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会计学1Figureofspeech第一页,共50页。A figure of speech is a use of a word that diverges from its normal meaning,or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it.第1页/共50页第二页,共50页。of the language.To learn how to achieve an effective communication.第2页/共50页第三页,共50页。My love is like a red,red rose.(tenor)(comparative word)(vehicle)1.Usually simile consists of three parts,即本体(bnt)(tenor或subject)、喻体(vehicle或reference)和喻词(comparative word)。如:第3页/共50页第四页,共50页。other comparative words:(1)介词介词asas,like,of等。等。They are as like as two peas.他们两个长得一模一样。他们两个长得一模一样。He has a heart of stone.他有一副他有一副(y f)铁石心肠。铁石心肠。He smokes 1ike a chimney(烟囱)(烟囱).他抽烟很厉害。他抽烟很厉害。第4页/共50页第五页,共50页。(2)连词as(犹如),what(犹如),as if,as though,than,and,the way 等。Air is to man as water is to fish.人离不开空气,犹如鱼离不开水。Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.读书(d sh)对于思想,好比运动对于身体一样重要。A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled.说出的话犹如抛出的石,是收不回的。第5页/共50页第六页,共50页。(3)动词seem,resemble(名词形式resemblance),treathonourregardconsiderrespect as,compare to,liken to,pass(胜过(shn u),remind of,be similar to等。Shakespeare compared the world to a stage莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。He treats his child as the apple in the eye.他把孩子当成掌上明珠。第6页/共50页第七页,共50页。(4)词组maymight as well(as)(做就好像做),no morelessthannot any morethan(如同一样),so speakas it were(可以说,可以比喻地说)。He never listensyou might as well talk to a brick(as talk to him).他根本不听 同他讲话就好像同一(tngy)堵墙讲话一样。A home without love is no more than a body without a soul.没有爱的家庭无异于一个没有灵魂的躯体。第7页/共50页第八页,共50页。It is the use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to another with a similar quality.It makes a comparison between two unlike elements,but the comparison is implied,not expressed with the word as or like.For example,the world is a stage.The metaphor is also composed of the subject/tenor(本体(bnt))and the vehicle/reference(喻体).第8页/共50页第九页,共50页。(1)Nominal (n.)metaphors 名词型 He is a walking dictionary.他是一本活词典.A silver plate(The moon)is rising up in the sky.一个银盘在天边升起(shn q)。She is an angel of a girl.她是天仙般的女孩。He is a bag of wind.他只说不干。暗喻暗喻(n y)(n y)的表达的表达形式形式 第9页/共50页第十页,共50页。(2)Verbal metaphors 动词型 The boy wolfed down the food the moment he grabbed it.那男孩儿一抓到食物便狼吞虎咽般地吃了下去。The boy is shooting up fast.这个小孩长得很快。Everything was bathed in the golden sunlight.万物沐浴在金色的阳光下。Dont monkey with the new book.不要(byo)乱动那本新书。第10页/共50页第十一页,共50页。(3)Adjective metaphors 形容词型 It is a thorny issue.这是个棘手(jshu)的问题。The girl is a dead shot.这位姑娘是神枪手!He loves a rosy cheek.他喜欢玫瑰色面颊。She has a photographic memory for detail.她对细节有照相机般的记忆力。第11页/共50页第十二页,共50页。the golden agestormy applauseiron willa silver tonguea biting north wind黄金时代黄金时代雷鸣般的掌声雷鸣般的掌声钢铁钢铁(gngti)(gngti)般般的意志的意志流利的口才流利的口才刺骨的北风刺骨的北风more examples:第12页/共50页第十三页,共50页。(4)Adverbial metaphors 副词/状语型 He flatly refused us.他坚决拒绝我们。Time passed at a snails pace.时间过得很慢。They escaped by a hairs breadth.他们(t men)死里逃生。第13页/共50页第十四页,共50页。第14页/共50页第十五页,共50页。1.1.