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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date四、六级选词填空练习Passage 11. One in five US workers regularly attends after-work drinks with co-workers, where the most common 36 range from bad-mouthing (说的坏话) another worker to kissing a colleague and drinking too much, according to a study 37 on Tuesday. Most workers attend so-called happy hours to 38 with colleagues, although 15 percent go to hear the latest office gossip and 13 percent go because they feel obliged, said the survey conducted for CareerB, on online job site.As to what happens when the after-work drinks flow, 16 percent reported bad-mouthing a colleague, 10 percent shared a secret about a colleague, 8 percent kissed a colleague and 8 percent said they drank too much and acted 39 . 5 percent said they had shared a secret about the company, and 4 percent 40 to singing karaoke. While 21 percent of those who attend say happy hours are good for 41 , 85 percent said attending had not helped them get 42 to someone higher up or get a better position. An equal number of men and women said they attend happy hours with co-workers, with younger workers aged 25 to 34 most likely and workers over 55 least 43 to attend. Overall, 21 percent of workers attend happy hours with co-workers and, of those, 44 a quarter go at least once a month. The survey was 45 online by Harris Interactive on behalf of CareerBuilder, com among 6,987 full-time employees. -A) bond B) acknowledged C) nearly D) speciallyE) anywhere F) mishaps G) obligated H) likelyI) conducted J) idly K) unprofessionally L) networkingM) released N) confessed O) researchedKEY: F M A K N L E H C I 2. If it were only necessary to decide whether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to find the gifted few and take them as far as they can go, our task would be fairly simple. The public school 36 , however, has no such choice, for the job must be 47 on at the same time. Because we depend so 38 upon science and technology for our progress, we must produce 39 in many fields. Because we live in a democratic nation, whose citizens make the policies for the nation, large numbers of us must be educated to understand, to support, and when necessary, to 40 the work of experts. The public school must educate both producers and users of scientific services.In education, there should be a good balance among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wise judgment. Such balance is 41 by too much emphasis on any one field. This question of balance involves not only the relation of the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the arts but also relative 42 among the natural sciences themselves.Similarly, we must have a balance between current and 43 knowledge. The attention of the public is 44 drawn to new possibilities in scientific fields and the discovery of new knowledge; these should not be allowed to turn our attention away from the sound, 45 materials that form the basis of courses for beginners. A) awarded B) heavily C) classical D) displayE) established F) system G) involved H) defeatedI) continually J) specially K) emphases L) establishmentM) specialists N) carried O) judgeKEY: F N B M O H K C I E 3.Years ago, doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life. In particular, when older patients 36 of pain, they were told it was a natural part of aging and they would have to learn to live with it. Times have changed. Today, we take pain 37 . indeed, pain is now considered the fifth vital, as important as blood pressure, temperature, breathing rate and pulse in 38 a persons well-being. We know that chronic (慢性的) pain can disrupt (扰乱的) a persons life, causing problems that 39 from missed work to depression. Thats why a growing number of hospitals now depend upon physicians who 40 in pain medicine. Not only do we evaluate the cause of the pain, which can help us treat the pain better, but we also help provide comprehensive therapy for depression and other psychological and social 41 related to chronic pain. Such comprehensive therapy often 42 the work of social workers, psychiatrists (心理医生) and psychologists, as well as specialists in pain medicine. This modern 43 for pain management has led to a wealth of innovative treatments which are more effective and with fewer side effects than ever before. Decades ago, there were only a 44 number of drugs available, and many of them caused 45 side effects in older people, including dizziness and fatigue. This created a double-edged sword: the medications helped relieve the pain but caused other problems that could be worse than the pain itself. A) result B) involves C) significant D) rangeE) relieved F) issues G) seriously H) magnificentI) determining J) limited K) gravely L) complainedM) respect N) prompting O) specializeKEY;L G I D O F B M J C 4As war spreads to many corners of the globe, children sadly have been drawn into the center of conflicts. In Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Colombia, however, groups of children have been taking part in peace education _47_. The children, after learning to resolve conflicts, took on the _48_ of peacemakers. The Childrens Movement for Peace in Colombia was even nominated (提名) for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1998. groups of children _49_ as peacemakers studied human rights and poverty issues in Colombia, eventually forming a group with five other schools in Bogota known as The Schools of Peace.The classroom _50_ opportunities for children to replace angry, violent behaviors with _51_, peaceful ones. It is in the classroom that caring and respect for each person empowers children to take a step _52_toward becoming peacemakers. Fortunately, educators have access to many online resources that are _53_ useful when helping children along the path to peace. The Young Peacemakers Club, started in 1992, provides a Website with resources for teachers and _54_ on starting a Kindness Campaign. The World Centers of Compassion for Children International call attention to childrens rights and how to help the _55_ of war. Starting a Peacemakers Club is a praiseworthy venture for a class and one that could spread to other classrooms and ideally affect the culture of the _56_ school.A) victims B) technology C) role D) respectively E) projects F) offers G) information H) imagesI) forward J) especially K) entire L) cooperativeM) comprehensive N) assuming O) actingKEY: 47-51. E. projects C. role O. acting F. offers L. cooperative52-56. I. forward J. especially G. information A. victims K. entire.5. Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require three months of travel through Europe. I had been abroad a couple of times, but I could hardly -47- to know my way around the continent. Moreover, my knowledge of foreign languages was -48- to a little college French.I hesitated. How would I, unable to speak the language, -49- unfamiliar with local geography or transportation systems, set up-50- and do research? It seemed impossible, and with considerable-51-I sat down to write a letter begging off. Halfway through, a thought ran through my mind: you cant learn if you dont try. So I accepted the assignment.There were some bad-52-. But by the time I had finished the trip I was an experienced traveler. And ever since. I have never hesitated to head for even the most remote of places. Without guides or even-53- bookings. Confident that somehow I will manage.The point is that the new, the different, is almost by definition -54- . but each time you try something. You learn. And as the learning plies up. The world opens to you.Ive learned to ski at 40, and flown up the Rhine river in a -55-. And I know Ill go to doing such things. Its not because Im braver or more daring than others. Im not. But Ill accept anxiety as another name for challenge and I believe I can-56-wonders.A. accomplish B. advanced C. balloon D. claim E. constantly F. declare G. interviews H. limitedI. manufacture J. moments K. news L. reducedM. regret N. scary O. totallyKEY: 47. D) claim 48. H) limited 49. O) totally 50. G) interviews 51. M) regret 52. J) moments 53. B) advanced 54. N) scary 55. C) balloon 56. A) accomplish6. A bookless life is an incomplete life. Books influence the depth and breadth of life. They meet the natural_47_for freedom, for expression, for creativity and beauty of life. Learners, therefore, must have books, and the right type of book, for the satisfaction of their need. Readers turn_48_ to books because their curiosity concerning all manners of things, their eagerness to share in the experiences of others and their need to _49_ from their own limited environment lead them to find in books food for the mind and the spirit. Through their reading they find a deeper significance to life as books acquaint them with life in the world as it was and it is now. They are presented with a _50_ of human experiences and come to _51 _ other ways of thought and living. And while _52_ their own relationships and responses to life , the readers often find that the _53 _ in their stories are going through similar adjustments, which help to clarify and give significance to their own.Books provide _54A_ material for readers imagination to grow. Imagination is a valuable quality and a motivating power, and stimulates achievement. While enriching their imagination, books _55 _their outlook, develop a fact-finding attitude and train them to use leisure _56_. The social and educational significance of the readers books cannot be overestimated in an academic library.A. abundant B. characters C. communicating D. completelyE. derive F. desire G. diversity H. escapeI. establishing J. narrow K. naturally L. personnelM. properly N. respect O. widenKEY:47. F) derive 48. K) naturally 49. H) escape 50. G) diversity 51. N) respect52. I) establishing 53. B) characters 54. A) abundant 55. O) widen 56. M) ProperlyPassage 1Women with low literacy suffer disproportionately more than men, encountering more 36 in finding a well-paying job and being twice as likely to end up in the group of lowest wage earners, a study released on Wednesday said.Analysis by the Institute for Womens Police Research (IWPR) found women at all levels of 37 tend to earn less than men, but its at the lowest literacy levels that the wage gap between genders in most striking.Women with low literacy are twice as 38 as men at the same skill level to be among the lowest earners, bringing in $300 a week or less, the report said.“Because women start off so low in terms of wages, having higher literacy and more skills really 39 a big difference,” said Kevin Miller, a 40 research associate at IWPR and co-author of the study.Women need to go 41 in their training and education level to earn the same as men, Miller said.The 42 was based on 2009 National Assessment of Adult Literacy surveys, the most recent data 43 and focused on reading skills, not writing and numeric literacy. That data was 44 from a nationally representative sample of 19,714 people aged 16 and older, living in households or prisons.Data showed about one-third of American adults have low literacy levels, and more than 36 percent of men and 33 percent of women fall into that 45 , the institute said. A) pattern D) difficulties G) positions J) independent M) likelyB) senior E) category H) available K) literacy N) furtherC) longer F) collected I) conducted L) analysis O) makesKEY: DKMOB NLHFEPassage 2Cancer is the worlds top “economic killer” as well as its likely leading cause of death. Cancer costs more in 36 and lost life than AIDS, malaria, the flu and other diseases that spread person-to-person. Chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes 37 for more than 60 percent of deaths worldwide but less than 3 percent of public and private 38 for global health, said Rachel Nugent of the Center for Global Development, a Washington-based policy research group. Money shouldnt be taken away from fighting diseases that 39 person-to-person, but the amount 40 to cancer is way out of whack (重击)with the impact it has, said Otis Brawley, the cancer societys chief medical officer.Cancers economic toll (损耗)was$895 billion