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戴明语录林公孚沟通(Communication)打破部门间的障碍。研究、设计、销售及生产部门的人员应协力合作犹如一个团队,以预见产品与服务在生产与使用时可能遭遇的问题。(Break down barriers between Departments.People in research,Design,sales and production must work as a team,to foresee problems of production and in use that may be encountered with the product or service.)释义:鼓励研究、设计、销售及生产部门的人员跨部门合作,不断提供能满足顾客要求的产品,服务顾客。竞争(Competition)(1)经济学家将我们导向歧途,他们告诉我们激烈的竞争是解决之道。使我们忧心于增加市场占有率,试图铲除同业,却忽略了要创造更好的产品。(Economists are leading us down the wrong path.They tell us that fierce competition is the solution.We worry about increasing market share and we try to kill off colleagues in the same industry,instead of making better products.)释义:以合作代替竞争,共同创造优质产品服务顾客,才是最佳致胜之道。竞争导致损失,人们凡事采拔河态度处理,徒耗体力而已,他们将一事无成。Competition leads to lose,people pulling in opposite direction on a rope,they go nowhere.释义:竞争的结果是分胜负,合作的结果是创双赢,故凡事应从合作方向思考,在此一思维下,目前商场上买卖双方的关系已有显著的改变,依据数据显示:现在的买主与供货商之间已有新的合作趋势,未来三、四年以后才需要的重要零件,92已由供货商、设计师、工程师、采购、精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 1 页,共 32 页制造、销售部门所组成的小组进行开发可资证明。顾客(Customers)(1)顾客是生产在线最重要的一部份;没有他们,就没有生产线。质量的改进涵盖整个生产线:从进料、到交货给顾客,以及为未来产品与服务的再设计。(The customer is the most important part of the production line.Without him,there is no production line.Improvement of quality envelops the entire production line,from incoming materials to the customer,and redesign of the product and service for the future.)释义:生产/服务的一切作为,均应以顾客导向,戴明用以表示从进料到顾客之间的著名的整体生产系统流程图,就作了最佳的说明。顾客(Customers)(2)除非是以产品质量的角度来衡量,价格才具意义。但这样还不够,除非能够与顾客的需求挂钩,优良与均一的质量才具意义。(Price has no meaning except in terms of the quality of the product.But that is not enough.Good and uniform quality have no meaning except with reference to the customer s needs.)释义:凡事均应以顾客为重,应从顾客观点,制造产品与定价。他指出:界定质量难在将使用者的未来需要转换为可量测的特性,依此从事产品设计,再产生顾客愿意付的价格。教育(Education)(1)我发现一般人对教育的恐惧;人们害怕选课,因为可能选得不对,我的忠告是先选它,其后再找出何者是适切的。你不会知道什么可能用得上,或可能会需要什么。一心想着必须务实的人不会做得长久,谁晓得什么叫做务实?协助人们从事改进,我是指每个人。I find a general fear of education.People are afraid to take a course.It might not be the right one.My advice is take it.精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 2 页,共 32 页Find the right one later.You never know what could be used,what could be needed.He that thinks he has to be practical is not going to be here very long.Who knows what is practical?Help people to improve.I mean everybody.释义:接受教育,充实智能,从事改进,才是务实之道,戴明指出:要取得竞争地位的优势,就必须扎根于知识.每个人都有责任重建西方工业,我们也都需要新的教育,管理者更必须重新学起。教育(Education)(2)为每人建立有活力的教育与自我改进方案。(Institute a vigorous programme of education and self-improvement for everyone.)释义:领导者要能引导所属人员学习,并为他们建立不断学习的环境与与提供所需资源。训练(Training)建立在职训练制度。(Institute training on the job.)释义:用新观念、新方法执行员工在职训练工作,训练工作要先从管理阶层做起,训练的内容要看重在了解从进料到交货给客户的每一过程及其变异,教导员工工作所需的工具与技术,使他们能运用新技术、新工具来解决工作上的问题。戴明语录林公孚评估(Evaluation)我们大多认为,若是我们不评估你,你就不会受到激励而把工作做得更好;所以我们查问你、衡量你,将你与他人比较并试图为你排列名次。取而代之的是,我们需要提升自尊,乐在工作并以我们所做的为傲,因此我们应鼓励人们创新,对工作有所贡献。如果我们摧折你,你便是被羞辱了,而为你排列名次就是在摧折你。