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?星球大战前传I魅影危机?StarWarsEpisode1star wars : episode 1 : the phantom menacea long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.a vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the main title,followed by a roll up, which crawls up into infinity.episode 1 the phantom menaceturmoil has engulfed the galactic republic. the taxation oftrade routes to outlaying star systems is in dispute. hopingto resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships,the greedy trade federation has stopped all shipping to thesmall planet of naboo.while the congress of the republic endlessly debates thisalarming chain of events, the supreme chancellor has secretlydispatched two jedi knights, the guardians of peace andjustice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict.pan down to reveal a small space cruiser heading toward cameraat great speed. pan with the cruiser as it heads towardthebeautiful green planet of naboo, which is surrounded byhundreds of trade federation battleships.int. republic cruiser - cockpitin the cockpit of the cruise, the captain and pilot maneuvercloser to one of the battleships.qui-gon (o.s.)captain.the captain turns to an unseen figure sitting behind her.captainyes, sir?qui-gon (o.s.)tell them we wish to board at once.captainyes, sir.the captain looks to her view screen, where nute gunray, aneimoidian trade viceroy, waits for a reply.captainwith all due respect for the tradefederation, the ambassadors for thesupreme chancellor wish to boardimmediately.nuteyes, yes, of coarse.ahhh.as youknow, our blockade is perfectly legal,and wed be happy to recieve theambassador.happy to.the screen goes black. out the cockpit window, the sinisterbattleship looms ever closer.ext. federation battleship - docking bay - space (fx)the small space cruiser docks in the enormous main bay ofthe federation battleship.int. federation battleship - docking bay - spacea protocol droid, tc-14, waits at the door to the dockingbay. two worker droids, pk-4 and eg-9 watch.pk-4they must be important if the viceroysent one of those useless protocolgearheads to greet them.the door opens, and the republic cruiser can be seen in thedocking bay. two darkly robed figures are greeted by tc-14.tc-14im tc-14 at your service. this way,please.they move off down the hallway.eg-9a republic cruiser! thatstrouble.dont you think?pk-4im not made to think.int. federation battleship - conference rooma door slides open, and the two cloaked shapes are led pastcamera into the formal conference room by tc-14.tc-14i hope you honoured sirs with themost fortable here. my masterwill be with you shortly.the droid bows before obi-wan kenobi and qui- gon jinn. hebacks out the door and it closes. the jedi lower their hoodsand look out a large window at the lush green planet of naboo.qui-gon sixty years old, has long white hair in a ponytail.he is tall and striking, with blue eyes. obi-wan is twentyfive, with very short brown hair, pale skin, and blue eyes.several exotic, bird-like creatures sing in a cage near thedoor.obi-wani have a bad feeling about this.qui-goni dont sense anything.obi-wanits not about the mission, master,its somethging.elsewhere.elusive.qui-gondont center on your anxiety, obi-wan. keep your concentration hereand now where it belongs.obi-wanmaster yoda says i should be mindfulof the future.qui-gon.but not at the expense of themoment. be mindful of the livingforce, my young padawan.obi-wanyes, master.how do you think thetrade viceroy will deal with thechancellors demands?qui-gonthese federation types are cowards.the negotiations will be short.int. federation battleship - bridgenute gunray and daultray dofine stand, stunned, before tc-14.nute(shaken)what?!? what did you say?tc-14the ambassadors are jedi knights, ibelieve.dofinei knew it! they were sent to force asettlement, eh. blind me, were donefor!nutestay calm? ill wager the senateisnt aware of the supremechancellors moves here. go. distractthem until i can contact lord sidious.dofineare you brain dead? im not going inthere with two jedi! send the droid.dofine turns to tc-14, who lets out a squeaky sigh.int. federation battleship - conference roomobi-wanis it their nature to make us waitthis long?the door to the conference room slides open, and tc-14 enterswith a tray of drinks and food.qui-gonno. i sense an unusual amount offear for something as trivial asthis dispute.obi-wan takes a drink.int. federation battleship - bridgenute, dofine, and rune haako are before the hologram of darthsidious, a robed figure whose face is obscured by a hood.dofinethis scheme of yours has failed,lord sidious. the blockade