2020高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Unit7教学案 人教大纲版

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Unit 7-Unit 8提纲挈领单 元考查重点及热点Unit 7单词powder standard nephew frost handwriting overcoat wage anyway god admit foolish clap partner warmth taxpayer personally occupy constant welfare clerk composer novelist firm shadow noble gain bond indeed goose selfish bishop choir短语care for leave alone in want of close up piles of句型where引导的地点状语从句Unit 8单词motivation dictation alphabet stick awful instruct data comprehension anxious secure translator interpreter everyday patience adopt pile tyre overweight operation level junior senior postcode短语make sense of in other words take risks/a risk experiment with knock down fall behind句型1.先行词为way的定语从句结构2.with 引出的介词短语Unit 7理解:要点诠释单词1.anyway=anyhow adv.讲:adv.无论如何;无论怎样,可以位于句首,也可以用于句尾。例:Its too late now,anyhow/anyway.无论如何现在已经太迟了。The house was empty and I couldnt get in anyway.屋子里没有人,我无论怎样都进不去。Anyway,you can try,even if theres not much chance of success.至少你可以试试,纵然没有多少成功的机会。练:(2020;2020山东济南统考) Im not sure what will happen to me in the future._,I will try to carry on my study.A.Even though B.Anyhow C.If so D.Instead提示:本题考查副词的用法。句意为“不知道将来会发生什么事,但不管怎样,我会尽力继续学习”。所以用anyhow表示“不管怎样,总之,反正”。even though为连词,应该引导状语从句。答案:B2.admit讲: vt.& vi.主要义项有“承认;准许进入”。表示“承认”时的用法有:+名词或代词;+动名词;+从句。短语admit sb. as 的意思为“接纳某人为”。例:Now there was nothing he could do except admit defeat.现在他只有认输。While I admit his good points,I can see still his shortcomings.尽管我承认他有优点,我还是看到他的缺点的。He admitted not having done it as planned.他承认没有按计划做那件事。He admitted that he had taken my umbrella by mistake.他承认错拿了我的雨伞。Our football team decided to admit him as one of the members.我们足球队决定吸收他为本队队员。My son will be admitted to the company this year.我儿子今年将进那家公司工作。Mary opened the door and admitted me into her room.玛丽打开门,让我进了她的房间。链接提示admit后面跟动名词而不能跟动词不定式作宾语。练:(2020;2020北京西城抽样测试) As a senior student,I am determined to work harder in order to _the desired university.A.admit by B.be admitted byC.admit into D.be admitted into提示:本题考查动词短语的意义辨析。根据短语的意思be admitted into“获准入学”和句子的语境得出答案。答案:D3.occupy讲:用作及物动词,主要义项有“占用;占有;占领;占据;担任”。短语occupy oneself in doing sth./with sth.的意思为“忙于做某事”。例:The family have occupied the farm for many years.这一家在农场已居住多年。The striking workers have occupied the whole building.罢工的工人占领了整个大楼。The speech occupied three hours.演讲占用了三个小时。Her time is fully occupied with her three children.她的时间全部用在她的三个孩子身上。Many problems occupied his mind.他脑子里装着许多问题。The child occupied himself in playing his flute.那个孩子只顾着吹笛子。My sister occupies an important position in the Department of Environment.我姐姐在环境部担任重要职务。链接提示occupied adj. 在使用中; 已占用;不空闲 如:This table is already occupied.这坐位已经有主了。比较:take up占据空间;make up占据比例。练:(2020;2020沈阳教学质量检测) My interest in surfing on Internet has_ most of my spare time,but it has repaid me a great deal of enjoyment.A.taken off B.taken downC.taken up D.taken away提示:本题考查短语动词辨析。根据句子意思此处用take up表示“占据,充满”。相当于occupy。答案:C短语1.care for讲:care for喜欢;关心;照顾。和care about在表示此意时,意思和用法基本一样。在表示“介意、在乎”时,只用care about,特别在后跟v.-ing时,不用care for。但在表示比较客气、委婉的“要不要”时,用care for。例:Would you care for some tea?你想喝茶吗?I dont care much for/about fine clothes.我对穿衣服不大讲究。Who cares for/about the old man now?如今由谁来照顾这位老先生?He cares for her deeply.他深深地爱着她。I dont care much for opera.我不太喜欢话剧。链接提示care about 忧虑;关切;关心;惦念 如:I dont care about what people think.我不关心人们怎么想。I dont care about going or staying.我才不在乎是留下还是离开呢。Dont you care about this countrys future?难道你不为国家的前途担忧吗?All she cares about is her social life.