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第 周 总课时 节 月 号Period 1 The Skills of Listening 教学内容(Teaching content):The skills of listening教学目标(Teaching aims):Knowledge aims:Get the students to learn some useful words and expressionsAbility aims: , 1Enable students to catch and understand the listening materials 2Develop the studentsability to get special information and take notes while listening.3.Tomakestudentsacquiresomeskillsanduseskills. Moralgoals:Tohelpstudentsbuildconfidenceinlisteningprehension.教学重点 Develop the studentslistening and speaking ability教学难点Get the students to listen and understand different listening materials教学方法 1Task-based listening 2Cooperative learning 3Discussing教具准备 A tape recorder and other normal teaching tools教学过程 Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework exercisesStep 2 Teachingprocedures: Skills of listening1. 带着问题听录音,理解对话的主旨大意在听每份录音材料之前和之后都会给留出大约5到10秒钟的时间作准备。考生应该尽可能地利用这点时间快速浏览试题。通过浏览题干及其选项就能做到心中有数,如果能以选项透露的内容为线索,推断对话或讲话的话题及可能要涉及的内容,到听录音时针对性和目的性就强多了,听起来也主动多了,不必要的干扰也容易排除掉。eg:Who is Chris Paine?A. A computer engineer.B. A book seller.C. A writer.此听力的原文为:W: Id like to read Chris Paine.M: So do I.I hear he writes on his computer, and his new book will come out next week.W: Great ! Ive got to get one as soon as it is out.本题是一位女子和一位男子在谈论喜欢读Chris Paine的作品的情况,其中的he writes on his computer是这位男子谈话的关键,因此,考生若对此进行归纳判断就会马上明白此谈话的主旨大意,选出答案C。2注意人物身份无论是在讲话还是在对话中,人物的身份相当重要。对话通常有一男声和一女声,他们是同学还是朋友,是兄妹还是夫妻,是老板和雇工还是店主和顾客,是大夫和病人还是司机和顾客?这些都要尽快搞清楚。要会区别两人的不同声音,听准他们相互的称呼。如果对英语中那些男女分别常用的名字比较熟悉,对辨别人物身份也很有帮助。如果他们在对话中提到别的人,那就更要留心。测试的内容很有可能就和提到的这个人物有关。Who are the two speakers ?A. A passer-by and a policeman.B. A passer-by and a driver.C. A passer-by and a taxi-driver.此听力的原文为:W: Excuse me, but I think you made a wrong turn. You were supposed to turn left on Wilson Bulevard .M: Oh. Im sorry. Didnt you say 1323 Wilson?W: No, 3023. Its OK, though. You dont have to take me there. I can walk from here.M: Why dont I just make a U-turn at the corner?W: No, you shouldnt make a U-turn there. Its a one way street. See the sign up ahead.M: Well, maybe if I turn left here, I can come down the next street.W: You cant do that either during rush hour. Really though, dont go to any trouble. Sometimes one can wait 30 minutes for a taxi. So Im happy to get this close.M: 30 minutes! Ive been riding around all day for passengers.从女士所说的话“Sometimes one can wait 30 minutes for a taxi.”可以找出答案为C。3注意主要事件的时间、地点在听录音材料时,要注意所提到的事情发生的时间和地点。英语表示时间和地点的词语在句中常用作状语,在句子里不是在最后就是在最前面。如果在前面,那就是有意强调,就更需留心。英语句中谓语动词的时态和动作发生的时间也有很大关系,也要给予注意。很多测试题都与时间、地点密切相关,所以听准时间和地点是收听事件叙述的一个重点。NMET2001年第1题Where did this conversation most probably take place?A. At a concertB. At a flower shop.C. At a restaurant此听力的原文为:M: The music and flowers are lovely.W: Yes, I hope the food is good, too.从女士所说的话“I hope the food is good, too.” 可以推出答案为C。4速记速算,快速捕捉信息 听录音时要尽快地把捕捉到的信息记录下来,可使用一些简单的字母、符号来代替自己心目中的人物、时间、地点或事件。听到的关键词语要及时记录,尤其是听到数字时,更要快速记下。听到不同的数字时,要分别按顺序记,不要前后混淆。有的题目还要求进行一些简单的运算,更应把有关数字记准,并进行快速计算,马上就得出答数来。要避免在数字和运算上耽误过多时间。NMET2001年第4题At what time does the train to Leeds leave ?A.3:00 B.3:15 C.5:00此听力的原文为: W: Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train to Manchester is? M: Sure. Well, its 3 now. The next train to Manchester leaves in 2 hours. But you can take trains to Leeds which leaves in 15 minutes, and then get off at Manchester because it stops in Manchester on the way.