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Chapter1:1. Why can the current movement toward establishing supply chains be characterized as a revolution?Because the current movement toward establishing supply chains has reshaped contemporary strategic thinking.Two massive shifts, supply chain revolution and a related logistical renaissance, in expectation and practice concerning the performance of business operations are highly interrelated but they are significantly different aspects of contemporary strategic thinking.2. Compare the concept of a modern supply chain with more traditional distribution channels. Be specific regarding similarities and differences.Traditional distribution channels typically had an order fulfillment time of 15-30 days. But if something went wrong, this time would increase dramatically. It was a common practice to maintain inventory at every stage of the supply chain like retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers. The market was characterized by scarcity to the primary goal of traditional model was to ensure availability of products. However, today customers want more options in product offerings. Modern supply chain is geared towards meeting the changing consumer needs. Transportation capacity and operational performance has become more reliable and economical. Logistical systems are capable of capable of delivering products at exact times. So customer orders can be fulfilled faster. With massive development in information technology, the need to maintain inventory has reduced dramatically. The occurrence of failures, characteristic of traditional supply chain, has been replaced by a commitment towards zero-defect of six sigma performance. In essence a high level of performance is achieved at a lower total cost with commitment of fewer financial resources than that in the past. 3. What specific role does logistics play in supply chain operations?Logistics is the primary conduit of product and service flow within a supply chain arrangement. It is the work required to move and to position inventory throughout a supply chain. It is a combination of order management, inventory, transportation, warehousing, material handling and packaging as integrated throughout a facility network. Logistics is essential for effective supply chain connectivity.4. Describe “integrative management”. Be specific concerning the relationship between functionality and process.The challenge to achieving integrated management results from the long-standing tradition of performing and measuring work on a functional basis. Since the industrial revolution, achieving best practice has focused managerial attention on functional specialization. The prevailing belief was the better the performance of a specific function, the greater the efficiency of the overall process. The fundamental challenge of integrated management is to redirect traditional emphasis on functionality in an effort to focus on process achievement. Integrative process management seeks to identify and achieve lowest total cost by capturing trade-offs that exist between functions. The focus of integrated management is lowest total process cost, which is not necessarily the achievement of the lowest cost for each function included in the process. 5. In terms of enterprise extension, describe the importance of the information sharing and process specialization paradigms.The information sharing paradigm is the widespread belief that achieving a high degree of cooperative behavior requires that supply chain participants voluntarily share operating information and jointly plan strategies. The guiding principle is that information sharing is essential among supply chain participants to collectively do the things customers demand faster and more efficiently.The process specialization paradigm is commitment to focusing collaborative arrangements on planning joint operations with a goal of eliminating nonproductive or non-value-adding redundancy by firms in a supply chain. The basic idea is to design the overall supply chain processes in a manner that identifies a specific firms competencies along with the responsibility and accountability to perform each element of essential work in a manner that maximizes overall results.Importance: Sharing information and joint planning can reduce risk related to inventory positioning. Collaboration can eliminate duplicative or redundant work, such as repetitive quality inspection, by designating and empowering a specified member of the supply chain to be fully responsible and accountable. Such extended enterprise integration introduces new challenges regarding measurement, benefit and risk sharing, trust, leadership, and conflict resolution.6. Describe and illustrate an integrated service provider. How does the concept of integrated service provider differ from traditional service providers, such as for-hire transportation and warehousing?Integrated Service Providers (ISP) also known as third-party logistics providers provide a range of logistics services that includes all work necessary to service customers. With the regulatory changes in the transportation the traditional logistics services providers started offering warehousing and shared transportation services. Therefore the ISPs initiated the radical shift from single function to multifunction outsourcing. Their services include order entry to product delivery and in certain situations they also provide wide range of value-added services. For example United Parcel Services (UPS) stocks Nike shoes and warm-ups at its Louisville warehouse and processes orders hourly. All the related communication and financial administration are handled by an UPS call center in San Antonio. Therefore UPS handles the basic logistics and value-added services for Nike.In contrast the traditional service providers, such as for-hire transportation and warehousing specialize in specific functions. For instance, the for-hire transportation industry consists of carriers who specialize in moving products between geographic locations. The companies offering warehouse services are traditionally called public warehouses and they provide storage supplemented by specialized services. 