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高考英语句式及句型专练详解100 例高考句式及句型专练1. Have you known each other for long? Not very long, _ we started to work in the company.A. after B. before C. when D. since2. Did you enjoy yourself at the party? Sorry to say I didnt. It was _ a meeting than a party.A. much of B. more like C. less of D. more or less3. He is rather difficult to make friends with, but his friendship, _, is more true thanany other.A. once gained B. when to gainC. after is gained D. while gaining4. The river, _ are covered with trees, is very long.A. which banks B. of which banksC. whose the banks D. the banks of which5. _ it will do us harm or good remains to be seen.A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where6. We should do more such exercises in the future, I think, _ we did yesterday.A. as B. which C. that D. than7. I am so glad that I have found the same modern computer _ I am working on.A. which B. as C. that D. where8. _ method you choose, so long as you finish the job on time.A. It isnt a matter to me what B. What doesnt matter is thatC. It doesnt matter to me which D. No matter which9. It was quite a serious mistake, _caused by carelessness.A. which I think was B. I think which wasC. which I think it was D. I think which it was10. The young man went into the cinema and after _ seemed half an hour he cameout.A. that B. it C. what D. which11. One of the men held the view _ the book said was right.A. what that B. what C. that D. that what12. Soon they got to the bank,_stood a big pine tree.A. In front of which B. There C. Where D. It13. He was impolite to the Custom Officer, _, of course, made things even worse.A. who B. that C. what D. which14. After living with his grandparents in the countryside for ten years, the boy returned tothe big city _ his parents worked.A. which B. where C. that D. when15. _ much advice I gave him, he did exactly what he wanted to.A. How B. Whatever C. No matter D.However16. It is not I but Mr. Green who _ in charge of the company.A. is B. am C. are D. was17. The students are talking about the strange people and stories _ they met in theadventure.A. that B. which C. what D. whom18. The first thing _ you should do is to learn all the new words by heart.A. what B. that C. which D. who19. Is this the very factory _ he visited last month?A. which B. that C. where D. in which20. He went home for lunch _ the clock struck twelve.A. while B. immediately C. right away D. at once21. _ makes her different from the other students? Honesty, I think.A. How is it that B. How is that C. What is it that D. What it is that22. She wont leave the TV set, _ her husband is waiting for his supper.A. as though B. even though C. whether D. whenever23. It is the teacher _ taught me when I was a child _ I am going to visit.A. that; which B. who; which C. who; that D. whom; that24. It was in the school _ he had studied _ he began the important experiment.A. that; where B. in which; whichC. where; that D. where; in which25. _ on Monday night that all this happened?A. Is it B. It is C. Was it D. It was26. Is there anything else _ you want to get ready for the party this evening?A. which B. that C. who D. what27. I _ see him yesterday.A. really B. do C. did D. does28. _ come again.A. Do B. Can C. May D. Did29. _ be careful when crossing the street!A. Must B. Should C. Ought to D. Do30. It was _ the old worker came that we _ the experiment.A. until; didnt begin B. not until; beganC. until; began D. not until; didnt begin31. It is I _ singing