从男士所说的话“Well, its 3 now.”和“ But you can take trains to Leeds which leaves in 15 minutes,”可计算出答案为B.3:15。Step 3 Self- assessment Practising and Speaking Step 4 Assignment Practice教学反思(Teaching reflection)第 周 总课时 节 月 号Period 2 The Skills of Listening 教学内容(Teaching content):The skills of listening教学目标(Teaching aims):Knowledge aims:Get the students to learn some useful words and expressionsAbility aims: , 1Enable students to catch and understand the listening materials 2Develop the studentsability to get special information and take notes while listening.3. Tomakestudentsacquiresomeskillsanduseskills. Moralgoals:Tohelpstudentsbuildconfidenceinlisteningprehension.教学重点 Develop the studentslistening and speaking ability教学难点Get the students to listen and understand different listening materials教学方法 1Task-based listening 2Cooperative learning 3Discussing教具准备 A tape recorder and other normal teaching tools教学过程 Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework exercisesStep 2 Teachingprocedures: Skills1注意说话者的意图、观点和态度在听独白时特别要注意读独白的主旨要义,弄清作者、说话人、当事人的意图,分析他的态度和感情:是赞成还是反对,是喜欢还是憎恨,是担心还是释然,是乐观还是悲观。一般来说,独白的主题句都在开头,但个别的也会在中间或末尾。要善于把它们找出来,然后再处理其他材料就容易多了。NMET2001年第20题.Which of the following words best describes the day the speaker had ?A. Exciting B. Unlucky C. Tiring此听力的原文为 What happened to me that day is just unbelievable. The first thing to go wrong was that all the parking spaces were taken. So I had to park on the grass and hoped that I would not get a parking ticket. When I got to the Admissions Office, there was already a long line of students waiting. By the time it was my turn, two of the courses I needed were filled, and I had to go back to my adviser and make out a whole new time table. Although I did sign up for all my courses, I missed lunch. The next thing to go wrong was that the bookstore had sold out of one of the textbooks required. As I was leaving, I wondered what else could possibly happen. Then I saw a policeman standing beside my car and writing out a ticket.整篇文章都在讲述说话者一天所遭遇的不顺利的事情,因此,可以推断出答案为B。这类考题要求考生不但能理解录音原文的主旨大意,而且还要通过文中的重要细节、具体事实,揣摩、推断说话者的意图、观点和态度等,这类题能测试出考生在听力方面的综合素质。What is the mans problem?A. He cant decide how to go.B. He cant drive himself.C. He doesnt like travelling by train.此听力的原文为W: So. youll go to the Smiths again this weekend?M: Yes, but I cant make up my mind whether to go by road or rail. The trains generally less an effort but its a terrible walk from the nearest station to the village.从男士的回答可以推断出答案为A。NMET2000年第14题On which aspect of the picnic do the man and woman differ ?A. Who should get the car ready.B. How many friends they should invite.C. What food and drink they should prepare.此听力的原文为: M: What shall we do this weekend? W: Did you have something special in mind? M: No, not really. I just thought it might be fun to do something new. W: Do something for a change, you mean? M: Yes, something different. I need the change. W: I usually go shopping and have my hair done during the weekend and you usually watch the football games on TV. M: Yes, you often have tea with your friends. And I sometimes play cards with my friends. We seldom do anything together. Its quite unlike when we were first married. W: Now Ive got an idea. Autumn is the best season in Beijing. Why dont we go for a picnic this weekend? Youll invite your friends and Ill invite mine. Well go together. M: Good idea! I would see about the car and youll prepare the food. But are you sure you really want all our friends to come along ?