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ENGINEERINGLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREARCHITECTURAL LIGHTINGTHEATRE ENGINEERING&ACOUSTICSQUANTITY SURVEYORSTEAM 3CONCEPT建筑概念纪念标志物滨河公园广场入口和基础设施建筑综合体会议中心办公综合体塔楼酒店CBD扩展计划及城市背景附录&顾问报告顾问报告:桥梁结构顾问报告:结构顾问报告:设备管道-可持续性顾问报告:立面顾问报告:交通ARCHITECTURECONCEPTTHE MONUMENTTHE RIVERSIDE PARKTHE PLAZAACCESS AND INFRASTRUCTUREBUILDING COMPLEXTHE CONFERENCE CENTRETHE OFFICE COMPLEXTHE TOWER HOTELTHE WIDER CBD SCHEME AND URBAN CONTEXTCONSULTANTS REPORTSBRIDGE STRUCTURESTRUCTUREMEP SUSTAINABILITYFACADESTRANSPORT南京水路网Nanjing Water network南京公众绿化Nanjing Public Green南京高速路Nanjing Freeway公众绿化PUBLIC GREEN城市功能URBAN FUNCTIONS城市功能URBAN FUNCTIONSCITY LANDSCAPEYOC AT THE GATEWAY TO THE GREENBRINGS TOGETHER WORK,RECREATION AND LEISUREBRINGS TOGETHER PROGRESS AND HISTORY多期发展的单一线概念Single thread idea for phasing凸显南京制线历史的纪念性地标,与自然和现代发展的紧密关系Monument to highlight Nanjings history of thread-making,close relation to nature and its drive for modernity.多期发展的单一线概念Single thread idea for phasing凸显南京制线历史的纪念性地标,与自然和现代发展的紧密关系Monument to highlight Nanjings history of thread-making,close relation to nature and its drive for modernity.SUSTAINABILITYSustainability可持续发展可持续发展Sustainability可持续发展可持续发展MASTER PLAN滨河公园东北鸟瞰滨河公园东北鸟瞰NORTH-EAST AERIAL VIEW WITH RIVERFRONT PARK滨河公园东北鸟瞰滨河公园东北鸟瞰NORTH-EAST AERIAL VIEW WITH RIVERFRONT PARK滨河公园东北鸟瞰滨河公园东北鸟瞰NORTH-EAST AERIAL VIEW WITH RIVERFRONT PARK滨河公园东北鸟瞰滨河公园东北鸟瞰NORTH-EAST AERIAL VIEW WITH RIVERFRONT PARK西北鸟瞰NORTH-WEST AERIAL VIEW基地长截面基地长截面SITE LONG SECTION从江心洲视角VIEW FROM THE RIVER ISLANDSITE ACCESS AND ORGANIZATION基地总体交通图示SITE OVERALL CIRCULATION DIAGRAM基地落客区域图示SITE DROP-OFF ACCESS DIAGRAMOffice Drop Off-Lower Ground Floor办公落客区Hotel Entrance from rear广场办公入口VIP Entrance and Drop OffVIP入口和落客区YOC Entrance from Plaza广场青奥中心入口Nanjing YOC Transport Concept南京青奥中心南京青奥中心 交通设想交通设想Proposed Changes to Highways对对外公路外公路In order to enhance a feeling of pedestrian priority and maximise the connectivity of the YOC and Youth Olympic Village(YOV)sites,it is recommended that all through traffic be diverted from the site.This is proposed to be done through the diversion of Jiangshan Street within two highways tunnels,which will pass under the site and continue under the Yangtze River,and the removal of access to Riverside Avenue from Jiangshan Street,with access instead being provided from the highways to the east and west of the site,on Shuangzha Road and Hexi Street.This removal of through traffic would significantly enhance the security and tranquillity of the site and allow for a better connection between the YOV and YOC facilities.青奥中心(YOC)位于南京市区西南部河西新城区的总体规划区内。它位于滨江大道和燕山路之间,是沿江山大街方向的青奥轴线的北部枢纽。建议的公路变动 为了增强行人优先的氛围并尽可能增加YOC与青奥村(YOV)之间的连通性,建议分流所有直通车流。建议将江山大街的车流分流至从地下经过青奥中心和长江的两条隧道,封闭江山大道进入滨江大道的入口,转而开通双闸路和河西大街至青奥中心东侧和西侧的入口,以实现分流目标。取消直通车流将使青奥中心周边更为安全和安静,并使YOV和YOC设施之间的交通更为方便。Proposed Changes to Highways对对外公路外公路In order to enhance a feeling of pedestrian priority and maximise the connectivity of the YOC and Youth Olympic Village(YOV)sites,it is recommended that all through traffic be diverted from the site.This is proposed to be done through the diversion of Jiangshan Street within two highways tunnels,which will pass under the site and continue under the Yangtze River,and the removal of access to Riverside Avenue from Jiangshan Street,with access instead being provided from the highways to the east and west of the site,on Shuangzha Road and Hexi Street.This removal of through traffic would significantly enhance the security and tranquillity of the site and allow for a better connection between the YOV and YOC facilities.