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Borrower Letter Head借方信头Master Securities Lending & Borrowing Agreement主要证券借贷协议Transaction Code交易代码:Borrowers Code借方代码:Lenders Code贷方代码:This Agreement is issued in respect of the statutory of ISO 15022, Transaction Code: . on ., 2014Between, a company incorporated under the laws of . acting through its Designated office at .(Hereinafter referred to as Lender) And. a company incorporated under the laws of .acting through its Designated Office at .(Hereinafter referred to as Borrower).,根据法律成立的公司,办事处位于.(以下简称“贷方”)和.,根据法律成立的公司,办事处位于.(以下简称“借方”)于2014年.月.日根据ISO15022法规签订本协议,交易代码:.。1.Loan of Securities证券借贷1.1.The Lender will lend Securities to Borrower, and Borrower will borrow Securities from Lender in accordance with terms and conditions of this Agreement. 按照本协议条款,贷方将证券借给借方,借方向贷方借用证券。1.2.The Lender provides to the Borrower the opportunity to receive and use the Bank Instrument in the form of a Bank Guarantee/ Standby Letter Of Credit (hereinafter the BG/SBLC), in accordance with the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits UCP of the International Chamber of Commerce Paris following the terms of “Application To Lease Bank Instrument” submitted from Borrower to Lender, under the conditions that are stated below. 在下列条件下,根据国际商会跟单信用证统一惯例关于“银行票据租赁应用”的规定,贷方以银行保函/备用信用证(以下简称“BG/SBLC”)的形式向借方提供接收和使用银行票据的机会。1.3.The specific purpose of the use of the said Bank Instrument is the purpose of Credit Enhancement, to help the businesses of the Borrower. 使用上述银行票据的目的是提高信用,推动借方业务发展,。2.Details of Security证券详情2.1.The Borrower orders the Bank Instrument by signing this Lending and borrowing agreement, in the form of tradable Certificate of Debt with the following details and description: 借方通过签订借贷协议以可交易债务证明的形式使用银行票据,具体如下:2.2.Type of Instrument: Bank Guarantee/ Standby Letter Of Credit 票据类型: 银行保函/备用信用证2.3Contract Amount合同金额:2.4.First Tranche第一笔:2.5.Issuing Bank Name开证行: 2.6 Issuing Bank Address开证行地址:2.7.Lease Charge租赁费用: 2.9Commission佣金: Procedure程序(I)Borrower/Lender shall sign this Master Securities Lending Agreement, which shall become a formal and enforceable agreement between both Parties. 借方/贷方签订本主要证券借贷协议,该协议是双方之间正式的可执行的协议。(II) Within 5 (Five) Banking Days, the Lenders Bank shall send its confirmation that it is Ready Willing Able to issue the SBLC via SWIFT MT 799 to the Borrowers Bank.五(5)个银行工作日内,贷方的银行发出确认函,确认有意愿有能力通过SWIFT MT 799向借方银行开立备用信用证。(III) Within 5 (Five) Banking Days, Borrower shall open an Irrevocable CORPORATE Payment Order (ICPO) endorsed by the Borrowers Bank and notarized in favour of Lender. 五(5)个银行工作日内,借方开出借方银行背书以贷方为受益人的不可撤销的公司付款通知。(IV)Within 5 (Five) Banking Days of receiving the ICPO from Borrower, Lender shall cause SBLC Issuing Bank to transmit Operative SBLC via SWIFT MT760 to Borrowers Bank. 收到借方的不可撤销公司付款通知后五(5)个银行工作日内,贷方让备用信用证开证行通过SWIFT MT760向借方银行传送有效的备用信用证。(IV) Within 5 (Five) Banking Days upon receipt of SBLC by Operative SWIFT MT760, Borrowers Bank shall verify SBLC and effect payment by Unconditional SWIFT MT103. 通过有效的SWIFT MT760收到备用信用证后五(5)个银行工作日内,借方银行应验证备用信用证,并通过无条件的SWIFT MT103支付款项。(V) Within 5(Five) Banking Days upon receipt of Payment, the Lenders Bank shall send Original Bank Guarantee/ Standby Letter Of Credit by Bank Courier to the Borrowers Bank.收款后(5)个银行工作日内,贷方银行应将银行保函/备用信用证原件送交借方银行。3.Rates Applicable to Loan Securities证券借贷利率3.1.Borrower shall pay to the Lender, the agreed service fee of xx % of the face amount of the instrument for a period of one year and one day. 借方应向贷方支付票据面额xx %的服务费,期限为一年零一天。4.Ownership of the Bank Instrument银行票据所有权4.1.Except as specifically set forth in a future writing signed by LENDER, the Bank Instrument is and at all times shall remain personal property owned by LENDER and not by BORROWER or any other person or entity. 