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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date正反译与反正译正反译与反正译正反译与反正译由于国家、历史、地理、社会文化背景、风俗和生活习惯的不同,汉英两种语言在表达正说和反说时有很大差异,尤其英语在否定意义的表达上更为复杂,有时形式否定而实质肯定,或形式肯定而实质否定。因此在这两种语言互译时,原文中正说的句子可能不得不处理成反说,或是用反说表达更为合适。反之亦然。翻译中,这种把正说处理成反说、把反说处理成正说的译法,就称为正反译法。正反译法是翻译技巧中的一个重要方法,属于引申和修辞范围。笼统地说,英语句子中含有“never”、“no”、“not”、“un-”、“im-”、“in-”、“ir-”、“-less”等否定词以及否定前缀或后缀的单词,以及汉语句子中含有“不”、“没”、“无”、“未”、“甭”、“别”、“休”、“莫”、“非”、“勿”、“毋”等否定词的即为反说,不含有这些否定词的即为正说。但实际操作时,正说和反说的界限又变得极为模糊,例如“correct”可以翻译成“正确”(正说),也可以翻译成“没有毛病”(反说)。因此,译文要采用正说还是反说,就要看译文语言的惯用表达和上下文的语气语态了。在正反译法中,英译汉正转反(正说反译法)和汉译英反转正(反说正译法)是最为重要的两种正反译法。PART I.英译汉正转反英语中有些否定概念是通过含有否定意义或近似否定意义的词来表达的,虽然形式是肯定的,但这类词大多是某些肯定词所引申或变化出来的反义词,或经过长期历史演变而引申出其他否定词义,即所谓的“含蓄否定词”或“暗指否定词”,这类词在译成汉语时,需要变成汉语的否定词组,必要时还需要作词类转换。1.名词 含蓄否定名词主要有:shortness / shortage(不够; 不足)、lack(缺乏; 没有)、absence(不在)、failure(未能; 不成功)、defiance(不顾; 无视)、denial(否认; 否定)、exclusion(排除)、freedom(不; 免除)、refusal(不愿; 不允许)、loss(失去)等。如;(1)Shortness of time has required the omission of some states. 由于时间不够,没能访问那些国家。(2) Behave yourself during my absence. 我不在时要规矩点。(3) We were perplexed by his failure to answer the letter. 他何以不回信,我们大惑不解。2.动词或动词短语 英语中常见的含蓄否定动词包括:refuse(不愿; 不肯; 无法)、lack(缺乏; 没有)、defy(不服从; 不遵守; 不让)、forbid(不许)、stop(不准; 别)、ignore(不理; 不肯考虑; 无视; 不顾)、hate(不愿意)、miss(没听清楚; 没赶上)等。如:(4) Children were excluded from getting in the building. 孩子不许进入这幢楼房。(5) Do you know why she is always trying to avoid you? 你知道她为什么老是不想见到你吗?(6) Stop talking nonsense! 别胡说八道!(7) I missed what you said because of the noise outside. 由于外面的噪音,我没听清楚你说的话。(8) He was 75, but he carried his years lightly / easily. 他75岁了,可是并不显老。(9) The plan as it leaves much to be desired. 目前这样的方案大有不足之处。(10) The above facts insist on the following conclusions. 上述事实使人们不能不得出以下结论。3.形容词或形容词短语 含蓄否定形容词主要有:absent(不在; 不到; 不出席)、blind(看不到; 不注意)、awkward(不熟练;不灵活)、bad(令人不愉快的; 不舒服的)、dead(无生命的; 无感觉的; 不毛的)、difficult(不容易的)、foreign to(不适合的; 与无关)、short of(不够)、poor(不好的; 不幸的; 不足的)、thin(站不住脚; 不够有力)等。如:(11) The child is still awkward with his chopsticks. 那孩子还不太会用筷子。(12) What you said is foreign to the main issue of our discussion.你所讲的与我们讨论的主题无关。(13) The corrupt police chief turned a blind eye to the open gambling in the town. 这个受贿的警察局长对镇上的公开赌博佯装不见。(14) We were watching the fluid situation with concern. 我们关切地注视着动荡不安的局面。(15) He would be the last man to say such things. 他绝不可能说这种话。4.介词或介词短语 含蓄否定介词和介词短语主要有:without(没有)、against(不符合)、except(不包括)、beyond(无; 无法)、beside(不对; 不符合)、above(不至于)、behind(未能; 尚未; 还没有)、instead of(没有; 而不是)、aside from(不包括)、far from(绝不是; 还不; 非但不(甚至)还)、at large(未被捕; 未捉拿归案)、at a loss(不知所措; 不知如何是好; 完全不明白/不理解)、but for(要不是/没有就不能/不会/无法)、would ratherthan(宁愿/宁可也不)等。如:(16) His answer is beside the mark. 