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Topic 3 Prerequisites for a Translator(翻译对译者素养的要求)lTeaching aims:get students to know the difficulties in translation and the importance of broadening ones knowledge and practicinglTeaching emphasis:Prerequisites for a translatorlTeaching methods:Analysis and PracticelReferences:孙致礼,新编英汉翻译教程p13-14;陈宏薇,新编汉英翻译教程p11-19;彭长江,英汉汉英翻译教程;郭著章,英汉互译实用教程。Topic 3 Prerequisites for a Translator(翻译对译者素养的要求)I.the Translators Bilingual CompetenceII.The broadening of the range and scope of our general knowledgeIII.Political ConsciousnessIV.Highly-developed sense of responsibilityV.Translation techniquesVI.Practicel(汉语功底要好,英语语言能力要强)l译者应具备深厚的语言功底I.the Translators Bilingual Competence1.Good English Proficiencyl1、扎实的英语基础,特别是要具有很强的阅读理解和鉴阅读理解和鉴赏能力赏能力。l1、1 要掌握足够的英语词汇量词汇量。l1、2 要掌握系统的英语语法知识语法知识。l1、2 应该大量阅读英语原著,不断丰富自己的语言知识,提高自己的语感语感:语法意识(sense of grammar)、惯用法知识(sense of idiomaticness)和连贯意识(sense of coherence)。Examples:(See E-C,p13、C-E,p12-14)lAll that glitters is not gold.l(Just)imagine(it).l把它想像一下吧。l不可能/想不到/真没想到。lReason:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,“(just)imagine(it)”means“an expression of disapproval for the plan or suggestion just mentioned,because no sensible person could imagine that it could happen.”lIll buy it.l(slang:I cant understand it,please tell me.)l我不懂。/我答不出。/请告诉我。lYoure telling me.l你正在告诉我。l(slang:I know that very well./I knew that long ago.)l我早知道了。/还用你告诉我!lNow youre talking.l现在你正在谈话。l(informal:At last youre saying something agreeable.)l你到底说了合我意的话了。你这样说才合我的意思。Examples:(See E-C,p13、C-E,p12-14)lYou can talk.l(informal:You dont have to worry about doing a particular thing yourself.)l你不必担心自己要干什么。l“Come,Come!Dont be so devilishly sulky:its boyish.”(Major Barbara by G.Bernard Shaw)l“来,来“l“得,得,也用不着那样地不开心,这完全是孩子气。“Examples:(See E-C,p13、C-E,p12-15、)、)lSo,what troubles us in translation are usually those simple and familiar words but not those difficult and rarely used ones.2、Good Chinese Proficiency(扎实的汉语基础,扎实的汉语基础,特别是下工夫提高汉语表达能力。特别是下工夫提高汉语表达能力。)l那地方是块那地方是块肥肉肥肉,谁都想吃。谁都想吃。lThat place is a fat piece of meat which every one wants to eat.lThat place is an attractive piece of meat coveted by all.l你要有所你要有所弋获弋获,则必须在学习中不断深入。,则必须在学习中不断深入。lIf you want to gain anything,you must constantly deepen your studies.l那研究生英年好学,那研究生英年好学,矻矻矻矻三载,终使其论文得以三载,终使其论文得以付梓付梓。lThat graduate student at his lifes full flowering was eager to learn,worked diligently and untiringly for 3 years,and finally he had his thesis published.2、Good Chinese Proficiency(扎实的汉语基础,扎实的汉语基础,特别是下工夫提高汉语表达能力。特别是下工夫提高汉语表达能力。)II.The broadening of the range and scope of our general knowledge广博的文化知识(汉英、互译)lThe Security Council has been seized of the question since then.(需要国际法方面的知识)l安理会安理会自那时以来一直受理受理这个问题。lSerial position effects occur when people try to recall items from a list;items at the beginning and end are better recalled than the items in the middle.The improved recall for items at the beginning of a list is called a primacy effect.The improved recall for items at the end of a list is called a recency effect.l人们要努力回想某一系列中的项目就会出现系列位置效应。位于系列开头和最后的项目比在中间的项目更易想起。对位于系列开头项目的记忆的提高称作首因效应,而对系列最后项目的记忆的提高称作近因效应。lThe importance of the translators store of general knowledge-and of his/her knowledge of the subject matter can not be overemphasized,and it can almost be accepted as a rule that,given the required language proficiency,the greater the translators knowledge of the subject matter,the less arduously understanding occurs,and the more accurate his/her representation in the target language.III.Political ConsciousnesslThe enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent.l敌人杀害了我们一位同志,我们宰了一个敌特。lThe peasants and workers were hand in glove with one another in the struggle against the landlords and capitalists who worked hand in glove with each other.l 在反对狼狈为奸的地主和资本家的斗争中,工人和农民团结一致(或亲如手足)。lthe peasants uprising in the history of China l“农民叛乱”or“农民起义”?IV.Highly-developed sense of responsibility(高度的责任高度的责任感感)(汉英(汉英p17-18)l一是严谨、端正的工作态度。l朱生豪l方平l翻译是坐冷板凳。l二是敬业、乐业的主人公意识。V.Translation techniques(一定的翻译策略一定的翻译策略)l一个译者可以不去过问翻译理论,但他决不会没有自己的翻译策略。lThe use of simplified and incomplete models of a design to explore ideas,elaborate requirements,refine specifications,and test functionality.l使用简化的半成品的设计模型来调查意见、详尽要求、完善规格和测试功能。Unless youve an ace up your sleeve,we are dished.