2020届高三英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(二十一)阅读理解主旨大意类之全文大意题与段落大意题 牛津版

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2020届高三英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(二十一)阅读理解主旨大意类之全文大意题与段落大意题 牛津版_第1页
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2020届高三英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(二十一)阅读理解主旨大意类之全文大意题与段落大意题 牛津版_第2页
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2020届高三英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(二十一)阅读理解主旨大意类之全文大意题与段落大意题 牛津版_第3页
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专题限时检测(二十一)阅读理解主旨大意类之全文大意题与段落大意题(加的为全文大意题或段落大意题,本卷限时24分钟)A(2020扬州中学高三第四次模拟考试)(REUTERS/Jason Lee) Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of Chinas Central Bank, a highlevel Chinese official on Sunday made the governments first admission that the countrys economic slowdown was not going as planned. He told at a meeting of regional leaders that his countrys growth_rate_had_tumbled “a bit too much”“Chinas inflation is also declining, so we need to be very careful to see if the disinflation trend will continue, and if deflation will happen or not,” said Zhou. His remarks were made at the Boao Forum for Asia, an annual conference on the island of Hainan in southern China. Zhou added that China could “have room to act” by taking “quantitative measures” and setting interest rates.For many, the way he described Chinas health was no surprise. The countrys economy has not been growing this slowly since the 1990s. Companies in debt are seeing sickly profit margins. Banks are carrying loads of debt, too, and the housing market is slowing. Chinas official 2020 GDP growth target is 7%, but that seems shaky.Acknowledging that significant intervention has to be on the table is a big deal for China. Everyone has known for years that this slowdown was coming because the government is purposely transitioning its economy from one based on foreign investment to one based on domestic consumption. It is a brutal process, but the government knows it is the only way the country will become the selfsustaining superpower it wants to be.(Barlcays) Until now, while the Chinese government had acknowledged the slowdown was rough, it had assured the world that the situation was under control. Just a few weeks ago, Chinese officials were saying they would be monitoring deflation but still were not that keen on intervening with policy measures.Now it seems they are warming to the idea. In January, Chinas headline consumer price inflation hit 0.8%, then it bounced back up to 1.4% in February. March probably isnt looking that great either from the Peoples Bank of Chinas point.“Widening PPI deflation and soft CPI inflation, especially after adjusting for seasonal effects, point to persistent deflation risks,” Barclays wrote after Februarys number came out.“In our view, the monetary policy needs to be more proactive in order to deal with the cyclical challenges in the near term.”1Which of the following illustrates “growth rate had tumbled” in Paragraph 1?ASetting interest rates.BEconomic transition.CBounce of CPI. DFIGURE 1.2We can infer from the passage that one of the solutions to the slowdown could be_if needed.Amonitoring deflationBexpanding foreign investmentCmaking new policy measuresDreducing domestic consumption3.Whats the main idea of the passage?AZhous admission is a big deal and a little bit irresponsibleBThe Chinese government has admitted that things arent going so wellCChina should be more active in its struggle against inflationDChinas economy has been growing fast since the 1990sB(2020无锡市普通高中高三期末考试)When Major Mary Jennings Hegar was serving as a captain in Afghanistan, her aircraft was shot down by enemy fire while she and her crew were taking back injured soldiers. Though injured, she completed the rescue mission (任务) while under fire on the ground and received the Purple Heart and the Distinguished Flying Cross for “outstanding heroism and selfless devotion to duty”However, Hegar did not get credit for serving in combat (战斗), for it is illegal for women to be in official combat