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ERBSC_FORM10 (2015年9月版)傳真: 21997162電郵: kwscywca.org.hk 職位空缺登記表格 (供一般僱主填寫) Vacancy Registration Form (For General Employer)(*為必須填寫資料並請在適當的方格內 Field with * must be filled in. Please put in suitable box .)只供職員填寫 僱主編號: _ 空缺編號: _ 收表日期_ 行業代號: _ 職位代號: _ 工作地區代號: _ 平均月薪: 符合最低工資: PLC_Form4A. 僱主資料 Employers Information1. 僱主名稱 Name of Employer*:(中文) (English) 2. 商業登記號碼 Business Registration no.*: 3. 有效期至Expiry date*: 4. 地址Address*: (中文) (English) 5. 行業性質Business Nature*: 6. 員工人數No. of staff*: 7. 網址Website: 8. 聯絡人資料 Contact Person Information:1. 主要聯絡人姓名 Main Contact Person Name* (預設為空缺申請及索取 的聯絡人 Default as the contact person for job application and obtaining a copy of Personal Information Collection Statement) Miss/Ms/Mr 小姐/女士/先生 職位Post Title *: 電話Tel*: 傳真Fax: 電郵Email: 2. 其他聯絡人姓名Other Contact Person Name Miss/Ms/Mr 小姐/女士/先生 職位Post Title *: 電話Tel*: 傳真Fax: 電郵Email: B. 求職人士申請空缺及索取的方法* Method for application and job seekers to obtain a copy of Personal Information Collection Statement*9. 郵寄By post 傳真By fax 電話By phone (如聯絡資料與A 部不同,請填寫 If information is different from Part A, please fill in:Miss/Ms/Mr 小姐/女士/先生 職位Post Title: 致電/傳真/郵寄 ) C. 空缺資料 Vacancy Information (請盡量以中、英雙語填寫 Please complete in both English and Chinese as far as possible)10. 職位名稱 Job Title*: (中文) (English) 11. 工作地區 Working Location*: 12. 空缺數目 No. of Vacancy*: 13. 主要職責 Major Job Duties*:(中文):(English):14. 工作性質 Job Nature 每星期工作30小時或以上為全職,少於30小時為兼職。Job vacancy with less than 30 working hours per week will be defined as Part-time job, otherwise it will be regarded as Full-time job*: 全職 Full Time 兼職 Part Time 15. 聘用形式 Contract of Employment 聘用期達12個月或以上屬長工,少於12個月者則為臨時工。Employment period of 12 months or above will be defined as permanent basis, otherwise it will be regarded as temporary basis.*: 長工 Permanent臨時工 Temporary (聘用期 Employment Period) 由 From 至 To 16. 工作時間 Working Hours *: 工作日 Day of Week工作時間 Working Time星期_ - _ (e.g. Mon to Fri)上/下午 _ :_ (am/pm) -上/下午_ :_ (am/pm)及/或 and/or星期_ (e.g. Sat) 上/下午 _ :_ (am/pm) -上/下午_ :_ (am/pm)17. 需輪班工作 Shift Duty: 日間輪班 Day Shift / 夜間輪班 Night Shift / 不定 Not Specified18. 到任日期 Date Available*: 即時 Immediate / 一個月 1 month notice/ 兩個月 2 months notice / 三個月 3 months notice D. 聘用條款 Terms of Employment19. 基本薪金 Basic Salary*: 每月 / 週 / 日 / 小時 / 件 Per month / week / day / hour / piece $ 20. 每週工作時數 Total Working Hours per week*: _小時 hour21. 預計每月總工時 Estimated total working hours per month*: _ 小時 hour22. 預計每月總工資 Estimated total wage per month*: $ 23. 預計每小時工資 Estimated wage per hour*: $_24. 雙糧 Double Pay*: 是Yes/否No25. 佣金 Commission*: 是Yes /否No26. 五天工作 5-day work*: 是Yes /否No27. 彈性上班時間 Flexible working hours*: 是Yes/否No28. 休息日 Rest Day*: 固定時間 Fixed: 逢星期every 須輪休 Non-fixed29. 福利及津貼 Benefits and Allowance:年假Annual Leave: _days銀行假期Bank Holiday勞工假期Labour Holiday花紅Bonus勤工獎金Good attendance bonus年終獎金Year-end bonus醫療福利Medical Benefits其他Others: _ E. 職位要求 Job Requirements30. 工作經驗 Working Experience: 31. 學歷要求 Qualification Requirement: 32. 語文 Language: 請註明要求水平 良好,一般,不需要 Please state the required level Good,Average,Not necessary會話Ability to speak : 廣東話 Cantonese 英語 English 普通話 Putonghua 其他 Other 讀寫Ability to read & write : 中文Chinese 英文 English 其他 Other33. 電腦軟件Computer Skills: 文書處理 MS Word 試算表 MS Excel 其他 Other34. 其他入職要求Other Requirements (例如:証書、執照等e.g. certificate, license) (請盡量以中、英雙語填寫 Please complete in both English and Chinese as far as possible)(中文):(English):35. 