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中考英语应用文题型分析及方略8种应用文文体:1告知 ( Notice ) 2书信( Letter ) 3海报( Poster ) 4. 便条( Message ) 5电邮 ( E-mail ) 6日记 ( Diary ) 7天气预报 ( Weather report ) 8自我简介 ( Self-introduction )一、日 记 日记是用来论述一天生活中发生的重要事情的文体,特别是那些具有教育意义或值得此后回忆、查阅、参照的事情;其素材应是最有趣或感受最多的某些事情;一般以记叙文或是以简朴的议论文为主。 1英语写作的格式 Sunday, May 21st CloudyMy Teacher(题目)日记中的月份和星期,往往用简略形式,如:November 10th, Friday 可缩写为Nov. 10th, Fri.星期的省略形式为: SundaySun. MondayMon. TuesdayTue.Wednesday Wed. ThursdayThur. 或 Thurs. FridayFri. SaturdaySat. 月份的省略形式为: JanuaryJan. FebruaryFeb.MarchMar. AprilApr.MayMay. JuneJun. 或 June JulyJul. 或 July AugustAug. SeptemberSept OctoberOct.NovemberNov. DecemberDec. 日期的写法:1 first 1st 2 second 2nd 3 third 3rd 4 fourth 4th5 fifth 5th 8 eighth 8th 9 ninth 9th 11 eleventh11th12 twelfth 12th 13 thirteenth 13th 15 fifteenth 15th18 eighteenth 18th 19 nineteenth 19th 20 twentieth 20th 21 twenty-first 21st 22 twenty-second 22nd23 twenty-third23rd 30thirtieth 30th 31thirty first 31st此外,还要注意某些常用来表达天气的词语:小雨 light rain多云 cloudy 大雨 heavy rain 多风 windy 毛毛雨 fine rain多雨 rainy 北风 north wind 炎热 hot 西风 west wind 闷热 close 东北风 northeast wind 干燥 dry晴朗 fine 或 clear 多雾 foggy 阳光明媚 sunny多雪 snowy 2日记的人称和时态日记一般常用第一人称,以论述型为主。常用一般过去时。但如果是描写景色或展望将来,可以用一般目前时或一般将来时。3日记的写作顺序日记一般按照时间顺序或事情的通过来写。最佳分两段,最后一段表白自己的感受。语言要清晰,自然,内容要连贯、完整。v 例1请你根据如下提示,用英语写一则日记,不少于5句并涉及所有的信息。v (时间:9月25日,星期六,多风)v 早上8:00起床。 v 做完作业后帮妈妈做家务。v 下午二时看电影,片名叫Assembly。v 乘公共汽车于1:50达到电影院。v 电影很有趣,过得不久乐。参 考 范 文Saturday , September 25th Windy This morning I got up at 8:00. After breakfast, I did my homework. Then I helped my mother do housework. I went to the cinema at 2 oclock this afternoon. The name of the film was Assembly. I went to the cinema by bus. I got there at 1:50 p.m. The film was very interesting. We had a good time.二、书 信 书信是人们在平常生活中不可缺少的一种通讯方式,它是人们进行思想交流、信息传递的重要手段。书信的种类重要有:来信、复信、邀请信、感谢信、道歉信、求助信、求职信、求购信、投诉信、简介信、推荐信等等。英文书信按照其正规性可分为私人信件和正式函件。在中考书面体现题中的“书信”一般都是私人书信。本节着重以私人信件为例进行解说阐明。1. 正文(Body): 正文就是一封信的“主体”。从称呼下一行往右缩第二个字母处开始写,每段的开头都应与正文的第一行对齐。书信正文就是一篇文章,可运用描述,议论,抒情,阐明等多种措施写。怎么写取决于内容。2. 写回信,常应先提到收到对方的信,并表达谢意。常用的用语: Thank you for your letter of November 17th, . I was glad to receive your letter of April 4. I was most pleased to hear from you. I have just received your letter. I am glad to tell you that3. 结束语(Closing) 结束语即是正文下面的客套话。一般从信纸中间偏右的地方开始写,第一种字母应大写,末尾用逗号。Best wishes / regards All my best wishes. With my best respects and regards.Wishing you good luck / success /good health. Good luck to you / with sth. Give my love / regards to Remember me to your family.Say hello to every body. Looking forward to hearing from you.4. 一般用Yours 签名,签名在右下角。三、 告知:v 书面告知 书面告知是以布告张贴的形式浮现,常常是张贴在显眼的位置,以引起公众的注意。为醒目起见,标题的每个字母都常大写。 书面告知的格式: v 标题:在正文上面正中的地方写上NOTICE。v 正文:告知内容涉及具体的时间、地点、活动内容和注意事项。v 单位:发告知的单位一般写在正文的右下角。有时也放于标题之上,作为标题的一部分。v 时间:发出告知的时间一般写在左下角或右下角。 书面告知一般无称呼语,告知中常用第三人称。中考书面体现书面告知的卷面体现形式。