根据最后一句,可推断出,答案为B.2.注意对话中的“言外之意”。有时对话人双方,并不是坦率地直截了当申明自己的态度,而是口气很委婉地间接从侧面表示出来。要善于理解他们这种含蓄的表示方法,也就是要领会他们的言外之意。最常见的例子是含有转折意义的连词but的句子,这时特别要注意but后面的句子的意思,那才是说话者的真实意图。而but前面的句子意思往往不是多么重要,大多是一些出于礼貌的客套话。What did the man do last night?A. He watched television with his friend.B. He stayed at home talking with his friend.C. He went to see a film with his friend.此听力的原文为:W: Did you see last night film on Channel 4 ?M: Well, I meant to see it, but a friend of mine came to see me. We had a nice long talk about our school days.从男士的回答可以推断出答案为B。通常情况下,言外之意题型中的第一说话人所言必然是一个标准的一般疑问句,即一个可用Yes或No来回答的问句。第二说话人的答话给人一种答非所问的感觉。也就是说对话双方所言风马牛不相及,使考生很难快速地将两者相联系、领会对话的真正含义,所以造成失分。常见的提问形式有:What does the woman mean?Whats the woman going to do?例如:Whats the woman going to do?A. Collect papers for the man.B. Do the typing once again.C. Check the paper for typing errors.此听力的原文为:M: Are you sure you have corrected all the typing errors in this paper ?W: Perhaps,Id better read it through.由上不难看出,第一句话是一个标准的一般疑问句,即一个可用Yes或No来回答的句子,意为“你肯定这篇论文的打字错误全都改正了吗?” 第二句答:“也许,我还是从头到尾再读一遍吧”。通读的目的是核查一下是否还有错误需要改正。所以,选项C与题意相符,是正确答案。选项A中的collect与对话中的correct发音相近,为听音干扰项。3注意否定和虚拟语气否定和虚拟语气是听力中的难点。句子是肯定还是否定?如果是否定,是部分否定还是全部否定?如果没听准,理解起来就会有很大出入。虚拟语气一般表示的都是与事实相反的含义。也就是“正说反说”。如果把虚拟语气听成了陈述语气,那就会引起完全相反的判断。遇到这种情况,就要格外小心。例:What does the woman mean ?A. She doesnt need the job.B. She hasnt got the job yet.D. She has got a job.此听力的原文为:M: Congratulations ! I understand youve got a job. When will you start to work ?W: You must be thinking of someone else. Im still waiting to hear the good news.对话中男士讲,“Congratulations ! I understand youve got a job. When will you start to work ?”面对这个问题,女士讲,“You must be thinking of someone else. Im still waiting to hear the good news.”也就是说,一定是别人找到工作了,你以为是我。我根本没有找到工作,我还在等消息呢。因此,我们可推断B项为正确答案。又例:What can we learn from the dialogue ?A. The man didnt want the woman to have her hair cut.B. The woman followed the mans advice.C. The woman is wearing long hair now.此听力的原文为:W: I wish my hair was longer.M: Yes, pity you had it cut. If only youd listened to me.答话中If only后面的从句用的是 “had listened”,表示与过去事实相反。因此,符合题意的选项为A项4速决速断,切忌反复不定听力测试时间短,速度快,一旦听完,就要果断选好答案,并马上准备下一个题。如果处理某一个题,一下子拿不很准,这时就要相信自己的第一感觉,当机立断。考虑过多,犹豫不决,举棋不定,甚至反复修改,是听力测试的大忌,不仅本题容易失误,还会影响做后面其他题目。Step 3 Self- assessment Practising and Speaking Step 4 Assignment Practice教学反思(Teaching reflection)Period 3 The Skills of Listening 教学内容(Teaching content):The skills of listening教学目标(Teaching aims):Knowledgegoals:togetstudentsknowsometypicaltypesoflisteningprehension. tomakestudentsunderstandlisteningskills. Abilitygoals:tomakestudentsacquiresomeskillsanduseskills. Moralgoals:tohelpstudentsbuildconfidenceinlisteningprehension. Teachingfocusanddifficulties: Teachingaids:Audio-visualmethod.CIA(puter-instructiveAssistant)教学重点 1Develop the studentslistening and speaking ability 2ToinvolveSsusingthelisteningskills教学难点Get the students to listen and understand different listening materials教学方法 1Task-based listening 2Cooperative learning 3Discussing教具准备 A tape recorder and other normal teaching tools教学过程 Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework exercisesStep 2 Teachingprocedures: Step3:Warm-up Examples. 