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PYP班级日常英语学习计划GradeWeekSentencesFirst semesterSecond semester11-2Line up, boys and girls. 排队 Four lines. 排四队 Attention! 立正At ease! 稍息Left, right, Left. 一二一Catch up. 跟上 Dont push.别推 One by one.一个接一个 Halt!立定 Hand in hand.手拉手 3-4Lets get ready for class.准备上课。Im sorry Im late.对不起,我迟到了。Please come earlier next time. 下次请早点到。Class begins.上课。 Whos on duty today?今天谁值日?Is everyone here?都到齐了吗 Whos absent today?今天谁没来?What day is today?今天是星期几? Whats the date today? 今天是几号?Excuse me for coming late.请原谅我迟到了。5-6Are you hungry?你饿了吗?What do you want to eat?你想吃什么?Be careful , its hot. 小心,很烫。Its morning time, good day.天亮了,天气真好。Its time to get up.该起床了。May I get some soup?能给我点儿汤吗?Its delicious.味道很美。Wheres my seat?我的座位在哪儿?Change your clothes, please.请换衣服。Dont forget to button up. 别忘了扣扣子。7-8Be quiet, please.请安静。Open the door, please.请开门。Open the windows , please. 请开窗。Close the door, please.请关门。Close the windows , please. 请关窗。Clean the white board, please. 请擦白板。Turn on the lights, please.请开灯。Turn on the fans, please. 请开风扇。Turn off the lights, please.请关灯。Turn off the fans, please. 请关风扇。9-11I like sports. 我喜欢运动。Can you tell a story? 你能讲个故事吗?Lets play a game. 让我们玩游戏吧。Would you like to draw a picture? 想画画吗?Its reading time. 现在是阅读时间。Do you have plasticene? 你们有橡皮泥吗?Can you make something ? 你能做些什么?Listen to the music.听音乐吧。This story is very funny. 这个故事很好笑。Sing the song together. 我们一起唱。12-13Good idea!好主意!Do you understand?你明白吗?I cant understand you.我听不懂。I see. 我知道了。Pardon?请再说一遍。Are you with me?明白吗?Im thinking.我正在想。Can you tell me something about it?你能告诉我一些情况吗?Any more else?还有吗?Dont worry.别着急。14-15Good morning!早上好!Good afternoon!下午好!Good evening!晚上好!How are you?你好吗?Im fine, thank you. How are you?我很好,谢谢你。你呢?Good-bye!再见!Good luck!祝好运!Take care!小心!Have a good time!祝玩得开心!Have a good day!日安!16-17Are you OK?你好吗?I am happy. 我很高兴。I like it. 我喜欢。I forget .我忘了。You are right. 你对了。Are you all right?你还好吧?I feel good.我感觉很好。What a pity!真可惜!Come on!加油。Hurry up.快点儿。21-2Arms out. 手侧平举Spread out. 散开!Keep space. 保持距离One after another. 一个接一个Stop. 停Squat down.蹲下 Stand up.起立 Lets do morning exercises.我们一起做早操 Mark time.原地踏步. March!走! 3-4Listen to me, please. 请听我说。Please hand out the books. 请发下去。No more talking, please. 请安静。 Attention, please. 请注意。Be quiet please.请安静。Raise your hands, please.请举手。 Hands down.把手放下。Repeat after me.跟我读。Follow me. 跟我读。 Open your books, please.请翻开书。5-6May I get more noodles? 能多给我点儿面条吗?Do you like fish or chicken?你喜欢吃鱼还是鸡?Please flip down your collar.请把衣领放好。Dont roll up your sleeves.别把袖子卷起来。Make your bed , please.把床铺整理好。Hows the food today?今天的饭菜怎样?May I sit here?我可以坐这儿吗?Take your time, please.慢慢吃。Dont get your clothes wet. 别把衣服弄湿了。Dont spill water on the floor.别把水洒在地上。7-8Sweep the floor, please. 请扫地。Mop the floor, please. 请拖地。Keep quiet in the office.在办公室保持安静。Put everything in order. 把东西放好。Move your chair quietly. 轻轻搬椅子。Keep your desk clean, please.请保持桌面干净。Put your cup in the cupboard.把口杯放进口杯柜。Put away your things please. 请把东西放好。Turn on the airconditioner please. 请开空调。Turn off the airconditioner please. 请关空调。9-11Do you like this game? 你喜欢这个游戏吗?Whats your hobby?