名词或名词短语名词或名词短语They were lost at sea,at the mercy of wind They were lost at sea,at the mercy of wind and weather.and weather.他们在海上迷失他们在海上迷失(msh)(msh)了方向,任凭风了方向,任凭风和天气的摆布。和天气的摆布。Prices are low in sympathy with the general Prices are low in sympathy with the general depression.depression.物价是随着市面的普通萧条而低落的。物价是随着市面的普通萧条而低落的。第15页/共50页第十六页,共50页。2.2.动词动词(dn(dngc)gc)The sea was singing;The forests were dancing.海在欢唱,林在舞动。The racing car strained impatiently at the starting line.那辆赛车站在跑道上急迫(jp)地紧张起来。But he just looked at her with his crying face.(也可以(ky)说是利用了移就transferred epithets)第16页/共50页第十七页,共50页。1.They spent money like water.simile 2.He is an old woman.metaphor 4.The corridor was flooded with boys and girls.metaphor 3.The wind whistled throughout the day.personification 5.The leaves danced their way through the lawn.personification 第17页/共50页第十八页,共50页。9.My stomach was punishing me for not eating on time.personification 7.The watch kept warning them about the time left for the race to end.personification 6.He has a heart of gold.simile 8.He works 1ike a horse.simile 10.We regard it as a burning shame to have lagged behind.metaphor 第18页/共50页第十九页,共50页。第19页/共50页第二十页,共50页。修辞方法。它着重的是事物本身的特点或它与其他事物之间的特殊关系。第20页/共50页第二十一页,共50页。1.Euphemistic(委婉(wiwn),implicative(含蓄)2.Vivid 3.Plain and clear第21页/共50页第二十二页,共50页。第22页/共50页第二十三页,共50页。A part is put for the whole,the whole for the part,species for genus,the genus for the species or the name of the material for the thing made.部分代替整体,整体代替部分某种事物(shw)代替某类事物(shw),某类事物(shw)代替某种事物(shw)材料名称代替由其制成的东西 第23页/共50页第二十四页,共50页。For exampleFor example第24页/共50页第二十五页,共50页。4.4.用一类事物代替一种事物用一类事物代替一种事物 Nearly 4.8 million vehicles rolled off Nearly 4.8 million vehicles rolled off the assembly lines,20000 more than the assembly lines,20000 more than in 1988.有近有近480480万汽车开下生产线,比万汽车开下生产线,比19881988年多年多两万辆。两万辆。5.5.用原材料代替其制品用原材料代替其制品 Do you have any coppers?Do you have any coppers?你有零钱吗?你有零钱吗?6.6.以个体代替一类以个体代替一类 This young man is very clever;he may This young man is very clever;he may be another another Edison.这个年轻人很聪明,他可能成为这个年轻人很聪明,他可能成为(chngwi)(chngwi)另一个爱迪生。另一个爱迪生。第25页/共50页第二十六页,共50页。第26页/共50页第二十七页,共50页。第27页/共50页第二十八页,共50页。第28页/共50页第二十九页,共50页。It is obvious that those euphemisms used by the ordinary people are meantto soften harsh reality,but those used by politicians may aim at deceiving the public.第29页/共50页第三十页,共50页。第30页/共50页第三十一页,共50页。第31页/共50页第三十二页,共50页。Overstatement:It is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis.For instance,he almost died laughing.为了(wi le)表达深刻的感受而抒发强烈的情感,通过故意夸大事实来给人留下深刻的印象。例如:His words made my blood freeze.听了他的话,我的血都快凝固了。第32页/共50页第三十三页,共50页。夸张夸张(kuzhng)(kuzhng)的最的最常用手法:常用手法:(1)利用数词 I am ten times better than you in if he were on the top of the handwriting.我写字(xi z)比你好十倍。(2)利用极端概念 I will love you till the seas gone dry,the rocks melt with the sun.我爱你到海枯石烂。(3)利用形容词和副词 I am thirsty to death for the book.我想那本书想得要命。如果用terrible,terrific,awful,horrible,fantastic等感情强烈的词去修饰并不重要的事情,就具有夸张的成分。第33页/共50页第三十四页,共50页。