【安徽专版】《》2020高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版选修8-1

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选修8 Unit1课时作业(三十六)A land of diversity多元化的社会.单项填空1An uncle of mine lived_cancer for over 20 years,and died_January at the age of 86.Afor;fromBwith;ofCwith;inDagainst;with2The_of school leavers that go to university is about fifty percent.Adegree Bpercentage Clevel Dstandard3Jane will have to_her piano practice a long time if she wants to be a professional concert performer.Aset up Badd up Ckeep up Dhold up4Our classmates who prefer to hold a party for him are_the majority.Aat Bin Con Dto5The agreement indicates that the two companies will_with each other again.Ateam up Bturn up Clook up Dpick up6Did you catch the early bus this morning?No.It had left the stop_I arrived there.Aas soon as Bas the timeCby the time Dduring the time7Can you see the Jinsha Museum from_you are standing?Yes,and its really well designed.Awhere Bwhich Cthe place Dhere8Can you join us in the party this evening?Well,that depends on_I can have my report done before then.Awhether Bwhere Cwhen Dhow9The position,however,_you are applying,is not quite a wellpaid one.Athat Bwhich Cfor which Dto which10I will mark_everything you say.It is helpful to the English learners.Aup Bdown Cout Doff11_is no possibility_she can finish the task in two hours.AThere;that BIt;thatCThere;whether DIt;whether12Many students listened to the lecture,but I wondered how much work they took_.Aout Bup Coff Din13It is most_that the environmentalists will come to the area to investigate the possible damage caused by the serious pollution.Alikely Bperhaps Cpossibly Dprobably14Many died or returned home,but most remained in California to_a life for themselves in the new towns or on farms.Amake Bcome Cbring Dlay15Football is a_of a sharp mind and hard training rather than just talking.Amixture Bthought Ctime Daction.完形填空(2020届昆明一中一模)Every morning,before dropping her son off at school,my friend would stop on the way to work to grab a quick breakfast.They tended to frequent the_1_restaurant every morning grabbing an egg sandwich,juice,coffee for herself,milk for her son.One day she_2_an additional breakfast.When they had eaten and walked out of the door,she stopped and said good morning to a_3_man who was sitting alone outside the restaurant and_4_him the additional breakfast she had bought.He_5_her,grinning,telling her it was the first meal he had in a great many days.She couldnt help but feel_6_and was glad she finally took action.She told her son that she had_7_him every day that week outside the restaurant and that no one,herself included,had_8_to offer him food,drink,comfort,etc.She further_9_that homelessness can happen to anyone and the importance of service to others and_10_acts of kindness were.And so_11_her kindness tradition.each day thereafter she and her son_12_to buy and supply the homeless gentleman with breakfast.The_13_was going on until they_14_several years later but the lesson was_15_implanted (植入) in her son by then.She_16_as she told me that this kindness legacy_17_to her son,who remembered this childhood tradition and lesson.Now a college graduate and_18_employed,her son stops every day at Starbucks for his morning cup of coffee and purchases a_19_for a homeless person nearby before commuting (上下班往返) to the_20_.What a great family legacy that he can pass along to his children as well.1.A.small BsameCcrowded Dordinary2A.received BdemandedCexpected Dordered3A.strong BkindChomeless Dsick4A.handed BboughtCsupplied Dprovided5A.remembered BthankedCrespected Dpaid6A.grateful BsorryCanxious Dgood7A.helped BseenCdisliked Dmissed8A.agreed BrefusedCstopped Dappeared9.A.shouted BrepliedCargued Dexplained10A.what BwhichChow Dwhere11A.ended BbeganCmet Dpresented12A.hesitated BhurriedCcontinued Dneeded13A.moment BlifeCpractice Dperformance14A.moved away Bgot aroundCturned down Dbroke up15A.hardly BfirmlyChappily Dslightly16A.smiled BcheeredCsighed Dwondered17A.came BoccurredCwent Dbelonged18A.regularly BcarefullyCentirely Dgainfully19A.chance BtentCshirt Dbreakfast20A.city BofficeChouse Dschool.