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第二届全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索” 优秀教案评选教学设计学校:浙江省泰顺中学姓名:许飞雅 陈美金学科:高中英语职称:中学二级 中学一级电子邮箱:Cheryl2003NSEFC Module 6 Unit 4 Global WarmingVocabulary Revision & Writing一、教案背景新课程标准强调语言教学应从学生的兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发;倡导体验、实践、合作与交流的学习方式。笔者的这堂单元词汇复习课的教学设计也是从学生的生活经验出发,通过互联网让学生走近本单元的话题:如2010年的西南旱灾以及由于全球变暖引发的一系列问题。学生乐于探讨,喜于合作,在真实的情境中复习与运用本单元的词汇,使词汇复习写作课水到渠成。同时,考虑到学生基础的差异性,笔者在教学设计上特别强调复习形式的多样性、所示材料的直观性、习题难度的循序性、以及巩固形式的趣味性等,以便充分调动学生的积极性。另外,为了更好地创设语言运用的情境,笔者将本单元的复习分为三大内容:How did it come about? What did it result in? How to fight against it? 词汇复习主要在两个部分进行,而词汇句型的综合运用在第部分通过段落写作的形式巩固所复习的词汇和句型,并达到提高学生写作能力的教学目的。每个环节的复习、操练以及巩固,笔者都精心地从互联网上搜索直观有趣的图片、视频等来配合词汇复习和激发学生的学习兴趣,从而使课堂变得生动有趣,也大大提高了课堂教学的效果。在整个教学过程中,笔者先开展语言知识的回忆,再进行不同层次的操练,后展开说写的活动。问题的设置层层递进,真实有效地体现了输入输出的教学模式。步骤间衔接自然,遵循由浅入深、循序渐进的教学原则,而且始终关注全体学生的共同发展和提高,注意调动学生的学习积极性和主动参与的热情,注重师生间的情感交流,鼓励和引导学生积极发言,是一堂典型体现新课程标准理念下的以任务为载体进行词汇和句型复习的课。二、教材分析本堂单元词汇复习课的教材来自Moduel6 Unit4 Global Warming。中心话题是当今人类面对的环境问题。主要探讨了“全球变暖”“能源节约”等方面的问题。其目的是通过学习,帮助学生树立“能源节约、保护环境”的主人翁意识。语言知识和语言技能也都围绕这一主题而设计。重点需要掌握的词汇大致有10几个(词汇表中黑体部分),如result in/from, as a consequence (of), come about, go up, average, environment, a quantity of/Quantities of, put up with, 强调句以及由此延伸的词汇等。把单元词汇复习课教学案例定在这一单元的原因是Global Warming这个话题,比较贴近学生的现实生活,学生有话可说;且近几年因为全球变暖而引发的灾难也不少,树立环保意识刻不容缓。因此,我们课例小组经过谈论,决定以单元主题Global Warming为主线,以课堂活动为载体,创设情景开展教学,同时注重教学方法与方式的多样性和灵活性,力求通过课堂复习让学生达到对词、句、篇的掌握与运用。三、学情分析本节课所针对的对象是高二理科学生,他们属于温州二类中学普通班这样的水平。基本具备一定的语言自主学习能力,能通过教师创设的情境运用词汇。虽然学生有一定的语言基础,但对于词汇的使用、词汇的辨析、连词成句及句子的表达缺乏信心。大部分学生在语言水平上存在差异,小部分学生由于平时英语表达的动机和欲望不强,处于相对被动的学习状态。众所周知,学生不愿意思考与学习肯定是有原因的:要么是课堂不够有趣, 要么是长期缺乏关注,以致于参与课堂的心都“死”了。于是笔者想起阿黛尔法布在如何说孩子才会听?怎么听孩子才会说?中说过的一句话,“学会去体会并承认孩子的感受。让孩子知道,你能感受到他在与你交流的那一时刻的任何感受,而不是简单传达你希望他应该做出的反应。这个看似不起眼的小秘诀会激发两个人内心的距离迅速拉近。” 因此,在案例设置过程中,笔者注重关注学生的感受,尽量通过互联网所搜索的资源激发学生学习的乐趣,使他们在学中乐,乐中学。四、教学目标根据普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)关于总目标的具体描述,结合高二学生实际和教材内容,笔者分三个方面制定相应的教学目标:1语言知识1)重点单词和短语 globe, average, consequence, advocate, oppose,come about, a quantity of/quantities of, result in, build up, go up, put up with2)重要句型 It is that/who .3)交际用语 We should/had better do It is important/useful/necessary/ to do It makes a difference to do2语言技能1)培养学生具备掌握所学词汇并能在真实语境中正确运用所学词汇的能力。2)培养学生具备用英语正确表达提出忠告和建议的能力。3)培养学生具备用英语将自己的意见写成段落的写作能力。3情感态度关注全球变暖、关注节能降耗,培养学生环保意识。五、重点难点1培养学生对词汇的联想、辨析和归纳的能力。2创设情境,培养学生小组合作、用英语交流和解决问题的能力。3如何利用所学的词汇句型进行写作。(难点)六、教学策略与手段1根据英语教学中“引趣激趣,任务型活动,循序渐进和尊重差异,以及开放式教学策略”,笔者设定以下教学方法。1)情景交际法:创设与全球变暖有关的三方面问题的情景以便进行交流对话。2)竞赛法:在语言检测的环节采用“砸金蛋,赢大奖”竞赛的方法,形成竞争机制,活跃思维和课堂。3)任务型教学法:以任务为中心的教学思路是现代化教学与新课改提倡的课堂教学模式,以任务为焦点让学生在解决这些任务的过程中产生成就感。七、课前准备1让学生在课前了解关于近几年的灾难性天气现象。2充分利用互联网平台搜索与本课话题相关的图片、视频等资料。3课前播放“全球变暖后北极熊疯了”的小片段,激发学生兴趣,启发学生思考。八、教学过程Step I Lead-in T: Why does the bear “take off his clothes”? S: Because it is too hot on the earth.T: What will happen if it is too hot on the earth?S1: Human beings will be in danger.S2: Mankind will be short of water.设计意图:笔者选用简短而又有趣的视频导出全球变暖这个话题,吸引学生的注意力,以展开单元话题的复习。