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Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.口语练习(10分)A. Look at these two pictures and tell the changes of Amy.(观察Amy的两张照片,讨论一下她的变化。)答案:Amy is tall now but she used to be short. She is slim but used to be fat. She likes wearing trousers but she used to wear skirts. Her hair used to be long and now she has short hair.B .What do you know about your past and present(现在).Have you changed much? Think about it and tell us something about yourself.(你了解自己吗?比起过去你是否改变了很多?想一想,给朋友们谈谈你的过去和现在。)答案:I used to be slim but now Im a little fat and of course Im much taller than before. You know, I used to be short. I used to like playing computer games but now I usually search useful information on the computer. I think I have grown up but unfortunately, I have less free time. I used to play basketball and football, but now I almost have no time for myself. I have too much homework to do. And I didnt use to have so much homework to do when I was in my primary school.听力(20分)A.每小题你将听到一个对话,从A、B、C、D四幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项(听一遍)(5分)答案:1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A听力原文:1.M:Were going for a picnic this Saturday. Do you know what the weather will be like on that day?W: The radio says it will be sunny.M: Really? Thats wonderful!2.M: Can I help you?W: Yes, Id like a pen.M: Which pen do you want?W:I want the cheapest one.3.M:Ms,do you mind if I smoke here?W: Im afraid you cant smoke here .But you can smoke outside.M: Oh,I see. Ill go outside.4.W:What did you do yesterday evening, Tom?M:I wrote a letter to my father.W: Do you write to him very often?M: Once a week.5.M:Excuse me ,can you tell me the way to the post office?W: Yes.Go along this road, take the first turning on your right.Go on until you reach the end.Its on your left. You cant miss it.M:Thank you very much.W:Its a pleasure.B.1.M:Whats that in English?W:Its a fridge.Its an English fridge.Q:Wheres the fridge made?B.根据所听对话及问题,选择正确答案(听两遍)(5分)1.A.In Japan. B.In England. C.In India. D.In America.答案:B 听力原文:1.M:Whats that in English?W:Its a fridge.Its an English fridge.Q:Wheres the fridge made?2.A.At a cinema. B.In the park. C.At a shop. D.In the street.答案:D 听力原文:M:Be careful!The bus nearly hit you.Youd better look around before you cross the street.W:Oh,thank you.Ill be more careful next time.Q:Where are they?3.A.Lucy does. B.Lily does. C.Ann does. D.Nobody does.答案:C 听力原文:M:They say Lucy jumps very high.W:I dont think so.I think Lily jumps higher.M:You are right.But Ann jumps even higher than Lily.Q:Who jumps highest?4.A.A teacher. B.A visitor. C.A conductor. D.A bus driver.答案:B 听力原文:M:Can I get to the zoo by bus?W:Yes.Take number 35.M:Does it stop right at the zoo?W:Yes.The zoo is at the end of the line.M:How long does it take to get there?W:Forty-five minutes.Q:What is the man?5.A.She will have a rest.B.She will go on working.C.She will have an exam.D.She will work hard.答案:A听力原文:M:You must have a rest,Xiao Hua.You really have been working too hard these days.W:But how can I?The exam is coming next Saturday.M:Oh,dont worry.Couldnt you rest just this afternoon?W:All right,if you really think so.Q:What will Xiao Hua do this afternoon?C.根据所听句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个意思与其相同或相近的句子(听两遍)(5分)1.A.I often ride to school.B.I often walk to school.C.I often drive to school.D.I often take a bus to school.答案:B 听力原文:I often go to school on foot.2.A.Please leave me a message at six.B.Please wake me up at six.C.Please call me at six.D.Please pick me up at six.答案:C 听力原文:Ring me up at six,please.3.A.She is more than forty years old.B.She is less than forty years old.C.She looks younger than she really is.D.She looks older than she really is.答案:C 听力原文:She is forty,but she looks younger.4.A.Tom has very weak eyes.B.Tom has very good eyes.C.Tom never wears glasses when reading.D.Tom has to wear glasses when he reads something.答案:D 听力原文:Tom uses glasses but only for reading.5.A.Mary can finish the book in five hours.B.Mary cant finish the book in five hours.C.Mary has finished reading the book.D.Mary wants to finish reading the book in five hours.答案:A听力原文:Its possible for Mary to finish reading the book in five hours.D.根据所听到的短文,判断句子是否与短文内容相符。