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来源:http:/ The impact of “3r” principles to industrial design“3r”原则的影响为工业设计Abstract:While industrial design creates modem life and living surroundings for people,it also accelerates the exhaustion of the natural resources and the energy resourcesBesides,it has done harm to the ecological balance,and threatened the existence and the sustainable development of human beingsConfront with this situation,the strategy of sustainable development,proposed in 1990s,is accepted by many peopleRecycling economy and its key point,“3r” principle,were born for this situation and become important principle in all kinds of economic activities and in the area of design and manufactureBy decoding the connotation of “3r” principle,the article analyzes the influence and the guidance over industrial design of “3r” principleFurthermore,the article tries to discuss the conception of redesign,which is the extension of the “3r” principle in the area of industrial design,and explicates 4R principle of industrial design for recycling economy at last摘要:在工业设计创造了现代生活和生活环境的人,也进一步加速用尽自然资源和能源资源。此外,对此状况它已经害生态平衡、受威胁的生存和人类的永续发展。面对可持续发展战略,提出了20世纪90年代,是可以得到许多人类。循环经济和重点,在这样的情况下“3r”原则诞生了,成为在各种各样的经济活动和在该地区的设计和制造的重要原则。通过解码“3r”原则的内涵,本文在分析其影响和引导工业设计原则。此外, “3r”,本文试图探讨重新设计的概念,这是延长“3r”原则在该地区的工业设计的原则,阐述了工业设计的各位朋友,循环经济的最后一次。Key words:3 R principle;industrial design;recycling economy;redesign关键词:“3r”原则 业设计 循环经济 反抗1 Introduction1介绍Industrial design as a cross-cutting technology and the arts disciplines, it is closely related to the economy and to maintain its development and progress of society. It can be summarized: First, it services for industrial mass production, making industrial products enhance the value and value-added. Second, It leads the fashion, to effectively stimulate consumption, so that consumers not only use the product at the same time, but also enjoy the new technology and material; Third, it puts technology to link up with the market, making products enhance competitiveness; Last but not the least, it can bring the innovation into the enterprise. Therefore, the economic development needs industrial design which has become indispensable to the countrys economic construction .工业设计作为贯穿各领域的技术与艺术学科密切相关,以维持其经济和社会的发展和进步。它可以简要地概括为:第一,它服务于工业大规模生产,制造工业产品的价值和提高增值。第二,引领时尚,有效地刺激消费,这样消费者不仅经常使用产品同时,而且具有新技术和材料。第三,提出了技术与市场联系起来,使产品提升竞争力。最后一点,它能够带来的创新企业。因此,经济发展的需要工业设计已成为不可或缺的国家的经济建设。However, along with the traditional industrial design creating high-quality modern lifestyle and living environment and promoting economic development ,it also speeds up the consumption of resources and energy. Whats more ,it dose harm to the ecological balance of the Earth and brings about a serious of great damage to human survival and sustainable development. Especially the excessive commercialization of industrial design, utilitarian and excessive pursuit of profit, the implementation of merchandise has plans to abolish the system without taking into account production, use, process waste, such as the environment, the impact of resources. It can be said that people are in inappropriate and excessive consumption patterns of life, the industrial design objectively becomes essential medium to encourage people to uncontrolled consume, which is countered to the essence of industrial designcreating a science and healthy way of life.然而,在进行传统的工业设计创优现代生活方式和居住环境,促进经济发展,加快能源消耗和精力。更重要的是,事实如此危害地球的生态平衡,并提出了一个严肃的极大的危害人类生存和可持续发展。特别是过度商业化的工业设计、功利的过度追求利润,实施“货物计划废除系统”而没有考虑生产、使用、过程浪费,如环境,影响的资源。可以这样说,人们在不适当的过度消费模式的生活,工业设计的客观地成为必要的控制中,鼓励人们消费的本质则是工业创造型设计一个科学健康的生活方式。