视频来源: 全球变暖后北极熊疯了百度地址: T: What happens in the picture? S1: S2: a drought happened.T: What causes the drought?S1: Global warming causes the drought. T: Can you use the sentence structure to answer it? It is _ that causes the drought. It is _ that leads to . It is _ that results in As a consequence of, peopleWe love the beautiful n_ in Yuan Nan, but we are facing n _ disasters caused by the g_ warming. Now, it is _ protection that we should pay more attention to._ global nature _ environment _设计意图: 结合实际,进一步讨论全球变暖的严重性,为接下来对全球变暖的成因、后果和解决途径的话题讨论做铺垫,从而在各个环节,用不同的形式对本节课的词汇进行复习。图片来源: 云南百年一遇的干旱百度地址:&ic=&s=&se=&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=&is=&istype=2Step II Topic 1: the cause of global warminggo upquantities ofaverage二氧化碳build upT: Since the global warming is serious now, it is important to know something about it. So here comes my first question:What causes the global warming?S: It is _ _ that makes the global warming come about. (CO2/Human activity)T: Can you use the given phrases to describe the picture? 大量的carbon dioxide聚积 in the atmosphere causing the 平均的temperature to 上升, which makes the global warming come about. S: .T: Can you use other words to replace “come about”?S: break out, happen T: There are similar words used to describe same meaning, And there is also a word or phrase with different meanings. 一词多义go up1. The whole building went up in the fire. _2. The price of the cigarettes is going up. _3. New library is going up in our school. _ A. 兴建 B. 被烧毁 C.上升 D. 沿着build up1. We must build up our body. _2. We must build up confidence. _3. We can build up a powerful country. _4. Large quantities of CO2 are building up in the atmosphere. T: So here we can see, a word or phrase may have different meanings in different context, similar words or phrases sometimes have different usage.T: Divide the following phrases into 3 types: 1) + pl. 2) +ucn. 3) both同义分类大量的: a large number of, a large amount of, lots of /a lot of; plenty of;a large quantity of, large/huge quantities of, a great deal of, large numbers of1. Nowadays, a quantity of fossil fuels _ (be) burnt to produce energy.2. Quantities of carbon dioxide _ (be) added to the atmosphere, thus, the global warming comes about.设计意图: 旨在讨论全球变暖的成因,同时以不同的形式对build up, go up, quantities of等进行复习,渗透词汇复习的几种方法,如:一词多义、同类辨析等。图片来源: 被压迫者当属地球百度地址:%FE%BB%AD%CD%BC%C6%AC+%B5%D8%C7%F2+%CE%DB%C8%BE&in=10673&cl=2&lm=-1&pn=11&rn=1&di=21679689690&ln=1807&fr=&fmq=&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn11&-1Step III Topic 2: the cause of global warmingT: What does the global warming result in when it comes about?S: The global warming results in _. It is _ that the global warming results in.同义连线 单选题 result in result from as a result as a result ofas a consequenceas a consequence oflie inlead to1. The sandstorm _ the global warming.2. The earth will be destroyed _ the rising average temperature.A. resulted from B. as a consequenceC. resulted in D. as a consequence of 上帝啊!我再也忍受不了这个温度啦!GuessT: If the earth keeps on warming, what does the earth want to say? S: Oh, my God, I cant put up with/bear the temperature any more. that who whom which1) It is lots of homework _ we students cant put up with.2) It is we students _ cannot put up with lots of homework.设计意图: 以直观有趣的漫画展示全球变暖的后果,并让学生通过图片进行联想,以创设语言环境,对put up with和强调句进行复习巩固。图片来源: 英语周报光盘中的图片资料Step IV Consolidation T: Well done. Now, I am Lady Li Yong. Do you want to break an egg to win some prizes?