精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 3 页,共 32 页 (Most of us assume that if we don t evaluate you,you won t be motivated to work better.So we interview and measure you,compare you to others,and try to place you in a ranking.Instead we need to promote self-esteem,joy in work and pride in what we do,so that we encourage people innovate and contribute to the job.If we destroy you,you are humiliated.Ranking you destroys you.)释义:系统与人员间的互动有效性,影响工作绩效的程度可达90%-95%,人在系统中工作,不能改变系统,但却要以此考核他的绩效,并据以排列名次,不是很不公平吗?尊重个人是戴明理念中最重要的一项,故有不宜予以衡量评等之看法。戴明语录林公孚恐惧(Fear)(1)恐惧造成极大的折损。它无处不在,夺去人们的骄傲,伤害他们,剥夺他们对公司奉献的机会,很难相信当你不放松恐惧时会发生什么事。(Fear takes a horrible toll.Fear is all around,robbing people of their pride,hurting them,robbing them of a chance to contribute to the company.It is unbelievable what happens when you unloose fear.)释义:员工只有处在有安全感的工作环境,才会有好的工作表现。恐惧会使人因怕犯错而怯于任事,或怕受责而掩过饰非,因而限制了他们发挥潜能的机会,除非员工对他的工作有安全感,否则必难卖命工作。戴明语录林公孚恐惧(Fear)(2)凡有恐惧之处,就会有错误数字。(Where there is fear,there will be wrong figures.)释义:为害怕受到责难,人们常会用假数字来掩饰真相,逃避责任。精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 4 页,共 32 页戴明语录林公孚改进(Improvement)(1)执行一项试验的唯一理由是改进过程,改进质量与下次的运作数量或是次年的收获。在科学与工业方面的重要问题是如何以及在何种条件下,观测值会对是否改变过程以达成改进所做的理性决策有所贡献。因此,观测记录必须包含任何人可能需要用来做预测的所有信息。(The only reason to carry out a test is to improve a process,to improve the quality and quantity of the next run or of next year s crop.Important questions in science and industry are how and under what conditions observations may contribute to a rational decision to change or not to change a process to accomplish improvement.A record of observations must accordingly contain all the information that anyone might need in order to make his own prediction.)释义:改进过程是重点,好的过程才会产生好质量、好产量的结果,做好它要靠完备的观测记录,使负责改进者知如何改,以及在何种条件下改。戴明语录林公孚改进(Improvement)(2)一个健康的,运作良好的公司是处于最佳地位改进它的管理、产品与服务,如此可以对他自己的经济福祉以及我们其它人有所贡献,况且它也是最有义务要改进者。事实上,一个独占事业最有可能年年从事不断改进,而且它也肩担追求改进的最大义务;一个艰困的公司只能想着如何存活。(A company that is healthy,doing well,is in excellent position to improve management,product,and service,thus to contribute to the economic welfare of itself and to the rest of us,and moreover has the greatest obligation to improve.A monopoly is in fact in the best possible position to improve year 精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 5 页,共 32 页by year,and has the greatest obligation to do so.A company that is on the rocks can only think of survival.)释义:改进时机最好在企业处于最佳情况时为之,不能等到组织经营状况恶化时才做,那是像救火,智者不取,要在组织体质佳时做,这是防火,智者当为。戴明语录林公孚改进(Improvement)(3)灭火并非改进。找出失控点,找出特殊肇因并将之去除,只是将过程带回它原先所在的位置,并不是过程的改进。(Putting out fires is not improvement.Finding a point out of control,finding the special cause and removing,is only putting the process back to where it was in the first place.It is not improvement of the process.)释义:消除失控点只是治标,改进要以设计与过程为重,对质量或系统作持续改进,才是治本之道。戴明语录林公孚改进(Improvement)(4)因为我们所做的是错的,即使我们尽最大的努力,辛勤工作,我们也正在失去优势。(We re losing ground because what we are doing is wrong,even though we work very hard and give our best effort.)释义:错误原因是舍本逐末,不知设计质量、过程质量与系统质量才是从事改进的正路。