除非将来贷方书面指出,否则银行票据始终是贷方的个人财产,并不为借方或任何其它个人或实体所有。4.2.Neither the Bank Instrument nor any item of the Bank Instrument is or shall become encumbered, mortgaged or pledged or put at any kind of financial risk without the authorization of the LENDER. 未经贷方授权,不得抵押,按揭或质押银行票据或银行票据中的任何条目或让其面临任何金融风险。4.3.Neither any Bank nor any person or entity claiming on behalf of, or through Bank shall have, or claim, any right, title or interest in any of the Bank Instrument. 代表银行或通过银行索赔的任何银行、个人或实体不得对银行票据拥有或要求任何权利、所有权或权益。5.Borrowers Right to Terminate the Agreement:借方终止协议的权利Borrower may terminate this Agreement at any time, by sending a written notice to Lender. Borrower shall return the Bank Instrument immediately upon such termination of the Agreement.借方书面通知贷方后可以随时终止本协议。终止本协议后,借方应立即归还银行票据。6.Borrowers Obligation to Re-Delivery:借方归还的义务The Borrower must return the Bank Instrument unencumbered to the Lender 15 days before his maturity date. If Borrower fails to return the Bank Instrument 15 days before maturity in accordance with this Agreement, Borrower is liable for any damages caused thereby and this Agreement will be null and void. The Borrower will have the possibility to extend the leasing period for another 2 -5 years as may be agreed.借方必须在到期日前15天向贷方归还未被抵押的银行票据。如果借方未根据本协议在到期日前15天归还银行票据,借方有义务承担由此造成的损失,并且该协议将无效。经过协商,借方可以将租赁期限延长2-5年。7.Assignment of the Agreement协议转让:This Agreement may not be assigned to any third party without prior written consent from the Lender.未经贷方书面同意,不得将本协议转让给任何第三方。8.Lenders Warranties贷方担保:8.1.Lender grants Borrower an exclusive license to use the Bank Instrument. The License is transferable to other third parties only after authorization of the Lender.贷方授予借方使用票据的专用许可证。许可证未经贷方批准不得转让给第三方。9.Borrowers Warranties借方担保:9.1.Borrower is obligated to observe due care when using the Bank Instrument and shall ensure that the amount of the Bank Instrument is covered by reasonable asset or insurance. 借方有义务在使用银行票据期间善尽职责,并确保有合理资产或保险为银行票据提供担保。9.2.Borrower also grants that he has the capability in funds or credit facility, to pay the lending/borrowing fees at the moment of signature of this Agreement and within the moment of the successful conclusion of this transaction. 借方还应保证在签订本协议以及成功达成交易期间有充足的资金或贷款额度支付借贷费用。9.3. Borrower presents and warrants that no provision of this Agreement is in violation of or contradicts any Agreement or contract between Borrower and his Designated Bank.借方声明并保证,协议中的条款并不违反借方与指定银行签订的协议,或两者的规定并无矛盾之处。Borrowers Banking Coordinates for Receiving SBLC借方接收备用信用证的银行信息Bank Name银行名称: Bank Address银行地址:Swift Code 银行代码:Bank Officer银行职员:Bank Phone银行电话:Account Name账户名称:Account Number账号:Borrowers Banking Coordinates for Issuing ICPO借方发出付款通知(ICPO)的银行信息Bank Name银行名称: Bank Address银行地址:Swift Code 银行代码:Bank Officer银行职员:Bank Phone银行电话:Account Name账户名称:Account Number账号:Lenders Banking Coordinates for Receiving ICPOBank Name银行名称: Bank Address银行地址:Swift Code 银行代码:Bank Officer银行职员:Bank Phone银行电话:Account Name账户名称:Account Number账号:Sort Code分类代码:* Above bank can be changed depend on Lenders choice on final contract. 以上银行可根据贷方的最终合同而改变。10.Modification to Legislation法规修改:Any reference in this Agreement to an act, regulation or other legislation shall include a reference to any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force. 本协议中涉及的法案、规章或其他法律包含其已经生效的修订条款或重新制定的新法。11.Event of Default违约事项:Non observance of one or more of the above mentioned articles will render this Agreement null and void.不遵守以上规定条款的行为将会导致本协议失效。11.1.BG/ SBLC shall be issued and received within a maximum of 10 days.最多10天内签发和收到银行保函/备用信用证。