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篇一:雅思英语作文典型句子好句子1. 结交朋友自身就是件故意义的事情,由于这可以使学生们更加喜欢自己的班级,而这种状况从长远角度讲肯定是有助于学习成效的。making friends itself is meaningful in that it makes the class a more attractive place and in the long run, it makes for students learning.2. 此外一方面,我们应当承认:班小、班大绝对没有教师来得核心。on the other hand, we must acknowledge that no matter how small or big a class is, it is simply not that important as the teacher.3. 相反,如果教师好,哪怕有一千名学生,也照样可以保证教师讲得起劲,学生听得有滋味,学习的效果也就不言自喻了。quite the opposite, if the teacher is good, then no matter how many students there are in one class, say, 1,000 of them, the teacher would still be able to teach enthusiastically and the students listen enjoyably, and the learning effect would be beyond any doubt.4. 固然,为了维护男女平等,诸多科目一定要招收同等比例的男女生也没有什么问题,但核心的问题是:这样做公平吗?sure, it is okay to recruit the same number of male and female students just for the sake of maintaining equality between the two sexes, but the key point is: is it fair?5. 基于以上论证,我们可以得出这样一种结论:坚持招收同比例的学生数目没有道理,因此,是不可取的作法。6. 教师有丰富的教学经验可以保证我们不走弯路,让我们不久弄明白我们应当明白的一切,这一点是我们自学所做不到的。teachers have rich experience which can help ensure that we learn more effectively and that we can quickly understand what we should understand. this will be hard to achieve if we learn by ourselves.7. 固然,我们不能否认,自学也是必要的。如果盼望一切都靠教师来专家,那是不现实的。of course, we can not deny the fact that self-learning is also indispensable. it is simply unrealistic to totally rely on our teachers for leaning everything.8. 教师跟我们在一起的时间毕竟是有限的,无论如何也不也许随时随处跟我们在一起,这就需要我们具有自主学习的能力和习惯。after all, the time that our teachers can afford to stay with us is limited and there is no way for them to be with us wherever and whenever we need them. therefore, we need to possess the ability and habit for self-study.9. 综上所述,在教师的指引下学习可以使学习自身成为一件轻松快乐的事情,但是我们也不能完全依赖教师,我们还需要投入诸多时间和精力进行自学,只有这样的结合,才干保证我们可以学到知识、掌握知识。based on the above discussion, we see that leaning under the guidance of teachers can makethe learning process itself easier and more enjoyable. however, we should never depend entirely on our teachers. we also need to invest a lot of time and effort into self-study and only by doing so can we be sure to really learn and gain knowledge.10. 人们缓和压力的方式的确千差万别:有人痛哭,有人大笑,有人狂饮,有人狂舞,凡此种种,不一而足。可我感到对自己来讲最有效的方式是猛睡觉和散长步。the way or ways that people relieve their stress are very much different: some cry, some laugh, some overdrink themselves and some dance wildly, so on and so forth, to name just a few. however, the two most effective ways that work on me are sleeping in and taking long walks11. 压力大时,我们往往会感到烦躁、容易上火,这只会加重我们的压力感。一有机会,猛睡一场,我们的神经就会得到相应的调节,从而有助于克服紧张和疲劳。while under great pressure, we tend to be impatient and easily lose our temper which could only aggravate our feeling of pressure. sleeping in once there is a chance can help adjust our nerves and this is conducive to getting over nervousness and tiredness.12. 不管我们是谁,不管我们生活在哪里,也不管我们的语言或文化是什么样子的,我们与所有的其她人均有着诸多共同的地方。13. 我们还都进行思考,由于思考,我们都懂得这个物质世界实实在在地存在着,不管我们有无能力去感知它。we can also all think and as a result of thinking, we all know that the physical world exists apart from our ability to sense it.14. 一位初次来到中国的欧洲人也许会觉得这里的每个人看上去都一摸同样,由于她所到之处看到的都是黑头发黑眼睛的人们。15. 我们的感知以及独立于我们的肉体而存在的这个世界都是与我们的文化毫无关系的客观现实,然而,我们又是通过我们的感知去解释或破译我们所接受到的信息的,而这个解释或破译的过程是受文化影响的。our senses and the world beyond our bodies are physical realities that have nothing to do with culture, yet we interpret the information we receive from our senses and this process of interpretation is molded by culture.16. 我但愿通过这些例子可以让你明白我们对世界的感知是受到我们自身文化的影响的。 i hope these examples convince you that how we experience the world through our senses is molded by our home culture.17. 为什么会有如此多的美国人不相信她们从报纸上读到的东西呢?why do so many americans distrust what they read in their newspapers?18. 说来可悲,这个调查项目的成果大多是些低档的发现:事实性的错误、拼写错误、语法错误以及诸多令人挠头的困惑:读者究竟想要什么呢?19. 只要体育是作为一项竞争性的赛事而不是处在对比赛的热爱来从事,那么此类事件就会继续。