你的爱好是什么?I like to play piano.我喜欢弹钢琴。I like sports.我喜欢运动。I enjoy playing basketball.我喜欢打篮球。How was your vacation? 假期过得愉快吗?I went to the beach. 我去海滩玩了。We will have a barbecue. 我们要烧烤。Are you going swimming? 你们去游泳吗?Are you having a good time? 你玩得开心吗?12-13See what I mean? 明白吗?Im thinking about it. 我正在想。What do you know about it? 你知道一些什么?I got it. 我懂了。I dont like it.我不喜欢。Youd better not.你最好别。Do you have any idea?你有什么办法吗?I have no idea.我不知道。I dont know how to put it.我不知道怎样说。I dont think so.我不这样看。14-15Nice to see you.见到你很高兴。Glad to see you.很高兴见到你。Me too.我也是。Thank you very much.非常感谢。You are welcome.不用客气。Have fun!祝玩得愉快!Have a nice weekend!周末愉快!The same to you!大家一样!Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。No problem.不用客气。16-17Are you felling okay?你感觉还好吗?Excellent! 好极了!Just take it easy.放心吧。I am glad to hear that.我听了很高兴。Make haste.赶紧。I feel sad.我很伤心。I am sorry to hear that.我听了很难过。Dont worry.别担心。It will be better. 会好起来的。Wonderful!好极了!31-2Hands out. 手前平举Follow me , please. 跟我来Eyes front! Ready, Front! 向前看Follow the tempo. 跟上节拍.Listen to the beat of the music. 听听音乐节奏With strength.用力做 Stretch your arms.伸直胳膊 Stretch your legs.伸直腿 Put out your left foot.伸左脚 Put out your right foot.伸右脚3-4Would you please fetch a board marker for me?能帮我拿支白板笔来吗?Please turn to Page 12. 请翻开书到12页。Please take out your notebooks. 请拿出笔记本。Please take out your exercise books. 请拿出练习本。Have you collected all the exercise-books?作业本都收齐了吗?Lets have a dictation. 让我们来听写。Were going to have a new lesson today.今天我们要上新课。First lets have a revision. 首先我们复习一下。Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问题? Let me see.让我想想。5-6What would you like to have for dinner ? 晚餐想吃什么? Take your time, enjoy. 慢慢享用。Dont talk while eating. 吃东西的时候别讲话。Do you want more? 你想再吃点吗?Put down the things gently. 东西轻轻放。Tell me what happened. 告诉我发生了什么事。Always do your best. 永远做到最好。Dont jump and chase after meal .饭后不追逐跑跳。Read the book while you back to classroom. 回到教室就阅读。Could you tell me what time it is? 能告诉我几点了吗?7-8Keep your desks and chairs in order, please. 请保持桌椅整齐。Tidy your things please. 请整理好你的东西。Put your books in order. 把书放整齐。No shout in classroom. 不要在教室里大声吵闹。Lady first. 女士优先。Tidy the book shelf. 整理好书架。Be a good listener.做一个好听众。Wash the cup clean after you eat soup.洗干净杯子。Clean out the dirt on the desk. 把书桌上的灰尘清干净。Would you please turn off the fans for me?能帮我关风扇吗?9-11Im a bookworm. 我是一个书迷。I hope you like this picture. 我希望你喜欢这幅画。Lets go to play football. 我们去踢足球吧。We usually go to bookshop to read book. 我们经常去书城看书 。Do you have some new books? 你有新书吗?We should practice speaking English every day.我们应该每天练习讲英语。Lets exchange the books. 我们交换书吧。Is it difficult to play kicking shuttlecock? 踢毽子难吗?Could you share your toys with us? 能让我们一起玩你的玩具吗? Whats showing at the new theater tonight? 今天晚上新歌剧院表演什么节目?12-13Discuss with your partner.和你的伙伴讨论讨论。May I have a word with you ?我能和你谈谈吗?By all means.当然。I hope so.我希望如此。I hope not.我不希望如此。I cant agree.我不同意。Ill take your word for it.我相信你的话。I mean我的意思是No, not at all.绝对不是。Exactly.完全是。14-15I hope all is well with you!祝一切如意!Have a nice trip!旅途愉快!Have a nice vacation.假期愉快!Happy birthday!生日快乐!Many happy returns!年年有今朝!Happy womens day!三八妇女节快乐!Happy labor day!