isfinished! we dare not go againstthese jedi.darth sidiousyou seem more worried about the jedithan you are of me, dofine. i amamused. viceroy!nute, looking very nervous, steps forward.nuteyes, my lord.darth sidiousi dont want that stunted slime inmy sight again. do you understand?nuteyes, my lord.nute gives dofine a fierce look, and dofine, terrified, rushedoff the bridge.darth sidiousthis turns of events is unfortunate.we must accelerate our plans, viceroy.begin landing your troops.nuteahh, my lord, is that, legal?darth sidiousi will make it legal.nuteand, the jedi?darth sidiousthe chancellor should never havebrought them into this. kill them,immediatly.nuteye.yes, my lord. as you wish.int. republic cruiser - cockpit - docking bayin the cockpit of the cruiser, the captain and pilot look upand see a gun turret swing around and point directly at them.pilotcaptain !? look !captainno! warn.ext. federation battleship - hanger baythe battle gun fires. the republic cruiser explodes.int. federation battleship - conference roomgui-gon and obi-wan leap up to a standing position with theirlight sabers drawn. tc-14 jumps back, startled, spilling thedrinks tray.tc-14ahhh, sorry, sir. the viceroy.gui-gon and obi-wan turn off their swords and listen intently.a faint hissing sound can be heard.gui-gongas!qui-gon and obi-wan each taken a sudden deep breath andholding it. the exotic bird-like creatures in the cage dorpdead.int. federation battleship - hallwaya hologram of nute , surrounded by battle droids, appears inthe conference room hallway.nutethey must be dead by no blast,whats left of them.the hologram fades off, as a battle droid, owo-1, cautiouslyopens the door. a deadly green cloud billows from the room.battle droids cock their weapons as a figure stumbles out ofthe smoke. it is tc-14 , carrying the tray of drinks.tc-14oh, excuse me, so sorry.the protocol droid passes the armed camp just as two flashinglaser swords fly out of the deadly fog, cutting down severalbattle droids before they can fire.int. federation battleship - bridgethe bridge is a cocophony of alarms. nute and rune watch owo-1 on the viewscreen.owo-1not sure exactly what.owo-1 is suddenly cut in half in mid-sentence. rune givesnute a worried look.nutewhat in blazes is going on down there?runehave you ever encountered a jediknight before, sir?nutewell, not exactly, but i dont.(panicked)seal off the bridge.runethat wont be enough, sir.the doors to the bridge slam shut.nutei want destroyer droids up here atonce!runewe will not survive this.int. federation battleship - hallway - outside bridgequi-gon cuts several battle droids in half, creating a showerof sparks and metal parts. obi-wan raises his hand, sendingseveral battle droids crashing into the wall.qui-gon makes his way to the bridge door and begins to cutthrough it.int. federation battleship - bridgethe crew is very nervous as sparks start flying around thebridge door.qui-gon and obi-wan are on the view screen.nuteclose the blast doors!the huge, very thick blast door slams shut, followed by asecond door, then a third. there is a hissing sound as thehuge doors seal shut. qui-gon tabs the door with his sword.the screen goes black as a red spot appears in the center ofthe blast door.rune.heyre still ing through!on the door, chunks of molten metal begin to drop away.nuteimpossible! this is impossible!runewhere are those destroyer droids?!int. federation battleship - hallway - outside bridgeten ugly destroyer wheel droids roll down the hallway atfull speed. just before they get to the bridge area, theystop and transform into their battle configuration. qui-goncant see them but senses their presence.qui-gondestroyer droids!obi-wanoffhand, id say this mission ispast the negotiaion stage.the wheel droids, led by p-59, rush the entry area from threehallways, blasting away with their laser guns. they stopfiring and stand in a semi-circle as the smoke clears. obi-wan and qui-gon are nowhere to be seen.p-59switch to bio.here they are!the jedi materialize at the far end of the hallway and dashthrough the doorway that slams shut. the wheel droids blastaway at the two jedi with their laser swords.obi-wanthey have shield generators!qui-gonits a standoff! lets go!int. federation battleship - bridgenute and rune stand on the bridge, watching the view screenas the wheeldroids pov speeds to the doorway.runewe have them on the run, sir.heyreno match for destroyer droids.tey howsir, theyve gone up the ventilationshaft.int. federation battleship - main bayqui-gon and obi-wan appear at a large vent in a giant hangerbay. they are careful not to be seen. thousands of battledroids are loading onto landing