第3课 百科全书式的学者亚里士多德 导学案【知识梳理】一、生平小传1、御医之子(出身):前384年出生于希腊小城斯塔吉拉的马其顿御医家庭。2、雅典求学(求学): 17岁时在雅典阿卡德米学园学习,师从柏拉图,对柏拉图的思想既有继承又有突破,被称“学园的灵魂”3、王子之师(为师):前343年,亚里士多德成为马其顿王子亚历山大之师。为师期间,利用优越条件,继续研究各类科学,学术思想进一步发展。被称为“百科全书式的学者”。4、创立吕克昂学园(边散步边讲学 办学):亚历山大征服希腊后,亚里士多德回到雅典创办吕克昂学园,被称“逍遥学派”。提出“中庸之道”。5、落寞辞世(BC322):前323年,亚历山大大帝病逝,雅典再掀反马其顿热潮。亚里士多德成为雅典人控告、仇视的对象。不得不挥泪离开吕克昂学园,并从此陷入孤寂落寞之中,精神受到严重打击;前322年,在卡尔基斯抑郁而终。二、吾爱吾师,吾尤爱真理1、尊师而不盲从:2、为真理而勇于争辩:探究1、“吾爱吾师,吾尤爱真理”这句话给我们今天建立良好的师生关系提供了怎样的启示?作为学生来说,既要把老师当作良师益友,又要敢于独立思考,突破老师观念的局限,勇于创新。三、百科全书式的大师(一)科学的研究方法1、他重视对材料的收集;2、对收集的材料进行精心分析、综合,结合自己的见解,得出有条理的论断;3、对科学进行分类,首次将科学分为理论的科学、实践的科学和创造的科学;(二)其他贡献1、哲学:(1)继承又突破了柏拉图的思想。肯定客观世界是真实的存在,是人类认识的来源,产生于对外界事物的感觉。这一观点使他“接近了唯物主义”,但不彻底,常动摇于唯物和唯心主义之间。(2)确立了哲学研究的对象,在形而上学中,提出哲学所必须研究和解决的十三个问题,其中一些问题,一直是后来西方哲学争论的中心,2、生物学对五百多种不同的动物进行分类,至少对五十多种动物进行了解剖研究。3、物理学在物理学中,指出具体事物是由形式和质料组成的。4、逻辑学提出三段论:大前提、小前提和结论。至今仍被学术界尊为权威。(1)意义:使逻辑学本身的研究方法进入新阶段,逻辑学发展为一门系统的科学; 为其他学科的研究提供科学工具,这种演绎推理的方法具有普遍的意义。(2)示例:凡人都有理性(大前提)有些动物是人(小前提)所以有些动物是有理性的(结论)5、政治学:(1)将政体划分为六类:君主制、贵族制、共和制、僭主制、寡头制、平民制,认为前三种统治形式较优,后三种统治形式较劣;(2)对政体发生革命和内讧的原因进行了探讨,认为其原因在于不平等;(3)提出了“法治优于人治”的思想6、教育创办“吕克昂”学园,著书讲学,把教育和科研结合起来;7、伦理学提出了“中道”理论,是一种明智的态度和方法,是一种人生的境界。(1)实质:强调以理性为准绳为人处世;(2)“中道”的意义:从个人修养方面看,“中道”原则有利于提高个人的道德修养;从社会秩序方面看,提倡“中道”原则,有利于社会理性的提高,有利于建设和谐社会;四:亚里士多德的评价:积极:亚里士多德是“百科全书式的学者”,是古希腊文化的集大成者,对后世的影响是巨大的,其哲学思想成为中世纪天主教神学家的重要理论来源;他创立的逻辑学至今仍被学术界奉为权威;他的自然观在中世纪乃至近代备受推崇;在政治领域里,他对正义与民主的讨论仍然是当代社会的重要话题。局限: 基本哲学观是徘徊与唯心主义与唯物主义之间。体现出奴隶主阶级的思想局限性。【思维拓展】知识拓展:1、孔子、柏拉图、亚里士多德的思想的对比孔子柏拉图亚里士多德哲学思想敬鬼神而远之1、敬:怀疑鬼神的存在2、远:把探讨和解决人世间的实际问题放在优先位置 1、唯心主义,认为理念是世界的本原,现实世界只是理念世界的反映2、研究物质世界只能获得不确定的“意见”,而不能获得知识 1.思想来源于具体事物,物质世界和精神世界不可分割2.物质世界值得研究,尽管认识中有错误,但也有真理成分政治思想仁与礼;为政以德 理想国是哲人统治的国家,其次才是法治国 归纳六种政体,提出法治优于人治 伦理思想中庸伦理学主题:正义中道治学教育思想因材施教、有教无类、启发式教学、当仁不让于师等即重视政治的研究,又重视自然科学知识,既培养政治家,又培养科学家1、教学方法别具一格逍遥学派2、吾爱吾师,吾尤爱真理2、柏拉图与亚里士多德主张的差异(1)哲学思想:柏拉图:理念论,理念是世界的本质,现实世界是理念的反映。亚里士多德:思想源于具体事物,物质世界和精神世界不可分割,物体由形式和物质组成(2)政治主张:柏拉图:理想国是哲人统治的国家,其次才是以法治国,亚里士多德:法治优于人治3、关于中西方思想中“中庸”的比较:(1)相同:均将其看作最高的美德, 都强调“恰到好处”,反对两极(2)不同:亚里士多德的“中庸”侧重哲学思考,而孔子的“中庸”是出于礼法,没有更多的哲学思考。 亚里士多德认为“中庸之道”是相对的,受时间地点条件的限制,因人和环境的差异而不同;孔子从圣人的角度出发,强调要有度,“过犹不及”。亚里士多德主张舍两端而取其中,孔子没有否认两端是不好的。4、亚里士多德与孔子思想比较(1)相同:(生平经历)都对知识孜孜以求,在文化上颇多建树。都怀着济世救人的热情,将自己的政治思想付诸实践。都热衷于教育事业,他们创立学校,广招门徒,著书立说,为文明的传播,做出了突出的贡献。(2)不同领 域亚里士多德孔 子思想哲学思想思想来源于具体事物,物质、精神世界不可分割敬鬼神而远之政治思想归纳六种政体,提出法治优于人治以礼治国,为政以德,反对苛政和刑杀、人治伦理思想中道理论中庸理论教育思想教学方法别具一格 因材施教、有教无类、启发式教学社会环境奴隶制城邦民主体制春秋时期的社会变革影响成为西方思想文化的重要奠基人创立的儒学成为中国传统文化的主流影响至亚洲、世界(2)不同:亚里士多德的“中庸”侧重哲学思考,而孔子的“中庸”是出于礼法,没有更多的哲学思考。 亚里士多德认为“中庸之道”是相对的,受时间地点条件的限制,因人和环境的差异而不同;孔子从圣人的角度出发,强调要有度,“过犹不及”。亚里士多德主张舍两端而取其中,孔子没有否认两端是不好的。4、亚里士多德与孔子思想比较(1)相同:(生平经历)都对知识孜孜以求,在文化上颇多建树。都怀着济世救人的热情,将自己的政治思想付诸实践。都热衷于教育事业,他们创立学校,广招门徒,著书立说,为文明的传播,做出了突出的贡献。(2)不同领 域亚里士多德孔 子思想哲学思想思想来源于具体事物,物质、精神世界不可分割敬鬼神而远之政治思想归纳六种政体,提出法治优于人治以礼治国,为政以德,反对苛政和刑杀、人治伦理思想中道理论中庸理论教育思想教学方法别具一格 因材施教、有教无类、启发式教学社会环境奴隶制城邦民主体制春秋时期的社会变革影响成为西方思想文化的重要奠基人创立的儒学成为中国传统文化的主流影响至亚洲、世界 Module 1 Book 51.Pat is not the same man _. A. What he was B. That he was C. as he was D. Who he was 2.Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ a bicycle.A. ride ; ride B. riding; ride C. Ride; to ride D. to ride; riding3. Hot _ the night air was , we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.A. although B. as C. while D. however4.A lot of language learning , _ has been discovered , is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that period.A. as B. it C. which D. this 5. _ the youth _ the rising sun at 8 or 9 oclock am, Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for teh young man . A. Comparing ; with B. Compared ; to C. Compared ; with D. Comparing ; to 6.Michaels new house is like a huge palace, _ with his old one.A. comparing B. compares C. to compare D. compared7. I made a promise to myself _ this year, my first year in high school , would be different.A. whether B. what C.that D. how 8.Modern science has given clear evidence _ smoking can lead to many diseases.A. what B. which C. that D. where 9. People from the two countries do not have _ understanding each other.A. difficulties B. a difficulty C. a trouble D. trouble10. I want to know what difficulty he has had _ the experiment.A. to carry out B. carryiny out C. carried out D. with carrying out 11. The girl student of _ has been the chairman of the students union for two years.A. not fifteen B. not more than fifteen C. more fifteen D. more than fifteen12. He suddenly saw Sue _ the room. He pushed his way _ the crowd of people to get to her. A. Across; across B. over ; through C. over ; into D. across ; through13.The suggestion that the mayor _ the prizes was accepted by everyone.A. would present B. ought to present C. present D. presents14. Its surprising that your brother _ Russian so quickly - he hasnt lived there very long. A. picked up B. looked up C. put up D. made up15. She _ Japanese when she was in Japan , Now she can speak it freely.A. picked out B. made out C. made up D. picked up16.The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hout without _ his notes.A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on17.The decision that h e referred _ us.A. to cheer B. to cheered C. to cheering D. to have cheering18. Im so glad youve come here to _ this matter in person.A. lead to B. see to C. turn to D . refer to19.- How was the schools sports meet? - We didnt plan it like that but it _ very well.tried out B. went out C. worked out D. carried out 20. The sale of the companys new product is good. It has _ two million dollars so far.A. carried on B. kept up C. brought in D. consisted of21. The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to _ their discussion.A. put away B. take down C. look over D. carry on 22. Dont be so discouraged. If you _ such feelings , you will do better next time.A. carry on B. get back C. break down D. put away23. It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly _ my friend.A. turn out B. bring out C. call out D. pick out24.Many questions _ at the meeting , but he answered none.A. came up B. raised C. were risen D. asked25.The boy _ hot on teh forehead , so he must be sent to hospital at once.A. is felt B. is feeling C. feels D. has felt26. The news came as no surprise to me . I _ for some time that the factory was going to shut down. A. have known B. had known C. knew D. was knowing .27. The wet weather will continue tomorrow , when a cold front _ to arrive.A. will be expected B.is expecting C. expects D. is expected28. When you reach the other end of the bridge , I _ right there to show you the way.A. wait B. have waited C. was waiting D. will be waiting 29.I intend to buy that kind of clothes because I _ that they _ well.A. have told ; wash B. have been told ; wash C. was told ; washed D. have been told ; are washed 30.