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2021/8/612021/8/62Henry HigginsRude self-indulgent, whimsical, and ill mannered ( 粗鲁,自我放纵,异想天开,和没有礼貌的) She is no use: Ive got all the records I want of the Lisson Grove lingo; Im not going to waste another cylinder on it. I dont want you. I shall make a duchess of this draggletailed guttersnipe. Enthusiastic about the science of speech , confidence(对语音学非常的热情,自信 ) Try to do it by yourself: and keep your tongue well forward in your mouth instead Of trying to roll it up and swallow it.2021/8/63Childish(孩子气)Restlessness (躁动) Have some chocolates. Cuts a chocolate in two ; puts one half into his mouth and bolts it ; and offers her the other half . He throws his hat down on the table. Rising abruptly and walking about , jingling his money and his keys in his trouser pockets. Antipathy to the fairer sex except his mother (对女性反感) I cant be bothered with young women. My idea of a loveable woman is somebody as like you as possible. They are all idiots.(白痴)2021/8/64Eliza DoolittleSelf-respect and pride to defend her honor 自尊 自豪 捍卫自己的荣誉 Im going away .He is off his chump , he is. I dont want no barmy teaching me. I am a good girl. I should like Professor Higgins to call me Miss Doolittle.A little rude and odd 有点粗鲁和古怪“Ah-ah-ah- owow -ow-oo!”Snatching up the slippers ,and hurling them at him one after the other with all her force.She has her dream. She is self-sufficient and capable of earning her living by selling flowers. independence有梦想,自给自足,独立 She wants to become a lady in a flower shop instead of selling flowers. Ill go to be a teacher. Ill offer myself as an assistant to that hairyfaced Hungarian.2021/8/652021/8/66Colonel PickeringHas passion for phonetics( somewhat less obsessive)对语音学有激情(少几分迷恋) considerate and a genuinely gentleman体贴 绅士 Does it occur to you . Higgins ,that the girl has some feelings? I know I can be a lady to you , because you always treat me as a lady, and always a lady.He says little of note in the play, and appears most of all to be a civilized foil to Higgins barefoot, absentminded crazy professor .讲话少 是希金斯的陪衬2021/8/67Higgins and PickeringHigginsA crazy professorRude and impoliteHiggins only manages to teach Eliza pronunciations.Always treats Eliza a flower girlPickering A gentleman Considerate Pickerings thoughtful treatment towards Eliza that teaches her to respect herself.是皮克林对伊莱莎的周到,教导她要尊重自己。 Calls Eliza Miss Doolittle ,and treats her as a lady.2021/8/682021/8/69


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