相符的在答题卡上涂“A”;不相符的涂“B”(听两遍)(5分)听力原文:Many people do not like to stay at home on holidays.They want to go out to see something different or do something interesting.So people from the country come to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays.During the holidays trains,buses and planes are all very busy.It is very hard to buy train tickets or air tickets.Many people take cars or buses for travelling.Last May Day my family went to the country by car for our holiday.There was too much traffic on the road,so we had to move very slowly.It took us about an hour to get out of the town.After some time,we came to a hill.It was green and beautiful.We thought this was a good place for a picnic,so we stopped and took the food,fruit and drinks out of the car.We sat down and began to eat.Suddenly a strong wind blew and soon it started to rain.We had to run back to our car and have our picnic in the car.Then we drove back home.What a sad holiday!1.Going out on holidays is very popular now.答案:A 2.Its easy to buy train tickets or air tickets during the holidays.答案:B 3.We had no trouble getting out of the town.答案:B 4.We went to the country for a picnic.答案:A 5.We enjoyed ourselves last May Day.答案:B.从左栏选出与右栏意思相同的短语,然后用左栏短语各造一个句子(15分)1.be interested in a. be not able to stop doing答案:b2.instead of b .showing great care about sth. or sb.答案:c3.cant stop doing c. as a replacement of答案:a4.consist of d. a n action that often happened in the past答案:e5.used to do e. be made up of答案:dSentences:1.Mary is very interested in music.2.Well go shopping instead of having classes.3.She couldnt stop crying when she heard the news.4.The team consists of ten players.5.My grandma used to be a history teacher.根据首字母完成单词(5分)1.We were almost b to death by the dull story.答案:bored 2.I cant c how you could have been so stupid.答案:comprehend 3. This e means smiling in E-mail English.答案:emotion 4.We can send messages more quickly by using c .答案:chatline 5.He often t us with horrible stories.答案:terrifies.选择下列每组句子的正确语序,使其组成一段符合逻辑的对话(5分)1.So see you next time! Yes,the last bus will leave at 9:00. See you. Well,Im afraid I have to go. Oh,do you have to?A. B. C. D.答案:D 2.Our ping-pong team was the first in the match. What? Dont you know we won? Hi,Li Bin,you look excited today.Any good news? Great!Congratulations!A. B. C. D.答案:C 3.I heard the weather report just now. Nice weather for this time of year. It will get a little warmer later. How do you know? But it was a little colder yesterday.A. B. C. D.答案:D 4.I mean I want to borrow some books from the City Library. Oh?I see.It is about 200 metres away around the corner on the left. Pardon? Thank you.Its really nice of you. Excuse me.Which is the way to the City Library,please?A. B. C. D.答案:A 5.Lets play football together,shall we? Will you be free this Sunday afternoon? How about 3:30 outside the school gate? Yes.Whats that? Oh,thats great!When and where shall we meet? OK.See you then.A. B. C. D.答案:B.根据表格及图画完成短文(10分)NameAppearancelikeswant to bewhyBillthin/fatplay gamesread booksteachergreatIt seems that Bill has changed a lot.He used to be 1 ,but now he is 2 .He used to like 3 ,but now he likes 4 .In the future,he wants to be 5 when he grows up.Because he thinks being a teacher is 6 .Kate used to be short and have 7 ,but now she is 8 and her hair is short.And she used to be 9 ,but now shes very 10 .She used to like 11 , but now she 12 very much.答案:1.thin 2.fat 3.playing games 4.reading books 5.a teacher 6.great 7.long hair 8.tall 9.shy/quiet 10.outgoing 11.socceer/football 12.likes tennis/badminton VII. 用正确的形式填空1.When she was a little girl, she was afraid of _(游泳).解析:先读全句,句子的意思是:“当她是个小女孩时,害怕游泳。”由此可知,句中缺一个动词。试填入swim,检验句子,be afraid of后跟v.-ing形式,所以正确的单词形式为swimming。2.My daughter used to _(弹) the piano.解析:这句话意思是:“我女儿过去常弹钢琴。”used to决定了应使用动词原形,所以正确答案为play。3.用used to,be used to填空(1)The Greens _ taking a walk after supper.(2)I _ drink a lot of coffee.(3)Bamboo can _ carry water.解析:used to+动词原形,意思是“过去常常”,be used to+v.-ing表示“习惯于”,这儿to是介词,后需加名词或动名词,而当表达“被用来”时,用use的被动语态be used to,其后跟动词原形。故答案为:(1)are used to (2)used to (3)be used toVIII.