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口译教程雷天放答案 15 【篇一:口译教程 16 单元雷天放】ly, it seems that the temptation to throw money and technologyat company s new projects is irresistible ?r?z?st?b(?)l 不可抵抗的 and the urge to expand seems pretty powerful. 坦率的讲,公司似乎无法抵御在新项目上投入大量资金和技术的诱惑 (对公司来说,在新项目上投入大量资金和技术的诱惑似乎是无法抵抗的),同时,扩张的冲动看来也相当地强烈。once convinced of the benefit of advanced technology, companies all too often invest hastily he?st?l? 匆忙地 in them and in some basic training withoutconsidering other human factors necessary for success. this isthe same as a novicen?v?s 初学者 gardener who chooses aplot, sows the seeds, waters and waits. with luck, the gardenwill flourish.fl?r? 繁荣,兴旺;茂盛 一旦确信了先进技术的成效,公司往往会匆匆地在这些先进技术和一些基本培训上投资,并且没有考虑到对成功很必要的其他人为因素。这就如同一位没有经验的园丁(园艺初学者),选好一块地,播下种子,浇上水,然后开始等待。运气好的话 (如果一切顺利的话 ),花园将花繁叶茂。 然而,商业上的成功却很少能依赖运气 (很少商业能够依赖运气而成功)。有一些公司就像一名有经验的园丁,通过在综合教育项目上投入,以确保其员工能够了解新技术所涉及的基本原理和新技术给员工工作所带来的冲击。一名专心做好各种准备工作而非依靠运气的专业人士会在种植前花时间将花园准备好,同时,也会研究不同的植物的各种特殊需要。 frequently, companies fail to consider,or budget for, the single most important factor in determiningthe success of new technology: the education of the peoplewho will be managing, operating, maintaining and using thenew technologies. 在很多情况下,公司都没有考虑到决定新技术成功的最主要的因素,也没用为此做出预算。这个因素就是对将要管理、操作、维护和使用新技术的员工的教育。 when considering this investment, companies should also beanswer ing the question “why?” those that pursue a deliberatecourse to understand the potential fears of their people, anddeliver appropriate training programmes are in a far strongerposition to reapri?p 收获 the fruits of their investment. 在考虑这项投入的时候,公司也应回答 “为什么要这么样做 ”的问题。那些执意要寻求了解他们的员工的潜在担忧并提供适当的培训项目的公司,则很可能会去的投入的成果。 during the 1992uspresidential compaign, a chalkboard with “it s the economy,stupid! ” greeted visitors to bill cliton s campaign headquarters.that single sentence served as an important reminder to clitonand his volunteers to focus on the most important issue. something similar could easily be chalked up to remind companies of the most important issue in moving to any new technology: “it s the people. ”在 1992 年美国总统竞选期间,来到比尔克林顿竞选总部的人,都可以看到黑板上写的一句话 “问题是经济,傻瓜 ”!这简单的一句话很重要,它用来提醒克林顿和他的助选义工们要将精力集中在重要议题上。用类似的话作为口号应不是件难事,其目的是提醒公司在采用任何新技术时,最重要的问题是 “人是决定因素 ”。16.2 on the issue of talented personnelspeaking about talented personnel, i think the most crucialfactor is that we should build up a system in which talents flowfreely. i don t believe that china is short of the talented people;instead, there are many of them. our problem is that manypeople have not been assigned to the jobs that may give fullplay to their talents. it s like having many beautifuluynogladies and handsome young men, but most of them remainsingle because they have no opportunities to meet andsocialize with each other. to be honest, in our institutions orenterprises, many people thought an individual not an ableperson. but that was not the case, it was more likely that hehad been assigned to a job that did not suit him at all. actually,if he had been transferred to another post, he might havebecome a first-class talent. with regard to the concept of talent and the personnel system,we sued to lay emphasis on personal charisma. now, the teamspirit is more emphasized. i feel now we are much more openand permissive than before in terms of both the personnelsystem and the attitude towards different people, which i thinkis a positive change. if we call our society before the accessionto the wto a comparatively traditional one, we may call it arelatively modern society since our entry to the wto. i thinkthere is a great difference of principle between the two. in thepast, a particular position might have been created for the sakeof a particular person, but in the days to come, we may try tospot the particular person to fill an available position. if we sayin the past we paid great attention to a person s expertise inthe selection process, maybe from now on we will pay muchmore attention to a person s overall quality.16.3 a: mr. smith, when you were here last time, you visited ourorange orchard and we talked about your ideas about anorange juice project. after you left, the country governmenttook your advice and built a 12-kilometer road from the countrytown to the orchard.b: 得知此事我很高兴,这样会使事情好办许多。