in the garden.A. who are B. who is C. that am D. that is32. Hardly _ into the country _ it began to rain.A. we had got; when B. we got; thanC. had we got; when D. did we get; than33. Not a single word _ last night.A. he said B. said he C. did he say D. had he said34. Little _ about what others think.A. he cares B. he doesnt care C. does he care D. doesnt hecare35. Seldom _ any mistakes during my past few years of working there.A. would I make B. have I made C. I did make D. shall I make36. He is a good student, and works very hard; _.A. so it is with her B. so does she C. so is she D. neither doesshe37. Only when it is hungry _ attack a human being.A. a lion will B. did a lion C. will a lion D. do a lion38. Look! _.A. Here your teacher comes B. Comes here your teacherC. Your teacher come here D. Here comes your teacher39. No sooner _ to shine _ it clouded over again.A. the sun had started; than B. had the sun started; thanC. the sun started; when D. did the sun started; when40. So loudly _ that even people in the next room could hear him.A. did he speak B. spoke he C. he spoke D. should he speak41. Not only _ the book, but also he remembered what he had read.A. he had read B. had he read C. he did read D. did heread42. _ , they continued the work.A. As it was late B. It was late as C. It was as late D. Late as it was43. _ the bus until it has stopped.A. Not get off B. Dont get off C. Didnt get off D. Get not off44. _ are the days when teachers were looked down upon.A. Gone B. Go C. To go D. Going45. _ rich and strong!A. Our country may become B. May our country becomeC. Our country becomes D. Does our country become46. In the open boat, the four men, _ was a doctor, met with a storm at sea.A. one of which B. one of who C. one of whom D. one of them47. This is an illness that can result in total blindness _ left untreated.A. after B. if C. since D. unless48. Let me introduce myself to you all, _ ?A. may you B. will you C. wont I D. wont you49. The unsold goods he brought home are useless to me, _?A. arent they B. are they C. did he D. didnt he50. Nobody has the right to go there to have dinner free,_?A. hasnt it B. has it C. havent they D. have they51. I dont believe everything goes well with you, _?A. do they B. does it C. dont they D. doesnt it52. Mr Wang must go to Beijing to visit Mrs Brown today, _ he?A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt53. Jack said Betty had always been interested in geography, _ ?A. hadnt Betty B. hadnt she C. didnt Jack D. didnt he54. What you told me is really true, _?A. isnt it B. isnt what C. didnt you D. wasnt it55. I wont let you in _ you show me the written permission of the manager.A. apart from B. unless C. except D. but56. Everyone wants to have a holiday, but you have no idea _ tiresome it is to rest.A. how B. what C. whether D. no matter how57. I felt somewhat sad and was about to leave _ something happened which drewmy attention. A. unless B. until C. when D. while58. I decided to pay a visit to my former teacher as soon as I _.A. finish what I did B. finished what I didC. would finish what I was doing D. finished what I was doing59. We see the lightning _ it happens, but we hear the thunder later.A. the moment B. for the momentC. at the moment D. in a moment60. _ that Im feeling all right, my brain is also beginning to work much better.A. For B. Now C. Since D. Despite61. These two countries are similar _ they both have a high snowfall during winter.A. to that B. besides that C. in that D. except that62. My cousin