craft.qui-gonbattle droids.obi-wanits an invisible army.qui-gonits an odd play for the tradefederation. weve got to warn thenaboo and contact chancellor valorum.lets split up. stow aboard separateships and meet down on the planet.obi-wanyou were right about one thing,master. the negotiations were short.int. federation battleship - bridgetey how recieves a transmission.tey howsir, a transmission from the planet.runeits queen amidala herself.nuteat last were getting results.on the view screen, queen amidala appears in her throne room.wearing her elaborate headdress and robes, she sits,surrounded by the governing council and four handmaidens,eirtae, yane, rabe, and sache.nuteagain you e before me, yourhighness. the federation ispleased.amidalayou will not be pleased when youhear what i have to say,viceroy.your trade boycott of ourplanet has ended.nute smirks at rune.nutei was not aware of such a failure.amidalai have word that the senate is finallyvoting on this blockade of yours.nutei take it you know the oute. iwonder why they bother to vote.amidalaenough of this pretense, viceroy!im aware the chancellors ambassadorsare with you now, and that you havebeenmanded to reach a settlement.nutei know nothing about anyambassadors.you must be mistaken.amidala, surprised at his reaction, studies him carefully.amidalabeware, viceroy.he federation isgoing too far this time.nuteyour highness, we would never doanything without the approval of thesenate. you assume too much.amidalawe will see.the queen fades off, and the view screen goes black.runeshes right, the senate will never.nuteits too late norunedo you think she suspects an attack?nutei dont know, but we must move quicklyto disrupt all munications downthere.int. naboo palace - throne roomthe queen, eirtae, sache and her governor, sio bibble, standbefore a hologram of senator palpatine, a thin, kindly man.palpatine.how could that be true? i haveassurances from the chancellor.hisambassaodrs did arrive. it must bethe.get.negotiate.the hologram of palpatione sputters and fades away.amidalasenator palpatine?!?(turns to panaka)whats happening?capt. panaka turns to his sargeant.capt. panakacheck the transmission generators.bibblea malfunction?capt. panakait could be the federation jammingus. your highness.bibblea munications disruption can onlymean one thing. invasion.amidaladont jump to conclusions, governor.the federation would not dare gothat far.capt. panakathe senate would revoke their tradefranchise, and theyd be finished.amidalawe must continue to rely onnegotiation.bibblenegotiation? weve lost allmunications!.and where atre thechancellors ambassadors? how can wenegotiate? we must prepare to defendourselves.capt. panakathis is a dangerous situation, yourhighness. our security volunteerswill be no match against a battle-hardened federation army.amidalai will not condone a course of actionthat will lead us to war.ext. space landing craft - twilight (fx)six landing craft fly in formation toward the surface of theplanet naboo.ext. naboo swamp - shallow lake - twilightthree landing craft slowly descend through the cloud coverof the perpetually gray twilight side of the planet. one byone, the federation warships land in the eerie swamp. obi-wans head emerges from the mud of a shallow lake. for inthe background, the activities of the invasion force can beseen in the mist.obi-wan takes several deep breaths, then dissapears againunder the muddy swamp. troop transports (mtts) emerge fromthe landing craft.ext. naboo edge of swamp / grass plains - twilight (fx)the droid invasion force moves out of the swamp and onto agrassy plain.oom-9, in his tank, looks out over the vast army marchingacross the rolling hills. a small hologram of rune and nutestands on the tank.rune.and there is no trace of the jedi.they may have gotton onto one ofyour landing craft.oom-9if they are down here, sir, wellfind them. we are moving out of theswamp and are marching on the cities.we are meeting no resistance.nuteexcellent.ext. naboo swamp - twilightqui-gon runs through the strange landscape, glancing back tosee the monstrous troop transports, emerging from the mist.animals begin to run past him in a panic.an odd, frog-like gungan, jar jar inks, squats holding aclam he has retrieved from the murky swamp. the shell popsopen. jar jars greta tongue snaps out and grabs the clam,swallowing it in one gulp.jar jar looks up and sees qui-gon and the other creaturesrunning like the wind toward him. one of the huge mtts bearsdown on the jedi like a charging lootive. jar jar standstransfixed, still holding the clam shell in one hand.jar jaroh, noooooooooo!jar jar drops the shell and grabs onto qui-gon as