in 2008-equivalent to 1.5 percent of the worlds gross 41 product, the reports says. Thats in terms of disability and years of life lost-not the cost of treating the disease, which wasnt addressed in the report. Many groups have been pushing for more attention to non-infectious causes of death, and the United Nations General Assembly has set a meeting on this a year from now. some policy experts are 42 it to the global initiative that led to big increases in spending on AIDS nearly a decade ago. “This needs to be discussed at the UN- how we are going to deal with this rising burden of 43 disease”, said Dr. Andreas Ullrich, medical officer for cancer control at WHO.Researchers used the World Health Organizations death and disability reports, and economic data from the World Bank. They 44 disability-adjusted life years, which reflect the impact a disease has on how long and how 45 people live.A) productively D) spread G) calculated J) chronic M) doubtfulB) supplying E) account H) devoted K) comparing N) clumsilyC) shifting F) funding I) productivity L) domestic O) disability Key: I E F D H L K J G APassage 3Nearly a third of women are the main breadwinners in their household in Britain, according to a major survey. Researchers said that in many relationships it was no longer assumed that the man would bring in the bigger income, 36 in a time of widespread redundancies (裁员).In a 37 shift in attitudes, four out of ten women said that the career of whichever partner had the highest income would take 38 in the relationship. In one in ten families, a house husband looks after the children and does the 39 while their female partner works full time.Ten percent of women admitted this role 40 had put strains on their relationship and some said it had even led to them 41 company.The Women and Work Survey 2010, commissioned (受委托) by Grazia magazine, found that almost half of full-time mothers 42 not earning their own money.And two thirds of the mothers among the 2,000 women in the survey said they wanted to keep working in some way after having children.A 43 higher number of those with children under three said they would prefer to work- preferably part-time rather than stay at home. Victoria Harper of Grazia said, “Women are getting good jobs when they graduate, and working up the career 44 faster than they have ever done.”This means that there has to be more 45 between the roles of men and women in a relationship and when they have children.A) precedence D) slightly G) plan J) parting M) dislikedB) connection E) ladder H) reversal K) opposite N) fluidityC) prospect F) favored I) especially L) chores O) significantKEY: I O A L H J M D E NPassage 4 Women in 2011 made no significant gains in winning more top US business jobs, according to a study, but the head of the study said women are poised to make 36 in the year ahead.The number of women who were board directors, corporate officers or top earners at Fortune 500 companies remained 37 unchanged, said the study by Catalyst, a nonprofit group that 38 opportunities for women in business.The percentage of companies with women on the board of directors was 15.1 percent this year, compared with 14.8 percent in 2010, Catalyst said.Also, the percentage of corporate officer positions 39 by women was 15.7 percent in 2011 and 15.4 percent in 2010, it said. The percentage of top earners in 2011 who were women was 6.2 percent, compared to 6.7 percent in 2010, it said.The research on the Fortune 500 companies was 40 on data as of March 31, 2011. The slight changes in the numbers are not considered 41 significant, Catalyst said.Nevertheless, given the changes in U.S. politics, the future for women in business looks more 42 , said Ilene Lang, president and chief executive 43 of Catalyst. “Overall were 44 to see change next year,” Lang said. “When we look at shareholders, decision makers, the general public, theyre looking for change.”“What theyre basically saying is, Dont give us 45 of the status quo (现状). Get new ideas in there, get some fresh faces,” she said. A) officer D) positions G) businesslike J) strides M) confusedB) changes E) more H) surveying K) promotes N) heldC) based F) promising I) essentially L) statistically O) expectingKEY: JIKNC LFAOEPassage 5The secret to happiness is keeping busy, research has found. keeping the mind 36 with tasks- no matter how meaningless- staves off (赶走) negative emotions, the study found.However, the bad news is that humans seem hard-wired (天生的) to be lazy in order to save energy, according to Professor Christopher Hsee, a behavioral scientist at Chicago University.In a study 98 students were asked to complete two surveys. After they had completed the first they were made to wait 15 minutes to receive the next one. They were given a choice of either handing in the first 37 nearby or at a more distant location they had to walk to. Whichever option they chose, they received a chocolate bar. Two-thirds of (68 per cent) chose the lazy 38 . those who had taken the walk reported feeling happier than those who had stayed 39 .Prof Hsee 40 keeping busy helped keep people happy. He said the findings, reported in the journal Psychological Science, had policy 41 . “Governments may increase the happiness of idle citizens by having them build bridges that are 42 useless,” he proposed. at the individual level, he advised, “get up and do something. Anything. Even if there really is no point to what you are doing, you will feel better for it.” He 43 , “Incidentally, thinking deeply or engaging in self-refection 44 as keeping busy, too. You do not need to be running around- you just need to be 45 , either physically or mentally.”A) study D) option G) increased J) solutions M) countsB) added E) engaged H) implications K) occupied N) putC) thought F) especially I) survey L) concluded O) actuallyKEY: K I D N L H O B M E Passage 6 星火 Test 5Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do especially in a tight job market. Bob Crossley, a human-resource expert notices this in the job applicati


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