他的回答文不对题。(17) I have fallen behind with my correspondence. 我有一些信件没有及时答复。(18) It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. 他无权签订这种合同。(19) The speaker was speaking over my head. 演讲者讲的内容太深奥了,我听不懂。(20) The escaped criminal is still at large. 逃犯仍未捉拿归案。(21) He is always at a loss what to say in front of strangers. 他在生人面前总是不知要说什么。(22) But for the workers help, we should not have succeeded in this experiment. 没有工人们的帮助,我们这个实验便不会成功。5.副词如:(23) I stayed awake almost the whole night. 我昨晚几乎一夜没睡。(24) He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the children. 他衣服都没脱就跳入水中,把孩子们救了上来。6.连词 包括:before(还没来得及)、unless(如果没有就)等。如:(25) Before I could say “thank you”, the postman had disappeared around the corner. 我还没来得及说声“谢谢”,邮递员已经消失在拐角处了。(26) Unless there is any other business, we can end the meeting. 如果没有别的事情,我们的会议就到此结束了。7.习惯用法和固定搭配如:(27) He is anything but a writer. 他绝不是一个作家。(28) The decision has to come. 决定尚未作出。(29) It is a wise father that knows his own child. 无论怎样聪明的父亲也不见得了解自己的孩子。(30) Im only too pleased to work with you. 能和你一起工作真是太高兴了。(31) Im but too glad to do so. 我非常愿意这样做。(32) We will die before we give in. 我们宁死不屈。(33) The critic had something of a case. 批评家也并非全然没有道理。(34) I am wiser than to believe such stories. 我还不至于蠢到竟然相信这种谎言。(35) He would rather die than go back on his comrades. 他宁死也不出卖自己的同志。8.含有否定意义的谚语和警句如:(36) Road Ahead Closed. 前方施工 禁止通行。(37) Admission By Invitation Only. 非请莫入。(38) Keep off the grass! 请勿践踏草坪!(39) Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. 宁为鸡首,不为牛后。(40) Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见。(41) Let sleeping dog lie. 莫惹是生非。(42) Call a spade a spade. 直言不讳。PART II.英译汉反转正英语中明显使用not、no等否定词或否定前后缀的反说语句有时却是含有肯定的含义,在这种情况下,我们在译成汉语时,可以用肯定形式来表达。1.名词如:(43) The machine has two serious disadvantages. 那台机器有两个严重缺陷。(44) The dishonesty of the city officials was exposed by the newspaper. 市政府官员们的欺诈行为在报纸上披露出来。2.动词或动词词组如:(45) The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanations. 虽经他一再解释,疑团仍然存在。(46) Scientists have unlocked the secret of the atom. 科学家已经揭开了原子的秘密。(47) I only wish he was here himself, as I dont doubt he will be here at sunset tomorrow. 我希望他也在这里,我有把握,明天太阳下山的时候,他就要来了。3.形容词和形容词词组如:(48) He gave me an indefinite answer. 他给了我一个含糊的答复。(49) It was inconsiderate of him to mention the matter in her hearing.他实在轻率,竟当着她的面谈论此事。4.介词和介词词组如:(50) The problem is not beyond our reach. 这个问题我们能解决。(51) The whole gun was no longer than eight inches. 整支枪的长度只有8英寸。5.副词如:(52) The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him. 归国的念头始终萦绕在他的心中。(53) The sea was, unfortunately, very rough that day. 可惜,那天的海浪很大。6.习惯用法和固定搭配如:(54) To be or not to be, that is the question. 生存还是毁灭,这是值得考虑的。