1.Wheredoestheconversationmostprobablytakeplace? A.InanofficeB.InalibraryC.Inabookstore 2.Whatarethetwospeakerstalkingabout? A.AfootballplayerB.AfootballteamC.Afootballmatch 3.WhatdoesthewomanthinkofthemansEnglish? A.ExcellentB.AcceptableC.Strange Whatproblems?solutions. Whatwillthelessonfocuson? Step4:Basisforthelesson SelectionoflisteningmaterialsandExaminationRequirement Step5:Analysisoftypicaltypes 1.场景方向题 常见提问形式有:Wheredoes/didthisconversationprobablytakeplace? 1.Wheredoestheconversationmostprobablytakeplace?08全国5 A.InarestaurantB.InanofficeC.Athome 题型特点:此类题的书面选项大都是表示地点或方向的介词短语, Skillsa.仔细辨认对话中的语境相关词,特别是场景词汇及习惯用语. 2.Wherearethetwospeakersgoingtoplantthetree?09/1 A.BythefrontdoorB.AtthebackofthegarageC.Attheendofthegarden Skills:b.注意对话中肯定与否定回答.例如常见的肯定回答: Yes/Absolutely/Iagreewithyou;否定回答:No/Imnotsure. 练习:Wheredoestheconversationprobablytakeplace? A.InaclassroomB.InalibraryC.Inabookstore Wherearethespeakers? A.InarestaurantB.InahotelC.Inaschool Wherewilltheswimmingpetitionbeheld? A.Attheschoolswimmingpool B.AttheJacksonSportsCenter C.AttheNewTownSwimmingPool 2.人物关系及身份题 常见提问形式有:Whatstherelationshipbetweenthetwospeakers? WhoisChrisPaine? A.AputerengineerB.AbooksellerC.Awriter 题型特点:选项一般为表示职业或身份的名词或表示人物关系的并列词组。 对话中不会直接提到职业或关系,只会用一些相关词作暗示。 Skillsa.仔细辨认对话中的职业相关词,抓住其相关的关键词进行答题。 2.Betweenwhomdidthisdialogueprobablytakeplace? A.husbandandwifeB.teacherandstudentC.doctorandpatient Skills:b.分析选项目,预测可能出现的词汇,短语,句子.细听,捕捉关键消息判断人物的职业, 身份及人物关系. Prediction?Examples. 练习:Whatdoyouthinkthewomanis? A.AdoctorB.AnurseC.Awaitress Whatistheprobablerelationshipbetweenthetwospeakers? A.ManagerandjobapplicantB.TeacherandstudentC.Professorandteachingassistant Step 6 提高学生英语听力水平的有效途径 (一)重视技巧,增强听的能力 听力训练本身就是一种学习过程,在具体教学中包括三个步骤:pre-listening,in-listening and post-listening.通过在这三个步骤中渗透听力技巧,增强了学生听的能力。 1.Pre-listening:它融听力于情景之中,调取学生的语言知识和文化背景知识,并引发某种期待。听前的活动还可以激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,变被动为主动。因此,听录音材料前,先让学生预听,猜测该材料所述的大概内容及事情发展的过程和结果,明确听的任务,带着问题去听,这样能提高听的准确性。做听力题前,让学生以最快速度审清题意,并浏览所给题目内容及选项,以便在听的过程中心中有数,并能有的放矢地做出准确判断。 2.In-listening:一旦学生转向了课文主题和语言内容,听力活动便开始了。它重在整体而非细节,注意精听与泛听相结合,让学生精听文章的细节,重点把握文章所提供的主要内容和线索,捕捉文章的主要信息,继而养成好的习惯在听一篇材料时,不平均分配注意力,要听清关键词,抓主要线索。可要求学生边听边做笔记,可用一些符号来表示,长句抓主要成分等,记录时要有重点,记录材料或故事中的人名、地名、时间、事件、原因等信息,同时要求学生边听边通过推理,形成对整个故事发展的见解。 3.Post-listening:听力活动结束并不等于这一过程的结束,还要强化所获知识并把这些知识用于创造性写作或展开角色扮演等等。在这一环节中,学生始终处于动态之中,居于教学的主体地位。每位学生都有较大的自主权,学生要最大限度地发挥主观能动性,在活动中发挥每个学生的聪明才智,让学生自己想,自己动,发挥主动作用,真正成为学习的主人,也使听力成为学习整体的一部分,而不是一种不同的活动。 (二)经常进行视听结合的训练 把眼看和耳听结合起来,训练学生听英语可帮助学生进行形象思维,促进学生耳听意会。高中英语新教材提供了大量的实物图示,在每单元对话教学中可采取视、听结合的方式,在培养学生听、说、读、写基本能力的同时重点突出学生的听说能力。 (三)加强英语课堂听力教学力度 让学生多做如下练习:听音表演,播放录音或范读听力内容,学生根据相应信息做出相应的动作和表情。听音跟读,教师在播放听力内容的同时,让学生模仿录音跟读并反复练习。听音回答,在播放听力材料之前,教师提出若干道相关问题,然后放音,听一、二遍之后要求学生在听清的基础上做出回答。听音听写,第一步是听录音或教师朗读材料,学生只是听,不写;第二步教师按照意群朗读一遍,学生跟写;第三步是教师朗读第三遍,使用正常的语速,学生检查听写。听音复述,根据听到的内容,用自己的话转述。Step 7 Self- assessment Practising and Speaking Step 8 Assignment Practice教学反思(Teaching reflection) 第 周 总课时 节 月 号Period 4 Practice 听力(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 听力理解(5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听第一段对话,回答第13题。