love of the game.20. 人由于性格不同、能力不同等方方面面的因素从而适合做队员或是领导,因此,不能一概而论地讲做队员比做领导好,要根据自己的状况而定。due to different personalities and abilities, some people are more suitable to be members or leaders rather than the other way round, so it is incorrect to claim that being a member is better than being a leader of the group. this must proceed from ones own actual situations.21. 固然,人的个性和能力是可以培养的,并非一成不变的。sure, peoples personalities and abilities can be remolded and cultivated and will not just remain to be as it is.22. 基于以上论证,我们说,选择做领导或是做一般一员需根据自己的实际状况和个人的偏好去断定,简朴地觉得做一般一员比做领导者好的观点是不对的。from the above discussion, we can see that whether to be a member or a leader of a group should be based on ones actual conditions and personal preferences, so the view that being a member of a group is always better than being a leader can not really hold water.23. 大学教育的目的究竟应当是为了保证学生将来能找份好工作呢,还是为了要切实培养学生的能力呢?should the goal of college education be to ensure that the students find a good job or should it aim at cultivating the students overall abilities?24. 我觉得大学教育的目的一方面应当是保证学生毕业后可以找到一份称心如意的工作。i hold that the goal of college education should primarily be to help students find a satisfactory job upon graduation.25. 我始终觉得大学教育的意义是培养学生的综合能力,涉及学习能力、交流沟通能力和管理组织能力。28.电影与电视会对我们的行为产生影响吗?do movies and television affect our behavior?29.人们特别紧张的是电影与电视与否会使得孩子和整个社会更富有暴力倾向。a special concern is whether movies and television make children and the society as a whole more violent.30.我觉得电影与电视的确影响我们的行为,有好的影响,也有坏的影响。i believe that movies and television do influence our behavior, both positively and negatively.31.电影与电视的确令人们更具有暴力性,因此,我们从电影或电视中看到的暴力行为越多,我们对它们就会变得越麻木。32.孩子们往往意识不到暴力行为的后果,甚至她们都不见得意识到她们的某些行为就是暴力行为。children may not realize that violence has consequences. moreover, they may fail to know that some of their acts are actually violent ones.33.电影中,演员可以反复地杀与被杀,反正毕竟她们最后还可以再接着演别的电影,但是,现实生活中就不同样了:真实的人生命只有一次。in movies, actors or actresses can kill or be killed again and again, for after all, they can34.电影与电视影响我们的平常行为方式,使我们变得慵懒。movies and television affect our daily behaviors, making us less active.35.当一切都通过表演展示给我们时,我们的想象力便停滞了,这会导致我们大脑的惰性。when everything is acted out for us, our imagination stops performing its due function, which results in mental laziness.36.不可否认,看电视或电影自然也有其有利的一面。theres no denying that watching movies and television can also be beneficial.37.举个例子吧,看电影可以让我们接触不同种族和不同文化的人们,从而开阔我们的视野。for example, seeing movies can expose us to people of different races and cultures and this can help broaden our vision.38.固然,看电影的最大好处是它可以令我们得到放松,由于这是一种极好的娱乐方式。 sure, the greatest benefit we get out of watching movies is that it can reduce our stress, for this is an excellent way of entertaining ourselves.39.电影或电视对我们究竟产生多大的影响最后取决于我们看了多少、看的是什么,以及我们做出什么样的反映。how much movies and television influence us depends on how much we watch, what we watch and how we respond to what we watch.40.小孩子在电脑上耗费了太多的时间,而花在学习和锻炼身体方面的时间却少得可怜,这对她们的学习和健康带来了严重影响,值得我们密切关注。41.我觉得,经验丰富、掌握技能多的人对社会发展的奉献会更大。i believe that those who have more experience and more skills make more contribution to social development.42.日本高科技消费品得以主导世界市场是由于日本人勤奋、重技术、重创新。japanese consumer products are able to dominate the world market because the japanese are hard working, technologically oriented and innovation-focused.43.一方面,我们懂得日本人工作拼命,常常为了工作而牺牲自己的闲暇时间。first of all, we know that the japanese work very hard, often sacrificing their free time for work.44.鉴于核电太过危险,我觉得所有国家应当严禁使用,并将注意力集中到诸如水电、风力发电、太阳能等可替代能源的开发上来。as nuclear power is far too dangerous, i hold that all countries should ban its use and concentrate, instead, on the development of such alternative sources of energy ashydroelectric power, wind power and solar energy.45.每年均有成千上万的高技能、高学历人才离开中国前去发达国家工作或定居,这对国内的经济发展带来了负面影响,由于这些人才恰恰也是我们国家发展经济所需要的。 