现在谈谈咱们的项目吧!这个项目很简单,开始的时候只要一条生产线,当然希望以后可以扩大。a: how much money would be needed totally for a project like this?b: 大约 100 万美元。 a: i see.b: 这样一个项目,中方准备出资多少?我的意思是说,如果谈成的话。 a: as a general practice, we lay out 51% of the total investment.this includes, of course, cash, factory buildings, the right touse the site, things like that.b: 那么我们就负责机械设备和其他资本设备了。厂房的价值怎么算法? a: we resolve such matters through joint assessment. togetherwe get an impartial assessment of property value. and we canalso have the third party assess it, such as asset evaluationcompany. b: 在注册资本中,对外国合营者的投资比例,有没有明文规定? a: generally not less than 25%. the rest can be obtainedthrough bank loans.b: 看起来这是合理的。现在咱们再谈谈期限,合营的期限多长? a: how long do you want?b: 这个企业不大,我想建议先定为 8 年。a: the contract could be extended if both sizes agreed.b: 8 年以后我就退休了。您知道吗?a: you retire? i ll believe it only when i see it.b: 我退下来不当总裁了,加入董事会当个顾问。说到董事会,谁来 当合资企业的董事长? a: the chairman of the broad will beappointed by us, and the vice-chairman by you. b: 董事任期多长?a: four years.b: 董事长是企业的法人代表咯? a: yes. a management office would be established and wouldbe responsible for the day-to-day running of the joint venture(合资企业 ). so far as the management is concerned, you mightappoint the manager and the chief engineer of the project, andwe might appoint their deputies. b: 我们的产品是不是必须全部出口? a: we hope to export some of our products and want them tobe able to compete on the world market. it helps us to grow,you see. most of the products will be sold domestically andthat s for sure. china s market has great potential and therewould be no problems regarding sales as long as our productsare competitive in quality and price. b: 当然,当然。合资企业是怎么办理登记注册的? a: we will prepare all the necessary documents and presentthem to the responsible authorities. b: 这得需要多长时间? a: about a quarter of a year. three months.b: 我们要干就得趁早动手,对吗? a: right. if everything goes smoothly, hopefully we can getthrough all the formalities within two months.16.4 危害分析和节点控制体系女士们,先生们:下午好!非常高兴来到这座媒体的城市病参加本次论坛。谢谢你们给了我这次机会来谈谈危害分析和节点控制体系( haccp )及原则和应用指导。我的发言将氛围两个部分,第一部分是对这一体系的总体介绍。haccp 是一种食品安全管理体系,用于识别和控制食品生产或加工中出现的生物、化学和物理危害。这一体系可以预防、消除在食物链、包括从原材料的生产、采购和处置,到加工、销售及成品消费过程中出现的健康危害,或将危害减轻到可以接受的水平。haccp 在 20 世纪 60 年代由为美国宇航局工作的 pillsbury 公司率先实行,旨在监理一个 “零缺陷 ”的系统来保证宇航员在太空食用的食品的安全。 70 年代中期,美国食品药品管理局 fda 在低酸性的罐装食品上采用了该控制体系的主要原则。食品法典委员会在认识到这套体系对食品控制的重要性后,于 1997 年将 haccp 列为了食品安全的国际标准,同时将其原则和应用知道包括在食品卫生总则中。如今, haccp 已在世界许多国家的食品加工工厂、食品零售商店及食品服务机构中得到了成功的应用。食品工业的规模,产品的种类和加工在国际上大幅度增长。在过去30 年中,视频的出口成 10 倍的增长使全世界的人们有更多机会接触各地的食品。但是全球食品运输约束的松动带来了疾病的不断扩散。新的食品病原体不断出现,隐含着食物中毒和死亡的威胁。以前未被认识到、以食品为重要媒介的细菌,如沙门氏肠菌,变得广泛传播。公众对食品化学污染方面的健康关注也不断增加,如食品中铅含量对神经系统的影响。为了满足在不断增长的国际贸易中,食用产品在世界范围内达到均衡的需要,世贸组织根据实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定,采用了 haccp 体系座位对国际食品卫生安全要求的参考。在美国, fda规定 haccp 为海鲜品业、肉、禽类加工的食品安全标准,并在最近将果蔬汁生产列为之内。 fda 目前正在考虑将此标准推广到食品工业的其他领域,包括国产和进口食品。欧盟和加拿大在海鲜品、肉、禽类食品加工和出口中必须实行 haccp 的标准。日本根据其食品卫生法在海鲜业实施了类似的标准。与日本一样,澳大利亚和新西兰也正在积极推行在肉、禽类食品加工业中实行 haccp 强制标准。 实行 haccp 体系使公司在竞争中取得优势,因为它可推动这些公司向国际市场出口其产品。同时, haccp 体系也提供了许多其他的商 业优势,如可降低生产成本,降低产品的召回的风险,满足顾客对 食品安全的要求,为管理层提供重要的信息,同时使员工的生产率 和满足感最大化。对实行 haccp 有兴趣的公司需要制定和实施一个 haccp 的计划。下面我将重点讲应遵循的步骤,而这些步骤可以用来帮助负责实施和贯彻 haccp 体系的人员。16.5 china s policy direction for absorbing foreign investmentladies and gentlemen: good afternoon. i feel greatly honoured to have thisopportunity to discuss with you the issue of china sintroduction of foreign capital. the statistics released by theministry of commerce last week show that in 2004, chinaapproved the establishment of 43,664 new foreign-fundedenterprises, with a contractual foreign investment of us$ 60.63billion. china has become the world s second largest recipientof foreign investment. we will in our work centre on the principles and policies ofour nation s economic and social development, adapt to thenew situation of world economic development and stick to theprinciples of active, reasonalbe and efficient utilization offoreign capital. in absorbing foreign capital, we will try tofollowthe principle of the four “combines ”. 