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2013-2014学年第二学期期末考试三年级英语期末考试姓名:_学校:_考场:_考号:_ 座号:_分数:_一、 我会写(每个单词按照正确的占格写5遍)。(10分) open jump water snake school_ _二、 选出不同类的项。(10分)( )1.A.food B. bread C. noodles( ) 2. A. jump B. read C. black( ) 3.A.number B. park C. school( ) 4. A. horse B.cow C. watermelon( ) 5. A. pet B. duck C. rabbit三、 为下列短语选择合适的意思。(20分)( )1.sit down A.给你( )2.at school B.一片( )3.a piece of C.坐下( )4.Here you are D.看( )5.look at E.在学校( )6.watch TV F.一袋( )7.go to the zoo G.请安静( )8.in the park H.看电视( )9.Please be quiet! I.在公园( )10.a bag of j.去动物园四、 补全下列单词。(10)( )1. w_ n d _ w (窗户) A. o, o B. i, o C. i, a( )2. g r _ _t (好极了)A. oa B. ea C. ar( ) 3.r_ce (米饭)A. i B. o C. a( )4.w_ter (水) A. o B. e C. a( )5.s_ _ (看,看见) Ae a B.ee C.ae五、根据具体情景,选择合适的答案。(20分) 1.大家一起吃午餐,有米饭和面条,你问朋友喜欢那个?你会问:_ A. Do you like rice? B. Do you like noodles? C . Do you like rice or noodles? 2你找不到黑色蜡笔了,你问同桌:_ A. Pass me the red crayon , please. B. Where is the red crayon? C. Where is the black crayon?3.电话通了,你想找莉莉听电话,你会说:_A. Is that Lily? B. May I speak to Lily?C. Where is Lily?4.你其中一位同学也有鱼,你问他有多少鱼,你会说:_A. How many fish are there? B. What colour are you fish?C. How many ducks are there?5.周日,爸爸想带你去公园,他会说:_A. Lets go to the zoo. B. Lets go to the park. C. I want to go to the park.六、为下列句子选择合适的答语。(20分) ( )1. Do you like reading? ( ) 2.Whats your favourite animal? ( ) 3.What colour is it? ( ) 4. Pass me the milk, please. ( ) 5.What does she like to do?A. Here you are.B. Its blueC. Yes, I doD. She likes to sleep.E. My favourite animal is horse.七、翻译下列句子。(10分) 1. Good to see you , too!_2Lets go to the park.3. Pass me the milk, please.4. Whats your favourite food._5. Do you like eggs?


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