青奥中心(YOC)位于南京市区西南部河西新城区的总体规划区内。它位于滨江大道和燕山路之间,是沿江山大街方向的青奥轴线的北部枢纽。建议的公路变动 为了增强行人优先的氛围并尽可能增加YOC与青奥村(YOV)之间的连通性,建议分流所有直通车流。建议将江山大街的车流分流至从地下经过青奥中心和长江的两条隧道,封闭江山大道进入滨江大道的入口,转而开通双闸路和河西大街至青奥中心东侧和西侧的入口,以实现分流目标。取消直通车流将使青奥中心周边更为安全和安静,并使YOV和YOC设施之间的交通更为方便。Central Transport Interchange中央交通转车站及广场中央交通转车站及广场Basement Parking and Service Yards地下停车场和服务区地下停车场和服务区TOWERFormed by Forces由力场塑造的形体稳定的水平向桥梁和轻盈的竖向高层塔楼Stable horizontal bridge and light vertical tower南立面SOUTH ELEVATION避难层图示RESCUE FLOOR DIAGRAM塔楼功能分区图示TOWER PROGRAM DIAGRAM塔楼地面层平面图+0.00mTOWER GROUNDFLOOR PLAN+0.00m办公楼层+74.8 MOFFICE FLOOR+74.8 M办公楼层+144.5 MOFFICE FLOOR+144.5 M空中大厅SKYLOBBY+202 M酒店空中大堂室内HOTEL SKY LOBBY INTERIOR VIEW酒店空中大堂室内HOTEL SKY LOBBY INTERIOR VIEW酒店楼层 +307.7MHOTEL FLOOR+307.7M塔楼截面 CCTOWER SECTION CCThe lower part of the tower is constructed from concrete using the blade walls braced back to the core as the stability elements.The core itself is constant through the height of the building and is used to provide stability in the construction condition.At the point at which the office bridge meets the tower a steel braced frame is introduced which matches the pattern of the non structural faade.This diagrid structure provides the lateral stability for that portion of the building and is tied into the core through the diaphragm floor plates.Diagrid elements will be constructed from fabricated box sections.The secondary forces created by the nodes not lining up will be taken out in the floor plates.楼体的下部是用混凝土建造的,使用由刃壁支撑的中心体作为稳定性构件。该中心体沿着建筑高度方向保持不变,用于在施工中保持稳定。在办公室天桥与楼体结合处,使用了与非结构性外观相匹配的钢支撑框架。这种斜肋构架结构为该部分建筑物提供了横向稳定性,并通过分层楼板连接到楼体中心。斜肋构架构件将由焊接的方形管构成。楼板中节点所产生的二次力将被导出。Tower Structure楼体楼体结结构构At the upper portion of the tower the faade elements turn to a vertical orientation therefore the stability is provided through truss outriggers at the transfer floors tying to the structural vertical elements and connected to the central core.在办公室天桥与楼体结合处,使用了与非结构性外观相匹配的钢支撑框架。这种斜肋构架结构为该部分建筑物提供了横向稳定性,并通过分层楼板连接到楼体中心。斜肋构架构件将由焊接的方形管构成。楼板中节点所产生的二次力将被导出。Tower Structure楼体楼体结结构构At the upper portion of the tower the faade elements turn to a vertical orientation therefore the stability is provided through truss outriggers at the transfer floors tying to the structural vertical elements and connected to the central core.在办公室天桥与楼体结合处,使用了与非结构性外观相匹配的钢支撑框架。这种斜肋构架结构为该部分建筑物提供了横向稳定性,并通过分层楼板连接到楼体中心。斜肋构架构件将由焊接的方形管构成。楼板中节点所产生的二次力将被导出。Tower Structure楼体楼体结结构构Floor plates in the office structure will consist of up to 15m span column free space.This will be achieved using deep composite steel beams spanning from core to perimeter which will allow the services to pass through voids in the web,minimising the overall depth of a floor plate.The acoustic separation and upper fire protection are provided by the concrete slab.Fire protection to the beams and columns will be using intumescent paint.Floor plates for the hotel structures as governed by the need for fully flexible services distribution on the soffit and for a thick enough concrete slab to prevent the transfer of noise vertically between rooms.This has been achieved through shallow asymmetric beams to minimise the overall floor depth.This provides acoustic and fire separation.Fire protection will be achieved using intumescent paint.