positions and to get the benefits that come with them. Hegar and three other servicewomen filed a lawsuit (诉讼) in federal court in San Francisco on Nov. 27 in a longoverdue challenge to the Pentagons (五角大楼) ban.Women have always served in the military (and lost their lives), but Congress and the Pentagon have limits on them. In 1988 the military adopted the “risk rule”, which allowed women to be kept out of even noncombat positions if they were likely to be at risk of being fired on or captured (被俘). In 1994 it dropped that rule, but then Secretary of Defense Les Aspin adopted the ban on placing women in official ground combat positions, after a poll showed weak public support for allowing women to volunteer for combat.Many military women who constitute 14% of the 1.4 million active members of the military object to the policy because it stops them from applying for some 238,000 jobs and excludes (排除) them from certain promotions. It is particularly unfair because it doesnt protect women in service. Fully 85% of women, who have served since Sept. 11, report having served in a combat zone or an area where they were faced with combat or immediate danger according to the lawsuit, and half reported being involved in combat operations. At least 860 female troops have been wounded and 144 killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.In fact, as Hegars suit argues, the ban actually puts women in greater danger. In many cases, women fight alongside men in “female engagement teams” that endure the same conditions, but because they are thought not combat eligible (有资格的) they may not have received proper training.The ban does another bad thing: drive talented women out of service. Hegar says she is asked to leave the Air National Guard for a Reserve Liaison position because she is excluded from jobs she would like to apply for. Another woman who is suing, Captain Alexandra Zoe Bedell who was sent twice to Afghanistan, left active duty last year, because of the combat exclusion policy.It is hard to see how the Pentagon could meet this burden. Clearly, women are capable of taking challenging, dangerous combat assignments, because as the careers of Hegar and others like her have shown they are doing it now. The Pentagons policy is based on “outdated idea of women”, just the sort of thing the Constitution forbids.But the Pentagon should not wait for the courts to order it to treat female service members equally. There can be little doubt that a court will eventually do just that and little doubt that, in the very near future, the nocombat rule, like the racial segregation (隔离) of troops and “Dont ask, dont tell” will seem like an ancient relic (遗物) of unenlightened (愚昧无知的) times.4What can we know about Major Mary Jennings Hegar from the first paragraph?AShe failed in the rescue mission.BHer deeds were awarded by authorities.CWhile taking back the injured soldiers some crew died.DWhen she was serving as a captain her aircraft crashed.5The underlined word “constitute” in the fourth paragraph means _.Atake upBmake upCset upDbuild up6Many military women objected to the policy mainly because _.Ait had an effect on womens rightsBit was unfair to protect women in serviceCit prevented them from some jobs and promotionsDit was opposed to womens volunteering for combat7.What does the writer want to tell us in the last two paragraphs?APentagon should stop the ban immediately.BPentagon will not obey the courts decision.CPentagon should have more women soldiers.DThe public should be patient with the Pentagon.8Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?AHegar was popular with other military women.BThe ban in fact reduced the number of the wounded.CWomen can carry out dangerous combat assignments.DPentagons policy treated military men and women equally.C(2020苏锡常镇高三联考)In the past, writing wasnt very common in West Africa. In fact, none of the major early civilizations of West Africa developed a written language. Arabic was the only written language they used. The lack of a native written language does not mean that the people of West Africa didnt know their