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To split ones sides with laughter:捧腹大笑To keep a straight face忍着不笑, 不动声色To pull somebodys leg开某人的玩笑,捉弄某人To ride ones high horse趾高气昂,春风得意马蹄疾To hold ones head high昂首挺胸,充满自信To make a cat laugh把死人逗笑了To make ones flesh creep使人汗毛直竖,让人直起鸡皮疙瘩To make a face作个鬼脸Not to bat an eyelid眼不眨,心不跳,处之泰然A big fish in a small pond鹤立鸡群,羊群里的骆驼Milk and water平淡如水Mind ones ps and qs注意言行举止No man is an island没有人是一座孤岛Just what the doctor orderedTo keep ones nose clean保持一身清白A male chauvinist大男子主义者A marriage of convenience功利婚姻The marriage of true minds真诚的结合,真心实意的联合To love at first sight一见钟情Mr./Miss Right意中人Not to mince ones words直言不讳To miss the boat坐失良机A nine days wonder昙花一现 Not in a hundred years永远不能成功To keep ones own company独来独往To know something like the palm of ones hand了如指掌To know ones onions有经验A nine to five job朝九晚五的工作,常日班To move heaven and earth to do something费了九牛二虎之力,连吃奶的劲都用上了To make bricks without straw做无米之炊Between Scylla and Charybdis腹背受敌,进退两难Man proposes, God disposes谋事在人,成事在天Mills of God grind slow but sure天网恢恢,疏而不漏God help those who help themselves 自助者天助之Whom God would ruin, he first deprives of reason上帝要毁灭谁,必先夺其理性Whom the Gods love die young上帝的宠儿早夭折Each cross hath its own inscription每个十字架都有自己的铭文He that serves God for money will serve the devil for better wages为金钱而侍奉上帝的人会为更多的报酬服侍魔鬼God sends meat and the devil sends cooks上帝赐给食物,魔鬼派来厨师Never cast your pearls before swine不可明珠暗投.不可对牛弹琴He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow知识越广,遗憾越多Gossiping and lying go hand in hand闲话与谎话结伴同行Pride goes before a fall骄傲是失败的前导All are of the dust, and all turn to the dust again人人来自泥土,又变回泥土Judge not according to appearance不可根据外表作出判断.勿貌取人Great men are not always wise伟人并非事事聪明A rose by any other name would smell as sweet玫瑰无论叫什么名字都是香的All the world is a stage. And all the men and women are merely players.整个世界就是个大舞台,形形色色的人们只是其中的演员Life is but a walking shadow人生不过是移动的影子It is better to be a beggar than a fool作乞丐胜过作傻瓜Uneasy lies the head that wears crown戴王冠的脑袋不安稳Every wise man dreadeth his enemy聪明人不吃眼前亏Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven宁在地狱为君,不在天堂作臣The child is father of the man从小知其人Knowledge is power知识就是力量One falls into Scylla in seeking to avoid Charybdis为避虎穴,落入狼窝Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus grows cold离开克瑞斯和巴克斯,维纳斯便心灰意冷Far from Jupiter, far from thunder远离了朱庇特,便远离了雷电I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts希腊人送礼时也让我害怕Marry in May, repent always五月结婚,悔恨终身Homer sometimes nods智者千虑,必有一失From his foot, you may know Hercules从他的脚,你就可以认出大力士Carry coals to Newcastle背煤上煤都,多此一举Lemster bread and Weabley ale, Dunmow bacon and Doncaster daggers吐鲁番的葡萄,哈密的瓜,库车的姑娘美如花England is the ringing island英国是充满钟声的岛屿Blessed is the eye, that is betwixt Severn and Wye塞文河和瓦伊河之间的风光,令人大饱眼福Oxford for learning, London for wit, Hull for women and York for horses牛津人学问好,伦敦人才智高 ,哈勒的女人美,约克的马匹好Many drops of water will sink the ship积漏成多会沉掉航船It is a hard sailing when there is no wind风平浪静,艰难航程A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner海水平静难造就优秀水手A great ship asks deep water大船深水行The good seaman is known in bad weather天气恶劣才能显出优秀航海家Little boats must keep to the shore小船沉岸行He that would sail without danger must never come on the main sea航行怕风险,绝不要去大海Rats desert a sinking ship船沉鼠要逃. 树倒猢狲散A small leak will sink a great ship小漏沉大船.或:蝼蚁之穴能溃千里之堤Any port in a storm 船在暴风雨中不择港口.或慌不择路Let anothers shipwreck be your seamark别人的沉船,就是你的航标. 或前车之覆,后车之鉴There are lees to every wine凡酒都有沉淀.或金无足赤,人无完人Wine and wenches empty mens purses酒色掏空男人的钱包Wine is a turncoat, first a friend, then an enemy酒是叛徒,先是朋友,后是敌人Wine is old mens milk婴儿离不开奶,老汉离不开酒Wine makes all kinds of creatures at table酒使人丑态百出Wine and judgment mature with age酒沉味醇,人老识深Bacchus hath drowned more men than Neptune酒比海淹死的人多An Englishmans house is his castle英国人的家是他们的城堡Do not wear out your welcome客人待得太久不受欢迎Even reckoning makes long friends明算帐,友谊长Tell money after your own father父子也要清帐


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