1. combine it with economic structural adjustment andindustrial upgrading; 2. with the improvement of the socialist market economysystem, and the reinforcement of enterprise competitiveness; 3. with the expansion of exports and development of an openecon omy; and4. with the vigorous development of china s western area, the rejuvenation of northeast china and the promotion of harmonious development of regional economies. we will take measures to further improve the soft environmentfor foreign investment, actively explore new methods forabsorbing foreign capital, put emphasis on absorbingadvanced technologies, modern management and specialtalents, actively introduce foreign capital to invest in industriesof new and advanced technologies, encourage multinationalcompanies to set up regional headquarters, research andprocurement centres here, speed up the development ofsupporting industires and open up the service trade field toforeign capital step by step. to achieve these ends, we willfocus our efforts on the following two areas. 1. we will actively imporve the policy and legal environmentfor foreign investment and the level of administration according to law. to deliver our commitments on joining thewto and meet the requirements of our opening-up process, wewill further improve the legal system of absorbing foreigninvestment, keeping the policies and laws for foreigninvestment steady, consistent, predictable and operable. wewill try to create a unified, steady, transparent and predictableenvironment for foreign investment. we will build up a clean,industrious, pragmatic and efficient government. 2. we will maintain and improve an open and fair marketenvironment. we will, in combination with the currentnationwide work of rectifying and standardizing the operationof the market economy, firmly prohibit the arbitrarily imposedfees, inspections, contribution and fines on foreign-fundedenterprises. we will make efforts to break down regionalprotectionism andindustrial monopolies, intensify law enforcement in theprotection of intellectual property rights, crack down oninfringements of iprs and copyright piracy so as to establish aunified and open market environment favourable to faircompetition. we will further perfect the complaint system forforeign-funded enterprises and protect the lawful rights andinterests of foreign businessmen in accordance with the law.【篇二:口译教程 (雷天放)参考答案】xt 韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。今天我们很高兴来到这里。我和我夫人为有这次机会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸。感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们!我们此行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿。 我知道在座的许多人很快就要从这所优秀的大学毕业。我听说贵校有极为严格的标准,得到复旦大学的学位代表着多年的刻苦攻读和自我约束。我祝贺在座各位学业有成。对各位老师坚持复旦大学 99 年追求卓越的传统我深表钦佩。 1.4 speech by wang guangya at princeton universityladies and gentlemen,good evening. i am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. for me, formy colleagues and for many other chinese, princeton has longbeen a familiar name. with a history longer than the country, ithas produced many outstanding people, woodrow wilson, the28th us president, albert einstein, the great scientist, and t. s.eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. as former presidentbill clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250anniversary of princeton, “at every pivotal moment in americanhistory, princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students haveplayed a crucial role. ” i am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interestin china. though our two countries are geographically far apart,we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. whilemany chinese enjoy hollywood movies and mcdonald s fastfood, many americans find that their clothes and dailynecessities are made in china. i hope that today s seminar willhelp you gain a better understanding of china and its foreignpolicy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation. 