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三年级下册英语期末质量检测 2013.6班级 _ 姓名 _ 得分 _一、 听力部分。 40(ACD部分各小题1分,B小题2分一题)A. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。10%( )1.A. robotB. rubberC. ruler( )2.A. birdB. bookC. ball( )3.A. cakeB. crayonC. come ( )4.A. drinkB. deskC. door( )5.A. sit downB. stand upC. listen to( )6.A. on the treeB. in the lunch boxC. under the chair( )7.A. what timeB. wake upC. hurry up( )8.A. this duckB. these ducksC. those ducks( )9.A. his nameB. her nameC. my name( )10.A. babyB. boyC. bird B. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子,将序号填在题前括号内。12%( )1.A. Is he his father?B. He is his father.( )2.A. Whos that little boy?B. Wheres that little boy?( )3.A. His cat and mouse are smallB. His clock and robot are magic.( )4.A. This is my cousin.B. Is this your cousin?( )5.A. Sit down.B. stand up( )6.A. Hes my uncle.B. Shes my aunt. C. 听录音,选择正确的应答,将序号填在题前括号内。6%( ) 1.A. Its an appleB. Theyre apples.C. This is an apple.( ) 2.A. Hes my cousinB. Shes my motherC. Hes my father.( ) 3.A. Yes it is.B. Yes, they are.C. Yes, she is.( ) 4.A. Thank you.B. All rightC. Here you are.( ) 5.A. Its time for bedB. Good night.C. Goodbye.( ) 6.A. Yes, please.B.Yes, it is.C. Here it is.D. 听录音,找到正确的译文,将其编号写在题前括号内。6%( ) 打开你们的书。( ) 鸟在哪?在树上。( ) 图书馆里不能跑。( ) 那是我的午餐盒( ) 在树底下的那些是什么?( )我们是双胞胎。E听录音,完成下列句子 (每格填一词)。6%1A: _ this your _? B: No. it isnt.2A: _ my book? B: Its under the _. 3A:_ that _? Shes my friend. 笔试部分60%二、 语音判断,对的打,错的打X(5%)1. stand bed ( ) 2.get what ( )3. run red ( ) 4. mum no ( ) 5. sorry sleep ( ) 三、 英汉互译(10%)1. 打开书_ 2.吃一个鸡蛋_3.在桌子上_ 4.那个男孩_5.在农场上_ 6. 这些鸟_7. Dont drink her milk_ 8. eleven oclock_9.make a wish_ 10.look at my pictures_四、选择正确的答案,将序号填入括号内。10%( ) 1. 1. -Look _ the blackboard , Mike. - Yes , Miss Li.A. onB. atC.in( ) 2. -What are those? -_ apples.A. Its B. TheyreC. Are they( ) 3.-Please close the door. -_. A. Thank you.B. Im sorry.C. Yes, Mr Green.( ) 4.-The rubber is for you, Mike. -_. A. Thank you. B. Goodbye.C. All right.( ) 5. -_ those your crayons? -No, A. Is, it is.B. Is, it isnt.C. Are, they arent.( ) 4. -Good morning, class. - _A. Good morning, Yangling.B. Good morning, Miss Li.C. Good morning, Helen.( ) 7. Id like to _ some juice.A. sleepB. drinkC. eat( ) 8.Thats _ apple.A. aB. anC. /( ) 9. -Would you like a toy dog? -_A. Yes, please.B. No, its a toy catC. No, Id like a toy dog.( ) 10. -_. -My name is Helen.A. How are you?B. Whats your name?C. Where are you?五、句子匹配(10%)( )1.Please dont sleep in class. A. Its on the chair.( )2.Where is my schoolbag? B. Im sorry.( )3.Is that your pencil? C. No, it isnt.( )4.Open the door, please. D. Its a pen.( )5.Whats this? E. Yes, Mr Green.( )6. How old are you? F. Im twelve.( )7. What time is it? G. Its eleven oclock.( )8.Welcome to my farm H. Thank you.( )9. Are those eggs? I. Yes, they are.( )10. Whos that man? J. Hes my father. 六、完成对话(10%)A:根据图片完成对话(5%)A:_ at the tree. What _those? B: They are_.A: Would you _ an apple?B:_, thank you. B:根据上下文完成对话(5%)A: Look , this is my family photo.B: _nice._ is this _? A: _ my father.B: _ she your mother? A: Yes, _ is. 七、将下列各组句子重新排列,使之成为完整的对话,将序号写在方框中。5%A. Its six oclock. C. What would you like for breakfast? D. Its time for breakfast. E. What time is it now? B. Milk eggs and hot dogs 八、阅读理解(10%)(阅读短文,判断正误) 对的打,错的打XHello. Welcome to my Grandpas farm. Im Tom. Im ten. Lets visit(参观) the farm together.(一起)Look, these are apple trees and oranges trees. Can you see the apples and oranges? Theyre red and green. They are great. Those are pigs and cows. Can you see the chickens and ducks over there(在那边)?Theyre under the trees. Lets go and have a look.( )1.Tom is on the farm.( )2.They can see apple trees and orange trees.( )3. The apples and oranges are blue and green.( )4.Some pigs and cows are on the farm.( )5. The chickens and ducks are in the tree.三年级英语听力内容A. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。( B )1.B. rubber( C )2.C. ball( B )3.B. crayon( A )4.A. drink( C )5.C. listen to( C )6.C. under the chair( C )7.C. hurry up( B )8.B. these ducks( B )9.B. her name( A )10.A. baby B. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子,将序号填在题前括号内。12%( A )1.A. Is he his father?( B )2.B. Wheres that little boy?( A )3.A. His cat and mouse are small( A )4.A. This is my cousin.( B )5.B. stand up( B )6.B. Shes my aunt. C. 听录音,选择正确的应答,将序号填在题前括号内。6%( B ) 1What are those?( B ) 2.Who is that woman?( A ) 3.Is it your clock?( B ) 4.Close the window.( A ) 5.Its nine oclock in the evening.( C ) 6.Where is the ruler?D. 听录音,找到正确的译文,将其编号写在题前括号内。6%( )1.Were twins( ) 2.Thats my lunch box.( ) 3.What are those under the tree?( ) 4.Open your books.( ) 5.Dont run in the library.( )6.Wheres the bird? Its in the tree.E听录音,完成下列句子 (每格填一词)。6%1A: Is this your pear ? B: No. it isnt.2A: Wheres my book? B: Its under the chair. 3A: Whos that girl? B: Shes my friend.


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