Facing the threat of human survival and sustainable development, in the 20th century, people began to question the sustainable development of humanity ,to carry out a profound reflection on sustainable development and to put forward a suitable model of circular economy , the principle of circular economy is “3r” (ie Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) which is of great significance to the implementation and promotion of socio-economic stability, sustainable development Against this background, the concept of sustainable development into rapid economic development is inextricably linked to the design, based on this ongoing exploration and practice. “3r” principles intended to sort out this article on various aspects of industrial design and the guiding role, and attempts to explore the “3r” principles of industrial design at the extension.面对威胁人类生存和可持续发展,在20世纪,人们开始质疑人类的可持续发展,实施可持续发展深刻反思并提出了合适的模型循环经济的基本原理,发展循环经济是r(即减量化、再使用、再循环)具有重要的指导意义的推展社会经济稳定、可持续发展在此背景下,发展成为可持续的概念经济快速发展是密不可分的设计,在此基础上正在进行的探索和实践。”3r”原则要整理这一篇关于工业设计的各个方面的指导作用,并试图探讨”3r”原则在工业设计的扩展名。2 Cycle economic model and the principle of “3r”2循环经济模型和”3r”原则Economy is engaged in production, consumption and reproduction activities, which is to meet human material needs of their own material .Recycling economy is considered following the original economy, the agricultural economy, industrial economy after the time of the post-industrial economy, with the industrial economy is different between the resources and environment relationship.Following the economic cycle refers to the natural ecosystem of the material circulation and energy flow reconstruction of the economic system so that it harmoniously into the natural ecosystems of the material energy recycling process to product clean production, resource recycling and efficient recycling characterized eco-economic development patterns, also known as eco-economy, green economy.经济是从事生产、消费和生殖的活动,是满足人类的物质需要自己的资料。循环经济考虑过跟踪原经济、农业经济发展,工业经济工业时间后的经济,在工业经济差异资源与环境的关系。随着全球经济周期是指自然生态系统的物质循环和能量流动的经济重建系统以便它的自然生态系统的和谐的物质能量回收过程清洁生产,产品具有高效回收资源循环经济发展模式,也称为生态经济,绿色经济。2.1 The relationship between economic model, environment and the resources2.1经济模式之间的关系,环境和资源Human survival and economic activities rely on the resources and the environment.On one hand ,it is the source of the human beings material system; on the other hand, it bears the economic activities of human waste generated by the various roles. The Earth can provide resources but are limited, even though it must have the ability to purify, however it is subject to human economic activity the ability of emissions is also limited.人类的生存和经济活动依赖的资源和环境。一方面,它是源泉的人类资料系统:另一方面,它有经济活动所产生的人类废弃物的各种角色。地球能提供资源是有限的,即使它必须有能力净化、然而在人类经济活动主体的能力限制温室气体排放。Industrial economic development patterns are from One Product One resource pollution posed by one-way flow of material and an open economy, this openness has led to a global depletion of resources and waste, as well as the serious deterioration of the ecological environment. 工业经济发展模式是一种资源产品从“单向型流量造成污染的材料和开放经济,该开放导致了全球消耗资源和浪费,以及生态环境严重恶化。Circular economy development pattern is from one of resources of renewable resources, one of green products posed by the material energy of the closed-loop feedback loop process, this closed loop system, can maintain economic production of low, high-quality, low-waste, which will be economic activity of natural resources and environmental impacts to minimize damage.循环经济发展模式是从“可再生资源,资源的绿色的产品”所构成的物质能量的闭环反馈回路的过程,在这个闭环系统,能保持经济生产的低、优质、低消耗,将经济活动的自然资源和环境的影响来减少损伤。2.2 Interpretation of the circular economy mode “3r” principle22解释”3r”原则循环经济模式”3r” principle is the basic manifestation of the economic cycle, and its specific contents are as follows:“3r”原则是基本的体现经济周期,具体内容如下:Reduction principle is the first principle of circular economy, that is the source of control method, which requires the source of economic activity - the design stage, pay attention to the use of resources-saving and pollution reduction requirements with fewer resources to achieve the established purpose of the production or consumption In the production areas, usually the energy-saving production processes, materials and conservation of resources, the products of small size and lightweight, and easy and simple packaging requirements in order to achieve the purpose of reducing waste emissions; In the consumer area, reduction