任务型读写(2020年安徽二模)Like dogs,birds breathe in air and get oxygen to supply body tissues,while fish breathing depends on getting oxygen from water through parts of its body.However,bird respiration (呼吸) is different from dogs and is much more efficient than that of other animals. The lungs take up just 2 percent of a birds body volume,yet the bird quickly takes in large amounts of oxygen and quickly removes waste and excess heat.There are actually two respiration systems,internal and external.The external respiration system uses the lungs and a series of air sacs (袋囊) distributed throughout the body so that the oxygen supply is in direct communication with body parts.Oxygen is taken in and exchanged for carbon dioxide waste in the blood;then the carbon dioxide is moved out. So far,much like dogs.However,in an important difference,the air flow in a bird is one way,through a series of tubes and cells,rather than two ways,in and out of the lungs,as it is in dogs. A constant stream of air goes through lungs and then is channeled through the complex system of air sacs,which also help remove excess heat,as well as through hollow bones. The gases are then channeled forward through the lungs again,then through more air sacs,finally ending up in the windpipe,and are expelled from the body.The air sac system is bigger than the lungs and takes up 15 percent of the chest and belly area.Meanwhile,the birds great oxygen needs are also handled by the internal breathing system.The oxygen,stored primarily in body fat tissue,is burned through the process of cell respiration.This process produces both muscular energy and heat.How does a bird breathe?Ways to get oxygenFor birds and dogs,by breathing in airFor fish,from 1._through its bodyTwo 2._systemsInternal and externalExternal respiration systemUsing the lungs and a series of air sacs to communicate with body parts3._4._sac systemBigger than the lungsTaking up a 5._part of the chest and belly area.6._of bird breathingA stream of airgoing through lungs without7._being channeled through the complex system of air sacs and through8._bonesbeing 9._forward through the lungs again,then through more air sacs10._in the windpipe and are expelled from the body.单项填空1Dobtain获得;得到,本题指警方从审讯中获取了他们想要的信息,此处obtain可用get替代。2Cpay off得到好结果,取得成功;根据题意知是“我”的坚持最终有了回报,故选C项。3Cthat引导的从句作a good idea的同位语。if不能引导同位语从句;when与which引导名词性从句含有疑问意义,与题意不符。4D考查动词形式与句子结构的判断能力。句意为:他们都反对的建议最终证实是很有效的。句子的主语是The suggestion缺少谓语动词,故选D。5Bforbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事,为固定短语,此处为其被动结构。6A句意为:他很快就认识到,他所承担的任务是他力所不及的。undertake a task表示“承担/从事任务或者工作”,其他选项搭配及意义均不正确。7A句意为:如果我能得到较好的职位,我应感激我的老师。owe.to.受恩惠,感激,符合语意要求。8B句意为:很显然,如果我们天天读英语文章的话,我们一定能提高英语的。be bound to的意思是“一定”。9CIts a matter of.意为:是的问题。10Bmake a breakthrough作出突破性进展。11C本句意为“我很赞成你的建议那就是我们应该在这个工程上花费更多的时间”。in favour of赞成;in honor of向表示敬意;为纪念。第二个空为that引导的同位语从句。12Acast down使沮丧;cast off扔掉;cast about设法寻找;cast away扔掉;抛弃。13B句意为“这个药不能使她痊愈,只能止痛”。merely仅仅;只;不过。14D此处的one在句中作a moment的同位语。15Bbother sb.about.麻烦某人。句意为:现在不要拿这个去麻烦你父亲,他很累了。.阅读理解【语篇解读】 无论你是爱书的人或是仅仅想买一本书作为礼物,在书店里度过的时光都可能是令人非常愉快的。1B考查词义猜测。语境说一本书的dust jacket很吸引人,让你难以抗拒,从而拿起它。从这些信息判断,dust jacket应该是指书的封面。吸引人的书,看的人肯定多,不可能积满灰尘(C);文章谈论的是书,与衣服无关(A);文中没有指到哪类书能吸引你,因此D项不对。2B考查细节理解。第三段说,你很快就沉浸在某一本书之中,通常要在好长时间之后才意识到在书店呆得太久了,得赶紧去赴个已被忘却的约会。3C考查细节理解。第四段说,能够给人提供一个逃避日常生活的机会是书店吸引人的主要原因。在一个好的书店驻足停留,能让自己的心灵得到满足。4A考查主旨大意。全文都在讲述书店的魅力:在书店里度过的时光或许是最令人愉快的,我们能利用这样的机会逃避现实生活,我们能在这里得到心灵的满足等,故A切题。【语篇解读】科学家们发现,父亲对儿童的健康起着决定性的作用。5B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段首句Researchers are inviting fathers who would like to reduce their weight to join the “Healthy Dads,Healthy Kids” program可知,该项计划对想减肥的父亲们开展研究。6D细节理解题。根据第四段第二句He found children who lost the most weight had fathers who were engaged in the new eating and exercise plan可知,Morgan发现儿童体重的减轻与他们父亲参加这项新的健身计划有关,故选D。7A推理判断题。根据第一段的children are most likely to be guided by their fathers eating and exercise habits和第六段的act as a role model to their children可知,儿童会模仿父亲的饮食和锻炼习惯。8C推理判断题。根据第五段中的More families have two parents working and more fathers are involved with food preparation and food shopping than in the past可知,当前父亲们家庭角色的转变是因为双亲都工作的家庭越来越多。也可以说,是因为参加工作的母亲越来越多。


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