除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。(归化)(归化)除非你袖中藏有王牌,否则我们是输定了。除非你袖中藏有王牌,否则我们是输定了。(异化)(异化)lThe translator must be quite familiar with the basic translation techniques.lIn addition,the translator must have an appropriate political consciousness.”.lEtc.To sum up,as a good translator,one has to know well the foreign language,the Chinese language,and the subject matter.lAbout a half century ago,the late respected and beloved premier Zhou Enlai,in an interview with students of Beijing Foreign Languages Institute(now Beijing Foreign Studies University),strengthened the“basic training”in the three essential aspects:the enhancement of our political consciousness,the betterment of our command of the relevant languages,and the broadening of the range and scope of our general knowledge.VI.Practice 1(1)He almost lost his business-he distributes appliances.He managed to get back to work slowly and got things under control.*他几乎失业,经多次申请,最后设法上了班,能把事情控制住(能处理各项事务了)。他做的是推销日用品器具的生意,(有一次)几乎倒了台(垮了),(后来)又慢慢地站住了,情况好了起来。2)Hold on a moment.Let me put you in the picture first.(make you know the real situation)*先别急,我带你去看一下图片/我替你拍了一张照片。别急,先听我给你解释一下/我先把情况给你说一说。.l3)I had the interior done by that young Spaniard.Its extremely beautiful.l*年轻的司巴民达陶冶我的心灵,这真是美极了。l我请了几个年轻的西班牙人做室内装潢,搞得真是漂亮极了。l(Spaniard:Spanish man)l4)I found that it is possible to walk your way to better health,a trimmer body and a long life-no matter what your age.l我发现,不论你年龄多大,散步有可能使你祛病强身、矫形正体、延年益寿。l5)In Peking,my wife bought an off-the-rack pair of pants of acrylic fiber(acrilan晴纶),handsomely cut and well made.l在北京我妻子买了一条漂亮地剪裁和做得很合适的晴纶裤子。l在北京,我妻子买了一条现成的丙稀晴纶纤维的裤子,剪裁漂亮,做工讲究。1.普陀山挨着东海,地形狭长,全岛面积普陀山挨着东海,地形狭长,全岛面积12、5平方公里,平方公里,与五台、峨嵋、九华并称我国佛教四大名山。与五台、峨嵋、九华并称我国佛教四大名山。China Pictorial 6/82期,译为:期,译为:lRising on a long,narrow 12.5 square-kilometer island off the East China Sea,Putuo Mountain,along with Wutai,Emei,and Jiuhua are(is)considered Chinas four leading Buddhist mountains.l英国人Sara Grimes在一本中国导游书中写:Putuo Island with Jiuhua,Emei and Wutai mountains is regarded as one of the four holiest Buddhist mountains in China.2.入世后,我国经济要与国际市场接轨。入世后,我国经济要与国际市场接轨。la.After Chinas accession to the WTO our economy will become/is integrated into the world/global market.lb.Chinas WTO membership will bring its economy in line with the world market.lc.Chinas entry into the WTO will integrate its economy into the world market/bring its economy in convergence with the global market.更多更多“接轨接轨”,“与国际接轨与国际接轨”bb join tracks with the rest of the world connect our track to the international track accord with international norms(惯例)be geared to international conventions be compatible with international practiceslSo,lets bear in mind:lThe quality of translation by anyone could never exceed the power of the two levels of his bilingual attainment,even if the original is a great work.A Chinas weakest link is the measure of its strength.Practice 2:l只准只准州官州官放火,不准放火,不准百姓百姓点灯。点灯。l弄不好,就会前功尽弃。弄不好,就会前功尽弃。l解放思想,实事求是,开拓创新,继往开来,解放思想,实事求是,开拓创新,继往开来,与时俱进与时俱进。l要发展就要变,不变就不会发展。要发展就要变,不变就不会发展。lEmancipating the mind,seeking truth from facts,coming up with new ideas in respect of theory,carrying forward our cause into the future,keeping pace with the times.lThe magistrates are free to burn down houses,while the common people are forbidden even to light lamps.lIf things are not properly handled,our work will have been in vain.lDevelopment means change;without change,there can be no development.AssignmentslBilingual reading:Water Bridge/桂林山水 2.Preview“The Process of Translation”3.Translate the following sentencesAssignments:1.The rapid shrinkage in natural resources is pressing for a lower birth rate.2.Its increasing economic strength has made it far less dependent on the American market.3.You can see stars well only if you live away from the lights of a town.4、创始于1998年的中国北京高新技术产业国际周,从今年第五届起,将更名为“中国北京国际科技博览会暨中国北京高新技术产业国际周”,简称“科博会”。answersAnswers:1.自然资源的迅速减少迫切要求降低降低出生率。2.其日益增长的经济实力已大大减少了对美国市场的依赖性。3.只要住在离开城市灯光的地方,你就能看清楚星星。只有住在你才能。你只有住在离开城市灯光的地方,才能看清星星。4.The China Beijing International Hi-tech Industries Week,inaugurated in 1998,will be adopting a new version this year.It will be renamed“China Beijing International Hi-tech Expo China Beijing International Hi-tech Week”-”Hi-tech Expo Week”for short.Assignments:


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