12.Severance条款剥离:In any provision of this Agreement is declared by any judicial or other competent authority to be void or otherwise non enforceable, that provision shall be severed from the Agreement and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.如果本协议中任何一条款被司法机构或主管机关认为无效或不具备执行效力,那么此条款应从协议中剥离,而协议的其它条款仍然具有全部效力。13.Notices通知:Any notice or other communication in respect of this Agreement may be given in any manner set forth below:与协议有关的通知或其他信息可以通过以下任一一种形式递送:13.1. if in writing and delivered by courier, on the date it is delivered; 如果通过快递递送书面信息,投递日即为生效日;13.2.if sent by telex or by telegram, on the date the recipients answer back is received; 如果通过电报形式发送,生效日从收到收信人回复时起;13.3.if sent by certified or registered mail (airmail, if overseas) or the equivalent (return receipt requested), on the date that mail is delivered or its delivery is attempted; 如果通过挂号信方式(海外需邮寄航空信件),或同等方式(有邮件回执)递送,生效日从投递日或尝试投递日起;13.4.if sent by electronically messaging system, on the date that electronic message is received. 如果通过电子信息系统发送,接收信息日为生效日。14.Governing Law and Jurisdiction适用法律和司法管辖:This Agreement is governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, English law. The Courts of England and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide any suit, action or proceedings, and to settle any disputes, which may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement, and, for those purposes, each party irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the court of England and Wales.本协议受英国法律管辖,根据英国法条文进行解释。对于任一案件、行为、或诉讼程序,英格兰和威尔士法院具有专属管辖权。英格兰和威尔士法院有权调解由协议导致的或与协议有关的任何争议。处于解决问题的目的,协议任何一方不得撤回向英格兰和威尔士法院提出的争议。15.Time时间:Time shall be of the essence of the Agreement.时间是本协议中极为重要的因素。16.Communication and Recording沟通和录音:All communications are to be made by the appointed and designated mandate from both borrower and lender. Without written consent from appointed and designated mandates, any direct communication between borrower and Lender is strictly prohibited.The Parties agree that each may record all telephone conversation between them. 所有沟通通过借方和贷方的授权代表进行。未经授权代表书面同意,借方和贷方之间禁止直接通信。 双方同意将彼此间全部电话交流进行录音。17.Miscellaneous其它事项:17.1.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all oral communication and prior writings with respect thereto. 本协议包含了有关协议主旨的全部协议内容和谅解,取代了之前所做的口头交流和相关书面文件。17.2.No amendment in respect of this Agreement will be effective unless in writing and executed by each of the Parties or confirmed by an exchange of telexes or electronic messages on an electronic messaging system. 对协议内容所做的任何修改必须为书面形式,由协议双方共同执行或经电报或电子信息系统确认,否则不发生效力。17.3.Except as provided on this Agreement, the rights, powers, remedies and privileges provided in this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights, powers, remedies and privileges provided by law. 除非协议另有规定,本协议所赋予双方的权利、权力、补偿以及特权与相关法律所规定的权利、权力、补偿以及特权不发生矛盾,可以累加。17.4.A person who is not a party to this Agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any terms of this Agreement. 非协议相关方的第三人无权根据1999年合同(第三人权利)法案要求执行本协议条款。17.5.The referenced Instrument is to be no callable prior to maturity and unconditionally guaranteed by the Issuing Bank. 所指票据,由开证行无条件地担保,到期前,不能支取。Read, approved and underwritten in all pages on the day of February, 2014双方于2014年2月已经阅读,认可并签署了全部文件。For and On Behalf of 代表 (Lender) (贷方) _Signatory Name签字人姓名:Title职称:Passport No护照号.:Countryof Issue签发国:Date of Issue签发日期:Expiry Date到期日期:For and On Behalf of代表 (Borrower) (借方)Signatory Name签字人姓名:Title职称:Passport No护照号.:Countryof Issue签发国:Date of Issue签发日期:Expiry Date到期日:SWIFT MT-760 FORMAT & TEXTSWIFT MT-760格式和内容FINAL VERBIAGE 最终版FORM OF ICC ISP 98 BANK GUARANTEE SAMPLE TEXTICC ISP银行保函样本格式ISSUE DATE签发日期: MATURITY DATE到期日期: ACCOUNT NO.