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Module 1Wordlistatte ndFlexitimeNetwork ingShift workCompanyFreela neeP art-timeSocialisi ngCon sulta ncyGroupP roduceSp ecialise inCo ntrolIn charge ofReport toSuccessDeal withIn volved inRespon sible forTeleworki ngDep artme ntJob-shari ngRuntem pingExp ressi onsDo you two know each other already?Have you always lived in. ?How do you do?How do you know him?I deal with .I sp ecialise in .I usually report to .I work for .rd like to in troduce you to .rm in charge of .rm in volved in .rm respon sible for .Is that someth! ng you might be in terested in. . . ?Is this your first time at . . . ?May i join you?Nice to meet youPleased to meet you too.So have you enjoyed . . ?We were both at XXX together.Weve sp oke n on the phone a few times.Would you like a . . . . ?Yes,it was very in teresti ng.Youre a colleague of. . . , arent you?Module 2WordlistBranchHeadquartersPro moti onTake part inCall centreHoldi ng companyRecog niti onTake seriouslyCash bonusManu facturi ngResearchanddeve lopmentTake with a pinch of saltCorpo rati onParen tai leaveDistributi on centrePensionRewardTrademarkDivisio nPerksSubsidiaryTurnoverFlexibleP la ntTake careWarehouseFound (a company)Positi onTake onExp ressi onsPrese ntingGood morning and tha nks for coming.Today rd like to tell you about If you have any questi ons , i 11 be happy to an swer them at the end.In my brief p rese ntatio n we 11 begi n by look ing at .First of all there, s . . /a nd fin ally theres .The n i 11 give an overview of.Ok, lets move on to look at .One thi ng id like to talk about .Take a look at this chart, which shows.Here you can see .Fin ally, id like to talk about.So that brings me to the end of my p rese ntati on.Thanks for liste ning.Are there any questi ons?Module 3WordlistBranch outFran chiseLuggageSole traderChargeFran chisor/fra nchiseeOn li ne databaseSubscri pti onConceptPartn ersh ipTrademarkEntrepren eurGran t (a lice nee)Profit marginTrade n ameEntrepren eurial sp iritGrowthRun(acompany/bus in ess)Ven tureIn vestFeeLaunchSet upExp ressi onsCall me on Can i help you?Can i take a message?Could i ask who* s calli ng?Could you call me back?Could you give me your mobile nu mber?Hello, this is a message for .rd be very grateful if youd retur n my call , I11 be in the office tomorrow.Ill call you back in about an have to check with ano ther p rese nter.Its P for p aris.Its with regard to .Let me read that back to you.So that* s M as in MadridSo thats two in the after noon.Sorry, let me check.The reas on rm calli ng is thatYou can email me at .You can get me any time betwee n.Module 4WordlistBannersInternet advertis ingNews paper advertsSearch engineBrochuresLi nkObjectivesspamExp ectati onMailshotsPro moti onTv commercialsIncen tivesMarketi ngSamp leWord of mouthExp ressi onsAlso remember that .Before we finish dont forget .Can i borrow your exp ertise in someth ing?Can you give this p riority because they n eed it as soon as po ssible?Feel free to call me if you have any questi ons.rd like you to be in charge of all of n eed a report on this with your findings and your recomme ndati ons.Its a good idea to .rve asked you because.rve got a job here that will really in terest you.Let me know how its going once a week , pl ease.My third tip is (n ever) to.One thi ng you might want to think about is.So, let* s go through this one more time to check its clear.The deadli ne for this is n ext Thursday .The first thi ng is to.What are you going to do?What might be better is to.You can do this byYou* ve done a great job on this!Module 5Word listAtte nd a meet ingHold a meet ingReach an agreeme ntSet the age ndaCommissi onIn stallati onRun a meeti ngTake the mi nu tesGive a p rese ntati onMove on (to the next p oi nt)See your point|Go alon g(with you)Exp ressi onsCan i just come in here?Do we all agree?Have we reached an agreeme nt on this?How do you feel about that idea?I agree/disagree.I see your poin t , but.I suggest we move on to the n ext item on the age nda. rd go along with you there, rd like to know more about.rd like to suggest that we should.rm sorry , but i just can* t agree with you there.It seems to me that .Let* s move on.Sorry, but i dont quite follow you.What do you think?Why dont weWould you mind telli ng us a little more about? yes, but.Module 6WordlistAddressDismissLay offSaveEmailDocume ntLi nkSe ndAttachEmailLog on toSenderBack upEmp loyMake redu ndantShut downBreakFileMouseTake some one onButt onFireRecruitTakevolun taryredu ndancyCheckFire offRegisterClick onGive no ticeRep lyTypeCompu terHireResig nUsern ameCopyIconRestartWalk outDeleteIn boxSackwebsiteExp ressi onsr d