五年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 Whose dog is it A_人教PEP(202X秋) (共26张PPT)

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五年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 Whose dog is it A_人教PEP(202X秋) (共26张PPT)_第1页
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7/25/2022Unit 5 Whose dog is it?PartA7/25/2022Lets sing.I am a boy and you are a girl.I am a boy and you are a girl.I am a boy and you are a girl.Do you want to be my friends?Warm-up7/25/2022What is lost?Lets play a game.7/25/2022mine我的 yours 你的 his他的 hers 她的 ours我们的theirs他们的;她们的;它们的单词新朋友Presentation7/25/2022The yellow picture is mine.那幅黄颜色的画是我的。那幅黄颜色的画是我的。Are these all ours?这些都是我们的画吗?这些都是我们的画吗?Whose storybooks are these?这些故事书是谁的?这些故事书是谁的?They are mine.它们是我的。它们是我的。句子新朋友7/25/2022Whose dogs are they?7/25/2022hisWhose dog is this?Its Mikes dog.Its his dog.The dog is his.7/25/2022Whose dog is this?Its Chen Jies dog.Its her dog.The dog is hers.hers7/25/2022Whose dog is this?Its our dog.The dog is ours.ours7/25/2022Whose dog is this?Its their dog.The dog is theirs.theirs7/25/2022Whose dog is this?Its my dog.The dog is mine.mine7/25/2022Look,that dog is mine.Yes,its your dog.The dog is yours.yours7/25/2022你知道吗?7/25/2022形容词性物主代词myourherhisyour their+名词7/25/2022名词性物主代词mineourshershisyours theirs后面没有名词7/25/2022The yellow picture is mine.Are these all ours?Yes,they are.The picture of Beijing is Zhang Pengs.7/25/2022Look,there is a picture of Shanghai.Whose is it?Its Yifans.Yes,its his.7/25/2022Whose pen is it?Whose pens are they?Its Chen Jies pen.Its her pen.The pen is hers.Theyre Chen Jies pens.Theyre her pens.The pens are hers.7/25/2022Ask and find out.Practice7/25/2022Look,say and complete.7/25/2022Ask and answer.Whose is/are this/that?Its/Theyre7/25/2022Test选择合适的答案。Hello,_ am Peter.This is _ family.They love _ so much.A.I B.my C.meBAC7/25/2022选择合适的答案。C2.Give_ a toy,please.A.Him B.his C.him3.These books are_.A.your B.yours C.youB7/25/2022用所给单词适当形式填空。1.There is a letter for _(her)mother.2.Whose pens are these?-_(their)are _(our).3.That is not _ kite.That kite is very small,but _ is very big.(I)herTheyoursmymine7/25/2022Homework走进生活周末莉莉到好朋友迈克家玩。在迈克的书房她看到了许多书,一些是迈克的,一些是弟弟的。一个漂亮的泰迪熊,一台电脑,是爸爸的。根据所给内容编写对话写下来吧。7/25/20222021/4/20279、人的价值,在招收诱惑的一瞬间被决定。2022-7-252022-7-25Monday,July 25,202210、低头要有勇气,抬头要有低气。2022-7-252022-7-252022-7-257/25/2022 7:07:57 PM11、人总是珍惜为得到。2022-7-252022-7-252022-7-25Jul-2225-Jul-2212、人乱于心,不宽余请。2022-7-252022-7-252022-7-25Monday,July 25,202213、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。2022-7-252022-7-252022-7-252022-7-257/25/202214、抱最大的希望,作最大的努力。2022年7月25日星期一2022-7-252022-7-252022-7-2515、一个人炫耀什么,说明他内心缺少什么。2022年7月2022-7-252022-7-252022-7-257/25/202216、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2022-7-252022-7-25July 25,202217、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2022-7-252022-7-252022-7-252022-7-25谢谢大家谢谢大家


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