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一部高一英语阶段性测试 .3 第一卷(100分)听力(30分):1. What will the woman carry?A. Bottles. B. Bags. C. Boxes.2. How will the speakers probably deal with the TV first?A. They will sell it.B. They will have it mended.C. They will replace it with a new one.3. How will the man get to Central Theatre?A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By taxi.4. Who is the man probably?A. A teacher. B. A policeman. C. A taxi driver.5. What will the man do on Saturday afternoon?A. Go swimming.B. Have a meal.C. Play beach volleyball.6. Why did the woman call the man?A. To invite him to a concert.B. To ask him for some free tickets.C. To tell him to send her a text message.7. How does the man feel in the end?A. Satisfied. B. Excited. C. Regretful.8. Why is the woman surprised?A. The man is in the darkness.B. The building opened late.C. The electricity has gone out.9. What did the man think had happened?A. The light was broken.B. Someone turned off the light.C. The power was cut off.10. Why does the man call the woman?A. To buy a flat.B. To rent a flat.C. To advertise a flat.11. What does the flat have?A. It has two double beds.B. It has a small garage.C. It has a big garden.12. Where does the woman suggest the man park his car?A. In the garden. B. On the street. C. In the parking area.13. What is the womans attitude towards the man?A. Polite. B. Impatient. C. Friendly.14. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Read the instruction himself.B. Wait for Mike to come back.C. Ask someone else for help.15. What does the woman do to the man?A. She teaches him to use the system.B. She gets his document lost.C. She helps fix the computer.16. What do we know about the man?A. He has a strong wish to learn.B. He has never learned to use a computer.C. He has worked on the document for a day.17. How long was the speakers plane delayed? A. Five hours. B. Four hours. C. Three hours.18. What did the speaker do while waiting for the flight?A. She had a sleep. B. She did some shopping. C. She listened to some music.A. What does the speaker think of New York?B. It is like London.C. Things there are expensive. C. New Yorkers are friendly.20. Where is the speakers home?A. In New York. B. In LA. C. In London.阅读理解(40分)第一节(共15小题;每题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AThe rain had continued for a week and the flood had created a big river which were running by Nancy Browns farm. As she tried to gather her cows to a higher ground, she slipped and hit her head on a fallen tree trunk. The fall made her unconscious(昏迷) for a moment or two. When she came to, Lizzie, one of her oldest and favorite cows, was licking(舔) her face. At that time, the water level on the farm was still rising. Nancy gathered all her strength to get up and began walking slowly with Lizzie. The rain had become much heavier, and the water in the field was now waist high. Nancys pace got slower and slower because she felt a great pain in her head. Finally, all she could do was to throw her arm around Lizzies neck and try to hang on. About 20 minutes later, Lizzie managed to pull herself and Nancy out of the rising water and onto a bit of high land, which seemed like a small island in the middle of a lake of white water. Even though it was about noon, the sky was so dark and the rain and lightning was so bad that it took rescuers more than two hours to discover Nancy. A man from a helicopter(直升飞机) lowered a rope, but Nancy couldnt catch it. A moment later, two men landed on the small island from a ladder in the helicopter. They raised her into the helicopter and took her to the school gym, where the Red Cross had set up an emergency shelter. When the flood disappeared two days later, Nancy immediately went back to the “island.” Lizzie was gone. She was one of 19 cows that Nancy had lost in the flood. “I owe my life to her,” said Nancy with tears. 21.What did Nancy try to do before she fell over? A. Measure the depth of the river B. Look for a fallen tree trunk C. Protect her cows from being drowned D. Run away from the flooded farm22. We know from the second paragraph that_. A. Nancy was very weak after waking up. B. There was a small island in the farm. C. Lizzie put Nancy on her back and carried her.D. Lizzie was killed by the flood. 23. The following are true according to the passage except_. A. It took Lizzie and Nancy about 20 minutes to get to safety. B. It was raining harder when Nancy managed to get up. C. The bad weather made it difficult for rescuers to find Nancy.D. Nancy took hold of the rope and climbed into the helicopter. 24. What did the local people do to help those in the flooded area according to the passage? A. They put up shelter for them in a school. B. They used helicopters to help carry cows. C. They helped farmers gather their cows. D. They set up an organization called Red Cross. B A 15-year-old boy was injured in a car accident when the car he was traveling in was hit by a truck at a street corner. The boy was taken to a nearby hospital. The doctors said it appeared that the boy had nothing more serious than a broken left leg, but there was a possibility that the boy might have some inside injuries. The boy was conscious(苏醒的) when he was sent to the hospital. Luckily, his mother, who was driving, was uninjured. She said that the truck appeared so suddenly that she thought she was going to die. She turned her car sharply to the left, and the truck hit it on the passenger side. The driver of the truck was a 50-year-old man who was unemployed and it was clear that he had been drinking because the police found 18 empty beer cans inside his truck. However, the man denied drinking even if he had failed the police test for drinking, saying, “No, I havent drunk anything.” When asked to touch his nose , ears, and mouth with his eyes closed, he was unable to touch any part of his head. So the police put him into the back seat of a police car. But the man kept crying, “Mabel, where is my Mabel? I cant find her now. I want my Mabel.” The police asked him if Mabel was his wife. He said, “Shes my dog, my dog! Wheres my baby?” Later in the day, the police found a dog with a ring around her neck, on which was written “Mabel” half a block away from where the accident happened. Perhaps the man was looking for his pet dog after drinking when the accident happened. As a result, the man was taken to the city jail for driving after drinking and it seemed that Mabel would be left alone. 