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五年级上册第一单元测试题(1)Class_ Name_ Marks_1、 翻译。年轻的 有趣的 高的 强壮的 kind old short thin funny 严格的 努力工作的 有礼貌的 helpful 聪明的 shy 二、读一读,找出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A.old B.Mr C. kind D. young( ) 2. A. Ms B. Miss C. funny D. Mr( ) 3. A. strict B. polite C. helpful D.our( ) 4. A. clever B. am C. is D.are( ) 5. A. sometimesB. shy C.hard-working D.kind( ) 6. A. music B. science C. teacher( ) 7. A. polite B. shy C. like( ) 8. A. Chinese B. hard-working C. English( ) 9. A. clever B. young C. candy( ) 10. A. is B. are C. no三找出和句子相对应的图片,并将序号填在括号中。 A B C D E( ) 1.My classmates are cleaning the room. They are helpful.( ) 2.Zhang Peng is my friend. He is very clever.( ) 3.Whats he like? -Hes very polite.( ) 4.They are having English class. They are all hard-working.( ) 5.Whats your little sister like? -Oh, she is very shy.四根据问句选择答语。 ( ) 1.Whos your new English teacher? A. Yes, sometimes.( ) 2. Is Ms Wang strict? B. Miss White( ) 3. Do you know that young lady? C. Yes, I do.( ) 4. Whos that man? D. He is clever and hard-working( ) 5. Whats he like? E. He is my new maths teacher.五选词填空1. I _ helpful. am is are2. The girl_ polite.3. They _ hard-working.4. Our head teacher_ strict.5. My parents_ kind.六按要求写出相应答案。1. old(反义词) _ 2.fun(形容词) _3. whos(完全形式) _ 4.kind(反义词) _5. he is(缩写形式) _ 6. whats(完全形式) _七为下列单词选择合适的翻译,将其序号填入题前括号里。( ) 1. funny A. 滑稽的 B. 友好的 ( ) 2. Helpful A. 能干的 B. 害羞的( ) 3. strict A. 严厉的 B. 亲切的 ( ) 4. polite A. 聪明的 B. 有礼貌的八选出与所给单词同类的一项。( ) 1. old A. new B. orange ( ) 2. teacher A. student B. classroom( ) 3. under A. in B. like ( ) 4. sunny A. windy B. sorry( ) 5. clever A. close B. polite ( ) 6. he A. him B. is 九选择题。( ) 1. -_ your PE teacher? -Mr Green. A. Whos B. Who C. Whats ( ) 2. Is Ms Li your music teacher? - Yes, _ is. A. he B. she C. his( ) 3. Is Mr Li your PE teacher? -Yes, _ is. A. he B. she C. him( ) 4. Is Miss White your English teacher? - -Yes, _ is. A. he B. she C. his( ) 5. _ she like? A. What B. Whats C. what( ) 6. Chen Jie _ polite. A. am B. is C. are( ) 7. _ they helpful at home? A. Am B. Is C. Are( ) 8. _ are hard-working. A. They B. Is C. Am( ) 9. I _ a robot. A. has B. have C. having( ) 10. He can _ Chinese. A. say B. tell C. speak十根据句子意思选择合适的单词填空。 A. old B. He C. Who D. kind E. She F. young G. Do H. strict 1. Mr Li is our maths teacher. _ is very clever.2. Miss Smith is an English teacher. _ is kind.3. Our math teacher is very _, but he is _, too.4. My music teacher is not_. He is very _.5. _ is your art teacher? -Mr Jones.6. _ you like your art teacher?-Yes, we do.十一连词成句。1. kind she is (?)_2. Whats like new Chinese your teacher (?)_3. Whos teacher your English (?)_4. hard-working are they (.) _5.will our be new Chinese Miss Wang teacher (.)_6. makes he me my finish homework (!)_十二给下列句子排序。( ) She is our new art teacher.( ) Yes, she is.( ) Yes, she is. But she is very funny.( ) Great! I like funny teachers. ( ) Do you know Miss Young?( ) Is she strict?( ) Is she young?( ) No, I dont. Whos she?十三、找答语。( ) 1. Whats John like? A. His name is Zhang Peng.( ) 2. Whos your art teacher? B. OK. Lets go.( ) 3. Is Mike hard-working? C. Hes tall and strong.( ) 4. Lets go to the zoo. D. Yes, he is.( ) 5. Whats his name? E. Mr Jones. 十二。根据图片及首字母,用合适的形容词填空。