劳动节快乐!Happy childrens day!儿童节快乐!Thanks for everything.谢谢你所做的一切。Fancy meeting you here!没想到在这儿见到你。16-17I enjoy reading.我喜欢阅读。I dont care.我不在乎。Forget it. Be happy. 忘了它,高兴点。I can help you.我可以帮助你。Cheer up!别难过,振作起来!What would you do? 你应该怎么做?You did the right thing.你做得对。Sorry to bother you.很抱歉打扰你。Do you have interesting to read this book?你有兴趣读这本书吗?Thats too bad.真糟糕。41-2About turn. 向后转Right turn. 向右转Left turn. 向左转Dress right! 向右看齐Dress left! 向左看齐Raise your head.抬头 Bend your back.弯腰 Touch your toes.触脚尖 Arms stretch.伸展手臂 Walk on the right.靠右行 3-4Look at the blackboard please. 请看黑板。Look at the screen please. 请看屏幕。 All eyes on me, please. 请都看着我。Do you have any question?你们有问题吗?Put up your hands if you have any questions. 如果有问题请举手。Listen carefully to him, please.请认真听他讲。Who can find a good idea?谁能想一个好办法?Is it difficult for you?你觉得难吗?Have you finished your composition?你的作文写完了吗?No. But Im working on it.我正在写。5-6Every student should wear a school uniform.学生必须穿校服。Take your turn, please. 请排队。Button up please. 请扣上扣子。Put on your red scarf please. 请戴红领巾。Dont bother me please. 请别打扰我。Do you have any questions? 你有问题吗?What is your favorite Chinese food? 你最喜欢的中国菜是什么?What is your favorite Western-style food? 你最喜欢的西餐是什么?Do you like this food? 你喜欢这道菜吗?Mind what you are doing.注意你的礼貌。7-8Open the windows and air the classroom. 开窗透空气。Please help each other. 请互相帮助。Clean up the corner of classroom carefully. 仔细打扫教室的角落。Put your chairs on the desk please. 请把椅子摆到桌子上。Paste the hand-written paper on the windows.把手抄报贴到窗上。How do we decorate our classroom? 我们怎么装饰教室?It depends on yourselves decision. 这要看你们自己的决定了。I want to decorate with balloon. 我想用气球来装饰。We need a theme of decoration. 我们要有一个装饰主题。9-11How about taking a walk?去散散步怎么样?Sounds great.听起来不错。If its Ok with you.只要你愿意。Would you like going to the concert?你想参加音乐会吗?I want to talk to you a little more. 我想和你多谈一会儿。If its convenient for you.如果你方便的话。Thats sounds like a good idea.听起来是个好主意。Its a real challenge for me.这对我是一个真正的挑战。Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。What is the most popular sport? 最受欢迎的运动是什么?12-13What? I beg your pardon?什么?能再说一遍吗?I dont see any problem.我看没问题。Do you agree with me?你同意我的意见吗?I quite agree with you.我同意你。I have no objection.我不反对。Yes, thats just what I was going to say.那是我想说的。I cant agree with you.我不能同意你。Im against that.我反对。Im sorry, I made a mistake.对不起,我错了。Thats true.对。14-15Happy teachers day!教师节快乐!Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!Happy new year!新年快乐!Its a little gift for you.送你一件小礼物。Its really very beautiful.真漂亮。I really appreciate your help.我非常感激你的帮助。Nice talking to you.跟你谈得很开心。Can you do me a favor?能帮我一下吗?Its my pleasure. 很荣幸。I would if I could.如果我行,一定帮忙。16-17Dont take it to heart.别放在心里。Forgive me for hurting you .原谅我伤害了你。I appreciate your help.谢谢你的帮助。It could happen to anybody.我们都会遇到这种事。I am surprised to hear that .我听到那事很吃惊。Im busy preparing for the birthday party.我正忙着准备生日晚会。How are you getting along with your classmates?你和同学相处得怎么样?Sorry for all the trouble I caused. 很抱歉给你添麻烦了。Pull yourself together.振作起来。Its a pleasure to talk to you. 和你谈话很愉快。51-2Walk quietly. 轻轻走。Here we are. 我们到了。Lets go back to the classroom. 咱们一起回教室。