of the supremacy of the principle of a change in consumer lifestyles and advocate moderate consumption and green consumption. Reuse principle is the second principle of circular economy, that is, process control methods, with the aim to improve the products and resources use efficiency, it calls for product design to initial the form of packaging for multiple items to prevent premature become waste. In the design, to the use of standard-sized parts, repair and upgrade in order to replace, thus prolonging the service life of products; In the consumer area, to promote the purchase of durable consumer goods, to reduce the use of disposable products, such as after-sales service by strengthening the means to extend the product life as possible and not waste.“减少”原则是第一的原则,发展循环经济,那是源泉的控制方式,使要求来源的经济活动-设计阶段,注重资源节约型的使用要求和减少污染的用更少的资源,完成所建立的目的的生产、消费的生产区域,通常是节能的生产工艺、材料和节约资源,产品体积小、重量轻、操作简单,方便包装要求以达到减少制造废物排放的目的;在消费者面积、还原至上的原则,改变生活方式和主适度消费的消费者和绿色消费。“再利用原则”是循环经济的第二个原则,即的过程控制方式,目的是提高产品和资源利用效率的,它要求在初始产品设计的形式对多个项目包装避免早熟变为荒凉。在设计时,使用标准尺寸的部分,修理和升级为了取代,从而延长使用寿命产品;而在消费区,促进购买耐用消费品,减少使用一次性产品,如售后服务通过强化手段延长产品寿命可能不浪费。Recycling principle is the third principle of circular economy, that is, terminal control method of production and consumption in the process of waste generated, through the resources of the means of its re-processing of raw materials can be re-used or product, put it back on consumption. Resources of the so-called class of resources usually include the original and secondary resources. The original class of resources is the waste of resources after the formation of the same with the original products, sub-resource is the waste of resources into different types of after the new products. To promote waste recycling economy will be the source of the original and sub-class of combining resources in order to fully realize the recycling use of resources.“循环”的原则是循环经济的第三原则,即终端控制生产方法和消费所产生的废物过程中,通过“资源”的核燃料的回收的手段可以重复使用的原材料或产品,把它放回消费。资源所谓的一类资源通常包括原文和二次资源。原来的一类资源是资源浪费的形成后也用原有产品,子资源是资源浪费在各种新产品。促进经济的发展将废弃物回收的来源相结合的原件及子类要充分实现资源循环利用资源。3 The impact of the “3r” principle of to industrial design3 “3r”原则的影响为工业设计的”3r” principle is not only on products from the design, production, sales, use, disposal and so on throughout the life cycle have an impact on all aspect, but also on the industrial design itself, a more extensive and profound changes:“3r”原则不仅在产品从设计、生产、销售、使用、处置等整个生命周期的各个方面产生影响,而且还对工业设计本身,更广泛而深刻的变化:3.1 The impact of design concept3.1概念设计的影响In modern industrial economy, the product design is often to serve the people, just from the people to meet needs and solve the problem as the starting point, and do not consider the follow-up products, use of resources and energy consumption and emissions on the environment and other ecological problems. “3r” principle in the design concept under the influence from the people-oriented towards the harmony between man and nature of green design, while respecting the needs of people, but also consider the safety of the ecosystem. Cycle economic model of the industrial design under the design concept, put people and nature live in harmony and common development in the first place, the use of systems theory and Calibration of all acts of industrial design, from product design at the beginning of the macro-environment had priority to consider and pay attention to the coordination of products that run the various elements of the process in order to achieve system optimization. Here, the environmental factors are the starting point of the whole design and end points, through the design, efforts to improve and reduce the products in the production, use, recycling process, such as the adverse impact of the environment. So Green Design Products are in the harmony between man and nature under the guidance of thought to the harmonious development of man and nature, the principle of human - machine system one considers the environment, a comprehensive optimization of the industrial design of a new concept.