1. What does the girl want her father to buy? A. A ruler. B. Pencils and erasers. C. High-tech things.2. Which of the following does the father consider buying for his daughter? A. A computer. B. A calculator. C. An MP3.3. Which of the following could be a reason for her father to buy what she wants7 A. She tells her father she is the best in school. B. She asks her father to buy a cheap one online.C. She volunteers to use some of her own money.听第二段对话,回答第46题。4. What do the speakers think of San Francisco?A. It is a big city. B. They both love the city. C. It isnt so expensive to live there.5. What does the woman think of cell phone interruption?A. She likes it. B. She doesnt mind it. C. She considers it rude.6. What reason does the man give to answer his cell phone?A. He feels like answering.B. He wants to know whos calling.C. He thinks that it could be something important.听第三段对话,回答第79题。7. What is the man complaining about?A. Not accepting any gift from his friend.B. Not receiving any answer from his friend.C. Not hearing any good news from his friend.8. According to the woman, when should you write a thank-you card?A. You receive a gift from your friend. B. You are invited to a birthday party.C. You spend a holiday with your friend.9. Whats the speakers attitude towards writing thank-you cards?A. They think it out-dated. B. They think it inconvenient.C. They think it good to keep the custom.听第四段独白,回答第1012题。10. What does the speaker imply about traffic in big cities?A. Buses are slow, but comfortable.B. Parking in the rush hour is very difficult.C. All the people use private transport instead of public transport.11. What does the speaker recommend to do to improve the situation?A. To enlarge city centers.B. To move to the areas outside the city.C. To make good use of existing space.12. How many aspects of our lives does the speaker mention as affected by overcrowding?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.听第五段对话,回答第1315题。13. Why does the man like The Times?A. It has 20 pages every day.B. It carries a lot of sports news.C. It doesnt devote 5 pages every day to baseball results.14. In what way is the jobs section on The Times useful to the local people?A. It carries job ads from the local businesses.B. It is the place where local businesses hire people.C. It provides much information about local economy.15. What does the woman think will happen to job ads if The Times closes down?A. The other two newspapers will open a local jobs newspaper.B. The local economy will be much affected but not destroyed.C. The job ads will be carried in either of the other two newspapers.第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡 标号为1620的空格中。听录音前,你将有10秒钟的阅题时间。录音读两遍,你将有80秒钟的作答时间。SeasonPeriod TemperatureWeatherActivitieswinterDecember early Marchdrop (16)_snowyskiing, snowshoeingspringfrom(17)_around 50 degrees during the day windyGoing on a picnic, strolling through parks and playing (18)_summerfrom Junearound 80 degrees dry with (19)_hiking, fishing, etcfallfrom late SeptembercoolDriving into the mountains, viewing the fall colors, cleaning up(20) _Keys:15: CBCBC 610 : CBACB 1115: CABAC 16. below freezing (1) freezing / below freeze (0.5) 17. late March ( 1.0) March ( 0.5)18.outdoor games( 1.0) games (0.5) 19. little rain 20. yard(s) and garden(s) (1.0) Garden (s) and yard(s) (1.0) yard(s) / garden(s) ( 0.5)教学反思(Teaching reflection)14


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