- Its time for us to _ all the negative feelings and cheer up. - Yeah , we are sure to be better next time .A. carry on B. get back C. break off D. put away31. Due to cultural differences, most artists find it hard to _ Chinese crosswalk to westerners. A. get across B. get over C. come across D. come over32. It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.A. stick to B. refer to C. keep to D. point to33.The car _ the truck so closely , otherwise the traffic accident could have been avoided.A. shouldnt follow B. was following C. has been following D. mustnt follow34.All the comrades _ here are supposed to say something about it.A. present B. presented C. invited D. coming35. Large quantities of water _ for cooling purpose in the only one of the plants that _ steel in the city. A. has been needed ; produce B. are needed ; producesC. is needed ; produces D. have been needed ; produce36. Interest is as _ to learning as the ability to understand, even more so.A. vital B. available C. specific D. similar37. He will come to understand your efforts sooner or later. Its just a matter of _.A. luck B. value C. time D. fact 必修五 Module 1.单词拼写Its _ (显然的) that he hasnt read the book.2Her speech was so _ (难懂的) that few students could understand it.3Although metals _ (不同) widely in qualities such as strength and hardness, they all have certain qualities in common.4The teacher is making an _ (宣告) that the sports meet will be put off.5The English in this story has been _ (简化) to make it easier to understand.6I shall think it a f_ if I will be invited to your party.7Our s_ of living has been increasing.8The old man is p_ his report to our company.9Since the war broke out, the situation there worsened s_.10The government has been c_ for not taking the problem seriously.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空1Eating too much sugar can _ health problems.2I didnt tell him anything _ that I needed the money.3I _ persuading her to leave, so I had to give up.4Standards in health care have improved enormously _to 40 years ago.5Im satisfied with what he did. _, he is only a child.6There is a wide _ of patterns to choose from.7Jane and I _ nothing _ with each other.8The couple made several unsuccessful _ at compromise.9This book _ that one in content.10A new wing was _ to the built.完成句子1_ _ _ _ _ _ (把心脏比作水泵), he helped the children to understand its function.2_ _ _ _ _ _ (与别的穷人一样),he leads a very simple life.3I had _ _ _ _ _ (毫不费力地表达了自己的意思)4His example _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (使我相信知识就是力量)5This house _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (与那所房子大小差不多)必修五 Module 2.单词拼写1Schools need _ (志愿者) to help children to read.2The desk is broken. It _ (需要) repairing.3The teacher _ (要求) that we should finish our work the next day.4Last night we got together and had a _ (令人满意的) meal.5He is not _ (合格的) to teach English.6You would pass your exams if you a _ yourself to your studies.7The bus doesnt go d_ to Qingdao; it goes by way of Jinan.8I have a great r_ and admiration for my former English teacher.9The door and all windows were locked and there was no s_ of forced entry.10This is a magazine on health and f_.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空1Now I receive 6 emails a day _.2Im writing _ your advertisement.3The firms attempt to meet their customers _.4The education system must _ the needs of all children.5I have no teaching materials _.6He _ 4, 000 for the car.7The thief _ punishment.8He _ my house every morning.9Is there anything _ youd like for dinner?10I wont _ any more of your time.完成句子1The kids _ _ _ _ _ (主动要求洗盘子)2The situation required that _ _ _ (他该在场)3He loves _ _ _ _ (特别喜爱科幻小说)4Some people feel that _ _ _ _ (机遇与他们无缘)5Theyve _ _ _ (学起打高尔夫球了)