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Unit 11 My Wood,Cover Page,新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版) 综合教程第六册(第2版) 电子教案,上海外语教育出版社 南京信息工程大学 刘杰海,Contents page,Contents,Learning Objectives Pre-reading Activities Global Reading Detailed Reading Consolidation Activities Further Enhancement,Learning Objectives,Rhetorical skill: allusion, image or anecdote Key language the effect of private ownership upon the community as a whole is another question a more important question, perhaps, but another one. Lets keep to psychology. If you own things, whats their effect on you? Whats the effect on me of my wood?,Detailed Reading,DR-p2-a text,2.In the first place, it makes me feel heavy. Property does have this effect. Property produces men of weight, and it was a man of weight who failed to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. He was not wicked, that unfortunate millionaire in the parable, he was only stout; he stuck out in front, not to mention behind, and as he wedged himself this way and that in the crystalline entrance and bruised his well-fed flanks, he saw beneath him a comparatively slim camel passing through the eye of a needle and being woven into the robe of God. The Gospels all through couple stoutness and slowness.,Detailed Reading,DR-p2-b text,They point out what is perfectly obvious, yet seldom realized: that if you have a lot of things you cannot move about a lot, that furniture requires dusting, dusters require servants, servants require insurance stamps, and the whole tangle of them makes you think twice before you accept an invitation to dinner or go for a bathe in the Jordan. sometimes the Gospels proceed further and say with Tolstoy that property is sinful; they approach the difficult ground of asceticism here, where I cannot follow them. But as to the immediate effects of property on people, they just show straightforward logic.,Detailed Reading,DR-p2-c text,It produces men of weight. Men of weight cannot, by definition, move like the lightning from the East unto the West, and the ascent of a fourteen-stone bishop into a pulpit is thus the exact antithesis of the coming of the Son of Man. My wood makes me feel heavy.,Detailed Reading,DR-p3-4a text,3.In the second place, it makes me feel it ought to be larger. 4.The other day I heard a twig snap in it. I was annoyed at first, for I thought that someone was blackberrying, and depreciating the value of the undergrowth. On coming nearer, I saw it was not a man who had trodden on the twig and snapped it, but a bird, and I felt pleased. My bird. The bird was not equally pleased. Ignoring the relation between us, it took fright as soon as it saw the shape of my face, and flew straight over the,Detailed Reading,DR-p3-4b text,boundary hedge into a field, the property of Mrs. Henessy, where it sat down with a loud squawk. It had become Mrs. Henessys bird. Something seemed grossly amiss here, something that would not have occurred had the wood been larger. I could not afford to buy Mrs. Henessy out, I dared not murder her, and limitations of this sort beset me on every side. Ahab did not want that vineyard he only needed it to round off his property, preparatory to plotting a new curve and all the land around my wood has become necessary to me in order to round off the wood. A boundary protects.,Detailed Reading,DR-p3-4c text,But poor little thing the boundary ought in its turn to be protected. Noises on the edge of it. Children throw stones. A little more, and then a little more, until we reach the sea. And after all, why should even the world be the limit of possession? A rocket containing a Union Jack12 will, it is hoped, be shortly fired at the moon. Mars. Sirius. Beyond which . But these immensities ended by saddening me. I could not suppose that my wood was the destined nucleus of universal dominion it is so very small and contains no mineral wealth beyond the blackberries.,Detailed Reading,DR-p3-4d text,Nor was I comforted when Mrs. Henessys bird took alarm for the second time and flew clean away from us all, under the belief that it belonged to itself.,Detailed Reading,DR-p5a text,5.In the third place, property makes its owner feel that he ought to do something to it. Yet he isnt sure what. A restlessness comes over him, a vague sense that he has a personality to express the same sense which, without any vagueness, leads the artist to an act of creation. Sometimes I think I will cut down such trees as remain in the wood, at other times I want to fill up the gaps between them with new trees. Both impulses are pretentious and empty. They are not honest movements toward moneymaking or beauty.,Detailed Reading,DR-p5b text,They spring from a foolish desire to express myself and from an inability to enjoy what I have got. Creation, property, enjoyment form a sinister trinity in the human mind. Creation and enjoyment are both very, very good, yet they are often unattainable without a material basis, and at such moments property