护理英语句( sentences in nursing English)

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护理英语80句(80 sentences in nursing English)80句护理英语一接收病人(接待病人)。1。你好吗早上好!您好!(初次见面时使用)/早上好!2。要点什么呢?/我能帮你吗?您需要我帮助吗?3。我会带你到你的床边,请跟我来。这是您的床位。我要领您到床边去。请跟我来。这是您的床位。4。卫生间在那边。卫生间在那边5。我们供应热水。我们供应热水6。请等一会儿。我会让你的医生知道的。我会通知你的医生。请等一会儿,我去通知医生。7。玛丽是负责你的医生/护士。玛丽是您的负责护士/医生8。如果需要帮助,请告诉我们。您需要帮助时,请告诉我们。9。这里不允许吸烟。这里不允许吸烟二信息采集(收集信息)。10。你介意我问你几个问题吗?您介意我问您几个问题吗?11、我们需要你的一些信息。我们需要从您这儿收集一些信息。12、你的肚子还痛吗?您的肚子还疼吗?13。你的疼痛是在饭前还是饭后发作?您的疼痛是在饭前还是饭后发作?14、小便会痛吗?我按这儿吗?排尿时痛吗?/当我按压这儿时痛吗?15你背痛吗?您的后背痛吗?16、你的脚肿吗?您的脚肿了吗?17、你咳嗽/发烧吗?您咳嗽吗?/您有发热吗?18、你有痰吗?您咳痰吗?19、疼痛有辐射吗?(到肩膀)有放射(到肩部的)痛吗?20、你痛多久了?您的痛有多长时间了?21疼痛是什么时候开始的?/你的疼痛在哪里?疼痛从什么时候开始的/什么地方疼痛?22、月经周期正常吗?您的月经规则吗?三体检(查体)。23。请您脱下衣服做体检吗?请您脱下衣服做体检好吗?24、请脱掉衣服。请把衣服脱下来25。躺在沙发上,请。/静静地躺在沙发上放松。请躺在治疗床上。/请安静地躺在治疗床上,放松。26、请弯曲你的膝盖。请屈膝。27。张开嘴说“啊”张开口,说:啊28。呼吸深,请,做一个深呼吸,请。请深呼吸29,我可以检查一下你的肚子吗?我要检查下您的肚子,好吗?30、请卷起袖子。请卷起袖子。四。通信(交流)。31,我要量一下你的体温。我要测一下您的体温/请把体温计放在您的腋下。32,让我摸摸你的脉搏。让我测一下您的脉搏。33,我要测一下你的血压。我要测量您的血压。34。我要取一滴指血做血糖测定,需要刺一下手指。我要取一滴指血做血糖测定,需要刺一下手指。35。我要从你的手臂现在血。现在我要从您的胳膊抽血。36、午夜后不要吃东西,明天早上要抽血。半夜之后不要吃喝任何东西,明天早上抽血。37、请带上尿液/粪便/痰标本。/请收集你的中段尿标本。请留一份尿/便/痰的标本/请收集您的中段尿。38。请把你的血和尿试验。请做一下您的血和尿试验。39。你要有一个CT扫描胸部/头部今天。今天您要做一个胸部/头部CT。40。你今天早上去做个胸部X光检查。今天早上您要拍一个胸片。41。你要做B超检查。请保持膀胱充盈。您要做B超检查,请留尿,使膀胱充盈。42。你要明天早上有胃镜检查。请不要吃或喝。今晚十二点以后有什么事吗?。明天上午您要做胃镜检查,今晚12点之后,请不要吃喝任何东西。43。你需要导尿现在。现在您需要导尿。44,我要给你做心电图。我要给您做心电图。45,我要给你的胃放胃管,这是胃肠减压。我要放胃管到您的胃内,这是胃肠减压。我们通过胃管给您必要的营养。请为我放管的燕子。我们通过胃管给您必要的营养当我放管时,请做吞咽动作。46,我要整理你的床铺。/我们马上换床单。我要给您整理床铺/我们马上给您换床单。47。我会将冷(热)敷脚踝。我要给您的踝部冷/热敷48、明天做手术/现在必须做急诊手术。同意手术请您签字好吗?明天将做手术/现在马上做急诊手术。同意手术请您签字好吗?49,我要刮你的皮。/我要给您做皮肤准备。我要给您做备皮/我要给您做皮肤准备。50。你就要有一个局部/全身麻醉/硬膜外麻醉。要给您做局麻/全身麻醉/硬膜外麻醉。51、你对药物过敏吗?/青霉素?您对什么药物/青霉素过敏吗?52。我要给您做青霉素皮试。如果您感到痒或气短,请立刻告诉我。我十五分钟后看结果。/我要给您做破伤风皮试。我要给您做青霉素皮试。如果您感到痒或气短,请立刻告诉我。I see the results after fifteen minutes. / Im going to do a tetanus hypersensitive test.53.I, m, going, to, injection., give, you, an, intramuscular, injection./intravenous, infusion/hypodermic, Im going to give you a muscle / vein / intradermal injection54.I m going to give you an enema help to you pass motion. I will give you enema to help you defecate55.The, doctor, will, change, your, dressing., /The, doctor, will, remove, your, stitches.The doctor will change your dressing. / the doctor will remove your stitches56.I, m, going, to, give, you, oxygen, now., Im going to give you oxygen57.I, m, going, to, give, you, nebulization., Im going to give you a (atomized) inhalationI m going to do bladder irrigation for you., Im going to do bladder irrigation for