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高考过去完毕时解说过去完毕时用法讲练过去完毕时是表达在过去某一时刻此前已经完毕的动作或存在的状态,其构成形式为“助动词 had 过去分词”。使用过去完毕时态的几种典型句型。 一、主语过去完毕时 when引导从句(注:从句谓语动词为过去式) by短语by the time引导从句(注:从句谓语动词为过去式) before引导从句(注:从句谓语动词为过去式)例如: 1Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _ when he _ at the party(MET89) Aleft;had arrived Bleft;arrived Chad left;had arrived Dhad left;arrived 此题的对的答案为D。guests先“离开”,Tom后“达到”,“达到”用一般过去时,“离开”用过去完毕时。 2When Jack arrived he learned Mary _ for almost an hour(MET92) Ahad gone Bhad set off Chad left Dhad been away 此题的对的答案为D。因有表达“一段时间”的状语“for almost an hour”,因此选入的动词必须是延续性动词。 3We _ four thousand new words by the end of last year We _ four thousand new words by the end of this year Ahad learned Bhave learned Clearned Dwill have learned 句根据by短语中的last year,对的选项为A;句根据by短语中的this year,对的选项为D。 4He had already built his own lab by the time he was ten到十岁时,她已经建了自己的实验室。 5He had studied English for five years before he came here来这儿之前,她已经学五年英语了。 二、1. 主语had hardly(scarcely)过去分词when(before)主语一般过去时 2主语had no sooner 过去分词than主语一般过去时例如: They had no sooner got home than it began to rain她们刚一到家,天就下起雨来。 _ got into the room,_ the telephone rang(MET88) AHe hardly had;then BHardly had he;when CHe had not;that DNot had he;when 此题的对的答案为B。当否认词hardly,scarcely,no sooner在句首时,主谓要倒装。 三、根据上下文的时间关系来拟定。例如: 1The police found that the house _ and a lot of things _ (MET90) Ahas broken into;has been stolen Bhad broken into;had been stolen Chas been broken into;stolen Dhad been broken into;stolen 此题的对的答案为D。found是过去时,其后的宾语从句的动作发生在found动作之前。 2The students _ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _ in the office(MET91) Ahad written;left Bwere writing;has left Chad written;had left Dwere writing;had left 此题的对的答案为D。went阐明事情发生在过去,而“把书忘在办公室”的动作发生在went之前。 3The pen I _ I _ is on my desk,right under my nose(MET93) Athink;lost Bthought;had lost Cthink;had lost Dthought;have lost 此题的对的答案为B。“丢笔”是在“觉得”之前发生的动作。 4Helen _ her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband _ home(NMET 96) Ahas left;comes Bleft;had come Chad left;came Dhad left;would come 此题的对的答案为C。had to wait阐明事情发生在过去,而“忘带钥匙”的动作发生在“等丈夫回家”之前。 四、表达过去未曾实现的但愿、打算或意图,用过去完毕时,常用的动词有:hope,think,expect, intend,mean,suppose,want等。例如: They had wanted to help but couldnt get here in time她们本来是要来帮忙的,但未能及时赶到。 五、It was 时间since 主语过去完毕时例如: They asked me to have a drink with themI said that it was at least ten years since I _ a good drink(MET88) Ahad enjoyed Bwas enjoying Cenjoyed Dhad been enjoying 此题的对的答案为A。 六、主语过去式 after引导从句(注:从句谓语动词为过去完毕时) because引导从句(注:从句谓语动词为过去完毕时)例如: 1After she had left the room,the telephone rang她离开房间后,电话响了。 2He didnt go to see the film because he had seen it由于她看了那部电影,因此没有去看。高考真题预测再现:1. They became friends again that day. Until then, they _ to each other for nearly two years. (安徽) A. didnt speak B. hadnt spoken C. havent spoken D. havent been speaking2. Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friend yesterday? Yes, he did. He _ his old friends for a long time. (重庆)A. didnt see B. wouldnt see C. hasnt seen D. hadnt seen3.(江苏卷)Tommy is planning to buy a car. I know. By next month, he_enough for a used one. A. saves B .saved C.will save D. will have saved4.(北京卷)Experiments of this kind _ in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War.A. have conducted B. have been conducted C. had conducted D. had been conducted5. The play had already been on for quite some time when we _ at the New Theatre.(浙江) A have arrivedB. arrived C. had arrivedD. Arrive6. By the time Jane gets home,her aunt_for London to attend a meeting.(天津) A will leave B leaves C will have left D left7. (辽宁卷) By the time Jack returned home from England, his son _ from college. A. graduated B. has graduated C. had been graduating D. had graduated8. Did Linda see the traffic accident?(天津) No, no sooner _ than it happened. A. had she gone B. she had gone C. has she gone D. she has gone1.(10安徽)-Were you surprised by the ending of the film?