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,GENERAL REVISION,Adj. adv.,课前预习:,Be动词,前面,后,一、形容词 1. 形容词的位置: 一放在名词的 (eg. old man) 二是常放在_ _后面;(be happy) 三如果和不定代词搭配,则放在不定代词的 面(eg. something new)。 2. 常用的形容词: 好的 坏的 _ 容易的_ 难的 _ 聪明的 _ 累的 危险的 _ 安全的 _ 安静的 _ 热闹的_ 有趣的 厌烦的 兴奋的_ 友好的 _ 有礼貌的 _ 硬的_ 2感官动词(_ _ _ _ _+_ 词 look well / feel well (除外),good,bad,hard,tired,clever/smart,hard/difficult,easy,polite,quiet,safe,noisy,dangerous,exciting,boring,friendly,interesting/funny,形容,look,watch,sound,taste,see,课前预习:,二、 副词 1 ._修饰动词或形容词,(eg. study hard, speak English well, terribly sorry).大多数的副词以-ly结尾(eg. slowly, carefully)。 2. 常用的副词有: 好地 _ 坏地/糟糕地 _ _ 快地 _慢地_ 认真仔细地 _ 粗心地 _ 突然地 _ 幸运地 _甚至_ 很,非常 _ _ 通常地 _ 几乎 _ 几乎不 _ _ 努力地 _ 最近:_,副词,carelessly,hard,carefully,recently / lately,slowly,quickly/fast,badly/terribly,well,even,hardly,almost/nearly,suddenly,luckily,usually,very,课前预习:,三、写出以下常用的与形容词/副词有关的短语 与不同_远离_ 以自豪_害怕做_ 忙于做_对某人严格_ 生某人的气 擅长_ 与相似 _因而出名_ 与一样_太多_ 太_太而不能_ 对感兴趣_对感到惊讶_ 做某事很兴奋 _ 超过_ 对某人来说做某事是的_,Its +adj.+to do sth.,be strict with,be busy doing,be afraid to,stay awayfrom,take pride in/be proud of,be different from,too much/many,the same to,be similar to,be famous for/be famous as,be good at,be angry with sb./be mad at sb.,more than,be surprised to,be interested in/take an interest in,too.to,too,be excited about sth.,Good,better,best, Good, better, best, Never let it rest, Till good is better, And better is best.,Rhyme,考点一,形容词与副词的句法功能对比,形容词的用法,考点一,形容词与副词的句法功能对比,副词的用法,易错点提示,1.当形容词修饰由some-, any-, no-, every- 与thing, one, body构成的不定代词时,形容词要后置. e.g. Is there anything interesting in todays newspaper ?,易错点提示,2.有些形容词只能作表语,不能作定语。,alone afraid awake asleep alive able ill,考点二,形容词变副词的方法,1.大多数形容词在词尾加-ly.如 carefulcarefully, quickquickly.,2.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,把y变成i,再加- ly。如 happyhappily, luckyluckily.,考点二,形容词变副词的方法,3.以“元音字母+e”结尾的形容词,去e再加-ly.如: truetruly.,4.以le结尾的形容词,去e再加-y。如: terribleterribly, simplesimply possiblepossibly,.,易错点提示,1.少数以结尾的词是形容词,而不是副词,如.,friendly, lively, lonely, lovely, daily, silly.,易错点提示,2.有些形容词本身又是副词。如:,alone, far, near, high, fast, early, late,考点三,形容词、副词比较等级的构成,taller harder larger wider,tallest hardest largest widest,bigger hotter fatter wetter,biggest hottest fattest wettest,happier drier earlier,happiest driest earliest,narrower cleverer,narrowest cleverest,more difficult more popular more slowly,most difficult most popular most slowly,少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词可加-er或-est,规则变化,better,best,worse,worst,less,more,most,farther further,older elder,least,farthest furthest,oldest eldest,不规则变化,巧记: 特殊形式比较级,共有三对二合一,坏病两多并两好,little意思不是小,一分为二有两个,一是老来二是远.,注:older一般指年龄,新旧 elder指长幼关系(一般用来修饰 名词):elder brother/sister farther指距离更远,further较抽象,指程度上更深一步。 I want to study English further.,考点四,比较等级的几种常用句型,1.“as+形容词/副词原级+as”表示“前者和后者一样”.如: He is as tall as I.他和我一样高。 He runs as fast as I.他和我跑得一样快。,2. “not as/so+形容词/副词原级+as”表示“前者没有/不及后者”.如: This ruler is not as/so long as that one.,考点四,比较等级的几种常用句型,3.“A+比较级+than+B”意为“A比B”.如: The earth is bigger than the moon.地球比月球大。 He works harder than we.他比我们工作更努力。,4. “比较级+and+比较级”意为“越来越”.如: When spring comes, days are getting longer and longer. 当春天来临时,白天变得越来越长。,考点四,比较等级的几种常用句型,5.“The+比较级,the+比较级” 意为“越越”.如: The busier he is, the happier he feels.越忙他觉得越高兴。,6. “A+the+最高级+in (of, among) ”意为“在某范围内A最”.如: He is the tallest of/among the three boys.他是这三个孩子中最高的。,考点四,比较等级的几种常用句型,7.“A+one of the+最高级+名词复数”意为“A是最的之一”.如: Jay Chou is one of the most popular singers in Taiwan.周杰伦是台湾最受欢迎的歌手之一。 China is one of the largest countries in the world.中国是世界上最大的国家之一。,8. “A+the+序数词最高级+名词单数+in+范围”意为“A是某范围内第几的”.如: The Changjiang River is the first longest river in our country.