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教学设计与反思课题人教版B6U2课时第一课授课对象高二教学目标1. Ability aimsa. Enable Ss to talk about different types of poems: nursery rhymes; list poems; cinquain,; haiku; Tang poems b. Enable Ss to talk about different purposes of writing poems.c. Understand the main theme of each poem.d. Enable Ss to chant and appreciate some poems.2. Emotion aims Motivate their interest in English poems.教学重难点Teaching difficult points1. Find the rhythm of each poem.2. Chant the poem.3. Understand the content of the poems.教学准备Teaching aids : Multimedia教学过程导入过程Lead in Step 1. GreetingsStep 2. Presentation and appreciation (competition)Ask Ss to read some famous poems from home and abroad either in Chinese or in English. Compare the translation with the original poem and appreciate it. (目的: 考查学生对经典诗作的了解程度, 并关注中英文翻译之后能否保持原作的亮点)教学步骤(重难点突破的过程、巩固方法)While readingStep1 ScanningGet the Ss to read the first paragraph quickly and find the answer to the question: Why do people write poetry?Step2 Fast readingGet Ss to read the text carefully, finding how many kinds of the poems are mentioned in the text. What are they? (快速阅读方法操练)Step3 Careful reading and appreciation of English Poems. Tell Ss that they are going to learn the poems in the passage and try to find the features of each kind of poem. And then deal with some questions about the poems.Poem A :listen and ask a volunteer to sing the nursery rhyme, learning how to chant. (帮助学生掌握诗歌朗诵的节奏与韵律,培养学生兴趣。 此时已学生充分进入状态,部分同学跃跃欲试)Q1. Whats the babys father going to buy if the looking-glass gets broken? (考查学生对诗歌内容的了解)Q2. What are the features of list poems? (了解童谣的特点) PoemB Try reading one kind of list poem, paying attention to the rhymes and repetition. (帮助学生回忆童年时学过的颠倒诗-清单诗的一种, 发现学生对熟悉的话题充满热情,个别平时不大爱发言的同学也开始参与活动了。)Poem C Ask a student to read the poem .(另一首清单诗,个别朗读可以发现学生对韵律与节奏的把握程度)1. Did his or her team win the game? (此问题可检查学生对上一单元语法虚拟语气的完全理解)2. Does the speaker really believe his or her own excuse? How do you know?Poem D&E listen and count the words of every line, paying attention to the key words to describe the characteristics of the objects. (诗歌欣赏的最关键点就是要理解作者如何用最优美最形象的词句来描写,这两首五行诗描写了人物 brother 和季节 summer, 用词生动形象,是后面学生仿写的典型. 批改学生家庭作业后发现很多学生对五行诗掌握较好,作品中不乏佳作.)1. What subject is the speaker writing about?2. Does the speaker like the subject? Give a reason for your answer. (反思: 同事认为这个问题设计较好, 这两首诗短小精悍,用词精确到位,但若能在课堂上指导学生如何正确朗读,如何运用语音语调来表达对brother 的喜爱和对summer 的不耐,学生或将更了解诗歌朗诵的真谛。个人觉得很有道理)Poem H listen to the tape and try to understand the story of the poem. 1. What is the story that the poem tells? Tell the story in your own words. (该任务侧重对学生的语言概括能力的考查)2. Circle one or more of the feelings below that you think the woman has. Give reasons for your answers: (引导学生体会诗歌中作者的情感,并注意用词的优美)Loneliness: She was alone watching her husband on the mountain top.Love: She waited year after year despite wind and rain.Trust: She believed her husband would come back one day.Sorrow: Year after year, she waited and waited without seeing any hope of her husbands coming back, she was very sad.Post-readingStep1. Make a short summary and match the right answer. (概括文章主要内容,并锻炼学生口头表达能力)Forms of poemsfeaturesNursery rhymes(A) List poems (B and C) Cinquain (D and E) Haiku (F and G) Tang poems (H)Step 2 ConsolidationAfter learning some forms of English poems, present some poems on the screen and try to let Ss guess what kind of the poem it belongs to.Homework1. Surf some websites to find out a famous poem you like best, chant it and prepare to chant it in next class. 2. Try to write a cinquain or a list poem.(作业布置:作业1: 让学生自主搜索喜欢的诗歌并朗诵,可把本单元诗歌内容扩大化,拓展学生知识面,培养学生兴趣。作业2: 引导学生动手自己创作一些简单的作品,有助于学生语感的培养和兴趣的深入)。 板书设计 本科课文内容相对简单,简单的注释可在幻灯片中注释,无需额外板书,课堂上只对学生不熟练的单词写了一下 ,eg: characteristids 教学反思1. 关于内容: 在高中英语教材中, 诗歌教学一直是几套教材中比较匮乏的,如何选择诗歌,如何教学,对老师来讲是一个不小的挑战,选修6第二单元所选的几首诗是格式比较典型的传统诗,可以帮助学生了解诗歌的基本格式和类型。但在备课过程中总觉得所选诗歌显得老旧了些,针对学生语言认知水平又稍嫌简单,故在warming-up 及课堂最后,添加了一些比较经典的例子,帮助并引导学生学会对诗歌的欣赏。2. 关于学生的课堂互动:本课内容较简单,在问题设计上也基本符合学生能力,所以课堂气氛活跃,学生的积极性调动较好,但总觉自己对诗歌的了解尚欠缺,给学生的讲解还是流于表面,不够专业。3. 本节课是校级公开课,学校同仁普遍觉得这节课的设计较精致到位,对学生的表现也给予了较高的评价,若是能两节课连上,安排学生当堂写作当堂讲评,效果会更好。


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