pushes itself in as a substitute, saying, “Accept me instead Im good enough for all three.” It is not enough. It is, as Shakespeare said of lust, “The expense of spirit in a waste of shame”: it is “Before, a joy proposed; behind, a dream.” Yet we dont know how to shun it.,Detailed Reading,DR-p5c text,It is forced on us by our economic system as the alternative to starvation. It is also forced on us by an internal defect in the soul, by the feeling that in property may lie the germs of self development and of exquisite or heroic deeds. Our life on earth is, and ought to be, material and carnal. But we have not yet learned to manage our materialism and carnality properly; they are still entangled with the desire for ownership, where (in the words of Dante) “Possession is one with loss.”,Detailed Reading,DR-p6-7a text,6.And this brings us to our fourth and final point: the blackberries. 7.Blackberries are not plentiful in this meagre grove, but they are easily seen from the public footpath which traverses it, and all too easily gathered. Foxgloves, too people will pull up the foxgloves, and ladies of an educational tendency even grub for toadstools to show them on the Monday in class. Other ladies, less educated, roll down the bracken in the arms of their gentlemen friends. There is paper, there are tins. Pray, does my wood belong to me or doesnt it? And, if it does, should I not own it best by allowing no one else to walk there?,Detailed Reading,DR-p7b text,There is a wood near Lyme Regis, also cursed by a public footpath, where the owner has not hesitated on this point. He had built high stone walls on each side of the path, and has spanned it by bridges, so that the public circulate like termites while he gorges on the blackberries unseen. He really does own his wood, this able chap. Dives in Hell did pretty well, but the gulf dividing him from Lazarus could be traversed by vision, and nothing traverses it here. And perhaps I shall come to this in time. I shall wall in and fence out until I really taste the sweets of property.,Detailed Reading,DR-p7c text,Enormously stout, endlessly avaricious, pseudo-creative, intensely selfish, I shall weave upon my forehead the quadruple crown of possession until20 those nasty Bolshies21 come and take it off again and thrust me aside into the outer darkness.,Detailed Reading,DR:p1 Analysis,Paragraph 1 Analysis In the first paragraph the author raises a question: “What is the effect of property upon the character?” Then he limits the topic of the essay to the psychological aspects of the question: “Dont lets touch economics .,” “Lets keep to psychology.”,Detailed Reading,DR:p2 Analysis,Paragraph 2 Analysis The author discusses the first effect of property on him (“. it makes me feel heavy.”) and this is reiterated at the end of the paragraph (“My wood makes me feel heavy.”). This heaviness is first depicted with a parable cited from the New Testament about “a man of weight”. Thus the reader is presented with the image of a “heavy” man who “failed to get into the Kingdom of Heaven.” Obviously the author is suggesting that a man of property is a heavy man.,Detailed Reading,DR:p3-4 Analysis,Paragraphs 3-4 Analysis These two paragraphs discuss the second psychological consequence of owning property intensified avarice. Once you possess something, you will regard it as “mine”: even a bird that flies incidentally into your wood is “mine” and you will try to keep it from flying away.,Detailed Reading,DR:p5 Analysis,Paragraph 5 Analysis This paragraph elaborates on the third psychological effect produced by property pseudo-creativity. The author ironically explains it as the owners vague desire to express his personality.,Detailed Reading,DR:p6-7 Analysis,Paragraphs 6-7 Analysis On the surface “the blackberries” stands for anything that is within the boundary of ones property. The author uses it here as a symbol of the intense selfishness of the owner due to his haunting desire and painstaking efforts to keep everything to himself. At the end of the essay the author summarizes the four effects of owning property as “enormously stout, endlessly avaricious, pseudo-creative, intensely selfish.”,Detailed Reading,DR-Questions-p1,Detailed Reading,Does the author mention his book merely to indicate that he could afford to buy the wood with a cheque?,This is only one reason. Another appears to be to poke gentle fun at Americans in a manner typical of the authors nation. It has also been suggested that it is intended to insinuate the analogical situation that holds between his possession of the wood and the British colonization of India.,Paragraph 1: Question,DR-Questions-p2-1,Detailed Reading,1. How do you understand the phrase “men of weight”?,The author uses the phrase “men of weight” to refer to people with property. They are heavy because their property necessitates a lot of work, “servants” and “insurance stamps.”,Paragraph 2: Questions,DR-Questions-p2-2,Detailed Reading,2. What is meant by “they just show