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Content v The definition of Metonymyv The types of Metonymyv The differences of Metonymy in English and ChinesevSynecdoche and Antonomasiav借代与借喻借代与借喻vThe function of MetonymyDefinition起源:Metonymy这一术语源自于希腊语,意为“the change of name.定义: the act of referring to sth by the name of sth else th at is closely connected with it. Oxford Dictionary 甲事物同乙事物不相类似,但有不可分离的关系,利用这种关系以乙事物的名称来代替甲事物的,叫借代。Types container -content(以容器代内容)eg. The kettle is boiling. 壶开了。(kettle代替壶中的水)eg. The film star has a large wardrobe. 这位明星有很多衣服。( wardrobe指代衣柜里的服装)eg. He is in his cups again. 他又喝醉了。(cups指代杯中的酒) place-people,institution,organization( 以处所代人,机构,组织) eg. The whole town attended the funeral. 所有镇民都去送葬了。(town代替镇民)eg. the White Housethe US government 白宫指代美国政府eg. the Pentagonthe USA military establishment 五角大楼指代美国国防部 instrument-user(以工具代工具使用者)eg. The pen is mightier than the sword. 笔比剑更有利。(pen指代文人;sword指代军人)eg. He was raised to the bench. 他被任命为法官。(bench指代法官)eg. He believed that the gun was not so much as the plough. 他认为与其去当兵不如去农场干活好(gun指代武装部队;plough指代农场)striking feature-person;thing(以特征代替特征所有者)eg. The crown should not yield to the cross. 皇权不应屈服于教会。(crown指代国王;cross指代教堂)eg. A bald slipped out through the back door. 一个秃子从后门溜了出去。(bald指代秃顶的人)person;thing-feature(以人或物代替特征)eg. There is much of a schoolboy in him. 他身上还有许多小学生的气质。(schoolboy指代学生的气质)eg. The wolf and the pig mingled together in his face. 凶残与贪婪交织在一起,浮现在他的脸上。(wolf指代凶残;pig指代贪婪)organ-its funtion(以器官代替作用)eg. He has a rough tongue. 他言语粗鲁。(tongue指代说话方式 能力)eg. Ive come to pick your brains. 我是来向你讨教专门知识的。(brain指代专门知识)eg. She has the eye for the fair and the beautiful. 她有审美眼光。(eye指代眼光)concrete-abstract / specific-general(以具体代抽象/以特定代泛指)eg. I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, and sweat. 我没有什么可以奉献,只有热血,辛劳,和汗水。(blood指代热血的气概;toil指代辛苦劳动;sweat指代辛勤努力)eg. Dont play the fool. 不要装疯卖傻。(fool指代傻里傻气的行为)abstract-concrete / general-specific(以抽象代具体/以泛指代特定)eg. Death fell in showers. 死亡的子弹如雨般降落。(death指代子弹)eg. He was an authority on Shakespeare. 他是莎学权威。(anthority指代具有权威的人)eg. The work is a pleasure to me. 这项工作对我来说是个乐事。(pleasure指代一件乐事) color-person(以颜色代与之有关的词)eg. He is the black sheep in the family. 他是他家的害群之马。(black sheep指代堕落的人)eg. He has a yellow streak. 他有着怯懦的性格。(yellow streak指代怯懦的性格)The differences of Metonymy in English and ChineseWe should know: 英语中的Metonymy汉语中的借代 英语中的Metonymy与汉语中的“借代”十分相似,只是在分类上略有不同。 汉语中的借代分为“旁借”和“对代两大类。旁借:也作旁代,即借本体所伴随或所附属的事物代替本体。对代:本体两个相应方面的互相替换。 汉语中的借代包括了英语的Metonymy, Synecdoche(提喻)和 Antonomasia(换称)。对代相当于Synecdoche,旁借包括Metonymy和Antonomasia。 