第四章 Diction

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Warming-up Exercise 小车队休息室小车队休息室(行政行政A后座后座101、竹苑餐厅旁、竹苑餐厅旁)Rest Room for Drivers restroom:a toilet that is available to the public 美美(在酒店、饭店内的在酒店、饭店内的)公共厕所公共厕所 e.g.I can hear him in the restroom,heaving his heart up.我听得见他在洗手间吐得很厉害。我听得见他在洗手间吐得很厉害。rest room:a toilet that is available to the public n.(公共建筑物内的)公用厕所(公共建筑物内的)公用厕所,洗手间,洗手间,休息室休息室 Where is the rest room,please?请问洗手间在哪儿?请问洗手间在哪儿?休息室休息室:1.lobby 2.lounge 其它相关解释其它相关解释:1.饭后我们都到休息室去了饭后我们都到休息室去了.After dinner we all adjourned to the lounge.2.请休息室等候,我们会叫您的。请休息室等候,我们会叫您的。Please wait in the lounge.Well give you a call.3.他在两点半到达,并被告知在要人休息室等候。他在两点半到达,并被告知在要人休息室等候。He arrives in2:30,and is told to wait in the very important person lounge.4.议员休息室邻近立法会议厅的私人休息室议员休息室邻近立法会议厅的私人休息室 A private lounge adjacent to a legislative chamber.Then how do you translate“小车队休息室小车队休息室”?Car Drivers Office(My own translation)Chapter 4 Diction 正确选择词义正确选择词义英汉翻译的关键是英汉翻译的关键是如何正确选择词义如何正确选择词义 Diction Polysemy Methods Diction Diction means proper choice of words in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original.在英汉翻译过程中,针对原文的词在英汉翻译过程中,针对原文的词义义正确地选择汉语词义正确地选择汉语词义,是保证译,是保证译文质量的根本一环。文质量的根本一环。首先一个词在不同的句子中有不同的含义首先一个词在不同的句子中有不同的含义。This general was charged with treason.这个将军被指控犯了叛国罪。这个将军被指控犯了叛国罪。The Committee decided to put Professor Henry in charge of the research work.委员会决定让亨利教授负责这项工作。委员会决定让亨利教授负责这项工作。As soon as the moment for the general offensive arrived,the solders charged the enemy position bravely.总攻时间一到,战士们勇猛地向敌人的阵地冲去。总攻时间一到,战士们勇猛地向敌人的阵地冲去。She complained that she had been charged too much.她抱怨说,向她收的费太高了。她抱怨说,向她收的费太高了。The power in place,he rammed in a long iron rod to tamp down in charge.火药装好后,他伸进去一根长铁钎把炸药捣实。火药装好后,他伸进去一根长铁钎把炸药捣实。This store will charge things you buy,and let you pay for them later.这家商店将你所买的东西记入账内,让你以后付这家商店将你所买的东西记入账内,让你以后付款。款。Having charged the battery,he set the engine in motion.电池充电后,他启动了马达。电池充电后,他启动了马达。汉译英:我的手机在充电。汉译英:我的手机在充电。Im charging my mobile phone.My mobile phone is on charge.Polysemy It means that one word has various parts of speech and various meanings.Firth said,“Each word when used in a new context is a new word.”“You shall know a word by the company it keeps.”e.g.run-Websters New World Dictionary of the American Language(The 2nd College Edition)a)A trial run is needed before the machine is put into operation.在机器投入运行前,要先进行在机器投入运行前,要先进行试试车。车。b)An intricate network of the computer system runs this modern petroleum factory.电子计算机系统的复杂网络电子计算机系统的复杂网络管理管理着这个现着这个现代化的炼油厂。代化的炼油厂。c)They are loading the run goods into the hold.他们正在把他们正在把走私走私物品装进船舱。物品装进船舱。1.I want my martini dry.我的马丁尼酒不要甜的。我的马丁尼酒不要甜的。2.There are still some dry states in the United States.在美国尚有几州禁酒。在美国尚有几州禁酒。3.She prefers dry bread.她喜欢无奶油的面包。她喜欢无奶油的面包。4.The cows are dry.这些母牛缺奶。这些母牛缺奶。5.He gave us a dry lecture yesterday.