Come together. 集合Keep on the right. 靠右行Regroup!重新集合! Dismiss.解散。 Head rolls.转动头部。 Stand up straight.站直! Move on. 继续前进。3-4I have done it. 我完成了。Think about it from another way.You got the highest score in our class. 你得了全班最高分。It would be a lot easier to finish if you stopped talking. 你不讲话的话就会很快完成。Please show your working to us. 请向我们展示你的作品。Please give us a speech. 请上台演讲。Lets resolve the problem together. 我们共同解决这个问题。You should be better if you make great effort. 假如你努力,一定会更好。We should finish this project the first thing this morning.今天上午第一任务就是完成这个任务。No pain , no gain.一分耕耘,一分收获。5-6Dont bother him while he is reading. 他看书的时候别打扰他。Tell me why she is crying? 告诉我她为什么哭了?Take care next time. 下次要注意了。I will. 我会注意的。I promise to be a good student. 我保证做个好学生。Dont always make the same mistake. 不要老犯同一个错误!Please reflect on what did you do. 注意反省自己所做的事。All the decisions were left to our discretion.所有的决定都由我们自行做出。You should pay your respects to the others. 你必须尊重别人。I will try my best to do that. 我会认真对待这件事。7-8Have you planed everything perfectly? 你把事情安排周到了吗?We will host a students assembly. 我们要主办一个学生聚会。Show your works on the board. 在展示板上展示你们的作品。What should we do in the Science Festival? 科技节我们要做写什么?What will we show in the parents meeting?家长会上我们展示什么?Can you create a poem for the Language Festival? 你能为语言节写一首诗吗?I want to be a monitor to assist the teachers in routine duties. 我想当班长,协助老师们的日常工作。How about to arrange a picnic? 安排一次野餐怎么样?We are busy to prepare the exhibition of graduation.我们正在为毕业展览忙碌。9-11If its not too much trouble.如果不太麻烦的话。We should be responsible for our actions. 我们必须为自己的行为负责。What is the most interesting activity? 最感兴趣的活动是什么?Your knowledge of space is really surprising. 你的太空知识真令人惊讶。You really did a good job on this project. 你在这个项目中干得很出色。How long have you been playing table tennis?你学乒乓球多久了?What is the most popular song? 最流行的歌是哪首?Who is the best singer? 谁是最好的歌手?You won the first place in the Speech Contest. Congratulations!你在演讲比赛中获得第一名,恭喜!Good luck with your maths competition. 祝你在数学竞赛中好运。12-13What do you think we should do? 你认为我们应该怎么做?Have you decided on your topic? 确定你们的主题了吗?Theres no doubt about it.毫无疑问。Of course not.当然不是。I think not.我想不是。May I have your advice?能听听你的建议吗?With pleasure.当然可以。Yes, absolutely.绝对是。Im afraid not.恐怕不行。No, I dont mean that.我不是那个意思。14-15How nice!多好啊!You are very thoughtful. Thank you again.你想得真周到。Im glad you like it.很高兴你喜欢它。Its very kind of you to help me.你真好,帮了我。Thank you for your time.谢谢你花时间帮助我。Would you please give me a hand?请你帮个忙好吗?You are very helpful.你真能干。Thats the least I can do.这是我应该做的。Can I give you a hand?需要我帮忙吗? Yes, I would be happy to.非常愿意。16-17When are you going to work? 你什么时候开始做?Doing this is a piece of cake. 做这事儿是小菜一碟。Its important that you form a good habit.养成良好的习惯对你很重要。I would be happy to help you with your Maths. 我很高兴教你学数学。Im grateful for all that youve done for me.感谢你为我做的一切。What do you think I should do? 你认为我该怎么做?Its time for preparing for the final exams.该准备期末考试了。If I were you, I wouldnt worry about it.如果我是你,就不会担心。Please excuse my carelessness.请原谅我的粗心。Ive got to apologize for my behavior. 我必须为我的粗鲁道歉。9 / 9文档可自由编辑打印


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