keeps the photo _ he can see it every day, as it always reminds him ofhis college days in Florida.A. which B. where C. whether D. when63. You can arrive in Guangzhou on time for the fashion show _ you dont mindtaking the night train. A. provided B. unless C. though D. until64. Most people usually have less money at the end of the month than _at thebeginning.A. which is B. which was C. they have D. it is65. Doctors have said that as many as 50 percent of patients dont take medicine _directed.A. like B. so C. which D.as66. Mr Smith was so angry at all _ Bill was doing _ he walked out angrily.A. that; what B. that; that C. which; which D. what;that67. Girl _, she is much naughtier than a boy.A. although she was B. though she isC. though was she D. although was she68. The girl got herself into a serious situation _ she was likely to lose control over themotorbike.A. where B. which C. while D. why69. I think you ought to end it _ it is too late, or youll kill yourself.A. even if B. before C. so that D. once70. They were surprised that a four-year-old boy should work out such a difficult problem_ they themselves couldnt.A. once B. then C. while D. if71. I was advised to arrange for insurance _ I needed medical treatment.A. nevertheless B. although C. in case D. so that72. I havent found my watch yet; in fact, Im not sure _ I could have done with it.A. where B. whether C. what D. how73. _ in this street? I think Mr. Black is the richest man.A. Whom do you think is the richest manB. Who do you think is the richest manC. Do you think who is the richest manD. Do you think whom is the richest man74. _ puzzled the mother most was _the son would never agree with her.A. What; why B. That; how C. Which; when D. What; where75. _ computers are of great benefit to the development of science and technology.A. The fact is what B. That the fact isC. What the fact is that D. The fact is that76. Word has come _ some excellent students will go on a study trip to Chicago nextmonth.A. that B. what C. when D. whether77. The players expected there _ more free time before coming back to the countryfrom abroad.A. is B. being C. have been D. to be78. It is well known to us all _ China sent up a manned spaceship to outer spacesuccessfully last year.A. that B. what C. which D. when79. _ he was fired by the company is _ he didnt work hard.A. What; because B. Why; because C. Why; that D. That;because80. The man who was being followed stopped from time to time _ he wanted to tie hisshoelaces.A. as if B. like C. what D. as81. Living things are dying out quickly. Lets ask _ destroying them in the past years.A. what part people have been playingB. people have played inC. what part people have played inD. people have been playing what part82.The teacher found _ difficult to decide _ he would take with him to attend theconference.A. it; whom B. himself; who C. this; whom D. that; who83. No matter how fast we worked, _.A. we couldnt catch up with them B. and we couldnt catch up withthemC. so we couldnt catch up with them D. but we couldnt catch up withthem84. The reason why I gave in is _ if I didnt.A. because she would be disappointedB. that she would be disappointedC. because she would have a disappointmentD. for she would be disappointed85. _ can I deal with such a situation? Take _ measure you think best.A. How; whichever B. What; whateverC. How; whatever D. What; whichever86. Villagers often say our village is no longer _ it used to be.A. what B. that C. which D. how87. This is certainly the case, but _ it