办公室结构中的楼板将由跨度长达15米的无柱空间构成。这将通过使用跨度从楼体中心到楼体边缘的深层复合钢梁来实现,这些钢梁可以穿过腹板空隙以尽可能减小楼板的整体高度。混凝土板可以提供隔音和防火功能。可以使用膨胀油漆对梁和柱进行防火处理。天花板底面上完全灵活的服务功能分布以及使用足够厚的混凝土板以防止噪音在房间之间垂直传播,这两点决定了酒店结构的楼板。通过薄非对称梁可以实现这一点,以尽量减少楼板的总厚度。这提供了隔音和隔火功能。使用膨胀油漆可以实现防火功能。Tower Structure楼体楼体结结构构垂直交通图示VERTICAL CIRCULATION DIAGRAMWithout a District Heating network a combined heat and power(CHP)plant would be a profitable solution.Absorption chillers compliment the water cooled chillers using heat rejected from the CHP system improving overall system efficiency.The CHP system will also be able to provide domestic hot water.A centralised cooling system with a tenant charge is recommended to ensure maximum efficiency,incorporating a central building management system to monitor and control.A provisional load profile for the peak design day has been produced.The load profile shows a high peak through the middle of day due to increased solar and ventilation loads.Significant energy savings can be saved through theuse of thermal storage to reduce the peak of the load profile and distribute the demand throughout the day.如果没有集中供热网络,热电联产(CHP)电厂将是一个有利方案。吸收式冷却装置利用CHP系统排出的热量作为水冷式冷却装置的补充,以提高整体系统效率。CHP系统还可以提供生活热水。建议采用收取房客费用的集中式冷却系统以确保最高的效率,并将其纳入集中式建筑物管理系统进行监测和控制。生成了高峰期临时负荷曲线。该负荷曲线显示由于太阳能和通风负荷增加导致每天中午存在一个峰值。可以通过使用蓄热装置降低负荷以及均衡一天的需求来大量节约能源。Heating and Cooling Systems楼体楼体结结构构从扬子江大道方向看青奥中心主要公众入口YOC MAIN PUBLIC ENTRANCE FROM RIVERSIDE AVENUEThe tower and base building is divided into the three following facade types.Unitised System for Tower:A unitised aluminium framed curtain wall system which hangs off the floor slab is the most economical way to clad a tower.The high repetition and interlocking joints allows fast installation and high weather performance.The infill panels will be glass or opaque depending on the architectural pattern.Opaque panels will accentuate the super structure and provide thermal insulation and solar shading.Stick System for Roof:A stick system steel frame will support skylight glazing or opaque panels at the tower base.This system can easily integrate into the tower unitised system and provide a continuous surface.塔楼和底部建筑的外墙分为以下三种类型。塔楼的单元化系统:覆盖塔楼最经济的方式是使用挂在楼板上的单元化铝框玻璃幕墙系统。高重复和互锁接头可实现快速安装和高耐候性能。根据建筑格局,可使用玻璃或不透明材料制成的填充板。不透明面板将强化上层结构,并提供隔热和遮阳功能。屋顶的直料系统:直料系统钢框架可在塔楼底部支撑玻璃天窗或不透明面板。可以很方便地将该系统纳入塔楼的单元化系统,并提供连续表面。Faades Concept外外墙设墙设想想CONFERENCE CENTRE青奥中心青奥中心VIP入口入口YOC VIP ENTRANCE青奥中心平面图+0.00m 层YOC PLAN LEVEL+0.00m青奥中心公共大堂YOC PUBLIC LOBBY 大会堂室内舞台效果MAIN HALL INTERIOR VIEW TOWARDS THE STAGE青奥中心截面 AAYOC SECTION AA鸟瞰AERIAL VIEWThe structure for the convention centre will be based around the concrete box for the main hall,and the 3 cores which spring form ground level.The concrete walls that form the perimeter of the conference hall will also provide some acoustic separation to the public spaces that surround it.As these concrete walls reach the upper hall level supports will spring from the returns to form supports for the steel trusses that form the perimeter structure carrying the floor and the roof.This arrangement of cores and walls will form a stable rigid structure to cantilever the upper levels from.会议中心的结构将以大厅的混凝土箱以及构成地面层的3个芯柱为基础。构成会议大厅外围的混凝土墙也将为周边的公共空间提供隔音作用。