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2020/7/29,1,Advanced English Book II,Unit 14 Loving and Hating New York,2020/7/29,2,Book 2 Unit 14 Loving and Hating New York,I. Pre-reading Questions II. Background Information III. Structure of the Text IV. Questions for Students to Answer V. Follow-up Questions,2020/7/29,3,I.Pre-reading Questions 1.What do you know about New York City What have we learned about N. Y. C. till now, i.e. in this course, intensive reading and listening? What do you know concerning its history, its geographical position, its importance as a financial and cultural center, its people and its problems etc.)? 2.What impression did you have about New York by what youve heard, read or seen? 3.Do you want to live in New York if you could have a chance? Why? 4.What s your opinion towards living and working in big cities?,2020/7/29,4,II. Background Information 1.About the Author 2.About New York 3. Broadway 4.Off-Broadway 5. Big Apple 6. Ivy League 7.Wall Street,2020/7/29,5,1.Thomas Griffith (19152002) Born on Dec 3, he was an American writer, editor. Since 1974 he has been press columnist, Time magazine staff contributor投稿人, Fortune magazine columnist, Atlantic Monthly .He was an uprooted westerner who called New York home. He had worked for Time Inc. for 30 years and was known in the organization as the “house liberal;”. He wrote “The Waist-High Culture,” 1959; How True?-A Sceptics Guide to Believing the News.托马斯格里菲斯(1915一 ),美国作家和编辑。1974年以来,一直是美国时代杂志的专栏作家,财富杂志编委,大西洋月刊的专栏作家。其作品有齐腰高的文化、怎么会是真的等。,2020/7/29,6,Time magazine was created in 1923 by Briton Hadden布里顿哈登与他的耶鲁同学and Henry Luce亨利卢斯, making it the first weekly news magazine in the United States. The two had previously worked together as chairman and managing editor respectively of the Yale Daily News and considered calling the magazine Facts. 1923年3月, (Briton Hadden) 出版了第一期时代(又译时代周刊、时代杂志;英语:TIME)美国出版的时事周刊,被誉为当代最具代表性与影响力的刊物。 时代的注册商标为大写的“TIME”。在一些广告中,时代将“TIME”定义为“报道国际重要事件的杂志”(The International Magazine of Events.)作为它的刊物定位. 他们在全面考察了20世纪20年代的形势后,在发起书中宣告时代杂志每年年底都会选出该年度的时代年度风云人物,是该年最有影响力的人、事或物.,2020/7/29,7,Time (trademarked in capitals as TIME) is an American news magazine. A European edition (Time Europe, formerly known as Time Atlantic) is published from London. Time Europe covers the Middle East, Africa and, since 2003, Latin America. An Asian edition (Time Asia) is based in Hong Kong. As of 2009, Time no longer publishes a Canadian advertiser edition. The South Pacific edition, covering Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, is based in Sydney. Time is the worlds largest weekly news magazine, and has a domestic audience of 20 million and a global audience of 25 million.欧洲版(Time Europe,原名为Time Atlantic)1923年3月3日创刊于伦敦,涵盖中东、非洲和拉丁美洲(2003年起)的事件。亚洲版于香港岀版。时代在加拿大同步发行,但广告不同。总部位于多伦多。南太平洋版的时代覆盖了澳大利亚、新西兰和太平洋群岛,总部在悉尼。,2020/7/29,8,纽约时报(The New York Times)有时简称为“时报”(The Times)。是一份在美国纽约出版的日报,在全世界发行,有相当的影响力,美国高级报纸/严肃刊物的代表,长期以来拥有良好的公信力和权威性。由于风格古典严肃,它有时也被戏称为“灰色女士”(The Gray Lady)。它最初的名字是纽约每日时报(The New-York Daily Times),创始人是亨利贾维斯雷蒙德和乔治琼斯,2020/7/29,9,2. New York,New York City is the largest city in the U.S. and one of the largest in the world; one of the worlds most important centers of business, culture, and trade; the home of the U.N. , hence the most influential city throughout the U.S. and around the world .,2020/7/29,10,2020/7/29,11,EmpireStateBuilding,2020/7/29,12,2020/7/29,13,Manhattan Skyline, with Statue of Liberty,New York Federal Reserve Bank,Empire State Building,WorldTradeCenterinNew York City, twin towers,WorldTradeCenterinNew York City, twin towers在2001年9月11日以后,这两座大厦再也不见了,2020/7/29,14,世界贸易中心(World Trade Center,1973年2001年9月11日)在纽约曼哈顿岛西南端,为美国纽约的地标之一,西临哈德逊河。2001年9月11日发生的911事件中倒塌。由两座并立的塔式摩天楼、4幢7层办公楼和1幢22层的旅馆组成,建于19621976年。业主是纽约州和新泽西州的港务局。设计人是美籍日裔建筑师M雅马萨基(Minoru Yamasaki,日本名为山崎实)。世界贸易中心曾为世界上最高的双塔,纽约市的标志性建筑,也曾是世界上最高的建筑物之一。