be grateful if. . . . rm afraid.Please give me.The reas on is.We app reciate.Why dont you.?With regard to.Would all staff note.Would you like me to .Module 7WordlistAirCold calli ngJolly (in formal)Sales p itchBori ngDoor to door selli ngMythVariedBuzzRep etitiveWell-paidChalle ngingFrustrati ngrespon sibleExp ressi onsAs an in teresti ng alter native, you might wish to con sider.Further to your request.I know its p roved much more popu lar tha n .I look forward toheari ng from you.rd like to men tion that i can alsoIs there anythingi can help you with at the mome nt?It has the following features.Its a huge improveme nt on.I was won deri ngif youd mind an sweri ng a few questi ons about .I would suggest aprompt decisi on.Perha ps . . . . Could be useful?Please con sider this p ossibility and note .Please note .Shall i put you dow n for . . . ?So is . Somethi ng you might be in terested in?Thank you for your order.What did you have in mind exactly?Module 8WordlistAchieve resultsDatabasesJoint respon sibilityPrese ntati onActio nDurat i onKey factorsRoleAvoid interrup ti onEffectiveLead a p rojectSin gle userCoachEn rollLeaderSp readsheetsComp lai ntFace-to-face trainingMeet objectivesStre ngthe n/mai nta in the teamCourseNegotiat ingCross-cultural aware nessFormulate a responseNetworkpowerpointTeam buildi ngExp ressi onsAno ther good reason is.I don,t thi nk.Its great because .One adva ntage is that.One argume nt aga inst that idea is.One big disadva ntage with that is.The other thin g(reas on) is that.The p roblem is that.Youre right but i also thi nk .Module 9Wordlist(on )holdDis playsOdourSubjuct li neAromaDist in guish(a brand)P ut throughSuitAttachme ntQuality assura neeturnoverBear (with some one)Fragra neeScentUn availablein boxSloga nUrgentBrandJin gleSmellVoicemailCap italsLuxurySpamWhiffCon sumersObsessi onSp eechrecog niti ontech no logyExp ressi onsAll of our op erators are curre ntly un available to an swer your call. Can i call you back?Can i take your n ame, p lease?Can you bear with me a sec ond?Could you connect me/put me through to.?Do you mind if we put the meet ing back to Tuesday?Hold on a mome nt.rm just going to put you on hold.rm just look ing his nu mber up on the compu ter. rm just pu tt ing you on hold for a mome nt.Let me call you back later.Let me read that back to you.One mome nt, pl ease.Please hold.Sorry, hes tied up with somethi ng at the mome nt. Can i help? Sorry, the battery on my mobile is about to run out.We11 bring the schedule forward by a week.When would be convenient for you?When would suit you?Module 10WordlistAchieve successIn timeOut of timeSet targetsAhead of scheduleLear n a great dealOver budgetSucceed in bus in essBehind scheduleMiss opportun itiesPlan a strategyUnder budgetDevelopanun dersta ndingOn scheduleRecog nise weak nessesWithin budgetOn timeExp ressi onsGood idea. /i agree.If i were you, idIf we do / did it will /wouldrm not so sure. /i dont think itll work.Itd have the adva ntage of .I was won deri ng if we .Let* s start by.My other idea is to .One alter native is to.One soluti on would be to .On the other hand . . . / the disadva ntage might be.The main p roblem is.The main thing is to find a soluti on.We can worry about Later.What are our op ti ons?What if we were . . . . ?/would it make any differe nee if.?What would happen if we . . . . ?/how about if . . ?Module 11WordlistAsce nd/asce ntDesce nd/desee ntGo dow nMiddleme nBreak-eve n totalDisp arityGo upOverheadsChange handsFactorGrossdomesticp roductP eakCharitiesFluctuate/fluctuat i onIn creaseRiseCrashDecli neLevel outSoarDecreaseFreightMark- upExp ressi onsAno ther reas on forAs a result ofDue to the fact thatIn response to your inquiry about .At p rese nt the company seems to be p erform ing well / badly On the one hand , but on the otherOne adva ntage / disadva ntage is that .One other thing to con sider is .Desp ite I would still suggest thatOverall, i would stron gly recomme nd that.The fact that Makes this a good /poor in vestme nt opportunity.Module 12WordlistCaseLitigati onCourtProsecuteDefenceRightsJudgeSueLawyertrademarkExp ressi onsCan you explain what you mean?Could you . . . . Rep eat that? / say that aga in?Do you mind if i an swer that at the end?I cant really comme nt on .rd like to come back to that point later on if thats ok.I just n eed to check with some one first.rm afraid rm un able to an swer it at the mome nt .Let me get back to you on that.Sorry, i did nt Hear you. / catch that.Sorry, i did n,t un dersta nd the questi on.Sorry i dont follow you.Thank you for ask ing that.That* s a good questi on.


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