歡迎以下人士申請職位空缺 Please indicate if the following persons are welcome for the post: 較年長人士 Older Adults 殘疾及工傷康復人士 Persons with disabilities and persons recovered from work injuries 新來港人士 New Arrivals 少數族裔人士 Ethnic Minorities36. 你從何途徑得知此招聘服務 From which channel(s) do you know this employment service: 報章/雜誌 Newspaper/Magazine電視TV電台Radio巴士Bus港鐵/輕鐵MTR/Light Rail戶外廣告牌Outdoor Billboard網站/互聯網Internet/WebsiteLOOKerb / 活亮人生ERB newsletter展覽/宣傳攤位Exhibition/ Booth海報/單張Poster/LeafletERB課程總覽ERB ProspectusERB職員介紹ERB StaffERB服務中心介紹 ERB Service CentresERB培訓顧問介紹ERB Training Consultants培訓機構介紹Training Bodies政府部門介紹Government Department社福機構/非牟利機構介紹Social Organization / NGOs朋友介紹Friends其他OthersF. Declaration 聲明 1. 本公司 / 本人聲明提交的職位空缺的招聘條件、入職要求(包括語文能力要求)及 工作內容等,及其往後之修改(如有),皆與有關職位相關並有理可據,且沒有違反性別歧視條例、殘疾歧視條例、家庭崗位歧視條例或種族歧視條例。本公司 / 本人明白,若明知而作出或罔顧實情地作出上述陳述,而該陳述在要項上屬虛假或有誤導性,即屬違法及可被檢控罰款; 2. 本公司 / 本人保證會按照最低工資條例的規定,就任何工資期支付不少於法定最低工資水平的工資予受聘於此職位空缺並受最低工資條例涵蓋的人士; 3. 本公司 / 本人保證填補職位空缺的人士會是本公司 / 本人的直接僱員,並受僱傭條例保障,以及本公司 / 本人所進行的一切活動皆為合法; 4. 本公司 / 本人會為僱員購買勞工保險; 5. 本公司 / 本人會為僱員加入註冊強積金計劃 (如適用); 6. 本公司 / 本人不會以任何方式或名目,無論是提供服務或培訓、售賣貨物、介紹其他服務、作出金錢保證等,試圖獲取求職人士的金錢或其他利益; 7. 本公司 / 本人已閱讀此職位空缺登記表格的須知,並同意遵守有關條款; 8. 如本公司 / 本人銷售的投資產品受證券及期貨事務監察委員會(證監會)證券及期貨條例所規管,本公司必須為證監會合法的持牌人/註冊機構 (如適用)。 9. 本公司 / 本人明白僱員再培訓局刊登上述職位空缺並不構成僱員再培訓局已認同該職位空缺已完全符合上述最低工資條例及其他條例的所有規定。本公司 / 本人有責任確保有關職位空缺條件符合上述最低工資條例及其他條例所載規定。1. Our company / I hereby declare that the terms of employment, entry requirements (including requirement on language proficiency, if any) and job descriptions, etc. of the post, and any amendments thereafter are relevant, justifiable and do not violate the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, the Disability Discrimination Ordinance, the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance and the Race Discrimination Ordinance. Our company / I understand that our company / I will commit an offence and will be liable on conviction to a fine if our company / I knowingly or recklessly make a statement which in a material respect is false or misleading; 2. Our company / I shall comply with requirements stipulated in the Minimum Wage Ordinance of which wages payable to employee(s) of the post, to whom the ordinance applies, in respect of any wage period should be no less than the Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) rate.3. The job applicant(s) to fill the post advertised in the ERB is/are our company/my direct employee(s). The employee(s) is/are under the protection of the Employment Ordinance and all activities carried out by our company / I are lawful; 4. An Employees Compensation Insurance Policy is taken out to cover the employee(s); 5. Arrangement for the employee(s) to join a registered MPF scheme will be made (if applicable); 6. Our company / I will not solicit money or other advantages in any form or under any title, no matter for reasons of provision of services or training, selling of goods, referral of service, guarantee deposit and so on from job seekers.7. Our company / I have read the Points to Note of this vacancy registration form, and agree to follow the terms and conditions; 8. Our company / I will not engage in selling of investment products which are regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission Ordinance, Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), unless our company is a SFC Licensed Person/ Registered Institution (if applicable). 9. Our company / I understand that the acceptance and display of this job order by the ERB should by no means be construed as the job order has fully complied with requirements of the above-mentioned Minimum Wage Ordinance and other ordinances. Our company / I shall be responsible for ensuring that the terms of the post concerned are in line with the above-mentioned Minimum Wage Ordinance and other ordinances. 