,2020/7/29,15,2020/7/29,16,New York official name City of New York, called New York City to be distinguished from New York state, in which it is located is the most populous city in the United States, and the second most populous in North America, after Mexico City. Affectionately known as The Big Apple, New York is by many measures one of the most important cities in the world. It is probably the worlds most important financial center, and one of the most important cultural centers of the Western world. Most of the publishing houses that select and produce the nations books have their headquarters in N.Y. Broadway area is the center of professional theater in the U.S. It is also the home of some of the nations largest museums and art galleries. The city displays beautiful Gothic churches and other interesting styles of architecture. The UN headquarters is in New York, giving some credence to the citys self-designation as capital of the world. New York City is among the most densely populated places in the United States. Its population is more than eight million (2000 U.S. Census), and its land area is 831 square kilometers (320 square miles); the density is 10,000/km (2931in Shanghai, 130,000in Mong Kok旺角, Hong Kong).,2020/7/29,17,A) History and Geographical Position Governor Peter Minuit of the Dutch West India Company had the job of buying Manhattan Island from the Indians in 1626. The Dutch set up the settlement of New Amsterdam on the southern tip of Manhattan. In 1664, English ships captured the city without struggle, and it was renamed New York, after the Duke of York. At the end of the Second Anglo-Dutch War in 1667, in the Treaty of Breda布雷条约the Dutch formally signed New York over to the English and received the colony of Suriname苏里南in return. At the start of the American Revolutionary War, the city was the scene of important early fighting at the Battle of Brooklyn, suffered a great fire in which much of it burned, and fell into British control for the remainder of the war, not to be regained by the Americans until 1783. During the 19th Century, the city population boomed by an influx of a vast number of immigrants. In 1811, the city street grid was expanded to encompass all of Manhattan with a visionary development proposal called the Commissioners Plan. By 1835, New York City overtook Philadelphia as the largest city in the United States.,2020/7/29,18,After the war, the rate of immigration from Europe grew steeply, and New York became the first stop for millions seeking a new and better life in the United States. In the first half of the 20th century, the city became a world center for industry, commerce, and communication. Interborough Rapid Transit (the first subway company) began operating in 1904. The New York skyline soared in the 1930s with the building of some of the worlds tallest skyscrapers. In the decades after World War II, however, the city slid into gradual decline with the loss of population to the suburbs and the erosion of its industrial base. Like many US cities, New York suffered severe race riots in the 1960s, and by the 1970s, the city had gained a reputation for being a crime-ridden relic of history. In 1975, the city hit bottom and had to declare bankruptcy.,2020/7/29,19,The 1980s saw a rebirth of Wall Street, and the city reclaimed its role at the center of the world-wide financial industry. In the 1990s, crime rates dropped drastically and the outflow of population turned around, as the city once again became the destination not only of immigrants from around the world, but of many U.S. citizens seeking to live a cosmopolitan lifestyle that only New York City can offer. In the late 1990, the dot com boom fueled a frenzy of financial speculation that sent the economy soaring. Out of all of the affected cities, New York suffered the most during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Center. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, the city has rebounded and pushed forward new plans for the destroyed areas of the World Trade Center. One building being built on the World Trade Center site is the Freedom Tower which was the worlds highest skyscraper when completed in 2008.哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa Tower)(原名迪拜塔,162层,总高828米,2010年1月4日竣工,为当前世界第一高楼与人工构造物),2020/7/29,20,Freedom Tower-the centerpiece building of the new World Trade Center世界最高建筑世界贸易中心一号大楼(1 World Trade Center),原称为自由塔(Freedom Tower),是兴建中的美国纽约新世界贸易中心的摩天大楼,将坐落于九一一袭击事件中倒塌的原世界贸易中心的旧址。高度541.3米,1776英尺,为独立宣言发布年份。地上82层(不含天线),地下4层。占地面积241540平方米。设计师为波兰籍设计家利贝斯金德,.,Artists conception of the proposed Freedom Tower amidst the New York skyline at night.,F. T. as it may be seen during the day from the Hudson River.,New York City Geographical Information,New York City is located on the Eastern Atlantic coast of the United States, at the mouth of the Hudson River. The city center resides at the exact location of 40 degrees, 42 minutes, 51 seconds N latitude, and 74 degrees, 0 minutes 23 seconds W longitude.,2020/7/29,22,The Five Boroughs The City of New York is composed of five boroughs, each a county of New York State:,Manhattan New York County, population 1,546,856 The Bronx Bronx County, population 1,354,068 Brooklyn Kings County, population 2,488,194 Queens Queens County, population 2,237,815 Staten Island Richmond County, population 457,383,2020/7/29,23,Manhattan: also called New York County纽约郡, is the smallest of the five boroughs of New York City. It is the glittering heart of the metropolis. It is the site of virtually all of the hundreds of skyscrapers that are the symbol of the city. Among the more famous of these are the Empire State Building (1931), the Chrysler Building克莱斯勒大厦(1930), and Citicorp Center花旗银行中心 (1977). (The 110-story twin towers of the World Trade Center were also among New Yorks famous skyscrapers until they were destroyed in a terrorist attack in 2001.) Manhattan is also the oldest, densest, and most built-up part of the entire urbanized region. It is the center of New Yorks cultural life. Numerous stage and motion picture theaters are located around Broadway in Midtown, which includes Times Square. The borough is the home of prominent music and dance organizations, such as the New York City Opera Company, the Metropolitan Opera Association, the Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York, American Ballet Theatre, and the New York City Ballet.,2020/7/29,24,Manhattan Skyline and Central Park,2020/7/29,25,The Metropolitan Museum of Art, founded in 1870 and located in Central Park, contains nearly 3 million objects in every known artistic medium, representing cultures from every part of the world, from ancient times to the present. It is the third largest art museum in the world.,2020/7/29,26,Founded in 1895, the New York Public Library is the largest public library system in the United States.,2020/7/29,27,Outside Madison Square Garden in New York City, thousands of people looking for jobs lined up for a job fair in November 2001.,2020/7/29,28,B) Problems of New York City Along with all N.Y.s greatness, it has many serious problems. 1)Thousands of immigrants have not found the opportunities they had hoped for in N.Y. 2) More than a million New Yorkers received welfare aid, and thousands live in slums.Other problems include 3) air pollution, 4)traffic jams, 5)crime, 6)drug abuse,7) racial conflicts, and 8) the ever-increasing cost of living in the city. All these problems are driving many families -especially white middle-class families- to the suburbs. In spite of its problems, New York City remains one of the most interesting and exciting cities in the U.S. In fact, many people consider it the most fascinating city in the world.,2020/7/29,29,C) New York People The people of N.Y.C. represent nearly all nationalities. During the 1650s , only about 1,000 people lived in the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island.But even then, 18 languages were spoken in the colony. Since that time, people from throughout the world have brought their skills, traditions, and ways of life to New York City. People move to N.Y.C. for many reasons. 1)Many are attracted by the citys job opportunities. 