账号: BENEFICIARY NAME受益人: IN BENEFIT OF代表: ACCOUNT NUMBER账号: BANK GUARANTEE NO银行保函编号:FOR VALUE RECEIVED, WE, THE UNDERSIGNED BANK NAME AND BANK ADDRESS, HEREBY IRREVOCABLE AND UNCONDITIONALLY WITHOUT PROTEST OR NOTIFICATION PROMISE TO PAY AGAINST THIS BANK GUARANTEE ON FIRST DEMAND TO THE ORDER OF THE BENEFICIARY IN THE LAWFUL CURRENCY OF THE UNITED STATES DOLLAR (USD 00,000,000.00 ONLY). 据已收金额,我行(银行名称和地址)特此不可撤销地,无条件地承诺应受益人第一次要求在无异议或不通知的情况下根据银行保函支付美利坚合众国的法定货币 (00,000,000.00美元整)。THIS BANK GUARANTEE IS PAYABLE AGAINST YOUR AUTHENTICATED SWIFT CERTIFYING THAT (BENEFICIARY NAME) HAS FAILED TO PAY YOU IN DUE COURSE WHETHER FOR PRINCPLE, INTEREST OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE CREDIT FACILITY APROVIDED.此银行保函凭经认证的SWIFT电文即可支付,证明(受益人姓名)无论本金、利息还是其它出现信用透支未能及时向你方付款。SUCH PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT SET OFF, FREE AND CLEAR OF ANY DEDUCTION OR CHARGES, FEES OR WITHHOLDINGS OF ANY NATURE.此类付款无任何形式的抵偿、扣除或收费、费用或扣缴。AMOUNT PAYABLE TO YOU UNDER THE BANK GUARANTEE SHALL BE PAID BY US WITHIN 5 WORKING DAYS AFTER OUR RECEIPT OF YOUR AUTHENTICATED SWIFT AS MENTIONED ABOVE.我行收到上述认证的SWIFT电文后五个工作日内向你方支付银行保函规定的应付款项。THE CLAIM ON THIS BANK GUARANTEE SHALL BE MADE BY YOU TO US AND SUBMITTED AT LEAST 14 (FOURTEEN) CALENDAR DAYS AFTER EXPIRY DATE OF THIS BANK GUARANTEE.有关此银行保函的索赔应由你方向我行提出,并在本银行保函到期后至少14(十四)个日历天向我行提交。WE UNDERTAKE TO HONOR YOUR AUTHENTICATED SWIFT DRAWINGS WHICH IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.我行承诺兑现符合上述条款的认证SWIFT电文。ALL CHARGES ARE FOR THE ACCOUNT OF THE BENEFICIARY. THIS BANK GUARANTEE WILL EXPIRE ON XXXXXXXXXXXX WITH ROLLOVER AND EXTENSIONS OF 3 YEARS.所有收费由受益人承担。本银行保函将于XXXXXXXXXXXX 终止,可以续期和延期3年。THIS BANK GUARANTEE IS SUBJECT TO THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD PRACTICES OF THE INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (PUBLICATION NO. ISP 98) AND ANY DISPUTE ARISING THERE FROM SHALL BE SETTLED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE ICC INTERNATIONAL COURT OF ARBITRATION (PARIS, FRANCE).本银行保函受国际商会国际标准管理(ISP 98版)管辖,由此产生的任何纠纷只由国际商会国际仲裁院解决(法国巴黎)。BANK OFFICER银行职员BANK OFFICER银行职员Client information data客户信息数据Date: 2014日期: 2014Client Name客户名称:Position职位:Country of Residence居住国:Passport Number护照号:Issue/Expiry Dates签发/到期日期:City/State/Zip/Country城市/州/邮编/国家:Business Name公司名称:Registered Office注册地址:Tel/Fax电话/传真:E-mail 电子邮箱: BANKING INFORMATION银行信息Bank Name银行名称:Bank Address银行地址:Account Name账户名称:Account 账号:Bank Officer银行职员:Phone电话:SWIFT Code银行代码: Beneficial Ownership of the Capital资金的实际所有权:Is the Capital Owned Free & Clear?资金是否无任何负担 :Yes/No 是/否We affirm under penalty of perjury that all information provided is true and that all beneficial owners of the entry capital have been disclosed. 我行证明上述信息真实无误并且已经披露所收资金的所有受益所有人,如有不实甘受伪证罪之罚。 For and On Behalf of代表 Signatory Name签字人姓名:Title职位:Passport No.护照号:Country of Issue签发国家:Date of Issue签发日期:Expiry Date到期日期:RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS董事会决议A quorum of directors of . (Hereinafter called the Company) with its address: attended in person or by telephone/video conference a Board of Directors meeting which was duly noticed and held on . 2014. A detailed discussion regarding various issues and aspects of this transaction was held to the full satisfaction of the Board members and the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:-(以下简称“公司”),位于: 达到法定人数的董事亲自或以电话/视频会议的方式出席了定于2014年月.日召开的董事会会议。董事会成员对该交易所涉及的各项议题进行了详细讨论并一致达成下列决议:RESOLUTION: It is resolved that Mr/Ms/Mrs . holder of . Passport No as Companys Office in and authorized Representative/Signatory of the company, to enter into this transaction involving the assignment of Bank Debentures and other Bank Instruments.