我已細閱讀須知及聲明,並清楚明白其內容。以上填報資料均真確無誤。I hereby declare that I have read and consent to the “Points to Note and Declaration” as printed overleaf and the information provided here is complete and true. 我已閱讀及了解須知及聲明內有關收集、使用及提供個人資料的條文,並同意僱員再培訓局使用我的個人資料向本人提供該局的有關資訊。I have read and understand the clauses regarding collection, use and provision of personal data under the “Points to Note and Declaration”, and agree to the use of my personal data by the ERB for sending to me Relevant Information of the ERB.公司代表/僱主姓名 Company Representative / Employer: (正楷全名 Full name in block letters)簽署 Signature : 日期 Date : 職位空缺登記表格 Vacancy Registration Form須知 Points to NoteA. 須知 Points to Note1. 在填寫本表格前,你必須保證填補職位空缺的人士會是你/貴公司的直接僱員,並受僱傭條例保障,以及你/貴公司所進行的一切活動皆為合法。此外,你亦須確保所提供的資料均為真確無訛,並按實際招聘需要向本局提交職位空缺。2. 空缺的登記有效期為一個月,本局在收到你/貴公司提交的職位空缺登記表格後會盡快處理。當空缺於處理階段或登記有效期內,你無須重覆提交相同的職位空缺申請。若你的聯絡資料或僱用條件有所變更,或空缺已被填補,請立即傳真或致電通知ERB服務中心(九龍西)。3. 當你使用本局的職位空缺登記服務時,你必須持有有效期不少於兩個月的相關證明文件(如商業登記證、學校及/或團體註冊證明書、安老院牌照等)。如以私人身分提交的職位空缺,必須提交住址證明,並保證填補空缺的人士及其職責,並非用作經營業務。本局有權可能會要求你 / 貴公司出示其他有關資料或文件(如工傷補償保險、公司/客戶地址證明等)。如資料不足,本局將不會處理該職位空缺登記。4. 本局不會接納有可疑成份的職位空缺,包括但不限於以下性質的空缺:(a)無直接僱傭關係(b)涉及不合法經營(c)涉及不道德的交易(d)無底薪或薪金遠低於市價(e)附帶歧視條件5. 你/貴公司所提交有關此職位空缺的招聘條件、入職要求及工作內容,皆不可以違反性別歧視條例、殘疾歧視條例、家庭崗位歧視條例或種族歧視條例。你應著重考慮職位的真正工作需要,並遵從有關消除歧視的僱傭實務守則,請勿填寫求職人士性別、年齡或種族的限制或任何歧視成份的要求,否則,本局將不會接納和展示該空缺。查詢請聯絡平等機會委員會,或瀏覽該會網站。6. 你/貴公司不可以任何方式或名目,無論是提供服務或培訓、售賣貨物、介紹其他服務、作出金錢保證等,試圖獲取求職人士的金錢或其他利益。此外,本局不會接納和展示涉及職前或無薪培訓的職位空缺。7. 根據僱員補償條例的規定,所有僱主必須為其所有僱員(包括全職及兼職僱員)投購工傷補償保險,以承擔僱主在僱員補償條例及普通法方面的工傷補償責任。8. 為配合種族歧視條例的實施,請盡量以中英雙語填妥所需資料。9. 請按職位空缺的真正需要設定語文能力要求,採納較寬鬆的要求可吸引更多求職者,包括少數族裔人士,申請你 / 貴公司的空缺,有助你 / 貴公司更快找到適合人選。10. 當你 / 貴公司收集求職人士的個人資料時(如履歷表),須遵守個人資料(私隱)條例,公開公司名稱及提供讓求職人士索取 的聯絡人和聯絡方法。詳情請聯絡個人資料私隱專員公署,或瀏覽該署網頁。11. 你 / 貴公司必須按照最低工資條例的規定,就任何工資期支付不少於法定最低工資水平的工資予受聘於此職位空缺並受該條例涵蓋的人士。如 貴公司所提交職位空缺的工資水平未能符合最低工資的要求,本局將不會接納及展示該空缺。有關法例詳情及條例為殘疾人士提供的特別安排,請聯絡勞工處,或瀏覽其網頁。12. 在面試時,請你小心查核求職人士的身份證明文件,以確定其可否合法受僱在香港工作,詳情可聯絡入境事務處,或瀏覽其網頁。面試後亦應將結果盡早通知求職人士。13. 你/貴公司須為僱員加入註冊強積金計劃(如適用)。14. 如以家居僱主身分聘請家務助理、陪月員或嬰幼照顧員的空缺,請使用本局樂活一站(www.erb.org/smartliving) 或陪月一站(www.erb.org/smartbabycare)服務。15. 本局有權編輯和修改空缺的內容,並有權決定是否處理和將你所提供的職位空缺展示於本局的網站及其他宣傳途徑。16. 本局有權就投訴及其他涉嫌違規事件採取任何適當行動,包括但不止於暫停刊登你/貴公司的所有職位空缺以作調查,並有權於調查後決定是否恢復展示有關空缺及是否繼續為你/貴公司提供招聘服務。1. Before you fill in this form, you have to guarantee that the person recruited for the post is a direct employee of you / your company and would be come under the protection of the Employment Ordinance. You must also ensure that all activities carried out by you / your company are lawful and the information provided in the form(s) is true, correct and based solely on genuine recruitment needs.2. Each vacancy order will remain valid for 1 month. The ERB will upon receipt process your / your companys vacancy registration form as soon as possible. You are requested not to submit the same vacancy during the vacancy processing stage or when the vacancy registration is still valid. If you have changed your contact means/terms of employment, or the vacancy is filled, please notify ERB Service Centre (Kowloon West) by fax or phone immediately.3. Employers are required to produce the documentary proof (e.g. Business Registration Certificate, School/Corporation Certificate, Licence of Residential Care Home for the Elderly, etc) with validity not less than 2 months for using our job vacancy registration service. If you submit a vacancy order in your personal capacity, you have to produce residential proof, and guarantee that the job applicant(s) to fill the post and job duties are not for the purpose of carrying on a business. You may be requested to produce relevant document(s) (e.g. Employees Compensation Insurance Policy and address proof, etc). If you fail to do so, we will not process or display your vacancy order. 