Lesson Five Language Teaching and Learning

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Lesson FiveLanguage Teaching and Learning Chen Jinzhong Department of Foreign Languages Shaoxing UniversityMarch 11th,2006 Email: Background Information Structural Analysis of the Text Detailed Study of the Text The Style of the Text Exercises&HomeworkBackground Information 1.The author -Wilga M.Rivers (PhD,University of Illinois)Dr.Rivers is Professor Emeritus of Romance Languages and Literatures and Coordinator of Language Instruction at Harvard University.She has published numerous books and articles on the theory and practice of language teaching methodology,drawing insights from psychology and linguistics.Specific books deal with the teaching of French,German,Spanish,and Hebrew.She has lectured in 28 countries and her publications have been translated into nine languages.During recent years,Dr.Rivers has become increasingly involved in computer-assisted language instruction and participates in several task forces on computers in foreign language teaching.Dr.Rivers will advise and monitor projects with particular reference to innovative teaching/learning strategies.Guidelines for Writing a Preface A Senior Essay preface typically covers the five broad topics below,one topic at a time:1.Background of the writer:history,academic preparation and goals,future plans.2.Why did I choose this topic?What other topics have I considered,and why have I settled on this one?.3.How did I carry out your research?What were my main sources?Which sources influenced me the most?.4.What is the essay all about?What is it not about?What will a reader gain by reading it?What audience do I have in mind for this essay?How is the essay organized?What are its main conclusions?What are its weaknesses?What did I gain/lose from the long process of writing this essay?5.Acknowledgments:At the end,I thank anyone who helped me to get to this point,including my two panelists,if I feel they have done a good jobDefinition of Language Language is a system of conventional spoken or written symbols by means of which human beings,as members of a social group and participants in its culture,communicate.Language is the essential media of communication.Features of Language1.Language is an important part of culture.(语言语言是文化的重要组成部分。是文化的重要组成部分。)2.Language is the symbol and carrier of culture.(语言是文化的表现形式和承载形式。语言是文化的表现形式和承载形式。)3.Language is the means of thinking.(语言是思语言是思维的工具。维的工具。)4.Language is the tie and bridge of human civilization.(语言是维系人类社会文明的纽语言是维系人类社会文明的纽带。带。)Functions of Language 1.Language is the essential instrument that can be used to convey information.For example:It is very cold outside.2.Language is the tie and bridge to establish relationship between people.Example 1:A:Its a fine day today,isnt it?B:A fine day today.Are you English?Example 2:A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the railway station?B:Yes,I can.3.Language is often used as a strategy for difference purpose such as in politics,economy,daily life and so on.What are major considerations for successful language teaching?The major considerations for successful language teaching are as follows:1)Acquisition of a language cannot be modularized because successful language use must involve the operation of different aspect of language.2)Language teaching have to bring theories of language and language learning into contact with practical constrains.3)Language teaching must reveal the relationship between language knowledge and language use.4)Language learning requires learners emotional and mental involvement.5)Language teaching must go in all of the directions to promote language learning.(Cook&Seidlhofer 1995:8.14-9.35)Cook,G.and B.Seidlhofer.(eds.)1995.Principles and Practice in Applied Linguistics.Oxford University Press.3 current approaches to language teaching1)Content-based instruction:It is designed to put intellectual content and cultural component into the language skills curriculum.2)Task-based instruction:It is designed to encourage the local treatment of local problems through local solutions.3)Strategy-based instruction:It is designed to activate procedural knowledge to achieve problem-solving goals.(Kramsch 1995:48.11-36)Kramsch,C.1995.The applied linguist and the foreign language teacher:can they talk to each other?In Cook,G.and B.Seidlhofer.(eds.)Principles and Practice in Applied Linguistics.Oxford University Press.43-56.How was the term“communicative competence”first defined in sociology and redefined in applied linguistics?1)Communicative competence was first defined by Gumperz in sociological terms as the ability to select appropriate forms from all the correct expressions.2)Communicative competence was then redefined by Savignon in applied linguistic terms as the expression,interpretation,and negotiation of meaning between two or more people.