he passes.the jedi is caught by surprise.jar jarhey, help me! help me!qui-gonlet go!the machine is about tp crush them as qui-gon drags jar jarbehind him. just as the transport is about to hit them, qui-gon drops, and jar jar goes splat into the mud with him. thetransport races overhead.qui-gon and jar jar pull themselves out of the mud. theystand watching the war machine dissapear into the mist. jarjar grabs qui-gon and hugs him.jar jaroyi, mooie-mooie! i luv yous!the frog-like creature kisses the jedi.qui-gonare you brainless? you almost got uskilled!jar jari spake.qui-gonthe ability to speak does not makeyou intelligent. now get outta here!qui-gon starts to move off, and jar jar follows.jar jarno.no! mesa stay.mesa yous humbleservaunt.qui-gonthat wont be necessary.jar jaroh boot tis! tis demunded byda guds.tis a live debett, tis. mesa culledjaja binkss.in the distance, two staps burst out of the mist at highspeed, chasing obi-wan.qui-goni have no time for this no.jar jarsay what?the two staps barrell down on obi-wan.jar jaroh, nooooo! weesa ganna.qui-gon throws jar jar into the mud.qui-gonstay down!his head pops up.jar jar.dieeee!the two troops fire laser bolts at obi-wan. qui-gon deflectsthe bolts back, and the staps blow up. one-two. obi-wan isexhausted and tries to catch his breath.obi-wansorry, master, the water fried myweapon.obi-wan pulls out his burnt laser sword handle. qui-goninspects it, as jar jar pulls himself out of the mud.qui-gonyou forgot to turn your power offagain, didnt you?obi-wan nods sheeplishly.qui-gonit wont take long to recharge, butthis is a lesson i hope youvelearned, my young padawan.obi-wanyes, master.jar jaryousa sav-ed my again, hey?obi-wanwhats this?qui-gona local. lets go, before more ofthose droids show up.jar jarmure? mure did you spake?!?obi-wan and qui-gon start to run. jar jar tries to keep up.jar jarex-squeeze me, but da moto grandesafe place would be otoh gunga. tiswhere i grew up.is safe city.they all stop.qui-gona city!(jar jar nods hishead)can you take us there?jar jarahhh, will.on second taut.no,not willy.qui-gonno?!jar jariss embarrissing, boot. my afraimyve bean banished. my forgoten derbosses would do terrible tings tomy. terrible tings if my goen backdare.a pulsating sound is heard in the distance.qui-gonyou hear that?jar jar shakes his head yes.qui-gonthats the sound of a thousandterrible things heading this way.obi-wanwhen they find us, they will crushus, grind us into little pieces,then blast us into oblivion!jar jaroh! yousa point is well seen. disway! hurry!jar jar turns and runs into the swamp.ext. naboo swamp lake - twilightqui-gon, obi-wan and jar jar run into a murky lake and stopas jar jar tries to catch his breath. the transports areheard in the distance.qui-gonmuch farther?jar jarwesa goen underwater, okeyday?qui-gon and obi-wan pull out small capsule from their utilitybelts that turn into breathing masks.jar jarmy warning yous. gungans no likenoutlaunders. dont expict a wernwele.obi-wandont worry, this has not been ourday for warm weles.jar jar jumps, does a double somersault with a twist, anddives into the water.breath masks on, qui-gon and obi-wan wade in after him.ext. naboo lake - underwaterqui-gon and obi-wan swim behind jar jar, who is very much athome in the water. down they swim into murky depths. in thedistance the glow of otoh gunga, an underwater city made upof large bubbles, bees more distinct.they approach the strange, art nouveau habitat. jar jar swimsmagically through one of the bubble membranes, which sealsbehind him. obi-wan and qui-gon folloint. otoh gunga - city squaregungans in the square scatter when they see the strange jedi.four guards armed with long electro-poles ride two-leggedkaadus into the square. the guards, led by captain tarpals,point their lethal poles at the dripping trio.jar jarheyo-dalee, capn tarpals, mesa back!capt. tarpalsnoah gain, jar jar. yousa goen tadabosses. yousa in big dudu this time.capt. tarpals gives jar jar a slight zap with his power pole.jar jar jumps and moves off, followed by the two jedi.jar jarhow wude.int. otoh gunga - high tower board roomthe bosses board room has bubble walls, with small lightedfish swimming around outside like moving stars. a longcircular judges bench filled with gungan officials dominatesthe room. obi-wan and qui-gon stand facing boss nass, whosits on a bench higher than the others.boss nassyousa cannot bees hair. dis army ofmackineeks up dare tis new weesong!qui-gonthat droid army is about to attackthe naboo. we must warn them.boss nasswesa no like da naboo! un dey nolike uss-ens. da naboo tink day


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