-No, I _the book, so I already knew the story?A. was reading B. had read C. am reading D. have read答案:B. 2. (10安徽) -Weve spent too much money recently. -well, it isnt surprising. Our friend and relatives _around all the time A. are coming B. had come C. were coming D. have been coming答案:D. 3.(10湖南)This coastal area a national wildlife reserve last year. A. was named B. named C. is named D. names 答案:A4.(10湖南)I was just going to cut my rose bushes but someone it. Was it you?A. has done B. had done C. would do D. will do 答案:B5. (10湖南) Im tired out. . I all afternoon and I dont seem to have finished anything. A. shopped B. have shopped C. had shopped D. have been shopping答案D6.(10江西)Mother wanted to be a good provider, a role she _ since her marriage to Father. A shoulders B shouldered C is shouldering D has been shouldering答案:7.(10山东)Up to now, the program _ thousands of children who would otherwise have died. A. would save B. Saves C. had saved D. has saved答案:D8.(10天津)We on this project for four hours. Lets have a rest. A. are working B. have been working C. worked D. had worked答案:B. 9.(10四川)一When shall we restart our business? 一Not until we our plan Awill finish Bare finishing Care to finish Dhave finished答案:D 10.(10全国)Have you finished reading Jane Eyre? No , I _ my homework all day yesterday. A. was doing B. would do C. has done D. do11.(10全国)When you are home , give a call to let me know you _ safely. A. are arriving B. have arrived C. had arrived D. will arrive答案:B12.(10江苏)why, Jack, you look so tired! Well, I _the house and I must finish the work tomorrow. A. was painting B. will be painting C. have painted D. have been painting选D。13.(10江苏)Peter , where did you guys go for the summer vacation?We_ busy with our work for months, so we went to the beach to relax ourselves. A. were B. have been C. had been D. will be 选C. 14.(10陕西)I have to see the doctor because I a lot lately. A. have been coughing B. had coughed C. coughed D. coughA. 15. (10全国)Excuse me I_I was blocking your way. A. didnt realize B. dont realize C. havent realized D. wasnt realizing答案:A16.(10辽宁)Joseph _to evening classes since last month, but he still cant say “Whats your name?” in Russian. Ahas been going Bwent Cgoes Dhas gone答案:A17.(10北京)-Im sorry, but I dont quite follow you. Did you say you wanted to return on September 20?-Sorry, I myself clear. We want to return on October 20. A. hadnt made B. wouldnt make C. dont make D. havent made答案:D18.(10北京)It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they _ for me. A. had done B. did C. would do D. were doing答案:A19.(10重庆)The book has been translated into thirty languages since it on the market in 1973. A. had comeB. has comeC. cameD. comes答案C20. (10重庆)-Why do you want to work for our company? -This is the job that I for. A. lookedB. am to lookC. had lookedD. have been looking答案D21(10浙江)For many years, people electric cars. However, making them has been more difficult than predicted. Ahad dreamed ofBhave dreamed of Cdreamed ofDdream of答案:B22. (全国卷) When Alice came to, she did not know how long she _ there. A.had been lying B.has been lying C.was lying D.has lain答案 A23.(全国卷) If you dont like the drink you_just leave it and try a different one. A. ordered B. are ordering C. will order D. had ordered答案 A24(北京卷,32)Bob has gone to California.Oh, can you tell me when he _ ?A. has left B. left C. is leaving D. would leave25(山东卷,31) When I got on the bus, I_I had left my wallet at home.A. was realizing B. realized C. have realized D. would realize答案 B26(山东卷,35) She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the child _ everything!A. had been eating B. had eaten C. have eaten D. have been eating27(陕西卷)His first novel _ good reviews since it came out last month. A.receives B.is receiving C.will receive D.has receivedD28(湖南卷) In 1492, Columbus_ on one of the Bahama islands, but he mistook it for an island off India. lands B. landed C. has landed D.had landedB29.(湖南卷)It is the most instructive lecture that I _ since I came to this schoolA. attended B. had attended C. am attending D. have attendedD


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