religion may be equated with ignorance, fanaticism, or wishful thinking. By defining religion as a sacred engagement with what is taken to be a spiritual reality, it is possible to consider the importance of religion in human life without making claims about what it really is or ought to be. Religion is not an object with a single, fixed meaning, or even a zone with clear boundaries. It is an aspect of human experience that may intersect, incorporate, or transcend other aspects of life and society. Such a definition avoid the drawbacks of limiting the investigation of religion to Western or biblical categories such as monotheism (belief in one god only) or to church structure, which are not universal. For example, in tribal societies, religion unlike the Christian church usually is not a separate institution but pervades the whole of public and private life.In Buddhism, gods are not as central as the idea of a Buddha. In many traditional cultures, the idea of a sacred cosmic order is the most prominent religious belief. Because of this variety, some scholars prefer to use a general term such as the sacred to designate the common foundation of religious life.Religion in this understanding includes a complex of activities that cannot be reduced to any single aspect of human experience. It is a part of individual life but also of group dynamics. Religion includes patterns of behavior but also patterns of language and thought. It is sometimes a highly organized institution that sets itself apart from a culture, and it is sometimes an integral part of a culture. Religious experience may be expressed in visual symbols, dance and performance, elaborate philosophical systems, legendary and imaginative stories, formal ceremonies, and detailed rules of ethical conduct and law. Each of these elements assumes innumerable cultural forms. In some ways there are as many forms of religious expression as there are human cultural environments.1. What is the passage mainly concerned about?A. Religion has a variety of interpretation.B. Religion is a reflection of ignorance.C. Religion is not only confined to the Christian categories.D. Religion includes all kinds of activities.2. What does the word “observance” probably convey in Para. 1?A. notice B. watching C. conformity D. experience3. According to the passage what people generally consider religion to be?A. Fantastic observance B. Spiritual practice C. Individual observance of tradition D. A complex of activities4. Which of the following is not true?A. It is believed by some that religion should be what it ought to be.B. “The path of enlightenment” is a definition that the author doesnt agree to.C. According to the author, the committed believers define religion improperly.D. The author doesnt speak in favor of the definition of “the sacred”.5. Which of the following is religion according to the passage?A. Performance of human beings. B. Buddha, monotheism and some tribal tradition.C. Practice separated from culture. D. All the above.四、任务型阅读SelfRegulated LearningToday, people change jobs an average of seven times before they retire. Many of these career changes require new learning that must be self-initiated and self-directed. Thus, one goal of teaching is to free students from the need for teachers, so they can continue to learn independently throughout their lives. That is, to make them self-regulated learners. Self-regulated learners have a combination of academic learning skills and self-control that makes learning easier.What influences self-regulated learning? Knowledge, motivation and will-power combine to influence self-regulated learning.First of all, self-regulated learners have knowledge about themselves. For example, they know their preferred learning styles; what their interests and talents are: and how to take advantage of their strengths. These experts also know quite a bit about the subject being studied-and the more they know, the easier it is to learn more. They understand different learning tasks require different approaches. Further, they have mastered adequate learning strategies and tactics. For example, they know how and when to skim and how and when to read for deep understanding.Self-regulated learners are motivated by learning itself. They find many tasks in school interesting because they value learning, not just performing well in the eyes of others. However, knowledge and motivation are not always enough. Self-regulated learners need will-power. They wont give up easily. They know how to protect themselves from distractionsfor example, what to do when attracted to stop working and have a cup of coffee.A model of self-regulated learning. Phi Winne and Allyson Hadwin put forward a 4-stage model.1. Analyzing the learning task. Learners examine whatever information they think is relevant in order to construct a sense of what the task is about, what resources are available, and how they feel about the work to be done.2. Setting goals and devising plans. What goals for studying might you set for a quiz covering only one chapter that counts just 3% toward your grade? Would you goals change if the test covered the last six chapters and counted 30% toward your course grade? Your goal in turn affects the shape of your plans for how to study. Is cramming(突击学习) the best approach? Is it a better plan to study a half-hour each day?3. Enacting tactics and strategies to accomplish the task. Learners put their tactics and strategies into practice and monitor how well the plan is working. Are you reaching your goals? Is your progress rate fast enough to be prepared for the test?4. Regulating learning. Learners have to decide whether changes are needed in any of the three preceding stages. For example, if learning is slow:Do you need to review some prior material that provides foundations for the content you are now studying?Teaching toward self-regulated learning. To develop students self-regulated learning ability, teachers should let students take an active part in finishing complex meaningful tasks; provide them control over their learning processes and products; involve students in setting criteria for evaluating their learning processes and products, then give them opportunities to make judgments about their progress using those standards.Title: Self-Regulated LearningPassage outlineSupporting details(1)_ to the topicOne goal of teaching is to educate students to (2)_ onthemselves for lifelong learningSelf-regulated learners (3)_ academic learning skills with self-controlFactors that influence self-regulated learningSelf-regulated learners know about themselves and subjects, understand different (4)_ to learning tasks and master necessary strategies and tacticsSelf-regulated learners have strong motivation to learnSelf-regulated learners have great will-power to focus their (5)_ on the learning tasksFour stages of self-regulated learningLearners examine (6)_ information to further understand the task, available resources and their feeling about the workLearners should (7)_ your goal on the learning task and shape their learning plan accordinglyLearners apply tactics and strategies to the task and monitor learning processLearners decide whether to make any (8)_ in the previous three stages(9)_ to develop students self-regulated learning abilityLet students participate (10)_ in complex meaningful tasksProvide students control over their learning processes and productsInvolve students in setting criteria and make judgmentsCCDBC CACAB DAACCCBADB CDABA CDBDC ABCDCACBDB1. Introduction 2. depend / rely / count 3. combine 4. approaches 5. attention / minds6. relevant 7. base 8. change / adjustment 9. How / Ways / Methods 10. actively5


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