4. The ERB will not accept vacancy orders of dubious nature. These include, but are not limited to, vacancies with :(a) no direct employment relationship(b) illegal operation(c) immoral dealings(d) no basic salary or salary well below market rate(e) discriminatory terms5. The terms of employment, entry requirements and job descriptions of the post must NOT violate the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, the Disability Discrimination Ordinance, the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance and the Race Discrimination Ordinance. You should consider the genuine job requirements of the post and follow the relevant codes of practice against discrimination in employment. Please do not specify any requirements on the gender, age or race of the job seekers or any other discriminatory terms. Otherwise, we will not accept or display your vacancy order. For enquiries, please contact the Equal Opportunities Commission or visit its website.6. You / your company must not solicit money or other advantages in any form or under any title, no matter for reasons of provision of services or training, selling of goods, referral of service, guarantee deposit and so on from job-seeker(s). We will not process or display any vacancy orders which involve pre-employment or unpaid training.7. Under the Employees Compensation Ordinance, all employers are required to take out employees compensation insurance to cover their liabilities both under the Ordinance and at common law for work injuries sustained by their employees (including full-time and part-time employees). 8. To facilitate the implementation of Race Discrimination Ordinance, please complete the form in both Chinese and English as far as possible.9. Please take into account the genuine job need when setting the language requirement for your vacancy. Adopting a more relaxed requirement could open up your vacancy to a larger pool of candidates, including the ethnic minorities, and help you find the right candidate more speedily.10. When you collect personal data from job seekers (e.g. resumes), you should observe the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, disclose your company name and provide the contact person and contact means for job seekers to obtain Personal Information Collection Statement. For details, please contact the Privacy Commissioners Office or visit its website.11. You / your company should pay the employee(s), to whom the Minimum Wage Ordinance applies, hired to fill this post wages no less than the Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) rate as specified in the Ordinance. If the post wages are less than the SMW rate, we will not accept or display your vacancy order. For details of the Ordinance and special arrangement for persons with disabilities, please contact the Labour Department or visit its website.12. During job interviews, you should check carefully the identity documents of the job seekers, and ascertain that they are lawfully employable in Hong Kong when job offers are made. (For details, please contact the Immigration Department or visit its website.) You should also inform