(Note:This is a case of applying a concept of another discipline in applied linguistics.)3)Communicative competence was later redefined by Terrell in individual,interlocutor-directed terms as the ability to understand a native speaker and to give him or her responses rather easily and comprehensibly.4)Communicative competence was finally redefined by Omaggio in methodological terms as an individuals linguistic ability to handle everyday social encounters fairly appropriately and continue conversation by making inquiries and offering more elaborate responsesDiscuss the concepts of 1)language,2)language competence,3)language use,4)language learning1)Language:Language is a set of constructed words and expressions in association with various contexts.2)Language competence:Language competence is a form of patterned habitual behaviour developed through imitation and rehearsal.3)Language use:Language use is the creation of expressions according to a set of rules.4)Language learning:Language learning means“for learners to learn language rules explicitly”because there is no substantial difference between the rules in the user/learners mind and the rules formulated by linguists.(?)Language learning means“for learners to create and re-create language rules while receiving actual expressions because the linguists rules provides no psychological modelling of the users mental rules.How do language learning and language teaching differ in nature?Language teachingLanguage learningA physical activityA mental activityIt can be planned,observed and controlled.It cannot be observed,controlled or even detected.It takes place in an explicit and objective way.It takes place in an implicit and subjective way.Therefore,it is quite unreasonable to expect to establish explicit,objective correspondences between the learning process and the teaching activity.What are the major features of the teaching process?1)Teaching is a planned activity.2)Teaching is a process of interaction between the teacher and students.3)Teaching is characterized by the gradual development of the teachers feel for learning,that is,gaining classroom experience to understand the learning process better and better.4)Teaching is constantly changing because the teachers classroom experience continually reshapes his or her concepts of learning.In the past,teaching was regarded as merely filling in the blank sheets of students.TEACHING METHODS AND TEACHER&LEARNER ROLES Rivers model of language teaching and learning processes perception(of units,categories and functions)cognition(knowledge)abstraction(internalizing rules relating categories and functions)Skill-getting articulation(practice of sequences of sounds)production(pseudo-communication)construction(practice in formulating communications)reception(comprehension of a message)Skill-using-interaction(real communication)motivation(to communicate)expression(conveying personal meaning)Hallidays definition of Register Three main variables are distinguished which are felt to be significant for the choice of situational features:1)Field(话语范围):subject matter;2)Mode(话语方式):speech or writing;format,etc.;3)Tenor(话语体式):the relations between the participants(e.g social roles)which influence degree of formality.3.styleWhat is style?1)manner of expression in writing and speaking,just like a manner of doing thingsbad/good2)the register,which refers to the special variety of language used by a particular special group that have a common profession,e.g.,doctors,lawyers,teachers,or the same interests3)the set of linguistic features that seem to be the characteristics of a text4)choice of items,their distribution and patterning,which is partly determined by the demands of genre,form,theme,etc,partly by the likes of the authore.g.Peter passed away last summer.Peter kicked the bucket last summer.5)deviation from the norme.g.the widow-making unchilding unfathering deeps-the deeps which deprive(wives)of husbands,(children)of fathers and(parents)of childrenIntroduction Have you ever wondered what your instructors mean when they write wordy or passive voice or awk in the margins of your paper?Do you sometimes sense that your sentences could be stronger,clearer,shorter,more effective?Do you often feel that you know what you mean but do not know how to say it?If you often get feedback from your instructors that you need to tighten your prose or look at your word choice,you may need to work on your writing style.Its important that you develop a writing style which makes it possible for you to say what you mean.Style Markers A.phonology(elision)B.syntax(sentence types,clauses/phrases,words,word order)C.lexical choice(general/specific)D.graphology(punctuation,capitalization,paragraphing,italicization)Choice is meaning!Style of the Text IntroductionIts obvious that we all write differently in different situations.Writing an assignment is different from writing a note to the milkman,or a love letter,or a postcard to a friend.In all these kinds of writing,we use the style which sounds right for the situation.Lots of the differences between the different styles are to do with formality and informality.We can say that a postcard