昨天他给我们作了一个枯燥无味的讲演。昨天他给我们作了一个枯燥无味的讲演。6.I am sure what he presented was a dry fact.我确信,他所列举的是铁一般的事实。我确信,他所列举的是铁一般的事实。1)Here is a pretty go!这件事真难办!这件事真难办!2)He is itching to have a go at it.他跃跃欲试。他跃跃欲试。3)The old man is still full of go.这位老人仍然精力充沛。这位老人仍然精力充沛。4)These brightly colored stockings are all the go this summer.这些颜色鲜明的袜子今夏很流行。这些颜色鲜明的袜子今夏很流行。cf.bluestocking 女才子女才子Methods Based on the part of speech of the word Based on the context and the logical relations Based on the commendatory term or derogatory term CollocationBased on the part of speech Your account of what happened is not quite right.你对于发生的事情的叙述不太正确。你对于发生的事情的叙述不太正确。Go right on until you reach the church.一直往前走,直到你到达教堂为止。一直往前走,直到你到达教堂为止。Its my right of way,so that lorry must stop or slow down until Ive passed it.我有优先通行权。我有优先通行权。She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery.她尽力为她丈夫被控抢劫一案伸冤。她尽力为她丈夫被控抢劫一案伸冤。Based on the context and the logical relations Verbal context including time context,place context,cultural background.根据上下文和逻辑关系确定词义 一般说来,一个孤立的英语单词,其词义是游移不定的,但当该词处于特定的联立关系中时,它的词义受到毗邻词的制约。因此,根据上下文和逻辑关系判别词义是词义辨析中非常重要而且可行的办法。e.g.George passed.根据不同的上下文有不同的理解。如果在踢球,那么说乔治踢了球。如果在玩桥牌,那么说乔治没有叫牌。如果是参加某种考试,那么说乔治考及格了。Verbs We passed another town before daylight.我们在天亮前经过经过了另一个镇。I used to pass the whole evening that way.以前我总是这样消磨消磨整个黄昏。Now the moment has passed.现在已经错过错过机会了。If I kept on reading that feeling would pass.如果我继续这样下去,这种感觉就会消失消失。That vessel will soon be passing us.那只船就要和我们相遇相遇了。We know what was passing in his mind.我们知道他心理在想想什么。Adjective Whos going to perform this delicate operation on the patients eye?谁准备给这位病人做精细的眼科手术?She is in delicate health.她身体虚弱。He has a delicate ear for music.他对音乐很有鉴赏力。Thats a delicate diplomatic question.那是个微妙的外交问题。It was a good dinner.这是一个丰盛的丰盛的宴会。He proved to be a good listener.他这个人善于善于倾听别人说话。Tom must be a good football player.汤姆一定是个优秀的优秀的足球队员。汤姆的球踢得非常好非常好。Toms father gave him a good spanking.汤姆的爸爸狠狠地打了他一顿。I cant find good words for it.我找不到合适的合适的语言来表达。It was a good morning;there were high white clouds above the mountain.这是一个明媚的明媚的早晨,群山上高高地飘着白云。The cheques are all good,of course.当然,这些支票是完全有效的有效的。It was a girl with good manners.这是一位举止得体得体的姑娘。Each time he gave the bartender a good tip.每次他都给酒保优厚的优厚的小费。I do not speak without good evidence.我不会说没有可靠可靠根据的话。It was a good paper.这是一家声誉很高声誉很高的报纸。These were all labeled as good eggs.这些都被标为新鲜新鲜的鸡蛋。Dogs are often regarded as mans good friends.狗经常被认为是人们的忠实忠实朋友。yet,as it sometimes happens that a person departs his life,who is really deserving of the praises the stone-cutter carves over his bones;who is a good Christian,a good wife or a good husband;who actually does have a disconsolate family to mourn his loss;(W.M.Thackeray:Vanity Fair)不过偶尔也有几个死人当得起石匠刻不过偶尔也有几个死人当得起石匠刻在他们朽骨上的好话。真的是虔诚的教徒,在他们朽骨上的好话。