2.4 cnn interview with jet li 祝贺英雄取得了成功。请问您在英雄中扮演的角色是否与你通常演的角色很相似呢?it s a very special part and a very special movie. i think it s one of the most important action films in my life.为什么你会这样说呢?你演过近 30 部电影,而英雄与其他影片有何不同呢? usually action films have a formula: a child whose parentshave been murdered by bad guys tries hard to learn martialarts and he grows up into an outstanding kongfu master. hetakes revenge and kills the bad buys. but “hero ” has a muchbroader them.就比如象卧虎藏龙? no, it s totally different. i think ang lee is a very very talenteddirector. he uses martial arts to talk about love, you know. butzhang yimou tries to tell about chinese culture, chinesethinking and their inspirations about the world.含义的确很深。 我们知道你的处女作是 1979 年拍摄的少林寺, 那时你还是个十几岁的少年。影片在亚洲引起了轰动,并且还加拍了两部续集。我想问的是,你使如何从一位武术冠军成为一名好莱 坞的动作明星的? i think the most important thing is that when i was young, ilearnt martial arts. that is my special key. i can use my uniquemartial arts skills in the film. i have been thinking about doingsomething different, like using martial arts to talk about peaceand to achieve peace. 这听起来似乎是矛盾的,对吗?你是一位打斗者,却要谈 “和平 ”? that s right, because chinese culture is not just martial arts.that s only the physical part. it s not true that the chinesepeople are all kongfu masters and can just beat up people; andthat they have no brains, no thoughts. as a matter of fact, wehave a deep, strong and sophisticated philosophy. i feel i havethe responsibility to share this information with the worldwideaudience.4.3 西敏斯特大学介绍非常感谢你们的盛情款待,我们很高兴来到这里与你们相聚。很遗憾校长先生今天无法前来,我谨代表他介绍一下我们的学校。西敏斯特大学成立于 1838 年,是英国第一所工科大学,所以我们学校有着悠久的历史。我们的主校区位于英国首都伦敦市的中心地带。目前我们的学生来自 132 个不同国家,人数超过 22,700。西敏斯特大学是全英最受国际学生欢迎的 15 所大学之一。我们有教师 700 多人,还有来自各国的客座讲师 1,000 余人。学校的这种国际环境为学生日后将要面临的职业生涯做好了良好的准备,我们的宗旨是提供国内国际环境下高品质的教育和科研。我们是一所现代大学,在诸多研究领域占据领先地位,其中包括传播、文化与媒体研究、法律、亚洲研究、语言学、艺术设计(含音乐)、电子工程、政治与国际关系等,我们的主要学科均获得高度的专业认可。我们真诚地希望与贵校建立交流合作项目。4.5 中英教育交流 q:my question is about educational exchanges. youmentioned in your speech that there are large numbers ofchinese students studying in britain. as we know, it isextremely difficult to get a scholarship at a british university.but the tuition fees for international students far exceed thesefor home students. so we can not help wondering about themotivation of british universities in eolling chinese students. isit to promote educational exchanges with china and to liven upcampus life in britain, or just for a commercial purpose? thankyou.a: 这实际上是出于多种考虑。我不否认有商业考虑,办大学也要花钱,不过教育交流是主要目的。奖学金难申请是因为钱要由政府出,有时候纳税人有意见,说政府应该把奖学金给本国学生而不是外国学生,所以很困难。但是我们现在已经在扩大奖学金范围。事实上,过去几年,中国学生来英国留学人数大大增加了,这说明奖学金难归难,你们还是有办法来留学的。我想教育交流在未来会非常重要,我也希望,每一次外国学生来英国学习,回去时就像是一个英国的大使,到他的国家为我们宣传,不管是在中国、俄罗斯还是哪个国家。所以我们在扩大教育规模,吸收更多海外留学生。所以你们继续申请奖学金,我们会尽力帮助的。q: mr. blair, welcome to tsinghua university. i was deeplyimpressed by your support for sino-british educationalexchanges, but i was also sorry to learn that some universitiesin northeastern britain have decided to cancel the major ofchinese culture and language, among them the university ofdurham. will this affect cultural and educational cooperationbetween our two countries? if so, what is your solution? a: 讲到学校的课程,既然我听说了这件事,我打算回去看看究竟,不过大学做出这样的决定原因很多,也许是经济原因,或者是他们面临某种困难,这也是时有的事情。要把想做的事情办成,钱总是不够的。不过我也可以向你保证,我们会一如既往地欢迎中国学生来英国学习,就算杜伦大学没有合适的专业,其他大学也肯定有。 5.2tour the white house 白宫有着极其独特和引人注目的历史。 1814 年,英军曾将其付之一炬。1929 年,白宫的西翼也曾被纵火。白宫经历了这些劫难后存留 了下来。其外围石墙就是在白宫在两百多年前建成时建造的。在星期二至星期六这段时间的上午,白宫是全面开放的。而至于星期天和星期一,则不对外开放。所有在白宫内的旅游观光都是免费的。 在游客进入白宫时,通过安全检查后方可携带照相机入内。