2)Other people come to attend the citys schools and colleges or to enjoy its many cultural activities. 3)Still others come simply because they want to be a part of a large, exciting city. There are five ethnic groups- black, Irish, Italian, Jewish, and Puerto Rican making up about 80 percent of N.Y.C.s people.,2020/7/29,30,D) Places to Visit: Empire State Building,It is on fifth Avenue between 33rd Street and 34th street , 448.7meters high, a 102-story New York City landmark.,2020/7/29,31,One of the largest stock exchanges in the world. The NYSE is operated by the not-for-profit corporation New York Stock Exchange, Inc, with its main building located at 18 Broad Street, at the corner of Wall Street, in New York City, New York, U.S. NYSE is home to some 2,800 companies valued at nearly $15 trillion(万亿) in global market capitalization.,New York Stock Exchange,2020/7/29,32,Museum of Modern Art,On W.53rd Street between Fifth avenue of Americas displays modern paintings, sculptures, films, photographs, and other works of art.,2020/7/29,33,Rockefeller Center 洛克菲勒 中心,Rockefeller Center on Fifth Avenue between 48th and 51st streets includes the sunken Plaza used for outdoor dining in summer and ice skating in winter.,2020/7/29,34,Saint Patricks Cathedral 圣.帕特里克大教堂,Located at Fifth Avenue and 50th Street, across from Rockefeller Center. It is the seat of the Roman Catholic, Archdiocese大主教管区 of New York. It is one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in the U.S.,2020/7/29,35,Located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty was a gift of international friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States and is one of the most universal symbols of political freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886 and was designated a National Monument on October 15, 1924. The Statue was extensively restored in time for her spectacular centennial百年纪念 on July 4, 1986. Liberty Island is federal property located within the territorial jurisdiction(right) of the State of New York.,The Statue of Liberty,2020/7/29,36,Radio City Music Hall - the worlds largest indoor theater,the hall ,home of the famous dancing Rockettes, has a seating capacity of 5,900.无线电城音乐厅(位于美国纽约曼哈顿区的世界最大的剧场之一),2020/7/29,37,2020/7/29,38,3. Big Apple- the nickname for New York City,The first recorded usage was by Edward S. Martin in his 1909 book The Wayfarer in New York, who wrote (regarding New York) that the rest of the United States inclines to think the big apple gets a disproportionate share of the national sap.” Used in the title of a column in the New York Morning Telegraph纽约早晨电报,Around the Big Apple with John J. Fitz Gerald, which first appeared in 1924. The term lost popularity in the 1950s, but was brought back into wide use after a 1970s promotional campaign by the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau.,2020/7/29,39,Why is New York nicknamed Big Apple? It has got some nicknames such as : Mahatta by Indians ; New Amsterdam by the Dutch; Metropolis in a comic book (Superman); The City that Never Sleeps which is still used today . But for complicated reasons in the 1970s New York City went through many fiscal(financial) troubles. The city became the butt(laughing stock) of many jokes, and there was a big drop in tourists coming to New York City: many people, in fact, left New York City. This led to a campaign to give New York City a new image. So Charles Gillate, who worked for the New York City Visitors Bureau, used the nickname Big Apple to draw tourists to New York City. This idea came from the 20s and 30s when musicians had an expression for playing in small town gigs(short term performances). It was that there are many apples on the success tree, but when you pick New York City you picked the Big Apple. This nickname, the Big Apple, helped turn New York City around. People wanted to see what was with this Big Apple and returned to New York City.,2020/7/29,40,1.纽约州虽产苹果,但产量很少,远不及加州苹果世界驰名。有一年加州苹果欠收,外销告急,于是纽约的苹果小兵立大功,解救了加州外销苹果的窘境。