决议:决议持有号护照的.先生/女士/太太,作为公司代表和授权签字人达成有关银行债券和其它银行票据转让的交易。RESOLUTION: It is resolved that Mr. , President/ Director and authorized Signatory of the company, to arrange the leasing of Bank Instruments, in the amount of EURO Million (,000,000.00).决议:决议公司董事长/董事和公司的授权签字人.先生安排银行票据租赁事宜,金额为.百万欧元(,000,000.00)。RESOLUTION: It is resolved that Mr . President/Director and authorized Signatory of . be assigned full authority to instruct, arrange, monitor, execute, manage and sign all paperwork, agreements, contracts and all documentation as may be necessary with third parties, pertinent to this transactions involving the leasing of Bank Instruments.决议:决议授权.的董事长/董事和授权签字人.先生在与有关银行票据租赁交易的事务中,全权指示,安排,监控,履行,管理和签订所有文件、协议、合同和有必要与第三方签订的所有文件。RESOLUTION: It is further resolved at this meeting of the Board of Directors that Mr . President/ Director is hereby authorized to pay/distribute on behalf of and all transaction related fees and entitlements to any banks, trading entities, program managers, facilitators, lawyers and other involved persons and companies of his choice, as he may deem appropriate and at his absolute discretion, on behalf of .决议:董事会还决议授权董事长/董事.先生,代表,以他的绝对自行判断力, 只要他认为适当,便可代表向有关银行、贸易机构、项目经理、服务商、律师及其他有关人员及单位支付/分配与交易有关的所有费用和权利。RESOLUTION: That Mr . President/ Director of the company, is hereby authorized to certify that the foregoing resolutions and provisions thereof are in conformity with the charter, bylaws and articles of incorporation of the company, and that the foregoing resolution and the authority thereby conveyed shall remain in full force and effect until the purposes set forth herein are accomplished.决议:授权公司董事长/董事.先生,证明前述决议及规定符合本公司的许可证、附则及章程以及前述决议及权限的有效期至所述目标达到时为止。It is further certified that the foregoing resolutions have never been modified or amended and are now in full force and effect. The above named representative of the company has been duly elected and appointed to hold office, the representative is presently holding office, and is empowered to act for and on behalf of the company. This fax or email copy of the Board Resolution shall be of equal value and effect to the original, and shall be accepted as such by everyone, for all purposes, everywhere.还进一步证明前述决议从来没有被修改或修订,现在仍然有效。上述指定的公司代表已正式当选和任命到职。授权代表公司进行工作。此传真件或电子邮件的董事会决议,对收到它的人,在任何地方,都和原件一样有效。The above motions and resolutions were duly made, seconded and unanimously passed and carried out at the completion of this meeting.上述动议及决议系在本次会议结束时制订、赞成、一致通过并执行的。In witness whereof, I have hereunto set our hand and seal of the company in our own free will and act, in certification of the above resolutions and provisions on this ., 2014.本人于2014年.月日在此签名并加盖公司印章,以资证明。For and On Behalf of 代表Signatory Name签字人姓名:Title职务:Passport No.护照号:Date of Issue签发日期:Expiry Date到期日期:Mutual Non-Circumvention & Non-Disclosure Agreement不规避不泄密协议We, the undersigned acting with full corporate authority and responsibility, do hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agree to the following:我方,以下签字人赋有全部公司权限和责任,特此无条件地,不可撤销地同意以下内容:In accordance with the agreements made and consideration of your introductions and efforts with respect to assisting in arrangements for business transactions, including but not limited to purchases, sales, financing, investments, or loans, directly or indirectly, it is agreed that we will not at any time hereafter attempt in any way to circumvent you, by making or attempting to make direct or indirect contact with your sources or through them to their principals, without your prior written permission.根据所签订的协议和虑及您在交易中所给予的引荐和所做出的努力,包括但不限于直接或间接采购


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