to a friend is at the informal end of the spectrum,and that things like legal documents are right at the formal end.Here are two small bits of writing to illustrate the differences between formal and informal styles.What is an argument?In academic writing,an argument is usually a main idea,often called a claim or thesis statement,backed up with evidence that supports the idea.In fact,making an argument-expressing a point of view on a subject and supporting it with evidence-is often the aim of academic writing.2.Language VariationVarietiesContextualFactorsAccordingtoUSERa.regionaldialects:Scottish/IrishEnglish,Londondialect;Virginiadialect,etc.Usersregionalbackgroundb.socialdialects:standardA m e r i c a n/B r i t i s h E n g l i s h;Cockney,BlackEnglish,lower-middleclassEnglish,etc.Userssocioeconomicstatus,education,ethnicorigin,etc.AccordingtoUSEa.accordingtomedium:spokenEnglish;writtenEnglishMedium(spokenorwriting)b.a c c o r d i n g t o a t t i t u d e:formal/informal;polite/familiar;personal/impersonalSetting,role-relationshipc.accordingtofieldofdiscourse:advertisingEnglish,legalEnglish,etc.Purposeoflanguageuse,subjectmatter(from Qian Yuan,1991,Stylistics:A Coursebook for Chinese EFL Students(上上),北京师范大学出版社,北京师范大学出版社,p141。)Style of the Text1.Impersonal style with its distancing effect(use of passives,sentences beginning with introductory“it”,abstract nouns,third person nouns,postponement,use of cleft structure);2.Highly formal style of writing;3.Deals with educational science,a piece of academic writing;4.Highly technical vocabulary like interaction,prototype,recognition,presuppose,fundamental,elicit etc.;5.Long and Complex sentence structure(subordination and coordination);6.Highly technical style of writingwriting style Writing style means the way in which a particular writer manages his or her words and sentences.It is the creative part of writing,giving life to the writers personality.A writer always has choices when it comes to sentence form.The three main types of sentences are simple,compound,complex and compound/complex.In addition to a variety of sentence forms,a writer may use other elements such as figures of speech,parallelism,modifiers,even the so-called periodic sentence in order to individualize his style.Here is a paragraph written with no attention to style:I am a young,strong woman.I am not very brave.My friends told me they were going on a skiing trip.I agreed to go with them.I never had skied.I didnt admit it to anyone.A big ski lift took us up to the top of the mountain.I was frightened to death.I went over the mountains edge.I tumbled all the way down,but didnt get hurt.My friends all said,Why didnt you tell us?The above was written entirely with simple sentences(subject-verb-object).To give the paper more life and the reader more variety,the writer should use compound and complex sentences in addition to the simple ones.A compound sentence simply combines thoughts by connecting two sentences(or independent clauses)with a coordinating conjunction.She could combine the first two sentences by saying,I am a young,strong woman,but I am not terribly brave.Another option is to use a complex sentence.This includes a dependent clause and again carries two or more thoughts into one sentence.A dependent clause tends to explain the rest of the sentence.In the third,fourth and fifth sentences above,she can make it flow better by using a dependent clause.When my friends told me they were going on a skiing trip,I thoughtlessly agreed,although I had never skied before.Now we switch to the skiing area with a new paragraph,using dependent clauses to set the scene.As we rode to the top of the mountain on the huge ski lift,I was too proud to talk about the mess I was being drawn into.When I looked far down at the distant parking lot,I was frightened to death.However,nothing would have forced me to confess the truth,that out of a group of high school students,the only one who had never been on skis was I.Having achieved smoothness and rhythm,she can create a more vivid picture by using figures of speech,similes,metaphors or an aphorism.She could write,As I glanced at the distant mountains from my lofty perch,I felt like an eagle gazing down on the world-an eagle without wings!Instead of a deadly swoop after prey,how would I land?I gave an uneagle-like shiver.Here,the metaphor involving the eagle adds another dimension to the story;her feeling of unworthiness was outlined clearly,along with a self-deprecating sense of humor.Another device used to add power to a composition is parallelism,a repetition of sentence form to emphasize a point.Returning to the skier,I gathered my nerve;I plunged over the edge;I tumbled down the mountain in a whirl of skis,sweaters and poles.I landed in a pile of soft snow.I was still alive.Parallelism can also be used for dramatic effect as in President Kennedys plea,Ask not what your country can do for you;ask what you can do for your country.It is particularly useful for concluding a speech or an essay.Writing style is a personal thing;yours should be different from anyone elses.In the skiers story you get an idea of the young ladys personality:her vulnerability,a youthful urge to keep up with her peers,and a self-saving sense of humor.Writing is a bit like dancing.You have basic moves to follow,but the best dancers have their own rhythm,their own flair.Writers of fiction,in fact,may become known for their striking individual styles,F.Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway,to name two.Fitzgerald favored subtle psychological flourishes in his descriptions,while Hemingway wrote hard masculine prose comprising terse,brusque sentences.Contrast the two authors styles in these selections:Fitzgerald describes Gatsby:He smiled understandinglymuch more than understandingly.It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it,that you may come across four or five times in life.It faced,or seemed to face,the whole external world for an instant and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor.It understood you,just as you wanted to be understood,believed in you,just as you would like to believe in yourself,and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that,at your best,you hoped to convey.Hemingway describes Brett:Brett was damned good looking.She wore a slipover jersey sweater with a tweed skirt,and her hair was brushed back like a boys.She started all that.She was built with curves like the hull of a racing yacht,and you missed none of it with that wool jersey.TIPS on BETTERING YOUR STYLE 1.Say what you mean and mean what you say.Make sure your message is not vague to the reader.If the message is not clear in your own mind,that sentence,paragraph or essay of yours still needs work.2.Say what you mean not only clearly,but concisely,e.g.using as few words as possible.Students often worry how they will ever get 750 words for an essay so they shift into automatic pilot,repeating themselves,writing in circles,and padding like mad.Yet this is a waster of time,fools no one,and earns a poor grade.How do I get 750 words,then?A student may ask.The answer:write concrete example,descriptive detail,a bit of dialogue.If you make each word count in this way you will get your quota,derive satisfaction in your work(both style and content),and earn a better mark!Structural Analysis of the Text 1.Introduction(Para 1):Language serves as a vehicle of expression(metaphor).2.The bulk of the paper(Paras 2-12):Paras(2-4):language as communication.Skill-using and skill-getting is distinguished here Para(5-7):the nature of classroom interaction(interpersonal nature)and its importance in successful communication in the classroom Paras(8-9):discusses the methodology,no best method working well under all circumstances with all students Paras(10-12):demands on the teachers who should be responsible for how to teach;autonomous learning of students;successful teachers are highly idiosyncratic and professionally alive 3.Conclusion(para 13):calls for the need for plurality of teaching approachesLanguage Teaching and LearningLanguage Teaching and LearningBy Wilga M.Rivers We often speak of language as a vehicle of expression-a metaphor that can illumine many aspects of our foreign language teaching situation.Language is a vehicle of meaning that we do not even realize we are using;in other words,a vehicle that is transporting a persons message somewhere but is not itself the object of the trip.Before students can use such a vehicle for their purposes it must be constructed,and this construction requires a blueprint and various stages of production,with tryouts as the various sections and combinations are assembled-tryouts during which what has been assembled to date is used,if only momentarily,for its ultimate purpose.With our language vehicle this ultimate purposeis expression people revealing themselves to,or disguising or hiding themselves from,other people.Expression involves all the problems of interpersonal relations.For this reason it is frequently less painful for teachers and students to continue working on the construction of the vehicle than to try it out for level of performance In a model of foreign-language teaching and learning processes that is now quite well known,I have distinguished skill-getting,represented by both cognition and production(or pseudo-communication),from skill-using in interaction,which involves both reception and expression and is dependent on motivation to communicate.The construction of our vehicle presupposes a design.Some particularly talented individuals can put the design into effect without the help of the blueprint;they appear to move directly from the prototype to production,which means that they develop their own internal representation from acquaintance with the prototype.These are the exceptions,however.Most need help in developing a series of blueprints of increasing complexity as a basis for production.Some prefer lessons in drafting blueprints,w


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