every year thousands of highly skilled and well educated people leave china and go to work or live in a developed country. this is having a negative effect on the economic developmentof our country, for these are the very people china needs in developing our economy.46.人的社会地位究竟该如何衡定呢?有人觉得应当以财富量为准,有人觉得应当以对社会的奉献为准。how can we measure or define ones social status? some people hold that it should be based on the wealth an individual owns while others argue that ones social status should be awarded according the contribution he or she has made to the society.47.忘我主义是一种行为体现,是动物牺牲个体利益而维护另一动物或动物群体的利益。忘我主义的背面是自擅自利。行使忘我主义行为的个体没有为自身赢得什么。altruism is a type of behavior in which an animal sacrifices its own interest for that of another animal or group of animals. altruism is the opposite of selfishness. an individual performing altruistic acts gain nothing for himself.48.忘我主义的例子俯拾皆是,广泛存在于人类和其他哺乳动物群体中。examples of altruism abound, both among humans and among other mammals.49.人类中的无私行为涵盖了从与陌生人分享食物到为家庭成员,甚至是为陌生人捐献器官的多种作法。unselfish acts among humans range from the sharing of food with strangers to the donation of body organs to family members and even to strangers.50.此类行为之因此是无私忘我的是由于它们有助于她人,而对行使这些行为的个体却几乎没有提供任何的回报。these acts are altruistic in that they benefit others, yet provide little reward to the individuals performing them.26. 从图表我们可以看出:女性吸烟者的比例呈现稳步增长,而男性则处在波动状态。as we can see from the first chart, the percentage of female smokers was on a steady rise across the board while the number of male smokers showed a trend of fluctuations.27. 从图表可以看出:选择数学的人们的比例稳步下降,而选择商务管理者则呈现出上升的总趋势。as can be seen from the chart, the percentage of those who chose math declined steadily while those who studied business management revealed a general upward trend.28. 从图表可以看出:在所界定的时段里,路上总的交通事故显示了波动的总趋势。 as can be seen from the table, the total road accidents over the designated period revealed a general trend of fluctuations.29. 根据图表显示:中国在汽车生产与销售方面皆呈现出了迅猛的增长态势。as is indicated in the graph, chinas auto manufacturing and sales both revealed a general trend of dramatic increase.as is indicated in the graph, private car ownership revealed a trend of dramatic increase for 10 years in a row while air quality showed an obviously opposite trend.30. 如图所示,托雅学生开车前来上课的人数呈现大幅攀升态势,而停车困难指数也同步大幅提高。as can be seen from the chart, the number of toya students who drove to school showed a trend of substantial increase and the index of difficulty for parking increased accordingly.31. 图表显示:不管她们有几种孩子,已婚妇女都要比已婚男士做的家务活多得多。篇二:雅思作文-好句总结好句总结:1. 多用such替代the ,a .例:admittedly, such issue ,to some extent,has given rise to a bunch of familiar questions.(模板的第3段开头)2. 开头句型:(放在文章中间也较好的句子)3. as our lives are saturated with the flood of (advertisements) ,no one can avoid being influenced by ads.(ads 错的,不能用简写哦)4. (bad traffic and increasing pollution) are thorny issues challenging every major city in the globe.(in the globe全世界)5. 好处句型!6. a exert a positive impact on .7. a can an effective way to (help)(简朴但好用)8. few things can be more (impressive)than .that (新3的哦,推荐) 5 play a pivotal role in 6 benefit from ./ profit from一般7 promot the development of .8 a is the cornerstone of 9 remove the barrier for .10 raise ones awareness of 常用11 enable sb to do 12 sb is the ultimate beneficiary (sb是。的最后受益者,社会问题类说人们应当自己也承当责任用)13 consolidates its status as the .14 get a clear perspective of .15 give a boost to .16 a is an indispensable part of b17 a is irreplaceable tp b18 the signigicant of a to b can never be ingored19 a is the key ingredient to b20 a made it possibe for sb to21 a exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people . (新3的哦,推荐)find it impossible to resist the temptation to do .22 needless to say / indeed ,(可以放在任一句开头,较好用哦)23 develop an unshakable faith in 24 have a reputation of .25 nothing can catch them for 26 make a contribution to (也可作写害处的句子 the city make its own contribution to noise)27 build bridges between28 特别的improve ones physical and psychological wellbeing /soundness 身体心理健康 optimise peoples living standards 提高人们生活水平eradicate poverty 消除贫困its not a that are important ,but bsatisfy basic (human) needs 满足规定ease the tension and conflicts between alleviate the problem of 消除冲突和紧张 be fully aware of the consequencesthe impact of (sporting activities) goes far beyond the bounds of (leisure and recreation.)9. 