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unit6词汇 (每题2分,共20分)阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中勾选一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。We are trying to _ funds for the poor people.选择一项:A. raise B. collect C. pay The girl is keen _ music.选择一项:A. for B. on C. to The girl _ his father.选择一项:A. looked on to B. looked up to C. looked up on The teacher _ for breaking the window.选择一项:A. told off him B. told him out C. told him off What he said _ all the people in the office.选择一项:A. were amusing B. amused C. was amused We are all _ being a Chinese.选择一项:A. proud to B. proud for C. proud of Tom _ Helen four years ago.选择一项:A. married B. married with C. married to The photograph seems quite _.选择一项:A. current B. present C. recent We _ each other for almost three years.选择一项:A. was in love for B. have been in love with C. fell in love with I think music can _ your pain.选择一项:A. reduce B. decrease C. lessen 语法和结构 (每题2分,共20分)阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中勾选一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。She has brought _ two children by herself.选择一项:A. x B. up C. on I dont suppose he will attend the meeting, _?选择一项:A. wont he B. do I C. dont I _fine weather it is!选择一项:A. What B. What a C. How D. How a Next year, I _ plan to go to Italy.选择一项:A. am B. x C. have Im in Greece at the moment. I like the weather _.选择一项:A. here B. there C. that I can do that job _ myself.选择一项:A. by B. on C. with Dont worry. There is _ room for all your books here.选择一项:A. more B. much C. some 反馈正确答案是:muchHe said that he _ already _ the English film.选择一项:A. has; seen B. has; see C. had; seen She has lived here _ three years.选择一项:A. since B. for C. during Those cakes look nice. Can I have_?选择一项:A. one B. it C. x 完形填空 (每题2分, 共20分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将选项字母填入相应空白处。题目21Peter Blake is a successful businessman, but he (1)回答to be very poor. He had nowhere to live and (2) 回答working in a pub when he (3) 回答to start his own business. Peter had always (4) 回答interested in plants and flowers, (5) 回答he decided to set up a company (6) 回答cared for the plants in big offices. At first he worked on his (7) 回答, but soon he took (8) 回答two people to help him. The company has been growing (9) 回答for the last ten years. Peter is now very rich, (10) 回答he complains that now he doesnt work with plants but with a computer every day!1) A. would B. use C. used2) A. did B. was C. has been3) A. had decided B. decided C. was deciding4) A. was B. been C. being5) A. so B. but C. although6) A. who B. which C. whose7) A. own B. self C. himself8) A. up B. over C. on9) A.- B. up C. over10) A. thereforeB. moreover C. but反馈答案: 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. C阅读理解(每题2分, 共20分)阅读下列短文并完成后面的阅读练习。从每题的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并并将选项字母填入相应空白处。题目22When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didnt use to work during the week, but she worked in the post office near our house on Saturdays, and she used to bring home all the new stamps as soon as they were issued.On the day of the World Cup football final in London in 1966, we were very excited because England were playing West Germany in the final. When we were having lunch, my mother told us to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didnt tell us why. At 2 oclock my mother went back to work as usual, while the rest of the family were watching the football on TV at home. Although she wasnt watching the match, she was listening to it on the radio. England won 4:2 and so my brothers and I ran to the post office. As we burst in, my mother was standing behind the counter. She was waiting to sell us a very special limited edition with ENGLAND WINNERS on each stamp. We were over the moon.We still have it today,and perhaps it is worth a lot of money.1This passage mainly tells us _.Athe author and her brother used to like stamps very muchBthe author had a very kind motherCthe author and her brother had got an unforgettable experience in collecting stamps2According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office _.Aduring the weekBon SaturdaysCon Sundays3Their mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didnt tell them why. Do you think why she did that? AShe wanted to give them a surprise.BShe doubted if she would get the stamps.CShe thought it unnecessary to tell them the reason.4What does the sentence “We were over the moon.” mean?AWe jumped high. BWe were extremely happy about it.CWe watched the moon for a long time.5What is the best title for this passage?AMy ChildhoodBA Precious StampCA Memorable Experience in Collecting Stamps提示:请将正确答案的序号(大写字母ABC)填写在空白处,系统自动判分您的答案是:1.回答 2.回答 3.回答 4.回答 5.