1、My brother is young,but my grandma is o 。2、Our Chinese teacher is very strict,but she is k sometimes。3、Im short,but my father is t 。4、Mike is very c 。5、 Miss Green is very t 。 6、 Mr Du is very f 。 十三、阅读理解,选择正确的答案。Im a Chinese girl. My name is Liu Yun. My English name is Kate. My English teacher is Miss Lin. She is young. She is very kind to us. Sometimes she is strict. We all like her.( ) 1. Whos Liu Yuns English teacher? -_. A. Liu Yun B. Miss Lin C. Kate( ) 2. Whats her English teacher like? -_. A. Shes young and funny. B. Shes young and polite. C. Shes yound and kind.( ) 3. -_ -Yes, sometimes. A. Is she kind? B. Is she strict? C. Is she young?五年级上册第一单元测试题(2)Class_ Name_ Marks_一根据汉语写出英语。1.有礼貌的_ 2.害羞的_ 3.愿意帮忙的_ 4.辛勤的_ 5.聪明的_ 6.严格的_二读句子,用am, is , are 填空。 1. I _ a boy, you _ a girl, we _ friends. 2. He _ a student, she _ a student, too. They _ pupil. 3. I _ helpful at home, my father _ helpful, too. 4. My brother _ tall, my sister _short, but they _ all thin. A. 他是个怎么样的人?B. 你的数学老师是不是很和蔼?C. 我喜欢我的老师D. 他是年轻的。E. 他是我的英语老师。F. 我的英语老师是有趣的。G. 怀特女士是我的英语老师。三、选择题。( )1. She is young. ( )2. He is my English teacher.( )3. Whats he like?( )4. Miss. White is my art teacher.( )5. I like my teacher.( )6. My English teacher is funny.( )7. Is your math teacher kind?四、选择合适的应答语。( )1、Is she young? A、She is tall and kind。( )2、Whos your music teacher? B、No,he isnt( )3、Whats he like? C、Mrs White( )4、Whats your mother like? D、Yes,she is ( )5、Is he funny? E、Hes funny。五选择正确的答案填在题前的括号内。( ) 1. _ your music teacher? -Miss White. A. Whos B. Whats C. Is( ) 2. I have_ maths teacher and_ English teacher. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; an( ) 3. Do you know Miss Green? -_ A. Yes, I do. She is my science teacher. B. She is funny. C. He is young.( ) 4. Is she friendly? -_ A. She is very young. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, she isnt.( ) 5. _ your English teacher like? -She is kind and funny. A. Whats B. Whos C. What ( ) 6. -_ -Hes very funny. A.Whos that boy? B. Whats your brother like? C. Whose is that? ( ) 7. My new P.E. teacher is tall and strong. Who is he? A. B. C. ( ) 8 Is your brother helpful? _ A. Yes, he is . B. Yes, he do. C.Yes, she is. ( ) 9. Whos your English teacher? _ A. Miss Wu. B. Shes an English teacher. C. She is hard -working. ( ) 10. Whats he like? _ A.His name is John. B. Hes polite. C.Hes a pupil. ( ) 11. Who is he? Oh, he is _ music teacher. A. our B. me C. I ( ) 12. -_ strong? -Yes, he is. A. Is she B. Is it C. Is he( ) 13.-I have four teachers. -Who ? -An English teacher,a math teacher,a Chinese teacher and an art teacher. A. is,it B. are,it C. are,they D. /,they( ) 14.-Look at that man! Is he your math teacher? -Yes, . A. he isnt B. he is C. she isnt D. she is( ) 3.-Who is Johns new teacher? - . A. It is Mr. Zhao B. She is Miss. White C. He is Mr. Black( ) 4.-Whats Miss. White like? - young. A. Hes B. Its C. / D. Shes( ) 5.He makes finish my homework. A. I B.she C.me D.him( ) 6.- your mother like? -Shes tall and thin. A. Whos B. Whats C. What D. Who六、连词成句。1. your, What, is, like, music, teacher, (?) 2. Yes (, ) is, he (.) 3. is, polite, Mike (.) 1. like , what , he , is (?)2. he , funny , is (?)3. is , music , who , your , teacher (?)4. polite , he , and , is , hard-working (.)5. strict , head , teacher , our , is , very (.)