当这些混凝土墙达到上层大厅的高度时会弯曲,以形成钢桁架的支柱,这些钢桁架构成支撑地面和屋顶的围护结构。这种芯柱和墙壁的分布将形成一个稳定的刚性结构,用于托起上层结构。Conference Centre会会议议中心中心The structure for the convention centre will be based around the concrete box for the main hall,and the 3 cores which spring form ground level.The concrete walls that form the perimeter of the conference hall will also provide some acoustic separation to the public spaces that surround it.As these concrete walls reach the upper hall level supports will spring from the returns to form supports for the steel trusses that form the perimeter structure carrying the floor and the roof.This arrangement of cores and walls will form a stable rigid structure to cantilever the upper levels from.会议中心的结构将以大厅的混凝土箱以及构成地面层的3个芯柱为基础。构成会议大厅外围的混凝土墙也将为周边的公共空间提供隔音作用。当这些混凝土墙达到上层大厅的高度时会弯曲,以形成钢桁架的支柱,这些钢桁架构成支撑地面和屋顶的围护结构。这种芯柱和墙壁的分布将形成一个稳定的刚性结构,用于托起上层结构。Conference Centre会会议议中心中心District heating is an efficient way of generating heat and electricity at the same time,and is 30%more efficient than conventional electrical generation.If district heating is available in the local area,the development should be connected.As an example,we have shown the district heating energy centre in the centre of the development.The connection to the district heating system could cover most of the heating demand of the YOC Building and the hot water generation.Without a District Heating network,using the nearby river or hot and cool wells in ground,an open loop Geothermal Source Heat Pump/Chiller is an high efficiency system to provide base load both for heating and cooling.In addiction to the GSHP,pick loads will be covered by condensing boilers in winter and by water cooled chillers in summer.These are commonly used for the loads that would be expected in a development of this nature.Heat is rejected through roof mounted cooling towers.集中供热是同时产生电力和热能的高效方式,比传统发电的效率高30。如果本地有集中供热,开发项目应接入集中供热系统。例如,我们已经说明了开发项目中心区域的集中供热能源中心。接入集中供热系统能够满足YOC对供热和热水的大部分需求。如果没有集中供热网络,利用地面附近的河流或冷热水井,开环地源热泵/冷却器可成为满足加热和制冷基本负荷的高效率系统。除了地源热泵,将在冬季使用冷凝锅炉以及在夏季使用水冷式冷水机满足峰值负荷。这些常用于满足项目开发中预期的负荷需求。通过安装在屋顶的冷却塔散热。Heating&Cooling Systems加热及冷却系统加热及冷却系统The material composition of the facades and roof of the building,will be tuned to make best use of opportunities for passive cooling.The outer skin with Low Albedo minimises the heat island effect reflecting solar radiation to keep cool during the day.An interstitial space allows for natural convection,while radiant barriers and insulation stop heat from reaching the space and occupants below.The design of external shading systems and glazing coating has been based on the control and reduction of solar gains during summer.将调整建筑外墙和屋顶的材质,以尽可能充分利用被动式冷却。具有高反射率的外层面可以最大限度地减少热岛效应,白天反射太阳辐射以保持低温。间隙使自然对流得以进行,同时辐射屏障和隔热层可以阻止热量传导至下方的空间及人员。外部遮阳系统及玻璃涂层的设计是以控制和减少夏季的日光吸收为基础。Passive Strategy被被动动式策略式策略The tower and base building is divided into the three following facade types.Unitised System for Tower:A unitised aluminium framed curtain wall system which hangs off the floor slab is the most economical way to clad a tower.The high repetition and interlocking joints allows fast installation and high weather performance.The infill panels will be glass or opaque depending on the architectural pattern.Opaque panels will accentuate the super structure and provide thermal insulation and solar shading.Stick System for Roof:A stick system steel frame will support skylight glazing or opaque panels at the tower base.This system can easily integrate into the tower unitised system and provide a continuous surface.