NOTICE In celebration of May Day , there will be - 正 文 School Office April 25th , NOTICEv Our school will hold the winter sports meeting on our playground from January 20th to January 22nd. We hope all the students will take part in the sports meeting. Every student will have a try in all kinds of sports. Each class will write reports about the sports meeting in time. If it snows,well put off the sport meeting till next week. The Students Union January 15th, 四、天气预报例文1、下面的表格是哈尔滨市的天气状况,请写一份天气预报,规定条理清晰,并涉及所有信息。AreaMorningAfternoonEveningTemperatureHarbinfineSnow,strong windA little better-15C to -8C Good morning! Heres the weather report for Harbin. In the morning, it will be fine. In the afternoon, it will snow and there will be strong wind. In the evening, it will be a little better. The temperature will be -15C to -8C. Thank you for listening.v五、 海报 Poster 海报(Poster)是一种带有装饰性的广告,有时还配有绘画。涉及有球讯、电影消息、文娱活动海报等。海报正中往往有主题的大字标题。海报无需称呼,在正文右下角写发出海报的单位,日期位于签名的下一行,靠左下角。海报正文语言十分简洁,而不用文字具体论述。开门见山地阐明主题和活动内容,活动时间和活动地点另起一行。最后提出规定和注意事项。1) 时态:用一般将来时和一般目前时2) 规定:把活动的内容、时间、地点、参与规定及主办单位交代清晰即可3) 正文的写法:第一:第一句话用将来时交代活动的内容和时间 Eg: ( 1 ) Well have a showfootball match on July 16th( 2 ) There is a piece of news that well hold a+ 地点+时间( 3 ) is holding +活动+地点+时间( 4 ) We hope raise money to help the poor children时间也可附带在活动的背面: The time is fromto 第二:接着交代活动的地点及其她内容 Eg: It will be held +地点第三:简介活动的特点, 尽量论述积极向上的和有益的一面 Eg: ( 1 ) The match will be wonderful. ( 2 ) All the clothes are low in price ,but high quality第四: 接着简介某些文字材料的其她信息。如具体的措施及注意事项和规定。Eg: ( 1 ) you can buy ticket in,and the price is 2 yuan for each ( 2 ) By then, some new clothes are even 50 off, If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time, you can get a present ( 3 ) Call Lily at 51542636 or email第五:用某些鼓励性语言激发读者的爱好Eg: ( 1 ) Please come and cheer for them. ( 2 ) I hope you dont miss it.( 3 ) Dont miss it. ( 4 ) All are warmly welcome.( 5 ) Everyone is welcome. ( 6 ) Catch the chance, or you will regret.( 7 ) Sign up and have a good time. ( 8 ) Hurry up to范文:POSTER Friendly Basketball Match A friendly basketball match will be organized by the Students Union of our school. It will be held between No.3 Middle School team and ours on the basketball court on Saturday, November 25th, at 4 p.m. It is very exciting. I hope that everyone wont miss it. The School Students Union Tuesday, November 24th,.v 建议教师平时批改小作文时可以采用中考批卷时我们常用的措施: 扣分法或加分法:v 1 先看格式与否对的错误减一分v 2看文章时只要找到任何一处错误减一分v 3 信息核心词只要缺一处就减一分v 4 主从复合句没有或重要句干有错误减一分v 5 不够五个有效句子减一分六、留言条注意:1、称呼;2、签名例文1、如果你是苏珊,你要和你的同窗刘畅去看电影。你去找她,她正好不在家,你就给她写了留言条:1.电影今晚6:30开始。2.5点钟在学校门口等她。3.一起坐21路车去。Dear Liu Chang, I go to your house, but you arent at home. I want you to watch a movie with me. Th movie begins at 6:30 this evening. I wait for you at our school gate at 5:00. We can take No.21bus to go there .See you soon.Susan例文2、如果你是张平,放学后你和同窗去看电影,大概6:30回家,告诉妈妈不要紧张,请根据以上内容给妈妈写一则30词左右的便条。Dear Mum, I will go to Children Cinema to see a film with my class mates after school. I will go back home at about 6:30 pm . Dont worry about me. I will look after myself.Zhang Ping例文3、如果你是张明,星期日你受到了Tom的邀请,她邀请你去参与她的生日约会。你很感谢她的邀请,但是你有诸多其她的事情要做,还要为周一的考试准备。