戴明语录林公孚乐在工作(Joy in work)精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 6 页,共 32 页我喜爱我的工作,它对我而言是有趣的,但愿美国的管理者能不断的学习与成长,我愿继续学习并与他们分享。戴明在被问及为何每周要花五到七天旅行、教学、顾问以及提供四天的研讨会给数以百计热情的学生们时,所做的回答。(I love my work.It s fun for me.I wish American management to keep learning and growing and I wish to keep learning and sharing with them.When asked why he spends five to seven days per week traveling,teaching,consulting and giving 4-day seminars to hundreds of enthusiastic students,this was Dr.Deming s reply.)释义:戴明天性属于能乐在工作且以工艺为荣的人,其弟子谢尔肯巴赫(W.W.Scherkenbach)曾说:我以为,如果要用一句话来总结戴明的理念,那该是:”透过工艺之乐,达到自主之喜悦”。何况他更以挽救美国经济为己任,老而弥坚,故出此语。戴明语录林公孚知识(knowledge)(1)系统的深厚知识来自外部,甚少由内部产生,你可曾在任何组织内部发现具有深厚知识的人?我从未发现。(Profound knowledge of a system comes from outside,rarely from the inside.Have you ever found someone who has profound knowledge inside an organization?I never have.)释义:系统的深厚知识是指改进一个系统所需的知识,外部专家,见多识广,常胜于内部专家。戴明语录林公孚知识(knowledge)(2)知识是无可取代的。(There is no substitute for knowledge。)精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 7 页,共 32 页释义:知识为管理力量的重要来源之一,没有深厚知识为基础的管理行动,常出现外行领导内行现象,焉有不败之理。戴明语录林公孚领导(leadership)(1)排除恐惧,如此每个人将可有效地为公司工作。(Drive out fear,so everyone may work effectively for the company.)释义:恐惧感会使人因害怕失败而不敢尝试创新。戴明语录林公孚领导(leadership)(2)消除工厂里的工作标准(配额),以领导代之。(Eliminate work standards(quotas)on the factory floor.Substitute leadership.)释义:工作标准是否能够达成之关键要素为:人员、物料、机器、方法及环境等要素之组合,它的成效之关键在领导者,以领导代之,是务本的做法。戴明语录林公孚领导(leadership)(3)抛弃目标管理,取消数字管理,数字标的,废除评等制度与排定人员等级,以领导代之。(Eliminate management by objective。Eliminate management by numbers,numerical goals。Abolish the merit system and the ranking of people。Substitute leadership。)释义:戴明指出:把人、团队、销售员、事业部等都予以排序,奖赏得分高而处罚得分低者。把排序制度演化成所谓”人员年度考核制”。结果造成冲突、士气低落、生产力下跌,质量差,压抑了创新。我们应知,计划目标之拟订与达成,常受外在环境与内在关键要素之影响,故精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 8 页,共 32 页先天上,数字目标有其不可靠性,何况还可能造假。人事考评之不宜,在先天上未认清大多数问题与改进,在于系统与过程本身,不在个人或小组。而人事考评依靠外在激励而非内在激励,故功效原不大,况且须由公正、明智而理性的考核者执行才能发挥其应有功效,这种条件实不易得。遂有先天不足,后天失调现象。故目标、数字与考评,均会无法达成所预期的目的,唯靠系统内全员合作,致力于创新与成长,才会有好结果。戴明语录林公孚领导(leadership)(4)判断一个系统各部分时应视其对系统的贡献,而非它的个别表现。每一部分对整个系统的健康与福祉均负有责任。(Judge each part of a system by its contribution to the system,not for its individual performance.Each part is responsible for the health and well-being of the whole system.)释义:考核各部门绩效应以其对组织整体之贡献度为依据,如此可避免本位主义与部门间竞争,而破坏整体力量的发挥。戴明语录林公孚领导(Leadership)(5)建立领导风范。(Institute leadership)释义:管理的工作是领导而不是监督,管理者要以领导风范协助他人把工作做得更好为目标,并将改进产品与服务质量的意图,置于工程设计与产品生产活动中。具领导风范的管理者,会在愿景与使命感的驱使下,创造一个让员工乐于工作与学习的环境,能不断追求知识并鼓励员工学习与应用新知,不断改进工作效能,以提升顾客满意度。戴明语录林公孚精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 9 页,共 32 页学习(learning)(1)学习并非强制性的,存活亦非强制性。(Learning is not compulsory.Survival is not compulsory.)释义:自动自发地从工作中学习,产生创新成果,利己利人,何乐而不为。戴明语录林公孚学习(learning)(2)我们要以快乐心情学习并在一起工作要做得与众不同。We re here to have fun,to learn,to work together and to make a difference.释义:此为戴明在其所主持的研讨会上常说的话戴明语录林公孚管理(Management)-(1)我的管理理论是:当系统运作达最佳化时,每个人均有所获。(My theory of management says that every person gains when the system is optimized.)释义:管理者应是系统的建立者、维持者、与改进者,应承担系统是否能令利害相关者满意之责任。