is a mistake or not I dont know.A. if B. even though C. whether D. that88. The workers were making so much noise in the workshop, and the boss hurriedlywent to see _.A. what the matter was B. what was the wrongC. what wrong was D. what was the matter89. I remember _ the company only owned a small shop.A. when B. how C. whether D. what90. The changes in our chemistry lab will cost quite a lot, _ they will save us money inthe long run. A. or B. since C. for D. but91. _ has finished the task ahead of time will be rewarded, though we dont know whoit will be.A. Those who B. Anyone C. Whoever D. Who92. He expressed his hope _ he would visit China again the next year, and this wasthe very hope _ he expressed as soon as he arrived in the country.A. that; that B. which; which C. that; which D. which; that93. I often think of the years _ I worked with the foreigners, _ has had a greateffect on my later life.A. that; which B. when; which C. which; that D. when; who94. In the forest we observed some trees _the leaves were black with disease.A. where B. of which C. in which D. whose95. I dont believe the reason _ he has given for not coming to the lecture.A. why B. that C. how D. what96. By using ears one can tell the direction _ a sound comes.A. in which B. from which C. with which D. through which97. I dont like such a person _ often lies before your face.A. what B. that C. as D. which98. We have to delay the party till next week, _ we will not have something importantto do.A. when B. which C. at which D that99. Every day the mother seems to be busy until 10 oclock at night, _the rest of thefamily have fallen asleep.A. that B. by which time C. on time D. whose time100. He was found to be a thief, _ disappointed his wife.A. who B. that C. which D. whom答案及部分解析:1.D。since 是从属连词,引导时间状语从句,常与现在完成时连用。题中答语为省略句,补全为:We havent known eachother very long. We have known each other since we started to work in thecompany.2.B。题意为“与其说是晚会,倒不如说是个会议”。more .than 意为“与其说倒不如说”。3.A。once gained 是状语从句的省略, 相当于once it is gained。4.D。名词/代词+of+whom/which 可引导非限制性定语从句,表示部分与整体的关系。C 项应为whose banks。5.B。whether 引导主语从句位于句首时, 不可用if 替换。6.A。在such.as 结构中,as 常引导定语从句。题中I think 是插入语。7.B。在the same.as/that 结构中,as 和that 常引导定语从句。如果前后指的是同一物,通常用that(如:I havefound the same computer that I lost);反之,则常用as。8.C。matter 作动词时, 意为“要紧,有关系”, 常用于否定或疑问句中。no matterwhich 引导让步状语从句,缺少主句,故D 项错误。9.A。which 引导非限制性定语从句, I think 是插入语。10.C。what 引导名词性从句作介词after 的宾语。11.D。that 引导同位语从句;what the book said 是同位语从句中的主语。12.B。13.D。which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句的整个情况。14.B。15.D。However much 引导让步状语从句,相当于No matter how much,意为“无论我给他多少建议”。16.A。此句是强调句型。强调句子的主语(由并列连词not.but 连接),谓语应遵循“就近一致”的原则,故用is。17.A。先行词既指人又指物,关系代词只能用that 不能用which。18.B。先行词被序数词、形容词的最高级及only, any, few,little, no, all,very,last 等修饰时,关系代词常用that 不用which。19.B。20.B。immediately 除了用作副词之外,还可用作从属连词, 引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as。有类似用法的词或短语还有:directly, the moment, the instance, the minute 等。21.C。本题为强调句型的特殊疑问句。答语补全是It is honesty that makes herdifferent from theother students, I think.就honesty 提问,就形成了以上句式。22.B。even though 相当于even if ,引导让步状语从句, 意为“即使,纵然”,符合题意。23.C。who 引导定语从句,when 引导时间状语从句, that 为强调句型的引导词。24.C。这是一个强调地点状语的强调句。25.C。强调句型的一般疑问句。26.B。先行词为all, much, little, everything, anything, nothing,none, theone 等不定代词时,关系代词常用that 不用which。27.C。强调句子的谓语,要在谓语动词前加助动词do,does,did,谓语动词用原形。28.A。为了加强祈使句的语气,在动词前加do,表示恳求。29.D。加强祈使句的语气,不管动词是系动词还是行为动词,都在动词前加do。30.B。本题句式结构为强调句型。强调until 引导的时间状语从句,要把not 放于until之前。31.C。强调主语(指人)时,引导词可用that 或who,谓语动词必须与所强调的主语保持人称和数的一致。32.C。在hardly.when.