回答题目23A survey has shown that people have stopped believing both the media and politicians. A similar survey carried out 5 years ago showed that 50% of people thought that what politicians said was usually not true, and that 35% of people thought that what they saw on the television or read in newspapers was not true. Now both those figures have increased sharply, to 80% of people not believing politicians and 70% not believing the television or newspapers. Experts think that these figures are not going to come down in the near future. Stories about politicians and journalists taking money from businessmen have caused the public to stop trusting them. Also politicians keep making promises that they do not keep. Mr Smith of York said, When the politicians make new laws, they only help their friends, not people like me. Mrs Marley of Leeds said, The newspapers and television are not interested in what is true; they are only interested in money for advertising.It has got worse recently as more people can get news from the Internet and learn if the journalists and politicians are telling the truth or not. What can our politicians and journalists do? The only answer is to be more honest.1The number of people believing politicians and journalists has _.AincreasedBnot changedCdecreased2Experts think this problem _.Awill get better soonBwill not get better soonCwill get worse soon3Stories say businessmen give money to _.ApoliticiansBpoliticians and journalistsCjournalists4Mr Smith thinks politicians make laws _.Ato help their friendsBto help himCto help everybody5People can now check stories using _.Athe newspapersBthe televisionCthe Internet提示:请将正确答案的序号(大写字母ABC)填写在空白处,系统自动判分您的答案是:1.回答 2.回答 3.回答 4.回答 5.回答Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage. You should write at least 80 words and could base your writing by using the hints given below.利用所给提示,完成一篇不少于80字的短文写作。题目24利用所给提示写一篇短文,介绍你自己。提示:you can say something like where you are from, what you do for a living(typically what your job is).,where you live and work, what your hobbies are, what kinds of entertainment, movies, sports, or books you are interested in, etc.Here is a list of expressions you may use when you are making a self-introduction:Giving your nameMy name is. It means.Call me.Everyone calls me.Where are you from.I live in.I am from.I was born in.and lived in.until I moved to.when I was.My hometown is.Where you work/study.I am a long distance learner at.I am majoring in.My major is.I work for a company called.I am in business as a trader.My primary job is.Introducing your familyI am married and have two children.My family members are.I have one older brother and two younger sisters.Talking about hobbies/things you likeI started playing piano when i was in the third grade.My hobby is listening to rock music.What do you do in your spare time?We have been very involved in.My favorite kind of computer games are action games, such as.作文题目:Talking About MyselfTalking about myself Nice to meet you.Now let me tell you something about myself.Iam a student.My name is LiJinSweet.I am fifteen .My birthday is on the 2nd of August.I like to run and play basketball.My favourite food is ice-cream.I hope I wil be an engineer.I live in ZhongShan city.There are many tall building in the city.you can see trees and flowers everywhere.My family lives in YongBian Street.Our house is near the school.I go to YongBian Primary school.My school likes a beautiful garden.There is a small library in our school.There are a lot of books in the library.We can borrow books there.We can keep the books for two weeks.We can study there too.We like our library very much.Iam in Class Two,Grade Six.There are thirty student in our class.They are so friendly and kindly.I like them very much.From Minday to Friday.I must go to school.Iget up at six thirty every morning.Then I make my bed and wash my face.I have breakfast at seven oclock.I have congee and bread for breakfast.At seven thirty.I go to school.I have four classes in the morning.At twelve oclock.We have lunch at home.I like chicken and egg.In the afternoon.we go home at five oclock.I do my homework after school.My father is a worker,He works in a factory.He is a good worker and a good cook.My mother is a farmer,She works very hard.I love them very much.When I grow up.I want to be an engineer.I will build a house for my parents.We will live together.I wil build a garden near the house.I will grow flowers and trees in the garden.I will build a lake next to the garden.I will buy some fish in the lake.I will build a bridge abovt the lake.We will walk in the bridge.I will buy a car.I will take my parents to many places.Thank you!


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