(55) There is nothing like mineral water to quench ones thirst. 矿泉水是解渴的最佳饮料。(56) Violent video games appeared no more likely to cause loss of temper than other forms of play. 含有暴力内容的电子游戏和其他形式的游戏一样,似乎都不太可能使人受挫发火。(57) These scientists could not believe the two Curies more. 这些科学家完全相信居里夫妇。(58) It will not be long before they understand the truth that study hard before it is too late. 他们大概不久就会理解要趁早努力学习的道理。(59) She wont go away until you promise to help her. 她要等你答应帮助她以后才肯走。7.反说祈使句正译如:(60) No smoking! 严禁吸烟!(61) Dont lose time in posting this letter. 赶快把这封信寄出去。PART III.英译汉中特殊否定的处理1.双重否定双重否定译肯定如:(62) There can be no sunshine without shadow. 有阳光就有阴影。(63) We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life. 我们对生活要永远抱乐观态度。(64) We cant be too careful in doing this kind of experiments. 我们在做这类实验时应尽可能小心。(我们在做这类实验时再小心也不为过。)双重否定译双重否定如:(65) There is no story without coincidence. 无巧不成书。2.部分否定如:(66) Not all minerals come from mines. 并非所有矿物都来自矿山。(67) All that glitters is not gold. (= Not all that glitters is gold.) 闪光的不一定都是金子。(68) Both of the substances do not dissolve in water. 不是两种物质都溶于水。3.否定转移如:(69) We dont believe that our mother tongue is inferior to any other languages in the world. 我们相信,祖国的语言并不亚于世界任何其他语言。(70) We do not live to eat, but eat to live. 我们活着不是为了吃饭,而吃饭是为了活着。PART IV.汉译英反转正与英译汉正转反的道理相同,英语的一些否定式有时必须译成汉语的肯定式,反之,汉语的一些肯定式有时也必须译成英语的否定式。具体操作时,用英语的含蓄否定词或暗指否定词代替汉语原文中的肯定词,进行与英译汉正转反的逆向操作即可。1.名词如:(71) 这就是墨守成规,不愿进步。This was a refusal to change, to make progress.(72) 他们未能做出决定,这使她进退无门。 Their failure to come to a decision put her in an impossible position. (73) 他们宁愿安逸于世,免除负担。They prefer family privacy and freedom from responsibility.2.动词如:(74) 这些争论解构有余,建构不足,甚至不顾基本文学事实。 These controversies focus on deconstruction rather than construction and some even ignore the basic literary facts.3.形容词如:(75) 这是千真万确的真理。This is an irrefutable truth.(76) 他因为某种理由而没有出席会议。He was absent from the meeting for one reason or another.4.介词和介词短语如:(77) 他似乎想不出恰当的字眼来阐明自己的观点。He seemed to be at a loss for the precise words to elaborate his opinion.(78) 他提前三天到达是我们没有想到的。His arrival three days in advance is beyond our expectation.5.连词如:(79) 还没到家,她就激动得不得了。She got extremely excited before she reached her home.6.习惯用法和固定搭配如:(80) 请勿大声喧哗。 Keep quiet.(81) 毋庸置疑,中国的航空航天工业在过去的四十年中已取得了辉煌的成就。It is beyond doubt that China has made brilliant achievements in aviation and space industry in the last forty years.7.