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past present future过去 现在 将来一般现在时一般现在时:过去、现在、将来都经常性地或反复性地发生的动作。 人称+do/does(“三单”)Tom _( go)to school by bus everyday.My cousin Li hua usually_(study)Englishin her spare time.The senior students _(form) the habit of running evevry afternoon.goesstudiesformThe scientist said the sun _(rise) in the east and _(set) in the west.Where there is water, there is / was life. 选择:We should/will put off the barbecue if it will rain/rains tomorrow.Ask him to leave me a message as soon as he _(come)home.注意: 交通时刻表常用交通时刻表常用一般现在时一般现在时表示将来表示将来。The train from Nanning to Guangzhou_(leave)at 9:00p.m. tomorrow morning.The flight FR 209 _(take) off at 10:25a.m .risessetscomesleavestakes“主将从现主将从现”“客观规律客观规律”一般过去时一般过去时:过去经常性地或反复性地发生的动作。动词动词:did或 used to do/would do(过去常常.) be动词动词: was(I, he,she,it,Tom,the boy.) 第_人称; were(you, the Toms,they,we,the studensts.) 其他人称 过去 现在 将来I/He/She _(be) there yesterday. We/you/The Jacksons _(be) on holiday lastweek.132waswere一、三My grandfather_(plan)to pay a visit to the Great Wall the day before yesterday.The archeologist _(try) to excavate some-thing mysterious in Zhou koudian then /in 2015/10 days ago.The man came into the room, _(sit) down and_(drink). plannedtriedsatdrank一般将来时一般将来时:将来的时间发生的动作。动词动词:will do/be going to do/ be about to do.when. 1. My table tennis teammate Paul _ _(call) me up tomorrow. 2. The general manager is on his business trip. He is going _ _(return) in three days.3.When he comes back, the monitor _(announce) the result of the football match. 过去 现在 将来willcallwillreturnwill announce等用现在进行时(be doing)表示将来时。 I_(come) soon.我马上就来。Who_(leave)to see Joe off at the air-port ?谁要去机场给Joe送行?The airplane _(take) off, lets hurry up. 等用一般现在时(do/does)表示将来时。The train _(leave) at 9:15 in the morning.The timetable says that the subway _(start) at 6:06 A.M. am comingis leavingis taking leavesstartsbe about to do.when.正打算.突然. We _(打算踢足球) when it begins to rains.are about to play footballmy 2016 plan过去将来时过去将来时:过去打算、计划要做的事情。would do/was going to do / was(were) doing.多见宾语从句。 过去 现在 将来Tom said he _(go)to China for his vacation the next year.Mark phoned me that he _(leave)for Shanghai the next day.would gowas leavingLook ! The elephant _(swim) in the river.I ask “Is the poor cat _(die),mom?”The author is busy _(write) a new novel these days.现在进行时现在进行时:现在或近段时间正在发生的动作。动词动词: am/are/is +doing. 过去 现现 在在 将来is swimmingdyingwriting always, constantly/continually(经常地) 的现在进行时表示习惯性的关心、批评、讨厌等感情色彩。 How are you doing these days?(关心) He _ always _(stay) up late.他总是熬夜。 (批评)Kate and Rose _ constantly _(chat) in the class,which annoys me. _(什么感情色彩?)is stayingarechatting批评、讨厌过去进行时过去进行时:过去某个时刻过去某个时刻正在发生的动作。动动词词: was/were +doing. 时间状语常见的有at that time; at 8p.m. last night; when等What were you doing when the earthquake started?My mom _(cook) at 6 p.m. this morning. Yesterday at this time, I _(sit) at my desk at work. was cookingwas sittingThe woman _(be) ill for one month, she is very weak now.The pupils _ already_(finish) their homework and they can go home.So far the villager _(plant) 500 trees.现在完成时现在完成时:1.过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响。2.过去发生的动作一直持续到现在,常和for+一段时间等连用。主语+has(“三单”)/have done(been). 过去 现在 将来has beenhavefinishedhas plantedThanks to the opening-up reforms, great changes _(take) place in China in the last three decades. -_you_(tell) the truth to your brother? -Not yet.The girl _(make) progress in French since she was helped by Mr. Li.改错题:This is the second time that Rose lied to her old grandmother.have takenHavetoldhas madehas现在完成进行时时:现在完成进行时时:过去发生的动作一直持续到现在但动作还没停止,动作还在进行中动作还在进行中或可能继可能继续进行下去续进行下去。主语+has /have been doing. 过去 现在 将来- Where is Pete, I cant find him anywhere.- He went to the library after breakfast and _(write) his article there ever since.According to the news, the horrible forest fire _ (last “持续”) for 2 hours and it seems to go on.has been writinghas been lasting现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别 (1)现在完成进行时表示刚才的动作仍在进行。而现在完成时表示动作以已经结束。 The students have been preparing for the exam for 2 days. (They are still prepaing) The students have prepared for the exam for 2 days. (They stopped preparing).(2)动作一直还在发生,还继续进行。如: Tom has been reading this book for two hours, but he hasnt finished it. The rain has been going on for 3 hours, it seems to continue.


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