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Business English:Viewing Listening&Speaking 主讲人:主讲人:UnitUnit 14 14Claims and SettlementsClaims and Settlements-comprehend basic vocabulary related to claims and settlements;-identify and understand basic elements of dealing with complaints and claims;-develop communication skills to:lmake a complaint or claimlrespond to a complaint or claimlrefuse a complaint or claimAfter completing this lesson,you should be able to:ObjectivesObjectivesContentsContentsWarm-up1Listening&Speaking2Viewing&Speaking3Language Focus4Class Activities5Post-class Activities6Part I Warm-upPart I Warm-upDiscuss the following questions in pairs:1.What might be reasons for most the complaints and claims?2.What is the proper way to deal with a complaint or claim?While lodging claims for settlements generally the following steps are to be followed:1.Immediately notify the office issuing the Policy in event of loss.2.In the event of loss caused by burglary,theft,accident,fire,or even damage to a third party,etc except where the loss is due to Perils or acts of god like earthquakes,inundations,floods,etc an FIR is to be filed at your nearest police station.3.Upon collection of claim forms do read through them thoroughly.4.Dully fill and sign the applicable claims forms correctly before submission.5.Claim forms to be submitted to Policy Issuing Office along with required supporting documents like Police reports,Bills and receipts of medicines purchased,doctors bills,receipts and prescriptions,pathological test reports,Certificates of hospital admission and discharge,bills and receipts from surgeons where applicable etc.6.A Surveyor and/or Loss Assessor or a panel of doctors maybe appointed by the Policy Issuing office if required for further verification or investigation.7.Once Claims are settled;full and final payments are made to the Insured by the Policy issuing office.8.Provisional payments can be made in some cases depending on individual merits of the case until the full and final settlement is done.9.The list above is indicative and not exhaustive.For any further details,please contact the nearest branch office of National Insurance Company Ltd.Procedure for Claims&Settlements:Procedure for Claims&Settlements:Part II Listening&SpeakingListen Listen to an introduction to claims and answer the to an introduction to claims and answer the questions below.(Page 158)questions below.(Page 158)1.If the loss takes place during transit,who should be responsible for it?2.If the buyer is planning to make a claim against the seller,what kind of proof should he/she supply?3.How can a claim be settled?Scope of CoverageRisksLossesExpensesPerils of the seaExtraneous risksNatural calamityFortuitous accidentsGeneral extraneous risksSpecial extraneous risksTotal lossPartial LossActual total lossConstructive total loss General average Particular averageSue and labor expensesSalvage chargesRisks and Losses in Cargo TransportRisks and Losses in Cargo TransportPart III Language Focusl 1.consignment n.托运的货物托运的货物consign v.托运托运 consignor n.发货人发货人 consignee n.收货人收货人l 2.rough handling 粗鲁地搬运粗鲁地搬运l 3.claim v./n.索赔索赔claim against someone 向某人索赔向某人索赔claim on the goods 对该货物提出索赔对该货物提出索赔claim for USD 2,000.00 索赔索赔2000美元美元claim for inferior quality 由于品质低劣而低劣而索赔由于品质低劣而低劣而索赔lodge/raise/file/make/register a claim 提出索赔提出索赔settle a claim 理赔理赔 reject a claim 拒绝索赔拒绝索赔l 4.be attributable to 可归因于可归因于l 5.on the strength of 因为,凭借因为,凭借l 6.survey report 检验报告,鉴定证书检验报告,鉴定证书survey report on quality 品质鉴定证书品质鉴定证书survey report on weight 重量鉴定证书重量鉴定证书Part IV Viewing&Speaking(Page 161)1.The seller_2.The buyer_3.The setting_Claims-Settlementshttp:/wwwClaims-made Policies Cooperation Estoppel and Waiver Examination under Oath Forwarding Papers Insurers Settlement Duties;Bad Faith Liability Insurance Medical Information Misrepresentations by Insured Notice of Claim Proof of Loss SettlementsPart V Class ActivitiesRole-play in pairs.One of you plays the role of seller and the other plays the role of buyer.Make up a dialog according to the situation below.When the buyer receives the goods,he/she finds five pieces missing.So he/she lodges a claim against the seller.However,the seller is reluctant to entertain the claim.We have learned how toSummarySummary-comprehend basic vocabulary related to claims and settlements;-identify and understand basic elements of dealing with complaints and claims;-develop communication skills to:lmake a complaint or claimlrespond to a complaint or claimlrefuse a complaint or claimFind a case about claims and compensation in international trade.Analyze the case and explain:1.the proper way or attitude to deal with a complaint or claim;2.how to support a claim;3.how to decide the compensationPart VI Post-class ActivityBusiness English:Viewing Listening&Speaking 主讲人:主讲人:


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