但是,在白宫内禁止拍照和录像。53 温家宝总理在世界旅游组织第 15 届全体大会上的致词 mr. francesco frangialli, secretary-general of the world tourismorganization, ms. louise frechette, deputy secretary-general of the unitednations,all delegates, ladies and gentlemen, at this october time when beijing is offering us its charmingautumn scenery in the freshest air and clearest weather, the15th general assembly session of the world tourism organization is officially opened here. on behalf of the chinesegovernment, i would like to extend our sincere welcome to allthe guests here and to express our warm congratulations onthe convening of this session. tourism is a nice and pleasant activity that combinessightseeing, recreation and health care. tourism has beendeveloping with the times. since the mid of the 20th century,modern tourism has been booming at a fast pace across theworld. the number of tourists has been increasing, the scale oftourism industry has kept expanding, and the position oftourism in the economy has been rising. increasingly, tourismserves as a channel for cultural exchanges, friendshipdevelopment and varied communication. it exerts more andmore extensive influence on human life and social progress. as a country with an ancient civilization and a long history,china is also a big oriental country full of modern vitality,blessed with a rich supply of unique and varied tourismattractions and resources. besides the picturesque naturalscenery, profound history and extensive culture, chinaembodies the different folk customs of 56 nationalities/ethnicgroups. currently, 29 properties have been inscribed ontoworld cultural and natural heritage list. with the reform andopening- up programs, china s modern construction is surgingahead, and urban and rural areas are all experiencing dailychanges. the ancient glory and modern boom combine mostimpressively to create favorable conditions for domestic andinternational tourism in china. the fist 20 years of the 21st century is a strategic period forchina to accomplish the all-round construction of a well-offsociety and to speed up its socialist modernization. it alsoprovides a favorable time for its further development oftourism industry. we shall promote tourism as an importantindustry in china s national economy, properly protect andutilize our tourism resources and try to achieve sustainabledevelopment. the chinese government welcomes all international friends to visit china. we shall do our best toprotect their health and safety. meanwhile, we will encouragemore chinese people to go abroad for visits. we are ready todevelop extensive cooperation with other countries andcontribute to global tourism growth. for many years, the world tourism organization has madeactive and effective efforts togain tourism prosperity and development around the world. ithas become a specialized agency of the un. here we would liketo offer our sincere congratulations. we believe this wtogeneral assembly session will give a major push to tourism inthe world for greater prosperity and new development. finally, i wish the 15th general assembly session of the world stourism organization every success.thank you!5.5现代化与文化遗产的保护主:welcome to our studio. my first question is: how manyyears have you been in china?宾:三年多了。我是 2002 年 5 月底来的。 主:3 years. i bet you have witnessed a lot of changes in china.could you tell us your deepest impression of urbandevelopment in china?宾:我恐怕只能就我所在的城市谈谈经验,不过从周边城市的所见所闻,我也会有同样的看法。所有的外国人都非常清楚地看到,中国和中国的许多城市都在快速地发展。我想在东部沿海城市更是如此。到处矗立着崭新的高楼大厦,马路变得更加宽敞。 主:what do you think of all these tall buildings and thewidened roads? do you think that these are signs ofmodernization? are all these changes good?宾:这个问题提得好,但是我觉得这是个相当复杂的问题。主:why is it complicated?宾:这个问题得从两个不同角度来谈。一方面是我作为一个外国人所期待的 我想看的,我感兴趣的和中国人想看的或者想让我看的肯定是不一样的。另一方面就是现代化与旧城文化保护相互冲突的问题。主:then let s see what are the differences between aforeign


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