纽约人引以为傲,从此称纽约为Big Apple。 2.传言经济大衰退时,许多银行家失业潦倒,必须从其市郊住家载着一袋袋苹果到到纽约大街上卖。包括一些名门望族都被迫以此维持生计。因为纽约州常见到苹果树,对纽约经济扮演相当重要角色,进而市政府大力推行这个名词代表纽约。 3.19201930年,爵士乐大行其道,有个爵士乐手大唱:成功树上苹果何其多,但如果你挑中纽约市,你就挑到了最大的苹果!(There are many apples on the success tree, but when you pick New York City, you pick the Big Apple.)之后有人又证实因市区内有一极受欢迎的爵士俱乐部就叫The Big Apple!所以称为大苹果。 4.大约在50多年前,美国(American)一群爵士乐师们经常到各地去巡回演出(rendering)赚钱(to make money)。乐师们把所有要去的城镇(town),都描述(describe)成树上的苹果(the apple on the tree)。他们去演出赚钱,就像去摘苹果(pick apples)。纽约在当时是诸城镇中演出赚钱最多(most)的城市。各城镇都叫Apple, 自然纽约便是the Big Apple了。,2020/7/29,41,4. Broadway:,Broadway 1909,2020/7/29,42,Pictures of NYC Broadway Theatres,2020/7/29,43,Broadway is one of the main north-south thoroughfares in Manhattan, the central borough of New York, New York. It is the only street that runs from almost the southern tip of the island, where it starts from Bowling Green, to the northern tip. There are continuations of Broadway, following the old Albany Post Road, in Hudson River towns of Westchester County, north of The Bronx. Diagonally 斜对crossing the Commissioners Plan of 1811 of Manhattan streets, it has been marked by squares (some merely triangular slivers of open space) and induced some interesting architecture, such as the famous Flatiron Building. The section of lower Broadway from its origin at Bowling Green to City Hall Park is the historical location for the citys ticker-tape parades, and is sometimes called the Canyon of Heroes in reference to such events.,2020/7/29,44,One famous stretch near Times Square, through which Broadway passes, is the home of many theaters, housing an ever-changing array (lines) of commercial, large-scale plays, particularly musicals. This part of Broadway, also known as The Great White Way 白色大道 , draws millions of tourists from around the world. Starring in a successful Broadway musical is considered by most singers and actors as the ultimate success in their chosen profession, and many songs, stories, and musicals have themselves been based around the idea of such success. The annual Tony Awards托尼奖recognize some of the most successful new shows and revivals each year. Some theatergoers prefer the more experimental, challenging, and intimate performances possible in smaller theaters. Broadway theatres need not be located on or near Broadway, and off-Broadway theaters can be on Broadway: theatres are designated as Broadway, Off-Broadway, and Off-Off-Broadway on the basis of the number of seats they contain, with Broadway theatres having more than 300 seats. Some theaters (by adding or subtracting a few seats) can convert from Broadway to Off-Broadway designation.,2020/7/29,45,5. Off-Broadway外百老汇戏剧 Off-Broadway theater refers to stage plays or musical theater performed in New York City, in venues of a smaller size than Broadway theaters. Generally Off-Broadway shows are less expensive, less publicized, less well-known and feature less-famous performers. The smaller scale also often allows more experimental, challenging work to be presented. The classification of theaters is governed by language in Actors Equity演员协会 contracts, rather than by whether the theater has a Broadway address. It is not unknown for successful Off-Broadway shows to later have a Broadway run - for instance, the musicals Rent and Hair were both initially shown Off-Broadway.,2020/7/29,46,外百老汇泛指在百老汇以外纽约其他地区上演的戏剧。 百老汇是横贯美国纽约市的一条大街,沿街大剧院林立,有美国戏剧中心之称。百老汇商业性剧院为了追求利润,往往上演音乐剧、喜剧和其他轰动的剧目。新作家的作品和小剧团无法在这里演出。为了突破百老汇对戏剧演出的垄断,一些不知名的戏剧工作者于40年代开始在纽约格林威治村等房租低廉的地区,利用旧厅堂、地下室等地,以低成本上演为百老汇不屑演出的新剧目。由于这些小剧院地处百老汇之外,剧目又与百老汇大不相同,故称外百老汇。自20世纪50年代以来,外百老汇演出了一些引人注目的剧目,培养了一批剧坛新秀,影响和规模日渐扩大。在地理上,它已超出原来的发源地,遍布纽约各地。在剧目上,它既演出莎士比亚、契诃夫、易卜生等作家的经典剧目,同时也演出现代的严肃戏剧、音乐剧、喜剧,甚至有杂艺与讽刺歌舞表演。从演出目的来看,它既有新剧作家、新演员为了表现才能而举行的“展览性”演出,也有著名剧作家因某些作品无法在百老汇上演而在这里与观众见面;既有某些戏剧家为了信念和爱好演出特殊风格和流派的剧目,也有演出商为了利润进行的商业性演出。外百老汇在60年代鼎盛时期,演出的剧目每年有80多部,远远超过百老汇。最初在外百老汇上演、后来成为名剧的有杰克盖尔伯的接头、阿尔比动物园的故事等。60年代以后,外百老汇已逐步走上了百老汇的道路,商业性日增,而艺术性日弱;演出费用日渐浩大,剧目则日趋减少。许多新作家和小剧团又开始


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