straightforward logic”?,It means that they (all that has been said in preceding sentences, the Gospels and Tolstoys claim) reveal a very simple truth.,Paragraph 2: Questions,DR-Questions-p4-1,Detailed Reading,1. What does the author mean by “the relation between us”?,The author refers to the relation between the bird as the possessed and himself as a possessor.,Paragraph 4: Questions,DR-Questions-p4-2,Detailed Reading,2. How is “a rocket containing a Union Jack” related with the authors purpose?,In the essay the author mentions “a rocket containing a Union Jack” to signify mans desire to possess more, because to him mans effort to claim the moon is a symptom of his insatiable greed.,Paragraph 4: Questions,DR-Questions-p4-3,Detailed Reading,3. What does the author mean by “But these immensities ended by saddening me”?,Here the author humorously belittles his ambition. Compared with “these immensities” (mans endeavor to possess outer space), his desire is trivial and his wood “is so very small and contains no mineral wealth beyond the blackberries.”,Paragraph 4: Questions,DR-Questions-p5-1,Detailed Reading,1. What is the difference between the artists restlessness and the impulse of a property owner?,There lies a great difference between the two: while the artists impulse, without any vagueness, leads to an act of creation, the owners impulse springs from a vague but foolish desire to express himself and from an inability to enjoy what he has got.,Paragraph 5: Questions,DR-Questions-p5-2,Detailed Reading,2. How should we interpret the meanings of the two lines from the Shakespearean sonnet “The expense of spirit in a waste of shame” and “Before, a joy proposd; behind, a dream”?,The first line refers to the destructive effect of lust that leads to the loss of ones spirit and will, and the second should be read together with the pre-ceding line in the sonnet “A bliss in proof, and provd, a very woe,” which means lust is a bliss when it is in proof, but once it is proved, it becomes a “woe.” Clearly it means that lust appears like a joy to a pursuer, but its fulfillment brings him only a nightmare.,Paragraph 5: Questions,DR-Questions-p7,Detailed Reading,What does the author mean by “. I shall weave upon my forehead the quadruple crown of possession .”?,He means that he will fully enjoy the possession of property.,Paragraph 7: Question,LPT- I wrote a book,Detailed Reading,“. I wrote a book .”,Note, Here the author refers to his best-known novel A Passage to India (1924).,LPT- blast it,Detailed Reading,“blast it”,Paraphrase, a curse, a little milder than “damn it.”,LPT- in spite of everything it is the first estate,Detailed Reading,“Still, it is the first property that I have owned, so it is right that other people should participate in my shame .”,Paraphrase, In spite of everything, it is the first estate that I have ever possessed, so it is right that other people should share awareness of my shame .,LPT- participate,Detailed Reading,participate vt. to take part in something,e.g.,She never participates in any of our discussions, does she? Did you participate in any of the activities that were on offer at the hotel? Participatory sports are becoming more popular.,LPT- in accents that will vary in horror,Detailed Reading,“in accents that will vary in horror”,Paraphrase, in tones that will differ to reflect the degree of horror felt,LPT- What is the effect of property upon,Detailed Reading,“What is the effect of property upon the character?”,Paraphrase, How does the possession of property affect ones personality?,LPT- effect,Detailed Reading,effect n. a change that is produced in one person or thing by another,e.g.,I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didnt have any effect. That drink has had quite an effect on me I feel light-headed! She has a lot of confidence which she uses to good effect in interviews.,LPT- in the first place it makes me feel heavy,Detailed Reading,“In the first place, it makes me feel heavy.”,Paraphrase, First of all, it is a kind of burden on me.,LPT- in the first place,Detailed Reading,in the first place used for stating the most basic reason for something,e.g.,I dont want to go yet in the first place Im not ready, and in the second place its raining. The trousers shrank when I washed them, but they werent really big enough in the first place. Thankfully, he wasnt hurt, but he never should have been there in the first place.,LPT- being woven into the robe of God,Detailed Reading,“being woven into the robe of God”,Paraphrase, being accepted and protected by God,LPT- the ascent of a fourteen-stone bishop into,Detailed Reading,“. the ascent of a fourteen-stone bishop into a pulpit is thus the exact antithesis of the coming of the Son of Man.”,Paraphrase, . a very fat bishop climbing with difficulty into his platform to give his sermon, and Jesus Christ coming down so gracefully from heaven, are two pictures in striking contrast.,LPT- ascent,Detailed Reading,ascent n. a climb upwards, especially up a