旁代-Metonymy, Antonomasia( 换称)借代 对代-Synecdoche( 提喻)Synecdoche and AntonomasiaSynecdoche:a part for the whole(以部分代整体)eg. More hands are needed at harvest time. 农忙季节需要更多的劳动力。(hands指代人手,工人)eg. Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳。(ear指代人)the whole for the part(以整体代 部分)eg.The birds are singing to welcome the smiling year.鸟在歌唱,迎接春天的到来。(smiling year指代春天)eg. The TV is out of order. 电视机出所故障了。(TV指代电视机零件)material for the thing made( 以材料代替所构成的事物)eg. Nowadays more and more people have a liking for cotton. 现在越来越多的人喜欢上棉织品。(cotton代指棉织品)eg.At dinner , I would have some grape. 每次晚餐我都喝点葡萄酒。(grape代指葡萄酒)Antonomasia 专指用专有名词代替普通名词,或用普通名词代替专有名词。 这些名词大致来源于历史事件,宗教典故,神话传说,文学作品,现实生活等。 Examples: Romeo-a devoted lover( 指代情郎) Shylock-a miser ( 指代吝啬鬼) Waterloo(滑铁卢,比利时一城镇)-a disastrous defeat(指代大溃败,毁灭性的打击) 借代和借喻的区别 Attention:在英语中并没有“借喻”这一术语,它被包括在Metaphor In order to discuss,we use the metaphor 借代和借喻都有替代的作用,他们都是本体事物不出现,用另一事物代替本体事物,都是通过联想完成慨念上的置换。 In this part ,we mainly discuss the difference between 借代和借喻,we can conclude four points: 1) 借代与借喻形成的基础不同 借代是凭借两事物的相关性而形成,借体和本体之间存在着一定的不可分离的关系,两者的关系式实际的。借喻是凭借两事物之间的相似性而形成,人们根据本体和喻体之间可能有的相似点通过联想把它们联系起来,两者关系是虚性的,这是根本相异点。 2)借代与借喻的作用不同 借代是“以此代彼”,重在指代,是直接用借体代替本体;借喻是“以此喻彼”,重在比喻,是用喻体刻画或说明本体。 3)借代与借喻的转换表现形式不同 正因为借喻的喻体对本体有刻画、描写、说明的作用,所以借喻可以转换成明喻,而借代则不能。 4)借代与借喻的结构形式不同 借喻可以用词、短语,甚至整个篇章作喻体,而借代则不能,它只能用词作借体。 Eaxmples: The yellow river was the cradle of Chinese civilization.(metaphor)把摇篮比作中国的文化,这是暗喻,因为暗喻包括借喻,所以在这里是借喻。 Sorry ,my pocket cant afford such a pair of shoes.(metonymy)这里把pocket代替衣服里面的钱Functions of metonymy(借代的修辞作用) 一:It can avoid the language stiff, makes the sentence lively ,active and leave a deep impression on people example:I arrive at the school just three feet tall and fatly wrapped in my scarves. The playground roared like a rodeo,.Old boots,ragged stockings,torn trousers and shirts,were and skidding around .The rabble closed in;I was encircled.(在这句话中,Old boots,ragged stockings,torn trousers and shirts,用穿戴特征代替这些孩子,即可以展现作者的突出感受,又可以展现特定环境中的某种气氛,给人一种身临其境之感,行文也充满机趣。c 二:着磨经济,简洁,具有很强的表现力 In the least developed in African, all fur and feather are indiscriminately hunted for food (fur and feature 是禽类和兽类,用部分代替整体,简洁,而且加上头韵的运用,语气连接流畅,使语意表达的更完美) 三,借代有褒义(commendatory),贬义(pejoativer),中性(netral),常表现幽默或讽刺的意味,有利于表达思想感情。 如上面的例子,用“破鞋,破袜,烂裙”来表现the poor students,寄寓了作者的嘲笑和贬义。 Conclusion:Metonymy Can stand for the features of the objects of ontology, break language expression of vegetation, make the text fresh, striking, achieved good effect .Some examples:Gray hair should be respected. 老年人应该受到尊敬。He is fond of the bottle. 他喜欢喝酒。She has a ready tongue. 她口齿伶俐。Play the man! 拿出男子汉气概来!


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