7. Compare and contrast anticipatory and response-based business models. Why has responsiveness become popular in supply chain collaborations? Anticipatory and response-based business models are the two ways used by firms to fulfill customer requirements. However the fundamental difference in the two models is timing Anticipatory model has been the traditional business practice, which was mainly forecast driven. Since information about purchasing behavior was not readily available, and the channel partners were loosely collaborating, businesses were driven by forecasts. However the forecasts used by the manufacturers, wholesales, distributors, and retailers were often different that led to a lot of excess inventory in the system. All the work was performed in anticipation of future projections, so the likelihood of misgauging customer requirements was very high. In addition each firm in the chain duplicated the anticipatory process. Response-based model aims to reduce or eliminate forecast reliance by joint planning and rapid exchange of information between supply chain partners. This model has been made possible because managers can now obtain and share accurate sales information faster. Consequently customers can be provided with their desired items faster. This model requires fewer steps and therefore less cost to complete a fulfillment process compared to the anticipatory model. Response-based model is similar to a build to order model however the former has a faster response time and allows higher degree of customization.Responsiveness propelled by information technology development has become the cornerstone of todays supply chain collaboration. Higher responsiveness can not only increase the level of customer satisfaction but can also reduce the overall cost of doing that.8. Compare and contrast manufacturing and geographic postponement.Manufacturing and geographic postponement are strategies and practices that reduces the anticipatory risks of supply chain performance. The factors favoring one pr the other form depends on the volume, value, competitive initiatives desired customer service levels. Manufacturing or form postponement aims at manufacturing the products one order at a time with no preparatory work or component procurement until the customer specifications are fully known and customer commitment is received. The goal of this postponement strategy is to maintain products in a neutral or non-committed status as long as possible. In an ideal situation a standard or base product is manufactured in large quantities to obtain economy of scale while deferring the finalization until the customer commitment. In this scenario, economy of scope is introduced by producing the base product to accommodate a wide range of different customers. An example of manufacturing postponement is observed in mixing paint color at retail stores to accommodate the individual customers request. This strategy not only reduces the risks of logistics malfunction but also increases the use of light manufacturing and final assembly at logistical facilities On the other hand, Geographical or logistical postponement focuses on response acceleration. This strategy aims to build and stock a full-line inventory at one or more strategic locations. Forward deployment of inventory is postponed until the customer order is received. In an ideal situation this postponement strategy eliminates the risk of anticipatory risk of inventory deployment while retaining manufacturing economy scale. An example of geographical postponement is the Sears Store Delivery System. The logistics of the appliances is not initiated till the customer order is received. An appliance purchased on Monday can be installed at customers home as early as Wednesday. And there is a possibility that the product is not manufactured until that night or early Tuesday.In a number of supply chains both types of postponement strategies are combined to create a highly responsive strategy.9. Define and illustrate cash-to-cash conversion, dwell-time minimization and cash spin. How does supply chain strategy and structure impact each?Cash-to-cash conversion is the time required to convert raw material or inventory purchases into sales revenue. It is directly related to inventory turn. Its benefits are realized by reducing and sharing risk and inventory investment. In traditional business the benefits were enjoyed at the expense of business partners. For example, terms of 2% net 10 meant that a prompt payment discount could be earned if the invoice is paid within ten days from the time of delivery. In a response based system these benefits can be shared by managing the inventory transfer velocity across the supply chain. To facilitate such arrangements supply chain partners often use dead net pricing, which factors discounts and allowances in the selling price. Therefore incentives of timely payment are replaced by performance commitments at a specified net price. Managing supply chain logistics as a continuous synchronized process also serves to reduce dwell time.Dwell time is the ratio of the time that an asset sits idle to the time required to satisfy its designated supply chain mission. As an example dwell time would represent the ratio of the time inventory is in store to the time it is moving or contributing to achieve supply chain objectives. Dwell time can be reduced if the supply chain partners are willing to eliminate duplicate work. Therefore each firm could be designated to perform and be accountable for the value-added work in order to reduce the overall dwell. Cash spin basically refers to free cash spin. This concept aims to reduce the overall assets committed to the supply chain performance. Therefore capital invested on inventory or warehouse can be made available for redeployment by revising the supply chain arrangement. Free capital can be reinvested in other projects that would have otherwise not been considered. 10. Discuss and support the following argument: Supply chain arrangements may reduce consumer value.A somewhat more abstract but often cited potential downside of supply chain management could be labeled the dark side of collaboration. The argument is that the public does not benefit across the board from supply chain efficiency. Supply chain criticism comes in two parts. First, the line of reasoning is that operating efficiency does not automatically translate to or guarantee lower consumer prices. Firms that collaborate may individually or collectively make larger profits and thereby generate large shareholder wealth. However, no mechanisms exist to guarantee that efficiencies will be passed on to consumers in the form of lower retail prices. In fact, the supporting logic is that as supply chains. The second criticism of supply chain arrangements builds on the premise that operating efficiency may not always be socially equitable. The argument questions the benefits of more precise matching of supply to demand in terms of the overall reduction in surplus goods.Chapter2:1. Illustrate