Understatement:It is the opposite of overstatement.It achieves its effect of emphasizing a fact by deliberately understating it,impressing the listener or the reader more by what is merely implied than by bare statement.For instance,It is no laughing matter.比较结构No one was more willing to do a favour for friend than he.他最愿意帮朋友或邻居(ln j)的忙。虚拟语气I know he is honest,and I wish I could add he were capable.我知道他是诚实的,我还希望我能说他是能干的。第34页/共50页第三十五页,共50页。Both aim at the same effect:to make the statement or description impressive or interesting.双重否定(fudng)Nothing is nothing at all.凡事都有重要性。第35页/共50页第三十六页,共50页。An epithet is an adjective or descriptive phrase that serves to characterize sb.or sth.A transferred epithet is one that is shifted from the noun it logically modifies to a word associated with that noun.移就是将仅可用于修饰某事物的词汇移到不同属性事物上的一种语言使用手法,即将A的修饰成分转移到B上,使得(sh de)语言简练凝缩,形象生动。第36页/共50页第三十七页,共50页。1.移人于物移人于物The people are silent in the baking court.人们在气氛炙热的法庭上鸦雀无声。人们在气氛炙热的法庭上鸦雀无声。分析:分析:baking本意为本意为“烘、烤烘、烤”,移用到法庭上来,移用到法庭上来形容审判时的严肃、紧张的气氛,使读者有身临其境形容审判时的严肃、紧张的气氛,使读者有身临其境之感。之感。2.移物于人移物于人He shrugged a scornful shoulder.他轻蔑他轻蔑(qngmi)地地耸耸肩。耸耸肩。分析:分析:scornful用于形容人的态度的轻蔑用于形容人的态度的轻蔑(qngmi),由于人物本身具有这样的心理感受,所以将由于人物本身具有这样的心理感受,所以将scornful移用修饰移用修饰shoulder,从而表现出人物轻蔑,从而表现出人物轻蔑(qngmi)的的神态。神态。第37页/共50页第三十八页,共50页。移就一般转由转移形容词+中心词组成(z chn)。For example:the sleepless bed (辗转难眠的床)nervous hours (紧张的时刻)merry bells (快乐的铃声)weary way (疲惫的路途)第38页/共50页第三十九页,共50页。It is a compressed paradox,formed by the conjoining(结合(jih)of two contrasting,contradictory or incongruous(不协调的)terms.In oxymoron apparently contradictory terms are combined to produce a special effect.用两种不相调和的特征形容一个事物,以不协调(xitio)的搭配使读者领悟句中微妙的含义.第39页/共50页第四十页,共50页。adj.+n.creative destruction,tearful joyadj.+adj.cold pleasant manner,sour-sweet adv.+adj.dully bright,mercifully fatal,falsely true,wisely stupidv.+adv.hasten slowly,shine darklyn.+n.the sound of silencetypes第40页/共50页第四十一页,共50页。Regulations 头韵是指一组词、一句话或一行诗中重复出头韵是指一组词、一句话或一行诗中重复出现开头音相同现开头音相同(xin tn)的单词。的单词。不发字母本音的在字母不构成头韵。例如,不发字母本音的在字母不构成头韵。例如,physical 就不是头韵,因为就不是头韵,因为physical中的字母中的字母p不发其本音不发其本音/p/。Alliteration主要是词首元音的重复,词首辅音主要是词首元音的重复,词首辅音的重复和辅音连缀的重复三种形式。的重复和辅音连缀的重复三种形式。第41页/共50页第四十二页,共50页。第42页/共50页第四十三页,共50页。第43页/共50页第四十四页,共50页。第44页/共50页第四十五页,共50页。Proverb Proverb 谚语谚语(yny)(yny)Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感第45页/共50页第四十六页,共50页。第46页/共50页第四十七页,共50页。3.The pen is mightier than the sword.1.Of course,I know that gentlemen like you carry only large note.Irony2.He wasnt at all embarrassed by her low-income,and decided to marry her soon.EuphemismMetonymy4.He hurried to the railway station,looking at his watch a hundred times.Overstatement5.Deng Xiaoping passed away in 1997.Euphemism第47页/共50页第四十八页,共50页。6.The interview lasted for an endless morning,I got quite exhausted.Oxymoron7.Mother simply couldnt fall on his painful pillow.Transferred epithet8.The two friends were faithful through thick and thin.Alliteration9.Many eyes turned to a tall black girl on the team.Synecdoche第48页/共50页第四十九页,共50页。第49页/共50页第五十页,共50页。


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