hill or mountain,e.g.,She made her first successful ascent of Jolmo Lungma last year. We struggled up the slippery ascent.,LPT- antithesis,Detailed Reading,antithesis n. the exact opposite of something,e.g.,He is the exact antithesis of what I find attractive in men. Hope is the antithesis of despair. Their solution to the problem was in complete antithesis to mine.,LPT- on coming nearer I saw it was not a man,Detailed Reading,“On coming nearer, I saw it was not a man who had trodden on the twig and snapped it, but a bird, and I felt pleased.”,Paraphrase, When I came nearer, I saw it was not a man who had walked on the twig and broken it, but a bird, and I was delighted.,LPT- tread on,Detailed Reading,tread on to offend someone by doing something that they should be responsible for or that they have the authority to do,e.g.,Well, thats how you get to the top you tread on other people. The government know they have to tread carefully on this issue.,LPT- snap,Detailed Reading,snap vt./ vi. to suddenly break something with a short loud noise, or to be broken in this way,e.g.,With so many people crowding onto the platform, its supports snapped. The gales caused some power cables to snap, leaving hundreds of homes without electricity for several hours.,LPT- something seemed grossly amiss here,Detailed Reading,“Something seemed grossly amiss here .”,Paraphrase, Something seemed completely wrong here .,LPT- grossly,Detailed Reading,grossly adv. very, or extremely,e.g.,It was grossly unfair to demand such a high interest rate on the loan. Hes grossly overweight.,LPT- amiss,Detailed Reading,amiss adj. likely to cause difficulties or problems,e.g.,A word of apology might not go amiss. I was worried that he might take my remark amiss.,LPT- I didnt think that my wood was meant to be,Detailed Reading,“I could not suppose that my wood was the destined nucleus of universal dominion .”,Paraphrase, I didnt think that my wood was meant to be the center of universal power and control .,LPT- nucleus,Detailed Reading,nucleus n. the central or basic part of something,e.g.,DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell. These three players will form the nucleus of a revised and stronger team.,LPT- dominion,Detailed Reading,dominion n. control, or the right to rule over something,e.g.,God has dominion over all his creatures. The chief s son would inherit all his dominions.,LPT- they spring from a foolish desire,Detailed Reading,“They spring from a foolish desire to express myself and from an inability to enjoy what I have got.”,Paraphrase, These impulses are the result of a foolish desire to express myself and of a failure to enjoy what I have got.,LPT- spring from,Detailed Reading,spring from to come from a particular place, family, or situation,e.g.,A cry sprang from her lips. Where did you spring from? I didnt see you come in!,LPT- creation property enjoyment form a sinister,Detailed Reading,“Creation, property, enjoyment form a sinister trinity in the human mind.”,Paraphrase, Creation, property, enjoyment form a vicious union in the human mind.,Note, Notice that “trinity” normally refers to the union of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one God in Christianity.,LPT- Yet we dont know how to shun it,Detailed Reading,“Yet we dont know how to shun it.”,Paraphrase, But we dont know how to avoid it.,LPT- shun,Detailed Reading,shun vt. to deliberately avoid a person, place, or activity,e.g.,After the trial he was shunned by friends and family alike. He was shunned by his parents when they discovered he was gay.,LPT- they are still entangled with the desire for,Detailed Reading,“. they are still entangled with the desire for ownership .”,Paraphrase, . they are still mixed with the desire for ownership .,LPT- entangle,Detailed Reading,entangle vt. to twist someone or something up in something such as a wire or net, so that they are stuck and cannot easily be set free,e.g.,The dolphin had become entangled with the fishing nets. He went to the shop to buy bread, and got entangled with a carnival parade. The mayor and the city council are anxious to avoid getting entangled in the controversy.,LPT- possession is one with loss,Detailed Reading,“Possession is one with loss.”,Paraphrase, Possession is accompanied by loss. When one possesses something he desires, one loses something else at the same time.,LPT- there is a wood near,Detailed Reading,There is a wood near Lyme Regis, also cursed by a public footpath .,Paraphrase, There is a wood near Lyme Regis, which is also undesirably traversed by a public footpath .,LPT- curse,Detailed Reading,curse vt. to invoke evil or misfortune upon,e.g.,Modern city life is often cursed by noise. In recent years Ive been cursed with worsening eyesight.,LPT- He had built high stone walls on each side,Detailed Reading,“He had built high stone walls on each side of the path, and has spanned it by bridges, so that the public circulate like termites whi


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