害处的句型1. drive up the crime rate .2. widen the gap between a3. pose a (direct) threat to 4. stifle creativity5. diminish individuals leisure time6. spin out of control7. cause(creat) tension and conflicts between8. exert(have) detrimental/negative/adverse influence(impact)upon/on10 be afflicted with 11 deprive one of sth12 sth is the root cause of 13 be saturated with sth14 at the expense of .15 be confronted with sth16 run contrary to 17 erode the national identity18 pose a dilemma for19 is an vicious circle20 hamper (scientific) progress21 there is a yawning gap between22 pose a devastating problem23 the reputation is ruined25 things can go wrong on a big scale26 sth is always faced with a difficult task /problem27 it is impossible to28 have (little) difficulties in doing29pay the price for (fame)30 (pollution) is the price we pay for( overpopulated ,over industrialized planet ) 31 people seem to fail to take into account the fact that .好句!32 lead to some unfavorable results33 sacrifice .for 34 there is a major concern over t he world about .35 give rise to a bunch of familiar questions37 the problem of ( information overloaded ) exacerbated by (the growth )9. 解决问题类小模板:(经济学人)1evidence suggests that a key step is to develop a policy on .,saying clearly (that.). 2other policies (such as 。) can be taken to back up the policy .10. one helpful step is to ,another possibility is to improve . , so that . 4 it should be an addtion to the policy work ,not a substitute.11. the more effort put in and wider (the whole school) involvement ,thesubstantial the results are likely to be .1. give priority to sth2. shoulder the responsibility to4 impose restrictions on.5 take into account /consideration6 should be increasingly focus onrather than 7 what will make the most difference is .the new study makes this point even more starkly8 there are ways of dealing with the topic through , . and .three factors are involved in this change.新概念3+剑桥好句:1. apparently,there is a good deal of truth in this idea./there is an element of truth in both agreements2more importantly/significantly,there is still good evidence that 5 has given rise to a bunch of familiar questions.6 its not a that are important ,but b7 providing more parking area, in the long run ,has proved to be a practical way out in many large cities in the world.插入语8 not only had the poor man been arrested ,but he had been sent to prison ,as well 9 it has been estimated that 据估计10 considering the amount she paid ,he was dear in more ways than one .非谓语 fearing that she would never see ratus again12 avoid squandering money on 避免挥霍钱在。上13 shoulder important responsibilities on major global issues14these regions are fragile not just in terms of their ecology,but also in terms of the culture of their inhabitants.27 but what happened was that it became ,overwhelmingly, a medium for tekking stories. 插入语28unfortunately, they are the ones the organisation can least afford to lose.29 there is an abundance of evidence to support the motivational benefits that result from carefully matching people to jobs. an abundance of 大量的,好!30 managers, must be sure ,therefore, that employees feel confident that their efforts can lead to performance goals. 插入语31to varying degree, we all have secrets which33 it seemed certain that34 广告much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste,we are no longer free to choose the things we want ,for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us . 