塔楼和底部建筑的外墙分为以下三种类型。塔楼的单元化系统:覆盖塔楼最经济的方式是使用挂在楼板上的单元化铝框玻璃幕墙系统。高重复和互锁接头可实现快速安装和高耐候性能。根据建筑格局,可使用玻璃或不透明材料制成的填充板。不透明面板将强化上层结构,并提供隔热和遮阳功能。屋顶的直料系统:直料系统钢框架可在塔楼底部支撑玻璃天窗或不透明面板。可以很方便地将该系统纳入塔楼的单元化系统,并提供连续表面。Faades Concept外外墙设墙设想想从扬子江大道方向看青奥中心主要公众入口YOC MAIN PUBLIC ENTRANCE FROM RIVERSIDE AVENUEYOC PLAZA从广场看去无限园地标VIEW FROM THE PLAZA TOWARDS THE INFINITE GARDEN MONUMENT露天剧场眺望夹江露天剧场眺望夹江VIEW OVER AMPHITHEATRE TOWARDS RIVER基地平面图SITEPLANINFINITE GARDEN MONUMENT无限园第一期无限园第一期INFINITE GARDEN MONUMENT PHASE 1从青奥中心广场眺望无限园地标VIEW FROM YOC PLAZA TOWARDS THE INFINITE GARDEN MONUMENT鸟瞰AERIAL VIEW无限园地标风景VIEW TOWARDS THE INFINITE GARDEN MONUMENT无限园第二期无限园第二期INFINITE GARDEN MONUMENT PHASE 2西北天西北天际线际线SKYLINE VIEW FROM NORTH-WEST观测台截面观测台截面OBSERVATION PLATFORM SECTION鸟瞰AERIAL VIEWForm of ConstructionThe bridge crosses two obstacles the river and the expressway.These two spans are both significant the road span is approximately 200m whilst that over the river is 330m.The deck elements are ribbons.A key feature of the design is the Tower structure that is formed where the deck ribbons twist together in the middle of the spans.Stay cables are provided that attach to the deck elements that span over the river.This form is the most efficient for the span under consideration.建筑形式这座桥横跨两个障碍-长江和高速公路。它们的跨度都很大,高速公路的跨度大约为200米,而江面上的跨度为330米。桥面材料为带状。设计的一个主要特点是桥面在桥中间位置缠绕在一起,形成塔楼结构。跨越长江的桥面还连有拉索。这种形式是目前想到最高效的跨越方式。Monument纪纪念碑念碑1.Construction will commence with the foundations,which are expected to be piled due to the large loads applied.Foundations are required for both the permanent and temporary works.1.施工将从地基开始,由于载荷高,因此预计要进行打桩。永久和临时工程都要求打地基。Construction Sequence施工施工顺顺序序2.Temporary trestles will be erected to facilitate the erection of steelwork.2.竖立临时支架将有利于钢结构安装。Construction Sequence施工施工顺顺序序3.The majority of the structure above ground will be prefabricated from high grade structural steel with a high quality protective paint treatment applied.The steel sections will be transported to the site,possibly by water,for assembly.The Tower sections will be erected using tower cranes that can extend themselves in height as the building processes.This is a technique that is often used for tall bridge Towers.3.大部分地上结构将由高级结构钢预制,并使用高级防护漆进行处理。可能通过水运方式将型钢运送到现场进行组装。将使用塔式起重机竖起塔身,该起重机可以随着施工进展延长自身高度。这是是高层桥塔常常使用的技术。Construction Sequence施工施工顺顺序序4.The Tower structure will consist of a frame that will have cladding panels applied once the structure is complete.4.塔结构将包括一个框架,框架完成后将覆盖面板。Construction Sequence施工施工顺顺序序5.Phase 1 of the Monument is completed.5.完成纪念碑的第一阶段。Construction Sequence施工施工顺顺序序6.Phase 2 will entail erecting the deck sections over the river.These are installed with the stay cables that support them from the Tower.6.第2阶段将架设河上的桥面部分。同时也安装塔身上对其起到支撑作用的斜拉索。Construction Sequence施工施工顺顺序序7.Phase 2 is completed and all temporary works removed.Alternative methods of construction may also be investigated.Steelwork at high level could be jacked vertically into position whilst the river and road spans could potentially be launched.7.第2阶段完成,拆除所有临时设施。也可以考察其它施工方法。可以用千斤顶将高层钢结构垂直抬升至其位置,同时可能开始修建跨越的长江和高速公路的桥面。