25. Which of the following is true about the accident ? A. The boys mother was injured. B. The boy was driving the car. C. A car ran into a truck at a corner. D. The truck driver drank beer. 26. How did the mother feel when she saw the truck coming ? A. amazed B. frightened C. puzzled D. concerned 27. What did the doctors think of the boy ? A. He was OK because he was conscious. B. He may be injured inside. C. His right leg was broken. D. He was going to die of a broken leg. 28. which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “denied” in the second paragraph? A. admitted B. determined C. disagreed D. preferred CDecision-making under StressA new review based on a research shows that acute stress affects the way the brain considers the advantages and disadvantages, causing it to focus on pleasure and ignore the possible negative (负面的) consequences of a decision.The research suggests that stress may change the way people make choices in predictable ways.“Stress affects how people learn,” says Professor Mara Mather. “People learn better about positive than negative outcomes under stress.”.comFor example, two recent studies looked at how people learned to connect images(影像) with either rewards or punishments. In one experiment, some of the participants were first stressed by having to give a speech and do difficult math problems in front of an audience; in the other, some were stressed by having to keep their hands in ice water. In both cases, the stressed participants remembered the rewarded material more accurately and the punished material less accurately than those who hadnt gone through the stress.This phenomenon is likely not surprising to anyone who has tried to resist eating cookies or smoking a cigarette while under stress at those moments, only the pleasure associated with such activities comes to mind. But the findings further suggest that stress may bring about a double effect. Not only are rewarding experiences remembered better, but negative consequences are also easily recalled.The research also found that stress appears to affect decision-making differently in men and women. While both men and women tend to focus on rewards and less on consequences under stress, their responses to risk turn out to be different.Men who had been stressed by the cold-water task tended to take more risks in the experiment while women responded in the opposite way. In stressful situations in which risk-taking can pay off big, men may tend to do better, when caution weighs more, however, women will win.This tendency to slow down and become more cautious when decisions are risky might also help explain why women are less likely to become addicted than men: they may more often avoid making the risky choices that eventually harden into addiction.29. We can learn from the passage that people under pressure tend to _.A. keep rewards better in their memory B. recall consequences more effortlesslyC. make risky decisions more frequently D. learn a subject more effectively30. According to the research, stress affects people most probably in their _.A. ways of making choicesB. preference for pleasureC. tolerance of punishmentsD. responses to suggestions31.The research has proved that in a stressful situation, _.A. women find it easier to fall into certain habits B. men have a greater tendency to slow downC. women focus more on outcomes D. men are more likely to take risksDGeorge Gershwin was born in New York City in 1898. His parents were Russian Jews who had immigrated to the United States. George and his two brothers and sister had a close, happy family life. George liked playing games on the streets of New York. He liked exploring the city. He did not like school or studying. While exploring the city, George heard jazz and blues music in and out of public drinking places. However, he did not become seriously interested in music until he heard another boy playing the violin in a concert at his school. George began to take piano lessons. His teacher was a fine classical musician. He immediately recognized Georges unusual ability. The teacher wrote about him to a friend: I have a student who will make his mark in music, if anybody will. The boy is a genius, without doubt. George studied classical piano. But his strongest interest continued to be jazz and popular music. At the age of fifteen, he left school and went to work in the music business. At that time, the New York City street where most music publishers had their offices was called Tin Pan Alley. The piano players played the songs all day long to interested singers and other performers. George Gershwin was one of the youngest piano players in Tin Pan Alley. Soon, he was considered one of the finest there. He was already writing his own songs. He succeeded in getting one published when he was only eighteen years old. George Gershwin was now a real composer. The rest of his life was an unbroken record of success. He wrote song after song. His ideas were so endless that he was not even troubled when he once lost some music he had been writing. There is plenty more where that came from, he said. 来源:George Gershwin had his first big hit in 1919, when he was twenty-one years old. It was a song called Swanee. A popular entertainer, Al Jolson, sang the song. Swanee was made into one of the first musical recordings. George Gershwin was suddenly famous. 32. When did George Gershwin take music as an interest? A. When he was exploring the city. B. When he played games on the streets. C. When he heard a boy playing piano. D. When he heard the violin at a school concert. 33. We know from the passage that_. A. George Gershwin was born in Russia. B. George Gershwins parents had 5 children. C. His teacher believed in his musical gift. D. Classical piano was his favorite music. 