含有否定意义的谚语和警句 汉语中很多带有“不”、“无”、“非”、“未”、“没”的成语在英语中都被译成了正说的肯定式如:(82) 充耳不闻turn a dead ear to(83) 彻夜不眠stay up the whole night(84) 好景不长pleasant hours fly fast(85) 一成不变stick to the old form(86) 朝不保夕may fall any moment(87) 怒不可遏make ones blood boil(88) 麻木不仁dead to all feelings(89) 有条不紊in perfect order(90) 求之不得exceedingly welcome(91) 白璧无瑕pristine and pure(92) 风雨无阻in all weather(93) 言之无物empty talk(94) 遥遥无期in a distant future(95) 走投无路be up against the wall(96) 清白无辜have clean hands(97) 座无虚席draw a full house(98) 忍无可忍have exhausted ones patience(99) 茫无头绪lose the thread to(100) 没精打采low in spirit(101) 没大没小rude to ones elders(102) 口是心非play a double game(103) 文过饰非cover up ones errors(104) 答非所问answer beside the point(105) 未卜先知be able to foresee the future(106) 没有不透风的墙Walls have ears. (107) 天下无难事,只怕有心人When there is a will, there is a way.(108) 欲速则不达Haste makes waste.(109) 人不可貌相A fair face may hide a foul heart.(110) 欲加之罪,何患无词He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.(111) 醉翁之意不在酒Many kiss the baby for the nurses sake.PART V.汉译英正转反虽然比汉译英反转正的情况少一些,但还是有一些时候,我们需要将汉语原文的正说译成英语译文的反说,英语译文可以使用not、no等否定词或否定前后缀的反说语句来处理。1.名词如:(112) 女人因缺点而美丽。Flawless makes women perfect.2.动词如:(113) 皮特急急忙忙地拆开了礼物。Peter uncovered his gift in a hurry.3.形容词如:(114) 她每天都要面对一大堆家务。Housework at home is innumerous for her everyday.4.介词如:(115) 她光着脚走进了房间。She came into the room with no shoes on.(116) 这个小孩现在完全能自己走路了。The child can walk without any help now.5.副词如:(117) 他一直希望自己能成为老板的助手。The idea that he should become an assistant to his boss has never deserted him.6.习惯用法和固定搭配如:(118) 法律面前,人人平等。Law is no respecter of persons.Exercise:I. Translate the following English into Chinese using the skills you have learned in this unit.1. He refuses to come in. 2. Please remain seated until the aircraft comes to a complete stop. 3. The explanation is pretty thin. 4. He is above meanness and deceit. 5. Slowly he pulled the letter out of the envelope, and unfolded it. 6. Wet paint! 7. He showed a strong dislike for fathers business. 8. The examination left no doubt that the patient had died of cancer. 9. You cannot praise the play too highly. 10. No deposit will be refunded unless ticket produced. 11. Such mistakes couldnt long escape notice. II. Translate the following Chinese into English using the skills you have learned in this unit.1. 她丈夫不愿意见到她。2. 那个房间的窗总是关着的。3. 禁止张贴。 4. 她弱不禁风。5. 远水救不了近火。Keys to exercises:I. Translate the following English into Chinese using the skills you have learned in this unit.1. 他不愿意进来。2. 飞机停稳前,请不要离开座位。3. 这个解释站不住脚。4. 他不至于做卑鄙和欺骗的事情。5. 他不慌不忙地从信封里抽出信纸,把它打开。6. 油漆未干!7. 他对他父亲的生意表现出强烈的厌恶。8. 调查结果清楚表明,病人死于癌症。9. 这出戏你怎么称赞也不过分。10. 凭票退还押金。11. 这类错误迟早会被发觉的。II. Translate the following Chinese into English using the skills you have learned in this unit.1. Her husband hates to see her.2. The windows of that room were never open.3. Posters Forbidden.4. She is as weak as water.5. While the grass grows, the sheep starves.-


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