戴明语录林公孚管理(Management)-(2)管理必须经常改进系统,做对整体系统最好的事,别照着一成不变的方式做事;记住,除非你跳出这个系统,否则你不会有什么影响力的;你必须置身系统之外。(Management must always improve the system.Do what is best for the whole system;don t do things the way they have always 精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 10 页,共 32 页been done.Remember:you can t have impact unless you break away from the system,you must be outside of the system.)释义:事物好坏,绝大多数是由系统所决定,想求好者,做事不能老是一成不变。故管理者要能跳脱旧框框,从第三者角度看目前系统的运作问题,以谋求改进。戴明语录林公孚管理(Management)-(3)在扩张中的市场,管理企业不是难事,而且可以轻易假设,经济情况只会越来越好。期望与事实相违,回首前尘,可以发现我们正处于三十年的经济衰退中。推算地震日期易,知道衰退难。(It is easy to manage a business in an expanding market,and easy to suppose that economic conditions can only grow better and better.In contrast with expectations,we find,on looking back,that we have been on an economic decline for three decades.It is easy to date an earthquake,but not a decline.)释义:一般人常作过于乐观的假设,但常事与愿违。故经营者要常怀戒慎恐惧、步步为营精神,经营企业。戴明语录林公孚管理(Management)-(4)管理者须是一位领导者,他须了解他与他的属员的工作如何与系统契合,系统的最隹化是领导者的第一要务。体认人各有别,宜适才适所,乐其所为。(The manager should be a leader.He should understand how his work and work of his people fits into the system.Optimization of a system is the first job of a leader.Recognize that all people are different,try fit each one in what he does best,what he takes joy in doing.)精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 11 页,共 32 页释义:管理者要发挥领导才能,有识人本领,用人必适才适所,使人人乐在工作,而有最佳表现。戴明语录林公孚管理(Management)-(5)大多数人认为管理就是一连串的命令;我的理论是:系统像是一个交响乐队,不是军队。乐队中的每个人都要支持其它的演奏者;每一位演奏者要注意的不只是指挥,还包括其它成员和整个系统,系统需要的是指挥,不是将军;它需要一个能够调和系统各份子之天赋与能力的人。交响乐队里的每一位演奏者了解自己是系统的一份子,即使他演出的是独奏;他不是在那儿吸引大家注意他的人,当他支持其它演奏者的时候,才算成功。(Most people think of management as a chain of command.My theory says that the system is like an orchestra,not an army.Every one in an orchestra supports the other players.Each player watches not only the conductor,but also each other and the whole system.The system needs a conductor,not a general.It needs someone who harmonizes the talents and abilities of each part of the system.Each player in the orchestra knows he is part of a system,even when he plays solo。He is not there to attract attention to himself。He succeeds when he supports the other players.)释义:管理者要如交响乐队指挥,工作团队成员要如交响乐队员般地合作无间,相互支持,以奏出美调。戴明语录林公孚管理(Management)-(6)如果没有管理上的文化革命,品管圈不会在美国产生所欲的效果,也没有任何人能担保基层员工的工作保障,足以产生高生产力与优质产品。然而,如果管理当局缺少对员工福利的承诺,则无法激起员工对公司生精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 12 页,共 32 页产力及产品质量上的兴趣的。有担保的工作保障,管理工作变得使得更加艰难,更具挑战性。(Without a cultural revolution in management,quality control circles will not produce the desired effects in America.Nor can anyone guarantee that job security for the rank and file would be enough to produce high productivity and product quality.However,without a Management commitment to the personal welfare of its workers,it will be impossible to Inspire employeesinterest in company productivity and product quality.With guaranteed job security,management s job becomes far more difficult and challenging.)释义:管理者应知:员工惟有在有工作安全感与福利措施的良好环境下,才会有最佳的表现,如何发挥领导才能,做好管理工作,应为当务之急。