于是你立即去她家找她,可碰巧她不在家,于是你给她写了一张留言条,并带给她最佳的祝愿。Dear Tom, Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. But Im sorry I cant come. Because I have to study for the exams. But I still want to wish you have a happy birthday. I hope you have lots of fun!Zhang Ming七、 假条注意:1. 称呼 xxx,; 2. 正文; 3. 签名; 4. 日期(可省)例文1、丽丽的妈妈生病住院了。今天将要动手术。丽丽将到医院照看她,因此丽丽今天不能去上学了。请以丽丽的身份给格林先生写一则请假条。Dear Mr. Green, My mother is in hospital. Shell have an operation today. Ill go to the hospital to look after her. So Im afraid I cant go to school today.Yours,Lily例文2、如果你教凯特,你的妈妈忽然生病了,爸爸又去广州出差了,你不得不在家照顾妈妈,想向你的教师Miss Wang,请三天假,并表达自学功课。请根据以上内容写一则请假条。Dear Miss Wang, Im very sorry to tell you that I cants go to school today. My mother is ll and my father has gone to Guangzhou on business. I have to look after my mother at home. So I will ask three days leave, I can learn lessons by myself.Your student,Kate八、电话留言例文1、Tim给Andy打了一种电话,邀请她去参与周二的圣诞约会,但Andy没在家,她的哥哥John记下了Tim的留言,请你描述此电话留言的重要内容。Date: today Time: 7:30pm To: Andy From: TimMessage: Join Christmas Party this Thursday; Some colorful lights and balloons are needed.Andy: I received a telephone call. It was made by Tim at 7:30pm. He wanted you to join Christmas Party this Thursday at his home. You must bring some colorful lights and balloons when you go there on that day. John例文2、如果你是刘梅,你在8月20日下午3点15分接到吉姆给约翰的电话,约翰不在,Jim, Lin Tao, Kate星期日去West Hill野餐,她们在学校门口会面,坐公共汽车去,她们但愿John一起去,并且带某些吃的,不要迟到。你接了电话,请根据通话内容留一张电话留言条。From: Jim To: JohnDate: Aug. 20th Time:3:15John, Jim, Lin Tao and Kate will have a picnic at the West Hill this Sunday. They will meet at the school gate and go there by bus. They hope you can go with them. Please bring some food with you and dont be late.Liu Mei九、感谢信例文1、Jenny邀请Jane在星期一参与生日晚会。但是Jane那天晚上要参与数学考试,没时间去。请帮Jane写一封感谢信,她同步送上一份礼物,以示祝贺。时间5月20日。Dear Jenny, May 20th Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party, but Im afraid I cant come. Because Ill have a math exam on Monday evening. Here is a gift for you. I hope you will love it. Happy birthday. Yours, Jane十、失物招领、寻物启事注意:1.标题;2.签名例文1、如果今天上午你在学校的操场上捡到一种钱包,包内有300元钱和一张IC卡。你将钱包交到了总务处,请失主到总务处(the General Affairs Office)认领。很据上述提示写一则招领启示。Found A wallet with three hundred yuan and an IC card has been found on the playground this morning. If it is yours, please come to the General Affairs Office. The General Affairs Office例文2、本人于昨天在学校操场拾到一件校服上衣,兜里有钱若干,尚有钥匙一串。有丢失者请与初三(二)班王爽联系,或打电话.Found I found a uniform on the school playground yesterday afternoon. There is some money and a set of keys. If it is yours, please call or contact Wang Shuang of Class Two, Grade Three.Wang Shuang例文3、今天是11月22日,Tina在学校餐厅用餐时不慎丢失一种黑色的包,里面有一件短裙,一件衬衫。有拾到者请打电话63390668。谢谢。Lost I lost a black bag when I was having lunch in the school dinning room. There is a skirt and a blouse in it. If you find it, please call 63390668.Thank you.Tina例文4、如果你不慎将书包遗失在操场上,书包是蓝色的,有些脏。里面有一种红色的铅笔盒,一本英语书和一种黑色的钱包。你很着急,于是用以上信息写了一张寻物启事,并留下了联系方式()。