图片来源: 砸金蛋百度地址: =砸金蛋, 赢大奖!15432 1. Translate the sentences into Chinese. Hello! Everybody! We are Giant of North, though our average height is 100 cm or so.题1这是一支特殊的球队2. Use the words to describe the picture come about fire forest(A fire came about in the forest.) 3. 选择题 _ sand were carried up by the strong wind. A. Numbers of B. A great deal of C. Quantities of D. Plenty of百度图片来源:题2森林火灾题3沙尘暴4. 替换We must prevent the temperature from rising because we can not bear the global warming any longer. Therefore, we must set up environmental organizations. 5. 翻译: It is that 正是人类活动导致了全球变暖。设计意图: 本环节用“砸金蛋,赢大奖”这个比赛方式是为了能在枯燥的复习课上,激发学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。另外,考虑到学生基础的差异性,题目的设计类型已尽可能做到多样性和层次性。同时,笔者认为本环节中图片的应用可以使学生更直观地体验这些词汇和句型的使用。Step V Group work T: Since the global warming is serious and serious, what should we do to fight against it? Discuss in a group of 4 and try to use the following expressions.S1: What should we do to fight against global warming?S2: We should do S3: It is important to do S4: It makes a difference to do设计意图: 本环节旨在让学生充分地运用所学知识,利用所给句型和词汇,讨论抵制全球变暖的措施,提高口头表达能力,归纳forbid/advocate/oppose + doing的用法,并为写作环节做铺垫。Step VI Writing T: Wow, you really did a good job. Now it is time for you to write down a paragraph for the following passage according to what we have learned and discussed in this period.How to fight against global warming?The earth is becoming warmer and warmer. It is high time that we should take some measures to fight against global warming. Firstly ,_ In a word, do whatever you can to save the earth! Your contribution counts.Adj: average environmental Vt: advocate opposeV ph: go up build up result in quantities of put up with come aboutSentence structure:It is/was that (至少选五个)T: Ok, is there anybody who has finished writing?设计意图: 考虑到学生的基础和教学有效性,与以往写作方式不同,笔者让学生续写第二段。目的是提供一个语言的输出平台,达到本课复习的有效性。最后,请学生朗读自己的作品,以检查这堂课的教学效果。 九、教学反思余文森教授指出:“课堂教学的有效性是指通过课堂教学活动,学生在学业上有收获、有提高、有进步。具体表现在:学生在认知上,从不懂到懂,从少知到多知,从不会到会;在情感上,从不喜欢到喜欢,从不热爱到热爱,从不感兴趣到感兴趣。” 以上根据学生学情选用的与Global Warming 有关的词汇和强调句而展开这堂词汇复习课案例,笔者认为是有效的。因为在案例具体实施过程中,学生自始至终都处于比较积极和活跃的状态,课堂气氛热烈;从课堂学生的反映看,学生学得轻松愉快,积极性高;从课后反馈看,学生普遍反映这节课所复习的知识点印象特别深刻,因为他们喜欢好玩又有趣的课。这也验证了有位教育家说过的话:“如果把学生的热情激发出来,那么学校所规定的功课就会被当作一种礼物来领受。爱因斯坦教学的艺术全在于如何恰当地提出问题和巧妙的引导学生作答。”Blackboard workUnit 4 Global WarmingGlobal warmingcome about?result in ?fight against?十、教师个人介绍 参与以上教案设计的许飞雅和陈美金两位老师,一直工作在教学的第一线, 现任教高一,是当地重点中学的骨干。其中许飞雅老师还运用该课例参加了县高中英语有效课堂展示,深受领导和同仁的一致好评。附:课上所发材料Class _ Name_ Score_Writing 15根据组内讨论,请续写第二段,提出三条抵制全球变暖的具体措施。并至少采用5个本节课所复习的词汇和1个句型。Useful expressions:Adj:average environmental Vt: advocate opposeV ph:come about go up build up quantities of result in put up with Sentence structure:It is/was that How to fight against global warming?The earth is becoming warmer and warmer. It is high time that we should take measures to fight against global warming Firstly, _In a word, do whatever you can to save the earth! Your contribution counts.A sample from a student Firstly, we should oppose wasting energy but advocate recycling used papers or bottles and so on. Secondly, it is important to plant quantities of trees to stop CO2 from building up. Last but not least, we cant put up with any environmental pollution, so it is the awareness of protecting nature that people should develop.


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