七看图,选择相应的单词,填序号。A. shy B. polite C. strict D. hard-working E. helpful F. clever( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. 八看图,选择句子回答问题。A. Shes kind. B. Yes, she is. C. No, he isnt. D. Hes young.1. Is she funny? - _. 2. Is he clever? - _.3. Whats he like? -_. 4. Whats she like? -_.九、根据中文意思选择合适的词填空。polite shy helpful old clever hard-working1. His brother is _ (能干的) at home.2. Is Sarah _(有礼貌的) ?3. Our head teacher isnt _(老的). He is young.4. The girl is _(羞怯的) at school.5. He is _ ( 聪明的) 6. They are _ (勤奋的) 十根据情景对话,选择合适的句子填空。A:Good morning!B: !We will have a new English teacher.A: B:Yes. Hes Mr Wang.A: B:Yes, he is . Hes only 21years old.A、Is he strict? B、Really? C、Hes tall and strong。D、Is he young? E、Good morning!A: B: No, he is kind.A:Whats he like?B: 十一句型练习。1. Who is your art teacher? (改成缩略形式) 2. Hes short or thin. (改错) 3. Hes my English teacher. (改为一般疑问问句) 4. Is he your math teacher? (做肯定和否定回答) 5. Hes tall and strong.(就划线部分提问) 6. have,teacher,I,art,new,a(.)(连词成句) 7. is,your,art,teacher,who(?)(连词成句) 8. He is very helpful at home.(变为一般疑问句) 9. she like whats ( ?)(连词成句) 10. a student is she university (?)(连词成句) 11. kind is she very ( .)(连词成句) 五年级上册第一单元测试题(3)Class_ Name_ Marks_一、把下列汉语翻译成英语。年老的 年轻的 搞笑的 严厉的 和蔼的 乐于助人的 聪明的 有礼貌的 害羞的 勤奋的 2、 选择正确的选项。 ( )1. What _ he like? A. am B. is C. are( ) 2. Whos your English teacher? _. A. Miss White. B. Shes kind. C. Yes, she is.( ) 3. Is Miss White kind? _. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he isnt.( ) 4. Do you know Chen Jie? _. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can.( ) 5. Whats Miss White like? _ A. His name is John. B. He is shy. C. She is kind.( ) 6. Is _ strict? Yes, he is. A. she B. he C. It( ) 7. Ms Wang will be _ new Chinese teacher. A. am B. she C. our( )8. _is he like? He is young. A. Who B. What C. Where( ) 9. She _ kind. A .am B. is C. are( ) 10. They _helpful. A. are B. am C. Is ( ) 11.- Whos your English teacher?- _ A. Miss Wu. B. Shes strict. C. She is hard -working. ( ) 12. - Is your brother helpful? -_ A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, I do. C.Yes, she is. ( ) 13. - Is she young? -_ A. Yes, he is. B. No, she is. C. No, she isnt. ( ) 14. -_ - Hes very funny. A. Whos that boy? B. Whats he like? C. Whats she like? ( ) 15. -Whats she like? -_ A. Her name is Amy. B. Shes polite. C. She likes apples. ( ) 16. - Who is he? -He is _music teacher. A. our B. me C. I ( ) 17. - What are these? - They _ potatoes. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 18. - _ he like? - Hes hard-working. A. whats B. Whos C. Whats 三、 Read and choose(选择相对应的答句) A. Mr. Jones. B. Yes, she is. C. He is old. D. No, he isnt. E. No, I dont.( ) 1. Whats he like? ( ) 2. Whos your art teacher? ( ) 3. Do you know Mr. Young? ( ) 4. Is she strict? ( ) 5. Is he young?四、英汉选择1.( ) Whats she like? A. 她很有趣吗?2.( ) Is she funny? B. 她怎么样?3.( ) He is clever. C. 你认识她吗?4.( ) They are helpful. D. 他很聪明。5.( ) Do you know her? E. 他们都很有用。五、排列句子(注意大小写及标点符号。1. is he like What ( ? ) 2. strict He is ( .)3. funny Is he (?) 4. art Whos your teacher ( ?)5. Yes is he (.) 3. He our English is teacher (.) 4. is Who maths your teacher (?) 5. My is mother funny (.) 六、重新排列顺序,使其成为意思通顺的对话。