真的是虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的女儿,贤良的妻子,慈爱的父母,孝顺的女儿,贤良的妻子,尽职的丈夫,他们家里的人也的确哀思绵尽职的丈夫,他们家里的人也的确哀思绵绵的追悼他们;绵的追悼他们;Noun We can make out the meaning of the word from the context.我们可以从上下文上下文判断出这个词的意思。We should settle the disputes in the context of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.我们应当在和平共处五项原则的基础上的基础上解决这些争端。It is in this context that the tragedy of Sahara was born.撒哈拉悲剧正在这种情况情况下发生。We must operate within the context of the Olympian Spirit.我们必须按照奥林匹克精神精神办事。In this context,Ive to call your attention to the fact that the peaceful trend in the Indo-China Peninsula is essential to peace in the world.就此而论就此而论,我不得不提醒大家注意这样一个事实:印度支那半岛局势的稳定对世界和平来说是至关重要的。“Proper words in proper place make the true definition of style.”合适的词用在合适的地方就是好文章。Jonathan SwiftBased on the commendatory term or derogatory term 任何语言都有语体之分,有文雅、通俗、粗野;还有俚语、公文语以及术语等。文学作品中,作家通过不同的语体来刻划任务性格特征。翻译时,必须审其雅俗,量其轻重,这样才能恰如其分地表达原文的精神。翻译时有五要素:节奏的缓急,态度的褒贬,感节奏的缓急,态度的褒贬,感情的浓淡,语气的轻重和用语的雅俗。情的浓淡,语气的轻重和用语的雅俗。词语的轻重词语的轻重 shine 照耀;指光的稳定发射照耀;指光的稳定发射 glitter 闪光;指光的不稳定发射闪光;指光的不稳定发射 glare 耀眼;表示光的最强度耀眼;表示光的最强度 sparkle 闪烁;指发射微细的光度闪烁;指发射微细的光度 twinkle 闪烁;指轻快有节奏地闪烁闪烁;指轻快有节奏地闪烁词义的范围和侧重不同词义的范围和侧重不同 agriculture 指农业科学、农业技术、整指农业科学、农业技术、整个农业生产过程,包括的范围最广个农业生产过程,包括的范围最广 farming 指农业的实践指农业的实践 cultivation 指农作物的栽培技术指农作物的栽培技术 agronomy 指把科学原理运用到农业耕指把科学原理运用到农业耕作中去的实践作中去的实践模拟动作情状不同模拟动作情状不同(cf.Longman Activator&Adv Eng 5)Walk 走走 Saunter 悠然自得地走悠然自得地走 Amble 从容不迫地走从容不迫地走 Stride 大踏步地走大踏步地走 Trudge 步履艰难地走步履艰难地走 Traipse 懒散疲乏地走懒散疲乏地走 Shamble 蹒跚地走蹒跚地走 Prance 昂首阔步地走昂首阔步地走 Scamper 蹦蹦跳地走蹦蹦跳地走 Clump 拖着沉重的脚步走拖着沉重的脚步走 词语的感情色彩词语的感情色彩 to expire 逝世逝世 to pass away 去世去世 to close(end)one s day 寿终寿终 to breathe ones last 咽气,短气咽气,短气 to go west 归西天归西天 to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘了结尘缘 to depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉命归黄泉 to give up the ghost 见阎王见阎王 to kick the bucket 翘辫子翘辫子 to kick up ones heels 蹬腿,翘脚蹬腿,翘脚 to lay down ones knife and fork 不吃饭不吃饭 根据上下文确定词义的褒贬根据上下文确定词义的褒贬 The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent.敌人杀了杀了我们一个同志,我们宰了宰了一个敌特。They incited him to go into further investigation 他们鼓励鼓励他做进一步的调查。The plotters incited the soldiers to rise against their officers.阴谋家煽动煽动士兵们造军官的反。An aggressive country is always ready to start a war.一个好侵略好侵略的国家总是准备挑起战争。An aggressive young man can go far in this firm.一个富有进取心富有进取心的年轻人在这家公司前途无量。They predicted the youth would have a bright future。他们预言,这个年轻人会有一个锦绣前程前程。It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and his Africa Corps.当时是八月中旬,他们讨论的题目是隆美尔及其非洲军团的下场下场。Nations sometimes exploit their colonies,taking as much wealth out of them as they can.有些国家有时剥削其殖民地,竭力攫取他们的财富。They exploited its rich resources in oil.他们开发了富庶的油矿。The peasants and workers were hand-in-glove with one another in the struggle against landlords and capitalists who worked hand-in-glove with each other.