Country Mouse and City Mouseppt课件

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Unit 9,Show Time,Aesops Fable,fable Pk tale,The City Mouse & the Country Mouse,What happened?,Lets learn!,log decide cereal dull suddenly caught thought through frightened,谷类食品 决定 木头 认为(think的过去式) 枯燥无味的 忽然,突然 抓住(catch的过去式) 受惊的,被吓到的 通过,almost,几乎,The City Mouse and the Country Mouse,One day the City Mouse _to visit the Country Mouse. The Country Mouse _ under a log in a nest of dry grass. He_ cereal and a little fruit. The City Mouse thought life in the country _very dull. He missed the rich food and the exciting life of the city. So he invited the Country Mouse to visit him in the city.,came,slept,ate,was,True or False,The City Mouse thought that life in the country was exciting. ( ) dull 2. The City Mouse didnt invite the Country Mouse to visit him. ( ),F,F,Late that night the mice entered the house of the City Mouse through a hole in the wall on the dining room table, they found food left from a big meal. The Country Mouse _ the food was delicious! He _ and _.,thought,ate,ate,True or False,3. The cat found food on the table at the City Mouses house. ( ) 4.The mice thought the food on the table was delicious. ( ),F,mice,T,Suddenly a cat _ onto the table. As the mice _ to the hole, the cat almost caught the Country Mouse.,The frightened Country Mouse _ city life was just too dangerous. He _ back to the country, Where life was dull but safe.,jumped,ran,decided,went,True or False,The cat caught the Country Mouse. ( ) The Country Mouse went home at the end of the story. ( ),F,almost caught,T,Lets find !,不规则变化 came slept sleep ate eat thought think was is /am found find ran run caught catch went go,规则的变化 miss invite invited enter entered jump jumped decide decided,come,missed,Order the Events,_ The cat almost caught the Country Mouse. _ City Mouse invited the Country Mouse to visit him. _ The Country Mouse went back home. _ Suddenly a cat jumped on the table. _ The Country Mouse entered the City Mouses house through a hole in the wall.,4,1,5,3,2,Outline,Make the play,settings,Characters,Summary of action,Go to the activity Book. P76.,Act ,Act ,Thank you !,Goodbye,


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