人教版九年级英语上册Unit 1单元测试

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人教版九年级英语上册Unit 1单元测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When l was a kid_ your age, I tried out_ our school volleyball team.Ain; forBof; ofCof; forDat; in2 . They were not my car because they had no time.AtoBable toCable to repairingDable to repair3 . - Im going to a party on Thursday night at Jimmys house.-!You are working hard these days.AIts easy to say soBThats excitingCEnjoy yourselfDYou cant be serious4 . I enjoy the party very much,but I _ go home. Its too dark.Ahave toBmayCmustntDcant5 . _ the population of the U.S.A. in 2005? It _ about 296 million.AWhat is; isBWhat was; wasCHow many is; wasDHow many was; is6 . I feel bored with working all day.Why not _ some sports to relax yourself?Amake upBtake upCstay upDgrow up7 . How do you like Beijing, Miss Read?Ive no idea. I _ there.Ahave beenBhavent been toChavent been8 . Please_the TV. Its time to go to bed.Aturn onBturn offCput onDput off9 . -This pair of shoes _ belong to Jack. He likes this kind very much.- It _ be his. Its too large for him.Acan; cantBmay; needntCmust; mustntDmust; cant10 . Dont forget _ the letter on your way home. OK, I _.Ato send; willBsending; willCto send; wontDsending; wont二、完型填空Eco(环保)-Soap Bank is doing a lot for people in Cambodia(柬埔寨). It _used soap from hotels and uses it to make new bars. Then it gives out the new soap for free.Samir Lakhani, from the United States, started his project four years ago. In 2014, he visited Cambodia, and he felt _ when he watched a mother bath he baby with detergent(洗衣粉).He learned that many people in Cambodia are very poor and in _ of soap badly. He thought maybe he could help to _ the problem.Lakhani thought of his good _ recycling used soap. Each year, millions of tourists visit Cambodia. The countrys many hotels use lots of soap and waste a lot, too. _ Lakhani went from hotel to hotel, asking them to donate used soap.His project _with many peoples support. It later became the Eco-Soap Bank. The group takes used soap to recycling places. There, they clean the soap, and then cut it up. Then they _ the soap together and put it through a press(压膜机). Finally they make waste soap _ new bars or liquid(液体)soap.The project has helped half a million Cambodians get better hygiene(卫生). Lahhani has a _plan. He wants to start Eco-Soap Bank in every tourist area around the world.11 . AreturnsBcollectsCsellsDprotects12 . AsurprisedBinterestedCexcitedDnervous13 . AneedBtimeCplaceDworry14 . Afind outBget outClook outDwork out15 . AideaBresultCreasonDaccident16 . ABecauseBSinceCSoDWhile17 . AendedBpassedCgrewDprevented18 . ApullBaddCturnDmix19 . AwithBintoCfromDthrough20 . AstrongerBricherCbiggerDclearer三、阅读单选根据短文内容, 选择正确的答案.Olympic Tickets on Sale!EventsLowest pricesHighest pricesTimeOpening ceremony(仪式)2005000August 8Closing ceremony1503000August 24Badminton50500August 9-17Basketball501000August 9-24Diving60500August10-23Football40800August 6-23Swimming100800August 9-17Volleyball50800August 9-2421 . The Beijing Olympic Games will be over _ August 24.AonBbeforeCtwo days after22 . The _ event will start before the opening ceremony.AfootballBbasketballCvolleyball23 . The badminton event will last _ days. A9B12C1724 . Li Ping should pay 1000 Yuan if he wants to get a ticket of _ price for the basketball event.AlowBthe highestCthe lowest25 . Mr. King and his wife want to watch _ , they should pay at least 700.Athe basketball and diving eventsBthe swimming and volleyball eventsCthe opening and closing ceremonies四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词。(每空限填一词)26 . Please open the w_and let some fresh air in.27 . The kind boy was happy to s_his food with the hungry man.28 . To keep healthy, you should do sports and have a balanced d_.29 . N_cross the road when the traffic light is red.30 . By reading 30 minutes a day, you can learn more words and i_your writing.31 . The students are very h_. They clean houses for the old people every weekend.32 . There is teachers desk in my c_.33 . The two little girls are crying. They cant f_ their mother.34 . - Whats this in English? - Its an e_.35 . Ms. Deng is our English t_. We all like her very much.36 . What a nice girl Sally is! She often h_ to do the housework.37 . C_ are very important(重要的) in modern(现代的) world. People use(用) them to do many kinds of things.38 . His friend went to the l_ to read books last weekend.39 . There are thirty students in the c_. They are having a class meeting.40 . Lets go and f_ them.41 . - Thank you for your help. - Youre w_五、完成句子. 根据所给中文完成句子。42 . 这个瓶里的水比那个瓶里的水少。There is _ in this _ than in that one.43 . 你多长时间打一次篮球?_ do you play basketball?44 . 他的房子和她的一样。His house is _.45 . 三个杯子中这个杯子里的果汁最少。There is _ in _ the three.46 . 我母亲每天早晨六点半起床。My mother gets up _ every morning.六、材料作文47 . 书面表达。请根据下列表格的提示, 写一篇题为Changes in My Hometown的短文。(80词左右)内容要点: 过去现在1.旧房1.高楼2.河水肮脏2.河水清澈3.步行、骑自行车上班3.乘公交车、小汽车上班4.道路狭窄4.环形路宽阔5.居住条件差5.居住环境舒适Changes in My Hometown第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、五、完成句子1、六、材料作文1、


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