阅读理解(20分)AA computer company(电脑公司) has a special(特殊的) person.He answers all the questions sent to him.The person is a 63-year-old man.He is known for always finding the right answers.On the Internet(因特网),more people are finding out about this clever man.He does not look like a computer expert(专家).He has white hair and he is kind and polite.He feels that his age helps him with his work.People have asked questions about a lot of things and he remembers most of them.He tries to return the answers within 24 hours on the Internet.The questions are very different each day.He loves his work.Other companies do not have such a person.Of course they dont have to pay any more money,either.But its important for good computer companies to have a person to answer the questions.It keeps the computer buyers happy.Happy buyers will keep coming back.1.How does the special person answer the questions?A.He answers the questions in the letters,then he sends them off in the post office.B.He asks the people to come to the company and get the answers.C.He answers the questions on the Internet.D.He asked others to answer the questions instead.答案:C 2.People know him because _.A.he is the head of the companyB.he has white hair and he is kind and politeC.he does not look like a computer expertD.he can always find the right answers to their questions答案:D 3.Which of the following sentences has NOT been mentioned(提及)?A.He remembers almost all the things that people ask about.B.Hes old and he doesnt have to work at all.C.He thinks that his age is helpful.D.He is 63 years old.答案:B 4.What will happy computer buyers do?A.Theyll stop asking questions.B.Theyll stop buying because they have what they want.C.Theyll go to other computer companies for cheaper computers.D.Theyll come back for more business.答案:DBJohn Brown,an office worker,lives in Washington,and he inherited(继承) $1 000 000 when he was 23.He didnt feel happy at all.His college friends were looking for their first jobs,but he didnt have to.John decided to keep living a simple life like everyone else.He didnt tell any of his friends and gave $100 000 of his money to a charity(慈善团体) that helped poor children to live better lives.Today he is 36.He still wears cheap shoes and clothes and owns a small car only,but he is much happier.Up to now John has helped 15 children from poor countries all over the world,$200 a month for each.The child does not receive the money in cash(现金).The money pays for the childs school expenses,food,medical care and clothing.John receives a report each year on the childs progress.They can write to each other,but usually the children do not speak English.When John first heard about these children,he wanted to help them. “It was not anything special,” he said. “Until I had the chance to go to these countries and meet the children I was helping,I did not know anything about the type of life they had.”Once John went to meet a little girl in Africa.He said that the meeting was very exciting. “When I met her,I felt very very happy,”he said, “I saw that the money was used for a very good plan.It brought me closer to the child in a way that giving money alone cannot.” “I want to do everything I can.I will go on helping those children in need,”he added.根据短文内容回答下列问题5.What kind of life is John living?He is living a simple life (like everyone else).6.Did John want to look for a job or stay at home after he got the money?答案:He wanted to look for a job.7.Does John only help the poor children in Africa?答案:No.(He helps other children)/No,he doesnt.8.The child receives the money in cash,doesnt he?答案:No.His school expenses are paid.9.Why did John say that the meeting with the little girl was very exciting?Because he saw his money was well used and this made him feel happy/closer to the child.10.How do you like John Brown?He is a kind (generous) person.IX.写作(15分)假设你叫李华,在因特网上找到了一个叫David的网友,现在请你根据下列要点给David写一封E-mail,介绍你自己的一些情况。1.李华,中学生,家住在上海;2.喜欢集邮和运动;3.对英语很感兴趣,会唱不少英文歌曲;4.班里同学也想找网友,希望得到帮助;5.想去英国看看;注意:1.开头部分已写好,只需接着写;2.下面方框中所给的词语可供你选择使用,也可适当增加一些词语,使所写的短文正确、连贯;3.词数:65左右。live in,collect stamps,do some sports,pen friends,visit ones country,soon,English songsDavid,How are you?My name is Li Hua.Im a middle school student.Im living in Shanghai now.I like collecting stamps.After school I often play football or do some other sports.Whats more,I like English very much and I can sing a few English songs.By the way,some of my classmates want to have their pen friends,too.Can you help us?I havent been to any foreign countries yet,so I hope to visit your country soon.Li Hua


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