戴明语录林公孚管理(Management)(7)不断地改进产品与服务质量。(Constantly improve the quality and services.)释义:组织应专注于不断改进产品与服务质量以提升竞争力,如此才能为员工提供永久的工作机会,而达到企业永续经营的目的,在作法上不可图近利而不作长期投资,要将创新支出列为”对质量与生产力不可摇撼的承诺”。戴明语录林公孚管理(Management)(8)采取新的经营理念。(Adopt the new philosophy.)释义:要采取 TQM 的理念与方法,包括以顾客为重、采团队合作、人员参与及赋能授权、供需双方互利、并持续改进过程以提升质量与生产力.等方式为之。精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 13 页,共 32 页戴明语录林公孚管理(Management)(9)仅以可见数字经营公司者会很快就失去公司,也没有可见的数字可运用了。(He who runs his company on visible figures alone will soon have neither company nor visible figure to work with.)释义:企业能否成功,常受政治与经济环境以及难以捉摸的顾客需要变动,影响,故数字有其局限性,七十年代的全录公司因产品质量不良而危机四伏,但其产品的租赁政策仍然为公司赢得了可观的账面利润,若仅从账面盈余判断公司的体质,那是相当危险的事。故经营者要具备敏锐的环境感应能力并了解顾客满意度趋势,如此才能避免落入险境。障碍(Obstacles)阻碍(员工)以工艺为荣之实现,在美国,事实上可能就是降低成本与改进质量最重要障碍之一。(Barriers against realization of pride of workmanship may in fact be one of the most Important obstacles to reduction of cost and improvement of quality in the United States.)释义:员工无法自由发挥其潜能,抑制了创造力的发挥,无形中丧失了降低成本与改进质量的机会。戴明语录林公孚最佳化(optimization)(1)劳工与管理阶层须把重点放在系统最佳化上,对于买方与卖方或供货商与经销商之间的任何讨论,其法则相同。如果在协商中你的首要目标是保护你自己,那么你已经输了-其它的人也要保护自己。当你与他人协力改进系统时,你收获最多。(Labor and management should focus on optimizing the system.For any discussion between buyer and seller or suppliers and retailers,the rule is the same.If your principal goal in a negotiation is to protect yourself,you ve already lostand so has everyone 精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 14 页,共 32 页else.You gain most when you work with others to improve the system.)释义:要把买方、卖方、供货商、或经销商纳入管理系统之内,与他们建立供应链关系,共谋系统最佳化,使人人受益。戴明语录林公孚最佳化(optimization)(2)任何团体都要时时将其所处的大系统的最佳化当作它的目标。任何未能使整个系统最佳化的事,终会导致系统中每一份子的损失。Any group should have as its aim optimization over time of the larger system that the group operates in.Anything less than optimization of the whole system will bring eventual loss to every component in the system.释义:系统内的每一份子,早己自然形成利益共同体,系统最佳时,就会产生利益最大的结果。戴明语录林公孚耐心(Patience)没有耐心的人多么可悲啊!依阿高(坏蛋)对洛德利哥(傻瓜)之告诫,见莎士比亚的奥赛罗,?。(How poor are they that have not patience.lago to Roderigo,Shakespeare s Othello,II,?。)释义:成功需靠耐心。戴明语录林公孚恳请捐血(A Plea for Blood)在血液银行里有两种血 好血和坏血。Dr.Burchell(我的医师),用了三份好血在我身上,他说,坏血是最后别无选择时才用。像是你、我的朋友这种人能够提供好血,这是单从血的来源来看。如果是来自经精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 15 页,共 32 页常捐血以换取酬劳的捐血者,则血液几乎是像捐血者本人一样地相当依靠接受清洗;如果我对Dr.Burchell了解无误。换句话说,好血来自朋友和他们的朋友,用钱买不到它是非卖品,此处我们或许曲解了一些医学用语,但Dr.Burchell的观点十分明确,他和其它外科医师都需要好血,任何血型都会拿来做替换。简言之,我欠了三品脱的好血,报偿的方法只有一种,而金钱是办不到的。过去我并没有珍惜这些关键性的要求;或许这项恳求,能使我的朋友们去捐血。(There are two kinds of blood in the blood bank,good and bad.My physician Dr.Burchell used three units of good blood on me.Bad blood,he said,is a last resort.People like my friends and your friends can give good blood,and that is about the only source thereof.Blood from a regular donor that takes pay for it is almost dependably pretty well washed up.like the donor himself,if I understand Dr.Burchell correctly.In other words,good blood comes from friends and from their friends.Money can not buy it:it is not for sale.I may have garbled some of the medical language here,but Dr.Burchell s point was very clear.He and other surgeons need good blood.Any type will do as replacement.In short,I owe three pints of good blood,and there is only one way to repay them.Money won t do it.I had not appreciated these critical requirements.Maybe this plea will bring friends to offer blood.)