长江是我国第一长河。,考点五,比较等级之间的转换,1.原级与比较级之间的转换,可用“less+原级 +than”替换 “not so/as+原级+as”.如: 我们的花园没有他们的漂亮。 Our garden isnt as/so beautiful as theirs. Our garden is less beautiful than theirs.,2. 比较级之间的转换。常改变比较对象的位置或使用反义词。如: 我姐姐比我大三岁。 My sister is three years older than I. I am three years younger than my sister.,考点五,比较等级之间的转换,3.最高级与比较级之间转换。 (1)用“比较级+than any other +名词单数 ” 或 “比较级+than all the other+名词复数”.如: 汤姆在他班里最高。 Tom is tallest in his class. Tom is taller than any other student in his class. Tom is taller than all the other students in his class.,考点六,比较级的修饰语,当强调比较的程度是,可以再形容词或副词的比较级前加even ,much, still, a little , a lot等。如 : Its much hotter today than yesterday. My apple is a little bigger than yours.,考点七,使用比较级的注意事项,1.比较对象要前后一致,上海的人比北京的人多。 (A) The population of Shanghai is larger than Beijing . (B) The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing,B,考点七,使用比较级的注意事项,2.避免重复使用比较级,他比她哥哥聪明。 (a) He is cleverer than his brother. (b) He is more cleverer than his brother .,a,易错点提示,一般比较级前不用the。但表示“两者中较”时,要用the。,John is _ of the two boys. careful B. more careful C. the more careful D. the most careful,C,基础巩固,1.whos _ in your class? A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest 2.The bread is _ than those cakes. A. very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious,D,C,3.Li Huas English is very good, and her French _ her English. A. is as good as B. isnt as good as C. is as well as D. is as better as 4.The little girl has never heard _ story. A. such a interesting B. so interesting C. such an interesting D. so an interesting,A,C,5. Li Lei did quite _ in the English competition. I did even_。 A. better; well B. good; better C. well; better D. well; good 6. Bill jumped _ than any other player in the sports meeting. A. tall B. taller C. high D. higher,C,D,【2011上海】1.The students from Xinjiang enjoy staying in our school because everyone is _ to them. A. friendly B. gently C. happily D. politely 【2011天津】2. Do you think math is _ than English? A. difficult B. as difficult C. more difficult D. most difficult,中 考 链 接,A,C,【2011江西】3. I cant eat any more food, I am_. A. busy B. hungry C. full D. serious 【2011重庆】4. The more you smile, the _ you will feel. A. happy B. happier C. happily D. more happily,C,B,【2011北京】5. We have a lovely room. Its one of _ in the hotel, A. nice B. nicer C.the nicest D. the nice 【2011陕西】6. When he heard a cry for help, he ran out as_ as he could. A. hardly B. quickly C. finally D. slowly,C,B,【2011山东】7. Im very proud of that Beijing is one of _ cities in the world. A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest 【2011宁夏】8. Need I wash your car after repairing it? Yes, that would be much _ . A. good B. well C. better D. best,D,C,【2011宁夏】9. You are _ young to understand it. A. too B. very C. much D. so (2011江西) 10. Mum, this T-shirt is much too small for me. Would you buy me a_ one? A. nice B. large C. nicer D. larger (2011江西) 11. The smile on the teachers face showed that she was_ with us. A. strict B. pleased C. angry D. sorry,A,D,B,12. In our city its _ in July ,but it is even _ in August A. hotter hottest B. hot hot C. hotter hot D. hot hotter 13. Hainan is a very large Island .It is the second _ island in china. A. large B. larger C. largest D. most largest,D,C,14. Li lei often talks _ but does _ so everyone says he is a good boy . A. less more B. few much C. more little D. little many 15. Emma always makes a lot of mistakes . She is _. A. care B. careful C. carefully D. careless,A,D,Summary,形容词和副词的意义及用法,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成及用法,Thank you!,Good-bye!,
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