34. What made George Gershwin become famous in his twenties?A. He played the piano in Tin Pan Alley B. He wrote a song named Swanee.C. He sang the song Swanee.with Al Jolson D. He lost some music he was writing. 35. What was George Gershwins reaction when some music he was writing got lost? A. He became rather angry. B. He went to his teacher for help. C. He stopped composing music. D. He remained calm and confident. 第二节(共5小题 ;每题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 EmpathyLast year, researchers from the University of Michigan reported that empathy, the ability to understand other people, among college students had dropped sharply over the past 10 years. _36_ Today, people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs.Jennifer Freed, a co-director of a teen program, has another explanation. Turn on the TV, and youre showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting, competing, and generally treating one another with no respect. _37_There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples. Humans are socially related by nature. _38_ Researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high self-respect. Besides, empathy can be a cure for loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and fear.Empathy is also an indication of a good leader. In fact, Freed says, many top companies report that empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new managers. _39_ “Academics are important. But if you dont have emotional (情感的) intelligence, you wont be as successful in work or in your love life,” she says.Whats the best way to up your EQ (情商)? For starters, let down your guard and really listen to others. _40_To really develop empathy, youd better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership, have a “sharing circle” with your family, or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.A. Everyone is different, and levels of empathy differ from person to person.B. That could be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time, the researchers said.C. “One doesnt develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking,” Freed says.D. Humans learn by exampleand most of the examples on it are anything but empathetic.E. Empathy is a matter of learning how to understand someone elseboth what they think and how they feel.F. Good social skillsincluding empathyare a kind of “emotional intelligence” that will help you succeed in many areas of life.G. Having relationships with other people is an important part of being humanand having empathy is decisive to those relationships.完形填空(30分):It was freezing outside my car. I did not wantto 41 when we passed by a small shop.Suddenly I 42 a tiny figure, bent and covered with some bits of cloth,shivering(发抖) with the 43 from the north winds that were 44 so hard that night.It was an old man of 75, seated in the 45 of this street, waiting for anyone who would think of 46 him a single coin or a cup of hot tea.I was about to open my biscuit packet , 47 my mind and soul went out to this 48 person.I 49 my husband to go over and hand it to this old man. He looked into my husbands 50 and smiled, I could see that smile from the 51 window and he said,Thank you.I felt so 52 and hoped that he could live through thecold night.I was 53 to visit again and find out how he was the next day, asI have to pass this way every day. I did so, the next evening,and he 54 the car and came up to my 55 and smiled at me.My 56 went out once more and this time I offered him a bag of food. He reached out for the 57 and I gave him my hand , he held it and 58 and said, Thanks for this help. I looked at him and told my husband, Doesnt he remind you of my Daddy who was once a beggar years ago ? At a 59 look, I saw my Daddy in this old man, waiting for anyone to show him some mercy or love .Maybe one day, it could 60 to one of us, so please do not pass by a poor person without offering at least a word of love and a kind smile or an act of kindness.41. A. get away B. get in C. get out D. get over 42. A. noticed B. remembered C. forgot D. thought 43. A. strength B. cold C. warmth D. result 44. A. moving B. coming C. going D. blowing 45. A. corner B. middle C. side D. front 46. A. borrowing B. giving C. showing D. taking 47. A. or B. therefore C. but D. otherwise48. A. interesting B. tall C. brave D. poor49. A. begged B. asked C. persuaded D. forced 50. A. bag B. wallet C. face D. hand51. A. room B. house C. truck D. car 52. A. happy B. disappointed C. sad D. angry 53. A. willing B. sure C. unable D. glad 54. A. sold B. bought C. repaired D. remembered 55. A. window B. seat C. door D. table56. A. body B. heart C. dog D. husband 57. A. shop B. street C. bag D. basket 58. A. shouted B. replied C. smiled D. repeated 59. A. farther B. closer C. faster D. shorter 60. A. mean B. happen C. react D. belong 第二卷(50分)题号 语法填空短文改错书面体现总分得分语法填空(15分): Beijing, the capital city of China is 61 (situate) to the north of He Bei Province and is visited by millions of 62 (tour) every year. 63 , in recent years, the 64of visitors to Beijing has dropped especially in spring because 65 ( sandstorm) continue to strike the city as a result of 66 (desert), a process which occurs when there is less rain and people cut down trees and dig up grass. To 67 the environment, the government has started a mass campaign to help_68_the problems caused by sandstorms. Billions of trees 69 (plant) and the government decides 70 ( continue) the project for the next five years. 61._62_63_64_65_ 66._67_68_69_70_短文改错(10分): Colleges and universities in America consider a great deal of things about a student who want to be admitted. They says the most important thing is the students high school record. Admission来源:officers look only at the grades that the student has had earned. They also look at the level ofdifficulty of the classes. A students interests and activities may also play a part of getting accepted. But in most cases another consideration is h


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