释义:好的来源,质量自然好。能用钱买到的未必是好货,出自真诚的奉献常有好品质。好人要主动多做好事。戴明语录林公孚生产力(Productivity)精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 16 页,共 32 页持续不断的改进生产与服务的系统以改进质量和生产力,如此可持续降低成本。(Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service,to Improve quality and productivity,and thus constantly decrease costs.)释义:降低成本与提升生产力是相辅相成,可并行不悖。戴明语录林公孚利润(Profits)(1)不要依赖短期的利润来衡量系统是否健全,利润通常无法显示出管理之未来表现。藉少做研究与延缓维修,可轻易地显示出较高的利润,但受难的是系统。(Don t depend on short-term profits as a measure of a system s health.They often don t point to future performance of management.It s easy to report a higher profit by reducing research and postponing maintenance.But the system suffers.)释义:只注重短期好看的公司报表利润数字,常会以牺牲公司长远利益为代价。戴明语录林公孚利润(Profits)(2)账面利润不会使饼变大,他们给你一片比较大块的,你是多拿了别人的份,对社会并没有什么帮助。(Paper profits do not make the pie bigger.They give you a bigger piece.You take it from somebody else.It doesn t help the society.)释义:近期的账面利润可能只是其它支付延迟的结果,故对社会无实质帮助。戴明语录林公孚精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 17 页,共 32 页利润(Profits)(3)红利和账面利润通常是判断财务经理和公司首脑的准绳并不会改进一公司或是美国工业的竞争地位。账面利润不足以谋生;质量与生产力之改进则可;他们的贡献,是可以改进世界各地人类的物质生活。(Dividends and paper profits,the yardstick by which managers of money and heads of companies are judged,do not improve the competitive position of a company or of American Industry.Paper profits do not make bread:improvement of quality and productivity do.They make a contribution to better material living for all people.Here and everywhere.)释义:较佳之物质生活水平,来自经营者不断提升其产品的质量与生产力,因深受顾客信赖而产生彼此双赢的局面。戴明语录林公孚保护主义(Protectionism)(1)依赖关税和法律的保护,让人们买美国货只会鼓励无能。(Dependence on protection by tariffs and laws to“buy American”only encourages incompetence.)释义:在政府保护伞下生存的企业,必缺乏竞争力,犹如宠物无法自行谋生。戴明语录林公孚保护主义(Protectionism)(2)如果我国一些制造商能够凭着其努力与人竞争,少花点时间游说提高关税或降低贸易配额,他们或许可以较不必担心日本的竞争,而且可以带给我们其它人一些更好的质量及较低的价格。许多人说,他们相信企业自由竞争,但他们所指的通常是其它人的竞争,而不是与自己的竞争。(If some manufacturers in my own country would meet competition with effort,and spend less time on lobbies to boost tariffs and to lower trade quotas.they might have less to worry about Japanese competition and could give some of the rest of us the benefit of 精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 18 页,共 32 页better quality and lower prices.Many people say that they believe in free enterprise in competition,but what they often mean is competition for the other fellow,not for themselves.)释义:不靠政府保护的公平竞争,能驱使企业加强经营能力从事与他人竞争,进而与自己竞争。戴明语录林公孚保护主义(Protectionism)(3)现在以我自己为例,我相信自由贸易,我不怕日本统计学家、英国统计学家、法国统计学家或任何其它统计学家,如果他们之中有谁做得较好,那我们该做的是到他那儿去,或把他带回我国,找出他是如何做的。我不知道有任何统计学家游说团,企图把外国统计学家排除在外,我们能将他们引进越多,我们会做得越好。