you.59.You have, to, rest, in, week, bed, for, at, least, one, you should stay in bed for at least a week60.How, are, you, today, How, was, your, sleep, last, night, How, is, your, appetite?How are you today? How did you sleep last night? Hows your appetite?61.Did, you, pass, motion, yesterday, /Are, your, bowel, movements, normal?Did you defecate yesterday? Is your bowel movement normal?62.What, color, of, your, urine? What color is your urine?63.How, much, urine, do, you, pass, each, time? How much do you urinate each time?64.You will have skin/cervical traction. is going to give you a skin / neck tractionTake, more, exercises./Do, some, light, work, have, a, happy, outlook, avoid, excitement, and, too, much, worry., Be, careful, not, to, stumble.Do more exercises / do some light physical activities, keep a good attitude, avoid excitement and excessive anxiety, and be careful not to fall66.You, are, going, to, have, a, blood, transfusion. will give you a blood transfusion67.The results are normal. results normal68.You, are, suffering, from, /Your, disease, was, diagnosed, as your disease diagnosed as !69.You, have, to, stop, smoking, and, alcohol., you must stop smoking and alcoholFive,.About, medication, and, nutrition (about drugs and Nutrition)70.Take, two, tablets, three, times, a, day, after/before, food., before meals / after meals, three times a day, two tablets each time71.Take the, medicine, with, a, water., lot, of, take this medicine and drink plenty of water72.I, ll, give, you, an, injection, twice, a, day., Ill give you an injection, two times a day73.This medicine is used for preventing infection/treating infection/relieving your pain/protecting your stomach/supplying nutrients/ bringing down your temperature/ intracranial pressure/stopping bleeding/This medicine is designed to prevent infection / treat infection / relieve pain / protect your stomach / provide nutrition / lower body temperature / lower intracranial pressure / stop bleeding74.You, should, have, a, low, low, salt/, fat/, light, diet/high, caloric, diet/high, protein/soft, diet/liquid, food.You should eat a low fat / low salt / light / high heat / high protein / softdiet / liquid food75.Please take, some, more, nourishing, food., please eat nutritious foodSix.Comforting (comfort)76.Never, mind/It, doesn, t, matter, thats ok77.Don t worry, dont worry78.Don, t, be, hands., nervous., You, are, in, good, do not be nervous, the operator is a master79。你会很快恢复。您很快就会康复的80。请回来看在两周医生。请两周后来看医生复查


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