Construction Sequence施工施工顺顺序序RIVERSIDE PARK雨花石雨花石RAINFLOWER PEBBLE STONE滨河公园景观设计滨河公园景观设计RIVERSIDE LANDSCAPE DESIGN持续流动的滨河公园涵括体育和休闲功能 利用多层平台式的景观设计处理因季节变化而产生的河流及多变的植物Perennial flow Riverside Park for Sport and recreation Use of Stepped landscape to deal with seasonal change of river flow and to vary flora.滨河公园景观设计滨河公园景观设计RIVERSIDE LANDSCAPE DESIGN滨河公园风景滨河公园风景VIEW FROM THE RIVERSIDE PARK 滨河公园景观设计滨河公园景观设计RIVERSIDE LANDSCAPE DESIGN滨河公园景观设计滨河公园景观设计RIVERSIDE LANDSCAPE DESIGN景观照明景观照明LANDSCAPE LIGHTING树灯 和 公园照明Tree lighting/Park lighting LIGHT特殊活动照明 EVENT LIGHTING露天剧场照明 和 滨江甲板照明Lighting at Amphitheater/Riverside Deck桥梁照明桥梁照明BRIDGE LIGHTING可变色的灯具可依不同的功能设置变更灯光颜色以应对正在进行中的活动。Color changing luminaires allow for different settings to respond to the events taking place.PHASINGTo ensure a quick start on site it would be preferable to start a site investigation prior to the appointment of consultants which will provide geotechnical design information ready for design.We suggest the following preparations.Ground investigation available by end Q2 2011Fast track tender without full design information for enabling worksEnabling works contractor mobilised by end Q3 2011Brief defined by end Q2 2011Partial design freeze for below ground works Q3 2011为确保现场快速启动,最好在任命提供岩土工程设计资料的顾问之前开始现场调查。我们建议完成以下准备工作。在2011年二季度末之前完成岩土勘探在没有完整的设计信息时进行快速报价,为开工做好 准备在2011年三季度末之前动员工程承包商在2011年二季度末之前确定简报2011年第三季度确定地下工程的部分设计Construction Sequence地下部分和施工顺序地下部分和施工顺序Construction Sequence地下部分和施工顺序地下部分和施工顺序Retaining Wall Construction Q3 2011Piling Q4 2011Tower Foundations Q4 2011123321Installation of beams at ground floor Q1 2012Excavation and dewatering Q2 20124532145Construction Sequence地下部分和施工顺序地下部分和施工顺序Construction of base,level-1,level 0 Q2 2012Tower core construction independent Q3 20126767Construction Sequence地下部分和施工顺序地下部分和施工顺序Tower and Bridge Structure Q3 2013Continue Core ConstructionInstall bridgeh leg structureConvention Centre Construction Q3 2013Podium for Convention CentreSteel frame for convention centre89Construction Sequence地下部分和施工顺序地下部分和施工顺序Tower and Bridge Structure Q42013Continue Core ConstructionContinue Bridge structureBuild ExoskeltonConvention Centre Construction Q4 2013Continue Concrete structureSteel frame for convention centre89Construction Sequence地下部分和施工顺序地下部分和施工顺序Tower and Bridge Structure Q4 2013Continue Core ConstructionInstall exoskeletonStart Basement FitoutStart Low level CladdingConvention Centre Construction Q4 2013Continue Steel and floor structureStart Basement fitout89Construction Sequence地下部分和施工顺序地下部分和施工顺序Tower and Bridge Structure Q1 2014Finish Exoskeleton Finish Floor StructureContinue Cladding Convention Centre Construction Q1 2014Continue Steel StructureCladdingStart Base Fitout89Construction Sequence地下部分和施工顺序地下部分和施工顺序Tower and Bridge Structure Q2 2014Finish Cladding TowerFinish Fitout TowerConvention Centre Construction Q2 2014Cladding Convention CentreFitout Convention Centre89Construction Sequence地下部分和施工顺序地下部分和施工顺序多期发展的单一线概念Single thread idea for phasing凸显南京制线历史的纪念性地标,与自然和现代发展的紧密关系Monument to highlight Nanjings history of thread-making,close relation to nature and its drive for modernity.多期发展的单一线概念Single thread idea for phasing凸显南京制线历史的纪念性地标,与自然和现代发展的紧密关系Monument to highlight Nanjings history of thread-making,close relation to nature and its drive for modernity.无限园地标风景VIEW TOWARDS THE INFINITE GARDEN MONUMENT无限园地标风景VIEW TOWARDS THE INFINITE GARDEN MONUMENT西北天西北天际线际线SKYLINE VIEW FROM NORTH-WEST


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