35 in time ,it became an accepted fact that 篇三:雅思写作:高分结尾总结句雅思写作:高分结尾总结句雅思作文结尾段优秀句型,今天人们带来的是有关雅思作文结尾段优秀句型的具体简介,供人们参照,但愿对人们有所协助。雅思作文结尾句型推荐:1) in short,it can be said that.。2) it may be briefly summed up as follows。4)in general/above all/with the result that/as a result/consequently。.5)as far as i am concerned/as for me, .。.6)this truth above seems to be self-evident。7)whether we examine the above, such things can happens anywhere anytime to anyone。8)in my point of view, i like/prefer a much more than b。9)i still prefer a, however, for they teach me not only to be .but also to be.,both in.and in.。10) there is no doubt that。11) in order to make our world a better place in which to live we should efforts to。12)to a large extent,., therefore, reflects。13)if all above mentioned measures are achieved。14) wherever you are and whatever you do, .is always meaningful。15)so clear/evident/obvious it is that there are quite different opinions on it。16)now, which one do you prefer-the one.or the one.? were it left to me to select, i should not hesitated a moment to choose the former/latter。资料来源:教育优选 /retype/zoom/7da30b7e551810a6f4248644?pn=1&x=0&y=0&raww=630&rawh=42&o=jpg_6_0_&type=pic&aimh=32&md5sum=f184041f3ae8106f9c50eefa7a764ec5&sign=a1c3fb5d77&zoom=&png=0-8159&jpg=0-1156 target=_blank点此查看以上就是雅思小编带来的有关雅思作文结尾段优秀句型的具体简介,但愿对人们有所协助,雅思小编最后祝人们都能获得好成绩顺利踏上留学之路。篇四:收藏起来,雅思英语六级英语作文句式总结啦雅思写作6分必备的词汇(一)task-2雅思写作6分必背的100个常用意群词汇持某观点: claim ( contend, deem, reckon, assert, share the belief that )支持某观点: advocate (maintain vote for side with be in favor of )反对某观点: contradict (criticize be against cast doubts on )合理的:justified ( sensible feasible convincing, persuasive, rational, practicable, logical, wise, sagacious, viable, preferable, advisable, appropriate, hold water bear much analysis)好处: advantage (benefit, merit, positive side, upside, boon, pros)弊端: disadvantage( defect, demerit, negative side, downside, flaw, drawback, bane, cons) 肯定:undoubtedly (indeed undeniably there is no denying that)不拟定:be likely to ( potentially presumably)重要的:essential (significant, vital, crucial, critical, fundamental, indispensable)有益的:beneficial (conducive instrumental )有害的:detrimental (harmful virulent)有争议的:controversial (disputable, contentious)普遍的:widespread ( prevalent, universal)明显地:considerably (significantly, remarkably, dramatically, tremendously, substantially)明显的:evident (apparent, manifest)16. 增强:enhance (strengthen,boost)17. 减少:decline (descend, collapse, relieve)18. 大概:approximately(nearly, around, estimated, roughly)19. 趋势: trend(tendency, inclination)20. 预见: predict (expect, project)21. 带来 bring about (result in, lead to)22. 产生,引起 create (spark ; yield; give rise to)23. 建立 establish (found, institute)24. 规定 call for (request,demand)25. 清除 eliminate(remove, eradicate)26. 探讨 explore (examine, identify)27. 表白,描绘 indicate (depict, portray, illustrate)28. 满足需求meet the need of ( satisfy the requirement of, cater for the demand of)29. 足够 adequate (enough; sufficient)30. 解决 tackle ( resolve, address)31. 意识 awareness(consciousness)32. 控制 curb ( regulate, censor)33. 解释:account for ( be responsible for, be attributed to)34. 投资 finance (invest in, subsidize)35. 缓和 relieve ( ease, alleviate)36. 压力 stress ( pressure, strain)37. 遵循observe (follow, conform to)38. 继承 inherit (hand down,carry forward)39. 培养 cultivate (train, foster)40. 增进 promote ( contribute to, upgrade)41. 适应 adapt to (adjust to, acclimate to)42. 提供 provide (render, afford)43. 替代 replace (substitute, take the place of)44. 保护 preserve (protect,safeguard)45. 证据 evidence (proof)46. 赢得 gain (acquire, attain)47. 国外的foreign( alien, exotic)48. 注重 attach importance to (emphasis, highlight)49. 发展 advance (development, progress)50. 倾向于tend to ( be inclined to , be apt to)51. 吸引 attract (allure, tempt)52. 专注的 be absorbed in(be immersed in, devote oneself to)53.


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