她关心的只是她的社交活动。练:I can hardly get interested in anything about music,so I dont_ jazz.A.agree with B.care forC.keep up with D.agree with提示:本题考查短语动词的辨析。第一句话已经说明了“我”对音乐方面的任何事情都没有兴趣,因此“我不喜欢爵士乐”,用care for表示like的意思。答案:B2.in want of讲:该短语的义项为价词,表示“需要”。同义词为:in need of。如:You look tired;youre in need of a good rest.你看起来很疲劳,你需要好好休息。比较:in demand “需要”。如:Oil is in great demand these days.近日很需要油。例:The house is in want of repair.The house needs repairing/to be repaired.这房子需要修理了。He is in want of exercise.他需要锻炼。练:Are you_ money?I can lend you some.A.in the want of B.in want ofC.in the want D.in want提示:in want of为固定短语,意为“需要”。答案:B句型where引导的地点状语从句讲:请观察下面教材原句:If I hear another word from you,you will go where it is really cold.要是再听到你说一个冷字,我就叫你到真正冷的地方去。where在此引导地点状语从句,修饰主句的谓语,表示“在地方;到地方;无论什么地方”。要注意和where引导定语从句的区别,引导定语从句时,修饰表示地点的先行词(名词)。例:He left the key where it lay.他把钥匙放在了原位置。The official policy encouraged people to stay where they were.政府的政策鼓励人们待在原处。Please just sit where you want.你想坐哪里就坐哪里。链接提示(1)wherever和everywhere也可以用来引导地点状语从句。如:He is kindly received wherever he goes.Everywhere I went,people were very happy.(2)where和wherever可置于possible或necessary之前,其含义为when或whenever。如:All the experts agree that,wherever possible,children should learn to read in their own way.练:(1)(2020;2020浙江杭州质检) Where do you plan to work?Ive made up my mind to go_ Im most needed.A.to the place B.to whichC.that D.where提示:根据句子结构和句子的成分分析,此处用where引导地点状语从句,修饰谓语动词go。如果选A项,则为定语从句,引导词要用where且不能省略。答案:D(2)(2020;2020北京西城抽样测试) Id like to live somewhere_ the sun shines all year long.A.which B.that C.where D.in which提示:因主句中没有可修饰的先行词,where 引导地点状语从句,进一步说明live的地点,并非定语从句。答案:C辨析1.standard,levelstandard n.标准;水准;规格;规范;业务水平 adj.标准的;符合标准的;公认为权威的level n.水平线;水平面;级别;水平 adj.水平的;平坦的;同等标准的 v.使平坦即时练习:(1)The mountain is 1000 meters above sea _.(2)We always insist on a high_ when the students do fast reading.(3)The two pictures are not quite _that one is higher than the other.(4)This procedure is _.(5)This is the _textbook on the subject.(6)Plenty of work has been done to improve the peoples living _.(7)Find_ ground for the picnic table.(8)His work does not reach the_ required.答案:(1)level (2)standard (3)level (4)standard (5)standard (6)standard (7)level (8)standard2.achieve,win,gainachieve完成;达到目的,赢得名声win打败对方;赢得胜利gain获得(奖项)win;赢得(财富、经验);增加;改善即时练习:(1)He hopes to_ all his aims by the end of the year.(2)The car _speed when it went down the hill.(3)Each of the boys has_ a prize.(4)We shall_ greater victories in the future.(5)That invention _him a medal.(6)He_ his wealth by printing works of famous writers.(7)In this way,I_ a lot of social experience and learn to work for the good of the society.(8)One thing is certain:if you eat more calories than your body needs,you will_ weight.答案:(1)achieve (2)gained (3)gained/won(4)win (5)won (6)gained (7)gain (8)gain诱思:实例点拨【例1】(2020;2020福建模拟) Father_ for London on business upon my arrival,so I didnt see him.A.has left B.left C.was leaving D.had left提示:从“so I didnt see him”中可知,没见到父亲这件事发生在过去,而父亲在“我”到之前就去了伦敦,很明显去伦敦这一动作发生在didnt see him之前,即发生在过去的过去,故应该用过去完成时。答案:D讲评:此处根据语境来考查动词时态,因此在选择时不要仅仅看含有空白的那句话,另外的句子恰恰是得出正确答案的关键。【例2】(2020;2020重庆模拟) My family usually goes skating for vacation,I like skating,but I want to dry something different this year._A.Lets go. B.Cheer up. C.Like what? D.Take care.提示:对方提到今年要尝试除滑冰以外的事情,另一方自然会问:比如什么(之类的)?A项为应合别人的建议;cheer up干杯;take care小心;like what比如什么,故选C项。答案:C讲评:口语题目注意语境的要求。


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