Lost I have lost my schoolbag in the playground. Its blue and a little dirty. There is a red pencil-box, an English book and a black wallet. If you find my schoolbag, please call me. My telephone number is .Thank you very much.十一、贺卡注意:1.称呼:To xxx,; 签名:From xxx 2.正文:a、节日快乐; b、但愿、祝愿例文1、如果你叫Alpha,你校新来的外教Judy Smith 明天将要到你班上课。明天是她的生日,请你为她写一张生日贺卡。To Judy Smith, Happy birthday to you! I think its your first birthday at our school. Well have a party for you. I hope you can enjoy it. Thank you for teaching us.From Alpha例文2、今天是教师节,二班的学生给吴教师写了一张贺卡,她要祝教师节日快乐。To our dear teacher Mr. Wu, Happy Teachers Day! Thank you for helping us so much! I hope youll have a happy year in our class! Best wishes for you !From your students of Class Two十二、 广告注意:要有签名肯德基推出一种新的饮料Xue Ding Coffee,里面有冰淇淋,冰块,咖啡,非常美味。并且价格便宜,请为它做个广告。规定用5句话体既有关内容。We have a new drink. Theres ice-cream, ice and coffee in it. Its cheap. And its very delicious. Please hurry up. Come and enjoy it. KFC十三、 电子邮件(e-mail)To: Kayla Subject: Re: Pen-pal wantedHello, Kayla, Im Mike. I am 15 years old. Im glad to know that you would like to have a pen-pal. I also want to find a pen-pal from the Internet. When Im free, I like to listen to the music, go hiking and play basketball. Im good at English and art .We can learn from each other and be good friends. I hope to hear from you often.Best wishes.Mike应用文写作技巧 阅读体现五句话,判断文体再说话。 书信电邮多问候,海报告知勤欢迎。过去时态写日记,将来时态报天气。 留言易写出错多,人称用词换得多。简介自己不算完,讲讲决心和感受。 信息多,别嫌烦,细心找寻准又全。信息零乱没关系,可用过渡连词串。 提笔之前打草稿,语法精确不跑偏。卷面干净字工整,标点符号常记挂。 灵活句式来点缀,写出满分应用文!书面体现(10分)v Narration 记叙文(5W1H ) v Exposition 阐明文 ( HowWay )v Argumentation 议论 ( Why-Reason )一、( 记叙文六要素 ) :Who What When Where Why How二、阐明文篇章构造写前指引第一段:导入主题自然恰当,结尾要紧扣在阐明文体裁上,Here is my advice / Here are my ways / suggestions,语言精彩,有修辞措施(排比、比方、设问、引用等),不能写成其他文体。第二段:从三个不同的侧面来阐明问题。第三段:首尾呼应,总结扣题,If you follow my有精美语句、 谚语,升华主题。阐明文主体段-第二段构造至少要分三点进行阐明,每种措施至少具有三句话,一句中心句,两句推展句。(一句中心句写措施,二句陈述理由,三句写成果,二句三句也可举例阐明措施的好处或具体描述措施使用)。规定中心句构造一致,句式整洁,上下对照。(如果是祈使句,则均为祈使句;如果是陈述句,则均为陈述句;We should)规定有过渡语言First、Second, Third恰当关联词However, Therefore, Also, Whats more,单复句交替,句式不单一,紧扣主题。 阐明文主体段构造积累。How to do something FirstSecondThird三、议论文注意事项:1论点鲜明 思想内容积极向上,赞同还是反对,“该”还是“不该”,旗帜鲜明,不要模棱两可。同一篇作文中不能既有赞同又不赞同的两种观点。 (第一段最后提出中心论点,最后一段要重申论点)2过渡自然 :合适使用某些表达并列、递进、因果、转折的连词。( To begin with, After that, In addition) 整个文章要环绕why写作规定第一段有下列写法:v (1) 引用名言警句法:v The Value of Time A proverb says, “Time is money.” We can get many things more than once, but how can we take the lost time back? Nothing can be done without time just as no life lives without air.v (2) 设问法:Making Friends With Our Parents Should we students make friends with our parents? My answer is “Yes”.第二段模式:主题段 Why1. For one thing, For another Whats more2First of all,Besides this / Moreover,Lastly / Finally3To begin with,Next, Furthermore/ In addition第三段模式:三句话(首尾呼应、重申论点、内容升华)v 1. All in all 综上所述 v 2. In a word 综上所述v 3. So in my opinion 依我看来v 4. Generally speaking 一般说来v 5. There is no denying the fact that 不可否认的事实是 v 6. There is no doubt that 毫无疑问v We should use the Internet.


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