在反对狼狈为奸狼狈为奸的地主、资本家的斗争中工农亲如手足亲如手足。Others 此外,英语中有些词固定搭配相同,由于上下文不同,句意可能发生变化,必须进行逻辑判断,以求对原文词义正确理解和翻译。在英语中还存在着一个词的单数和复数意义全然在英语中还存在着一个词的单数和复数意义全然不同、前后搭配不同而意义不同等情况。例如:不同、前后搭配不同而意义不同等情况。例如:A单复数的词义不同单复数的词义不同 ninety 90(单单)nineties 90年代(复)年代(复)time 时间(单)时间(单)times 时代,此书,倍数(复)时代,此书,倍数(复)finding 发现,探索(单)发现,探索(单)findings 研究成果,调查结果(复)研究成果,调查结果(复)work 工作,功(单)工作,功(单)works 工厂,著作,工事工厂,著作,工事(复复)B.B.前后搭配词不同词义不同前后搭配词不同词义不同 soft pillow 软枕软枕 soft music 轻柔的音乐轻柔的音乐soft cushion 靠垫靠垫 soft wood 软木软木soft money 纸币纸币 soft drink 不含酒精的饮料不含酒精的饮料soft breeze 和风和风 soft light 柔光柔光soft voice 低声低声 soft fire 文火文火soft hat 呢帽呢帽soft words 和蔼的话和蔼的话soft answer 委婉的回答委婉的回答soft goods 毛织品毛织品soft heart 慈心慈心 soft water 软水(不含矿软水(不含矿 物盐类的水)物盐类的水)heavy current 强电流强电流 heavy cut深挖方深挖方 heavy industry 重工业重工业 heavy line 粗线粗线 heavy mortar 稠浆稠浆 heavy rain 大雨大雨 heavy traffic 交通拥挤交通拥挤heavy weathering 严重风化严重风化 a broken man (在精神等方面)潦倒的人(在精神等方面)潦倒的人 a broken soldier 伤兵伤兵 broken time 零星时间零星时间 broken money 零钱零钱 broken English 不标准的英语不标准的英语 a broken promise 未践之约未践之约 a broken road 凹凸不平的路凹凸不平的路Examples He traveled to foundling homes,prisons and lunatic asylums in his search for people with extraordinary heads,and in time built up a huge catalogue of the relationship between particular mental characteristics and bumps on the skull.他走访了育婴堂、监狱、精神病院,去寻找头型特殊的人,同时同时积累起大批资料,记载特殊的脑功能特点与颅骨凸起部分之间的关系。I know you think I am talking nonsense,but in time you will realize that was right.我知道你认为我在胡说八道,但但你将来将来终究会理解我说的话是对的。We have been working all day.We must have a break.我们干了一整天了,必须休息休息一下。Suddenly the line went limp.“I am going back.”Said Smith.“We must have a break somewhere.Wait for me.Ill be back in five minutes.”引爆线突然耷拉下来。史密斯说:“我回去看看,一定是某个地方断了线断了线。等一下,我五分钟就回来。”英语有一些惯用法,翻译时容易疏忽或错译:英语有一些惯用法,翻译时容易疏忽或错译:The importance of a safe spillway cannot be overemphasized.安全溢洪道的重要性安全溢洪道的重要性无论怎样无论怎样强调强调也不会过分也不会过分 You cannot pay too much attention to your pronunciation.译成:你译成:你越越注意你的发音注意你的发音越越好。好。You can never be too careful in your work.在工作中你在工作中你越越细心细心越越好。好。One can scarcely pay too high price for liberty.人对自由付出的代价再高,也不过分。人对自由付出的代价再高,也不过分。Exercise The Thief and the Dog A thief came to rob a house which he knew was guarded by a fierce dog.He brought a bag of meat with him and when the dog began to bark he threw him a piece of steak.“That will soon shut him up,”thought the thief.But the dog was too clever for him.“I had my suspicions about you when I first saw you,”he said to the thief.“Now that you are so excessively generous to me I know that you are up to no good.Be off before I tear you to pieces.”Watch out when strangers are nice to you.They may want something for themselves.小偷和狗 小偷到一户人家去偷东西。他知道这户人家有一只凶猛的狗,就带上一口袋肉,狗一叫,就扔一块肉给他。小偷想:“这样就把他的嘴堵住了。”不过狗比小偷还聪明。他对小偷说:“我一看见你,就觉得你可疑,你对我太大方了,所以我知道你居心不良。滚吧,不然我就把你撕碎。”陌生人对你表示友好时,要多加小心,他们可能别有所图。


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