( 1 ) Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. ( ) Is she strict? ( ) Do you know her?( ) Shes kind.( ) Really? Whats she like?( ) Yes, sometimes.( 7 ) Yes. Shes my mother!( 8 ) Haha. Cool!七、选出每组中不同类的一项 ( ) 1. A. old B. maths C. young ( )2. A. kind B. strict C. music ( )3. A. know B. clever C. polite ( )4. A. sometimes B. helpful C. hard-working ( )5. A. funny B. shy C. sorry 八、单项选择。绿色圃中小学教育网httP:/WwW.Lspjy.Com( ) 1. They _ hard-working . A. is B. am C. are ( ) 2. Mike and I _ students . A. are B. is C. am ( ) 3. Whats he _ ? Hes tall . A. like B. likes C. doing ( ) 4. Is she strict ? No , shes _ . A. kind B. shy C. very quiet ( ) 5. Whos your music teacher ? Shes _.A. Miss Young B. Mr Young C. Miss young ( ) 6. She can _ English . A. say B. speak C. talk ( )7. Do you know her ? _A. Yes , I am . B. Yes , I do . C. Yes , I dont .( ) 8. Is your mother strict ? _A. No , she is . B. Yes , he is . C. No , she isnt .( ) 9. He is helpful _ home . A. on B. in C. at ( ) 10. My mother makes me _ my homework every day .A. finish B. finishes C. finishing ( ) 11. Whats Miss Young like ? _A. Shes a teacher . B. She likes bananas . C. She is very young .( ) 12. Mr Brown is _ teacher . We like _ very much . A. his , her B. my, mine C. my , him D. her , her ( ) 13. Who is that woman ? _ A. He is Miss Wang . B. She is Miss Wang . C. Hes Mr Lin .( ) 14. _ your Chinese teacher like ? A. Whos B. Wheres C. Whats ( ) 15. _ your brother hard-working ? A.Is B. Are C. Am ( ) 16. _ your friends friendly ? A. Is B. Are C. Am ( ) 17. I _ helpful . A. am B. are C. is ( ) 18. Is she polite ? _ A. Yes , he is . B. No , she is . C. Yes , sometimes ( ) 19. _ your father like ? He likes apples . A. What is B. What do C. What does ( ) 20. Is your brother strict ? _ A. Yes , he isnt . B. Yes , he is . C. No , she isnt .( ) 21. _ is Li Leis sister . Shes very young . A. Mr Li B. Miss C. Mrs ( ) 22. Miss White is _ Chinese teacher . A. you B. me C. our ( ) 23. _ name is Robin . A. He B. His C. Her 五、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. Our Chinese teacher is clever and f_ . We all like him .2. Is your mother strict ? No , she isnt . She is k_ .3. Our head teacher isnt old . She is very y_ .4. Chen Jie helps her mother clean the room at home . She is h_ .5. Wang Lin doesnt play at home . He reads and writes . He is h_ .十一、小练笔。根据提示描述一下Miss White,不少于5句话。1、Miss White 是我们的英语老师。2、她很年轻。3、她很和蔼。4、她很搞笑。5、有时(sometimes)她也很严厉。_五年级上册第一单元测试题(4)Class_ Name_ Marks_1、 选出不同类的单词,并将其序号填到题前的括号内。( )1.A.young B.old C.thirteen D.small( )2.A.Miss B.Mr C.Mrs D.teacher( )3.A.Canada B.China C.English D.P.E.class( )4.A.her B.she C.I D.he( )5.A.quiet B.black C.funny D.kind( )6.A.funny B.kind C.know D.clever( )7.A.polite B.like C.shy D.strong( )8.A.maths B.music C.our D.English( )9.A.who B.what C.will D.where( )10.A.hard-working B.helpful C.teacher2、 划线部分发音是否相同,相同写“T”不相同写“F”( )1. A.it B.polite ( )2. A.shy B.happy ( )3. A.ready B.sorry ( )4. A.kind B.him ( )5. A.helpful B.bed ( )6. A.hard B.hard-working3、 选择正确的答案,将其序号填入题前的括号里。( )1、_ is your P.E.teacher ? A. What B. Where C. Who( )2.Mr Li is music teacher A. our B. I C. mine ( )3.Her P.E teacher is tall strong. A. and B. but C。 so ( )4.-Is she old? No, she is very .A.much B.well C.young( )5.My music teache


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