history, though. They passed on their tradition orally. An oral history is a spoken record of past events. The task of remembering and telling West Africas history was given to storytellers.The storytellers of early West Africa were called griots. They enjoyed high social status because the people of West Africa were very interested in the deeds of their ancestors. Griots helped keep this history alive for each new generation.The griots stories were both entertaining and informative. They told of important past events and of the accomplishments of distant ancestors. For example, some stories explained the rise and fall of the West African empires. Other stories described the actions of powerful kings and warriors (勇士). Some griots made their stories livelier by acting out the events like scenes in a play.In addition to stories, the griots recited proverbs, or short sayings of wisdom or truth. They used proverbs to teach lessons to the people. One West African proverb warns, “Talking doesnt fill the basket on the farm.” This proverb reminds people that they must labor to accomplish things. It is not enough for people just to talk about what they want to do.In order to tell their stories and proverbs, the griots memorized hundreds of names and events. Through this memorization process the griots passed on West African history from generation to generation. However, some griots confused names and events in their heads. When this happened, the facts of some historical events became distorted.9According to the first two paragraphs,_.Athe griots were good at making up storiesBWest Africans didnt use a written languageCWest Africans knew little about their historyDthe griots were highly respected in West Africa10The fourth paragraph is developed_.Aby exampleBby spaceCby time Dby comparison11The underlined word “distorted” in the last paragraph means “_”Aknown BuntrueClost Dimportant12What do we know about the griots?ATheir job required a good memory.BMost of them had a talent for acting.CThey still enjoy popularity nowadays.DTheir stories focused on the life of the kings.13.The passage is mainly about_.Awhy storytellers appeared in West AfricaBan unusual profession in West AfricaChow the griots helped preserve historyDthe early civilizations of West Africa答 案语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道。主要内容是中国政府承认经济增速放缓这一事实。1选D推理判断题。题干中的illustrate意为“(用示例、图画等)说明,解释”。根据文章并结合画线短语中的“tumble”(跌落)可知,文中的图表能够说明“增速下跌”。故答案选D。2选C推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句可知,制定新政策是应对经济增速放缓的一个解决方法。故答案选C。3选B主旨大意题。根据第一段中“Zhou Xiaochuan, governor . was not going as planned.”以及第五段中“the Chinese government had acknowledged the slowdown was rough .”并结合全文内容可知,本文的主要内容是中国政府承认经济增速放缓的事实。故答案选B。语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。虽然女兵和男兵一样都可以在战斗中执行任务,但是美国的五角大楼和国会却都限制女兵参战,使得女兵没有战斗资格,不能做同男兵一样的工作,不能升职。Mary Hegar和其他几名女兵起诉了五角大楼的禁令。4选B推理判断题。根据第一段第一句可知,当时飞机是在她和队员运回伤员时被击落的,且没提到有人死亡,因此C项和D项错误;根据第一段第二句可知,尽管受伤了但她仍然完成了任务,为此她也受到了嘉奖,因此可以推断,A项错误,B项正确,她的行为得到了权威机构的嘉奖。故答案选B。5选B词义猜测题。分析画线单词“constitute”所在的句子可知,who引导的定语从句修饰先行词women。该词后面接了“14% of the 1.4 million active members of the military”,在四个选项中只有“make up(组成,占)”可以与其连用。6选C细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中的“object to the policy because . and excludes (排除) them from certain promotions”可知,许多女兵反对这项政策主要是因为它会阻碍女兵们申请工作和升职。故答案选C。7选A段落大意题。根据倒数第二段最后一句和最后一段第一句可知,五角大楼的这项规定是基于一种对女性的过时的看法而制定的,但是他们不应该等着国会通过才平等地对待女兵。因此最后两段主要是说五角大楼应该立即停止这项限制女兵的禁令。故答案选A。8选C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句“Clearly, women are capable of taking . they are doing it now.”可知,女兵同样可以出色地执行危险的战斗任务。故答案选C。语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。介绍了西非的历史通过史诗演唱艺人们而得以流传。9选D细节理解题。由第二段的“The storytellers of early West Africa were called griots. They enjoyed high social status”可知,史诗演唱艺人社会地位高,受人尊敬。10选A文段结构题。第四段以一条谚语为例,对该段的主要内容进行了说明。11选B词义猜测题。联系前一句“However, some griots confused names and events in their heads.”可知,有些史诗演唱艺人会把历史信息搞混,因此一些史实会被歪曲。故此处distorted可以被理解为untrue。12选A推理判断题。西非的史诗演唱艺人不仅需要记住很多历史故事,还需要背诵格言、谚语等,故他们需要有很强的记忆力。13选C主旨大意题。西非的史诗演唱艺人们通过口头传播的方式保存了他们的历史,本文对此进行了说明。


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