(Now in my own case,I believe in free enterprise,and I am not afraid of Japanese statisticians,English statisticians,French statisticians,or any others.If one of them is doing a better job,then the thing to do is to go over there,or bring him to my own country,and find out how he does it.I don t know of any statistician s lobby to try to keep out foreign statisticians.The more of them we import,the better off we are.)释义:向竞争者学习或引进有能力的竞争者,与他们合作远比将他们排除在外来的好。戴明语录林公孚品质(Quality)(1)为什么生产力会随着质量改进而提升?较少的重做,没有那么多浪费;对生产工人言,质量意指他的工作表现令自己满意,令他能以工艺为荣。(Why is it that productivity increases as quality improves?Less rework.Not so much waste.Quality to the production worker means that his performance satisfies him,provides to him pride of 精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 19 页,共 32 页workmanship.)释义:要鼓励制造产品的工作人员建立为自己工艺为荣的观念,第一次就把工作做好,没有时间与工料的浪费,生产力自然提高。戴明语录林公孚品质(Quality)(2)质量由高阶管理者开始。产品与服务的质量不会高出高阶管理层的意图。一家公司能够成功的唯一途径,在于高阶管理层对采取措施所做的承诺。(Quality begins at the top.Quality of product and of service can be no better than the intent of top management.The only way a company can achieve success would be for the top management to be committed to the course of action.)释义:高阶管理者是目标与策略的制订者,他对所采取措施承诺之轻重,决定了产品与服务质量的优劣。戴明语录林公孚品质(Quality)(3)停止依赖检验来改进质量;一开始就把质量建置进产品里,就可无须依赖大量检验。(Cease dependence on inspection to improve quality.Eliminate the need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into the product in the first place.)释义:让设计者做出坚耐性设计,由生产者负责质量,慎选物料供货商,做好源流管理,就可无须依赖检验。戴明语录林公孚品质(Quality)(4)精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 20 页,共 32 页好质量不一定就该是高质量,好质量意指在适应市场低成本条件下,一致性与可恃性之可预测程度。(Good quality does not necessarily mean high quality.It means a predictable degree of uniformity and dependability at low cost suited to the market)释义:要以符合顾客需要,来定义质量。它的好与不好,是由市场的需要来判定。一般说来,顾客要的是均质可靠且可预测性高的产品。麦当劳的产品就具有此特色。戴明语录林公孚采购(procurement)(1)停止依价格为基础的决标方式。代之以最低总成本。朝向任何一项产品,都向单一供货商采购,与他们建立长期的忠诚与信任关系。(End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag.Instead,minimize total cost.Move toward a single supplier of any one item,on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust.)释义:低价决标未必能得到最佳质量的产品,产品好坏除质量外,尚包括可靠度在内,故需以产品寿命周期的总成本来衡量。单一产品向单一供货商采购,是信赖其专业能力,与考虑降低采购成本所致。戴明语录林公孚采购(procurement)(2)1950 年学来的日式管理进料改进的最好方法是将每一供货商视为工作伙伴,秉持长期忠诚与信任的关系与他一起工作。(Japanese management learned in 1950that The best solution to improvement of incoming materials is to make a partner of every vendor,and to Work together with him on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust.)释义:要把供货商纳入生产体系,视他们为生产部门之一。精选学习资料 -名师归纳总结-第 21 页,共 32 页戴明语录林公孚采购(procurement)(3)与你的供货商一起工作以改进其进料的质量,与他建立长期的关系,使他从事持续改进,使质量越来越好,成本越来越低,达到双赢的目的。(Work with your vendor to improve his incoming quality.Establish a long-term relationship with him for continual improvement,ever better and better quality,with lower and lower costs.Both you and he will win.)释义:要将供货商纳入为顾客提供良好产品的系统之内,视它们为第三生产部,通力合作以求双赢。戴明语录林公孚责任(Responsibility)(1)解雇员工造成大量失业,不再为社会所接受;失去市场和导致失业并非宿命;它们不是不可避免的,它们是人为的。(It is no


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