和no sooner.than.句型中,hardly 和nosooner 位于句首时,主句要用倒装语序,且谓语动词常用过去完成时态。33.C。否定副词never, not, hardly, little, seldom, rarely, nowhere 及含有否定含义的短语inno way, not until, in no case, at no time, by no means 等位于句首时,句子常用倒装语序。34.C。35.B。36.A。表示后者与前者的情况相同时,常用“So+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”。但如果句子结构中既出现了系动词,又出现了行为动词或者其他不同的形式时,通常用“Soit is with sb./sth.或It is/was the same with sb./sth.”。37.C。only 修饰句子的状语(副词、介词短语或状语从句)且置于句首时,句子的主谓要部分倒装。注意:only 修饰句子的主语放在句首时,主谓无须倒装。如:Onlyhe knows about it.只有他知道此事。38.D。在here,there 或副词away,back,down,in,out,over,up 等作状语位于句首,且谓语是come,go,rush,run 等不及物动词的句子中,主谓要全部倒装。这种倒装句的主语通常是名词,但如果主语是人称代词,则不倒装。如:Herehe comes.39. B。40.A。so.that.句型中,so+形容词/副词位于句首时,主句中的主谓语要部分倒装。41.B。not only.but also 连接两个并列分句,且not only 位于句首时,其引起的分句中主谓要部分倒装。42.D。as 引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管;虽然”,从句常用倒装语序。这种倒装是把作表语的名词或形容词、作状语的副词(much)及动词原形提到句首。如果表语部分是名词,提前时通常将冠词去掉。如:Althoughhe is a child,he knows a lot.可改写为Child as he is,he knows alot.注意:如名词前有形容词修饰时,冠词常保留(如:A little child as he is,he knows alot.)。43.B。这也是 个not. until 句型,主句为祈使句。44.A。表语位于句首且主语较长或结构较复杂的句子,主谓通常全部倒装。题意为“教师被瞧不起的日子一去不复返了。”45.B。表示祝愿的句子常用倒装形式。又如:Long live the great unity of the peoplesof theworld.46.C。one of whom 引导非限制性定语从句。47.B。if left untreated 意为“假如不进行任何治疗”。that can result in totalblindness 是定语从句修饰illness。48.B。陈述部分若是Let me 开头的祈使句,其附加问句要用will you;陈述部分若是Lets 开头的祈使句,其附加问句要用shall we。49.A。陈述部分有含否定词缀的词时,其附加疑问部分仍用否定式。50.D。当陈述部分的主语是no one,nobody,none,neither 等否定词时,其附加疑问部分应用肯定式,主语常用they。51.B。陈述部分为Ibelieve/think/suppose+that 从句时, 附加疑问部分应与从句保持一致。everything,nothing,this,that 在句中作主语时,其附加疑问句的主语要用it,但陈述部分的主语若是anybody,anyone,everybody,someone 时,其附加疑问部分的主语常用they。52.D。陈述部分的must 表示“需要,必要”时,附加问句部分的谓语要用neednt。53. D。54.A。当陈述部分的主语为名词性从句时,附加问句部分的主语用it,谓语要和主句的谓语相一致。55. B。56.A。how 引导同位语从句。57.C。when 在此为并列连词,相当于and at that time,常译为“就在这时”。58.D。59.A。60.B。now that 意为“既然、由于”。61.C。in that 意为“因为”。62.B。空格中的连接词引导的应是地点状语从句,故用where。63.A。根据句意,空格中缺少一个表示“如果”并能引导条件状语从句的连接词。provided 作连词,表示规定的条件,意为“如果”;unless 意为“除非”;though 意为“尽管”;until 意为“直到” 。64.C 。than 引导比较状语从句, 完整的从句为“ than they have money at thebeginning of themonth ”。65.D。句中take medicine as directed 相当于take medicine as they aredirected,as 引导方式状语从句。66.B。第一空:先行词为all,由that 引导定语从句;第二空:that 与前半句中的so 呼应,引导结果状语从句。67.B。though 引导让步状语从句时,有时从句可用倒装语序,用法相当于as,即Girlthough she is 相当于Girl as she is。68.A。题中where 引导定语从句,相当于in which。69.B。before 引导时间状语从句,本意是“在之前”,在此题中译为“以免”。70.C。while 是并列连词,意为“而,却”,前后有对比的意味。71.C。A 和B 都有“虽然”的意思,与题意不符。in case 意为“以防万一”,符合题意。72.C。do with 常与what 连用;deal with 常与how 连用。73.B。题中do you think 为插入语,疑问词在句中作主语。74.A。75.D。76.A。that 引导同位语从句,解释说明主语word(消息)的内容。77.D。there to be.相当于宾语从句(that)there would be.。78.A。句中it 作形式主语,真正的主语是由that 引导的从句。79.C。why 引导主语从句作主语时,表语从句不能用because 引导,只能用连接词that,且通常不可省略。80.A。as if 意为“好像”。81.C。82.A。第一空用形式宾语it,第二空可以用who 或whom 引导宾语从句并在从句中作take 的宾语。83.A。no matter how 引导让步状语从句,故只可选A,构成主从复合句。84.B。主语是reason 时,表语从句用that 引导。85.C。86.A。what 引导表语从句,且在从句中作表语。87.C。引导宾语从句时,whether 和if 常可互换,但如从句提前,则只能用whether。88.D。what is/was the matter 的语序在任何情况下都不变化,因为what 在句中作主语。89.A。when 引导宾语从句。其他选项均不符题意(我记得这家公司过去仅有一家小商店的时候)。90.D。根据题意,两个分句间为转折关系。in the long run 意为“最终地”。91.C。whoever 相当于anybody who,A 项主谓不一致。92.A。第一空:that 引导同位语从句。第二空:that 引导定语从句。因为先行词有the very修饰,故不可用which。93.B。根据句意,第一空需填关系副词when; 第二空which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句的整个情况。94.B。95.B。根据句意,要填的关系代词在定语从句中作given 的宾语,故用that。96.A。direction 常与in 连用。97.C。98.A。99.B。根据从句的时态判断,所填词语必须含有“到时候为止”的意思,并作从句的时间状语。that 不可引导非限制性定从句。on time 意为“及时”,不符题意。D 项错误,此题无所属关系。100.C。


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