job seekers of the interview results as soon as possible.13. You / your company should arrange for the employee(s) to join a registered Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) scheme (if applicable).14. If you wish to recruit domestic helpers, post-natal care helpers or infant and child care helpers as domestic employer, please use the services of Smart Living (www.erb.org/smartliving) or the Smart Baby Care (www.erb.org/smartbabycare).15. The ERB reserves the right to edit and revise contents of the vacancy orders; and refuse to process or display any vacancy orders provided by you at the ERB website and other publicity channels as appropriate.16. The ERB reserves the right to take any appropriate action, including but not limited to suspension of the display of all your vacancies for investigation of complaints and other suspected irregularities, and the right to decide whether to resume the display of the vacancies and the provision of recruitment services after the investigation.B. 資料用途的聲明 Statement of Purposes for Data Collection1. 收集資料的目的i) 你在職位空缺登記表格上所填寫及向本局提供的個人資料,將交由本局及/或相關的培訓中心為你提供轉介服務、或作統計或意見調查之用。這些資料是你在自願情況下提供。但如資料不足,則本局及/或相關培訓中心可能無法為你介紹求職人士。ii) 本局可能會使用你的個人資料(包括但不限於姓名、地址、電郵地址及電話號碼),以電郵、短訊、郵件及電話等方式向你提供有關推廣本局課程、服務、活動和設施的相關資訊(有關資訊)。本局可能把你的個人資料提供予本局委託的機構作相關之用途。2. 資料的轉移在轉介求職人士給你時,本局可能需要向求職人士、本局相關的培訓機構,及/或其他機構包括勞工處(如適用)提供上述資料。3. 查閱個人資料i) 你有權要求查閱你的個人資料及更正有關資料。你亦可要求獲得一份該等資料記錄的複本。本局可向索取個人資料複本的申請人收取費用。ii) 如欲查詢有關職位空缺登記表格內提供的個人資料記錄、申請查閱、更正有關資料,及或取消本局把你的個人資料作直接推廣用途,可隨時致函九龍長沙灣順寧道273號日輝大廈商場1樓,或傳真至:2199-7162,或致電:2711-6022,或電郵:kwscywca.org.hk,向ERB服務中心(九龍西)提出。1. Purpose of Collectioni) The personal data as provided by you to the ERB or by means of the Vacancy Registration Form will be used by the ERB and/or its associated Training Bodies for job referral service, or for statistical or survey purposes. The provision of your personal data by you is voluntary. However, if you do not provide sufficient information, we may not be able to introduce job seekers to you.ii) The ERB may use your personal data (including, but not limited to, name, address, email address and telephone number) for sending to you marketing information related to training courses, services, activities, facilities and related information of the ERB (“Relevant Information”), through emails, SMS, direct mailing and telephone calls, etc. Your personal data may be transferred to companies commissioned by the ERB for such purposes.2. Classes of TransfereesThe personal data provided by you in the Vacancy Registration Form or to our staff may be disclosed to job seekers, the Training Bodies under Manpower Development Scheme of the ERB, and/ or other related bodies including the Labour Department (if applicable), in order to introduce job seekers to you.3. Access to Personal Datai) You have a right of access and correction in respect of your personal data. Your right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of record of your personal data. The ERB may collect a fee from you for a copy of your personal data.ii) Enquiries concerning your personal data collected by means of Vacancy Registration Form including the making of access, corrections, and/or cancel the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, may be sent to ERB Service Centre (Kowloon West) by writing to 1/F, Sunlight Building, 273 Shun Ning Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, or by fax to 2199-7162, or by phone at 2711-6022, or by email to kwscywca.org.hk .


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