在现代工业经济,产品设计经常是为人民服务,就从人们满足需求和解决这个问题为出发点,并没有考虑到后续产品,利用资源和能源消耗和污染物排放减少对环境和其它生态问题。”3r”原则在设计理念的影响下对“以人为本”在“天人合一”的绿色设计的,尊重人们日益增长的需求,还要考虑生态系统的安全。循环经济模式下的工业设计的设计理念,把人与自然和谐共处,共同发展首先,使用和校准理论的系统所有行为的工业设计,从产品设计之初得到优先考虑宏观环境,注重产品的协调运行的各种要素的过程中为了达到系统优化。在这里,环境因素的出发点是全部的设计和终点,经过设计,努力地提高和降低产品的生产、使用、循环工艺,如造成不良影响环境。所以绿色设计的产品是在“天人合一”思想的指导下达到人与自然和谐发展的基本原理,机械系统的人你认为环境,一个综合优化的工业设计的新概念。3.2 The impact of design style3.2设计的影响,风格Simple is an aesthetic pursuit of extremists on the design of easy style, popular in the 20th century, in the United States age 80. If we say that in the industrial economic model, the simple style of product design aesthetic is a subjective pursuit of people, then in the recycling economy mode, the structure of the simplest and most parsimonious of the materials, the most beautiful modeling, the most pristine appearance simplicity of product design, sustainable development concept is a concrete manifestation. “3r” Products doctrine of the meaning of this simple style more in-depth, specific, practical significance.简单的是一种审美追求的极端分子很好搭配的设计,流行在20世纪,在美国80岁时。我们若说在工业的经济模式,简单的产品款式设计美学是主观的追求的人,然后又在循环经济模式,结构的最简单、最吝啬的材料,最美丽的建模、最原始外观简朴的产品设计、可持续发展理念是产品的具体体现。”3r”原则风格简约的意义,具体,更深入的现实意义。First, the premise of ensuring the functionality as far as choice of materials can be recycled, such as biological materials, so less material on refined, appropriate; Second, to promote. Small is beautiful . Less Is More, the lightweight and pleasant form of products. Third, the design features of the object collation, evaluation, definition, must always focus on the merger, to simplify, optimize, and makes the core functions briefly products; Fourth, the product is intended to be simple and clear language; Fifth, the structure of simple, easy to create; Sixth, the choice of degradable material, the structure of easy solutions, such as withholding together.第一次的前提下,保证功能到材料的选择可以回收再用,如生物物质,因此更少的原材料高雅,宜;其次,提升。小是美丽的”。少即是多”,重量轻,愉快的形式的产品。第三,设计特点的物体的整理、评估、定义、必须总是关注合并、简化,优化,使核心职能简要产品;第四,本产品专简单易懂的语言;五、结构简单、容易产生;其六,选择不同的可降解材料、结构简单的解决方案,例如保留在一起。3.3 The impact of design method33 设计的影响的方法The impact of the “3r” principle and under the guidance of the implementation of green design methods are: modular design, removable design, recyclable design, long-life design.“3r”原则的影响的指导下,绿色设计的实施方法有:模块化设计的,可移动的设计,可回收的设计、长寿命设计。Modular design is at a certain range of different functions or different functions the same performance, different specifications of the products on the basis of functional analysis, and design into a series of functional modules, through the selection and combination of modules can constitute different products to designed to meet the different needs of the Ways. The benefits of modular design: First, make products with good performance Recycling demolition, settled design different types of products and waste of resources; Second, it will be able to be easy to use or duplicate the functions of independent recovery, enhance the versatility of the components, once the end-of-life products, they can re-use or recycling; Third, improve the repair of products can extend the life of the product.模块化的设计是在一定的范围内不同的功能或不同功能、不同规格表演同样的产品的泛函分析的基础上,设计成一系列功能模块,通过模块的选择、组合能构成不同的产品来设计来满足不同需求的来。模块化设计的好处:第一,使产品具有良好的性能回收爆破、解决不同类型的产品设计和资源浪费;第二,它可以是易于使用或复制功能的恢复,提高独立成分的多功能性,一旦特重用产品,可以回收;第三,提高产品的维修延长使用寿命的产物。Product design is removable at the design stage, so that parts of the Products has a good performance of the demolition. Conducive to the re-use of components or recycled materials to save not only protect the environment and Materials . The demolition of the design requirements, Product First, connect the various parts and components, as far as possible the use of detachable connection, such as threaded connections, unified type fasteners, reducing the number of fasteners, try not to use welding, riveting, bonding and other non-removable the connection; Second, in the selection and processing of raw materials, the demolition of the connection; to use and reuse of recyclable materials, the types of materials, such as less as possible.