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牛津上海版八年级下册第六单元教学设计与展示阅读课教学设计设 计 人:江晓玲课 题:牛津英语上海版,八年级下册,Unit 6 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer教学内容:Reading A Tom Sawyer paints the fence课 型:阅读课教学时间:40分钟教材分析:本单元的主题是阅读与欣赏马克吐温著名的儿童文学作品汤姆索亚历险记。汤姆索亚历险记笔调欢快,故事幽默,易于激发学生学习的兴趣。本课是本单元的第一课时,阅读材料是汤姆索亚历险记中的一则故事,讲述汤姆如何利用他的机智让他的伙伴们替他刷墙受惩罚。本课出现的课标词汇共11个,拓展词汇共1个,重点短语5个。(详见认知目标)学情分析:1. 学生对故事阅读比较感兴趣,轻松幽默的故事更是容易唤起他们学习的热情,有利于引导他们对课文进行深入的思考与探讨。2. 通过初中一年以及初二上学期的学习,学生已具备一定的阅读理解能力,掌握一些阅读理解的策略与技巧,但仍有部分学生对这些技巧尚未掌握牢固。因此,希望透过本课的阅读理解活动,帮助学生进一步巩固、运用已学的策略与技巧,提高他们的阅读理解能力,尤其是通过捕捉文章细节描写,归纳出故事人物性格特征的能力。教学目标:1. 认知目标:课标词汇fence, literature, novel, yard, joy, heart, kite, sort, coat拓展词汇marble重点短语have a rest, come by, so on, all sorts of, do a good job2. 能力发展目标:1)通过多种形式的阅读活动与任务,指导学生运用阅读理解策略与技巧,培养一些阅读微技能,如:猜测生词大意、搜寻细节信息、概括文章大意、归纳人物性格等,从而提高学生的阅读理解能力。2)培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。3. 情感目标:拓展学生的文化视野,让学生体会名著的魅力、激发学生阅读名著的兴趣。教学流程设计:步骤目的教师活动学生活动条件/手段1. Warming up由视觉感官冲击引入本单元主题,激发学生学习的兴趣Show some pictures of different kinds of literatures.Make a prediction. multi-media 2. Pre-reading引导学生回忆阅读小说时需把握时间、地点、人物等几大要素 Get the students to think about the important elements of reading a novelWhat important things do we need to know when we read a novel?multi-media3While-reading培养学生搜寻核心信息,把握文章大意的能力。渗透相关阅读技巧。(1) Guide the students to find out when and where this story happened, who the main characters are and what happened to them.(1) Fast-readingRead through the whole passage in 1 minute to find out when and where this story happened, who are the main characters and what happened to them.textbook引导学生理解课文,培养学生搜寻细节信息的能力。强化相关阅读技巧。(2) Get the students to read Para 1-3 and understand the cause of the story.(3) Ask the students to read Para. 4-12 and understand the trick Tom played on Ben.(4) Ask the students to read the last two paragraphsDetailed-reading(2) Read through the passage and answer some questions.(3) Read through Para.4-12 and fill in the blanks according to the story.(4) Read the last two paragraphs and find our what Tom got at last.textbook引导学生根据细节描写,归纳人物性格。并透过小组讨论培养学生的合作学习能力(5) Get the students to work in groups to discuss what kinds of adjectives can be used to describe Tom and find out some sentences from the text to support their ideas.(5) Group work. Discuss what kinds of adjectives can be used to describe Tom and find out the supporting sentences.textbook4.Summery总结归纳本课所学的内容及阅读技巧Summarize what are learned in this lessonWrite down what they learned.Multi-media5.Post-reading进一步强化与巩固本课所学阅读技巧Get the students to use the reading skills learned in this class to do the supplementary reading. Do the supplementary reading.Multi-media6. Homework巩固课堂所学,并延伸到课外。(1) Read aloud the new words and the text.(2) Finish the exercise in Book B 3


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