a common trade-off that occurs between the work areas of logistics.Any illustration that demonstrates an inherent trade-off between information, inventory, transportation, warehousing, material handling or packaging is acceptable. The following are a few examples of such trade-offs:Information is increasingly being used as a substitute for inventory. For instance, a warehouse manager that is in constant contact with a supplier of his/her stocks need not hold traditional, high levels of inventory. By being “connected”, the supplier realizes when the warehouse is in need of product and can make accommodations of product processing and shipping accordingly. Improved, faster means of transportation also prevent manufacturers and merchandisers from holding high levels of inventory. Poor packaging can lead to product damage in transit. Management should either improve packaging or seek a transportation mode that is more stable and less damage-inducing. Regardless, greater costs will be incurred upfront though they are likely to be offset with reduced costs of product recollection and rework. 2. Discuss and elaborate the following statement: The selection of a superior location network can create substantial competitive advantage.The statement “The selection of Superior location network can create substantial competitive advantage” holds true with regard to logistical networks. The network design implies customer service and cost considerations. Added value (and perhaps a competitive advantage) may be derived from the “intimacy” of being located near customers. Networks that strive for the highest levels of effectiveness (superior service performance) often do so at significantly higher expense. Networks may also be designed for efficient product flows in order to lower transportation and inventory holding costs. Depending upon the competitive environment in which a firm operates, competitive advantage may result from either being located near the customers to provide superior service or through low cost service with the cost-efficient network design.3. Why are customer-accommodation operations typically more erratic than manufacturing support and procurement operations?Market or physical distribution operations are typically more erratic because they are initiated by the customer, whose behavior cannot be controlled by the firm. Manufacturing and procurement operations, on the other hand, are initiated by the firm and considered to be within the firms span of control. However, better communications between the logistics organization and customers can reduce the uncertainty and erratic nature of market-distribution operations. 4. How has transportation cost, as a percentage of total logistics cost, tracked since 1980The transportation costs as a percentage of total logistics costs in US has increased over the last 20 years. In 1980, the percentage was approximately 47 percent and this has increased to over 63 percent in 2004. Therefore transportation represents a significant portion of the overall logistics cost.5. Describe the logistics value proposition. Be specific regarding specific customer accommodation and cost.Logistical value proposition is a cost framework that aims to match of operating competency and commitment to meet the individual of selected groups of customers expectations and requirements. A well-designed logistical network must have high customer response with low operational variance and minimum inventory commitment. However the combinations will be different for different groups. Well designed and operated logistical system can help firms to achieve competitive advantage.6. Describe the fundamental similarities and differences between procurement, manufacturing support and customer-accommodation performance cycles as they relate to logistical control.Procurement performance cycles consist of the many activities that maintain the flow of materials, parts, or finished goods into a manufacturing or distribution facility. The scope of procurement activities is limited. Although similar to the customer order processing cycle, shipments are generally larger and cycles often require much more time. Maintaining raw materials inventory is sometimes less expensive relative to finished goods, since time of delivery and material security is often less sensitive into facility than out to the customer. Another difference is that the number of suppliers of a firm is generally less than the number of customers, making the procurement cycle more direct.Manufacturing support performance cycles serve as the logistics of production. These functions maintain orderly and economic flow of materials and work-in-process inventory to support production schedules. The goal is to support manufacturing requirements in the most efficient manner. These are internal cycles to the firm, thus they are rarely affected by behavioral uncertainty.Customer-accommodation performance cycles are those associated with processing and delivering customer orders. They link the customers through timely and economical product availability. Physical distribution integrates marketing and manufacturing efforts. To improve the effectiveness of the distribution system, forecast accuracy must improve to reduce uncertainty. In addition to the value of sound forecasting methods, the firm must emphasize flexibility and responsiveness to deal with the uncertainty of customers in the physical distribution cycle.7. Compare and contrast a performance cycle node and a link. Give an example of each.Nodes are facility locations. Forms of communications and transportation represent links between the nodes. Most logistical work takes place at nodes whereas links represent the interface among locations. Nodes represent network facilities where materials are processed and base inventories and safety stocks are maintained. Inventory that is in between nodes is called “in transit”.8. How does the quest for quality affect logistical operations? Does the concept of total quality have relevancy when applied to logistics?Though logistical service quality is often in the eye of the beholder that is, the definition of quality varies among suppliers and customers, it is possible to pursue a quest for quality. The quest requires logistics organizations to identify the service qualities that customers most highly value. Upon identifying these key dimensions of service, it is up to the firm to flawlessly execute those functions that add value. Ultimately, customers may demand “perfect order” performance, a level of service that requires suppli


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