产品设计为可移动的在设计阶段,使部分产品,性能优良的破坏。有利于使用的内容组件或再生材料拯救既可保护环境和材料。拆除设计要求,产品第一,连各零部件、尽可能的利用可分离的连接,例如螺纹连接、统一型紧固件,数量的减少紧固件,不要用焊接、铆钉、纽带和其他固定的连接;第二,在选择和加工原料、拆除连接;使用和重用,可回收材料,可在各种材料,尽可能少。Recyclable design refers to product design, to take full account of the various materials Product components the possibility of recycling, recovery treatment, recycling and product recovery of costs related to a series of questions, thus saving materials and reducing waste, minimum of environmental pollution for the purpose of a design method. Long-life design is the design of products based on life in the economic indicators to ensure that products, value and environmental requirements at the same time try to make our products to extend the life to achieve the slow resource consumption of a design method. Specifically include the following: First, improving product reliability and durability; Second, products are easy to repair and maintenance; Third,using standard, modular product structure.可回收的设计是指产品设计,充分考虑产品组件的各种材料的可能性,回收处理回收,恢复循环和产品的成本相关了一系列的问题,从而节约材料和减少废物污染环境、最小为目的的设计方法。长寿命设计产品的设计基于经济指标的生活为确保产品、价值、环保要求同时努力使我们的产品达到延长使用寿命缓慢的资源消耗的设计方法。具体包括以下设备:首先,提高产品的可靠性和耐用性;第二,产品便于维修,维修;第三,使用标准的、模块化的产品结构。3.4 The impact of design material34设计的影响,材料”3r” principle in guidance and norms, product design, material selection should be taken into consideration: First of all, minimize the use of materials. Try using high quality materials to enhance the service life of products; the prohibition of the use of contaminated material against big, look for the corresponding sound material substitution; reuse as much as possible the use of recyclable materials. Secondly, the preferred sound of the ecological environment of the material, after the preferred decomposition of waste and the natural world to absorb the material, preferred low power, low cost, low-polluting materials, preferred easy processing, and processing of non-polluting or less polluting materials, preferred materials recycling. Finally, to reduce the use of the types of materials in order to reduce the cost of Recycling Materials; maintain original material, as far as possible the use of simple materials, the use of alloy materials, to avoid material harm to the environment of the surface treatment; marked parts Products material composition for the materials to facilitate recyclingand so on.在”3r”原则指导和规范、产品设计、材料的选择,应考虑:首先,尽量减少使用的材料。尝试采用优质材料使用寿命的提高产品,禁止使用受污染的材料与大,寻找相应的吸声材料替代,重复使用尽可能多的可回收材料的使用。其次,首选的声音的生态环境的首选材料,经过分解的废气和自然界来吸收资料,优先考虑低功耗、低成本、低污染材料、优先加工容易,及加工无污染或更少的污染材料、优先材料回收。最后,减少使用的各种类型的物质,以降低成本费用的回收材料;保持原资料,尽量使用简单材料外,使用合金材料,避免资料对环境有危害的表面处理;成品件标记材料组成为材料,便于循环利用等等。4 From “3r” to 4R4 4R来自”3r”In the recycling economy mode, the product life cycle from the previous end-of-life for the end product, after the extension to the end-of-life recycling. It should be noted that starting from the waste products for the consideration of a second use for them, so that the product design is no longer a product before, but the other products. Therefore, the design process we will call it re-engineering (Redesign)在循环经济模式,整个产品生命周期的前特后,最终产品延伸到特回收。值得注意的是,从废物的思考,所以第二个念头产品设计不再是一个产品之前,但其他产品。因此,设计过程中,我们会把它叫做“重建重新设计”。4.1 The concept of re-engineering4.1概念的重组The so-called re-engineering, that is, through the product components as well as their overall utilization of the re-design method to save resources. Given the United Kingdom Environmental Design Alliance is defined as: Materials by Product, the structure of a meaningful way to re-use, in order to save resources for the purpose of the premise, to extend the product life cycle, and tap the potential ecological value of the design method. In short, the product re-engineering refers to the product life cycle after the re-use design.所谓的重建,即通过产品元件以及他们的综合设计方法,利用节省资源。给英国环境设计联盟是定义为:“产品,材料的结构,有意义的方式再次使用,为了节省资源的前提下的目的,延长产品生命周期、发掘潜力生态价值的设计方法。”简而言之,产品重


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