2020届高三英语二轮复习 专题04 特殊句式和情景交际专题卷

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2020届高三英语二轮复习 专题04 特殊句式和情景交际专题卷_第1页
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2020;2020届高三二轮复习专题四考试范围:特殊句式和情景交际单项选择题(共100小题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。)1It is suggested that Chinas serious environment problem worth paying much attention at the meetingAto be solved Bto being solved Cto solve Dto solving2Is it Li Na,a Chinese famous tennis player,has achieved at the French Open you are happy at so much?Awhat;that Bthat;what Cthat;it Dit;that3There is no doubt DrJi Xianlin is the greatest man that we ever known in the field,so we call him the “master of Chinese culture”Awhether Bthat Cif Das to4I would appreciate if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will be comingAit Bthat Cyou Dthis5Those who,regardless of great difficulty,work as hard as they can are more to succeedApossible BprobableClikely Dcertainly6Chen Guangbiao doesnt think a lot of his money ,he has devoted most he has to the Wen chuan post-disaster reconstructionAMeanwhile BHowever CInstead DYet7Only if people of all nationalities of the whole country are united close together the well-off society in all-round wayAChina can buildBChina can be built Ccan China buildDcan China be built8It is desired that this rule brought to the attention of the staffAwas Bwere Cbe Dis9Hello! May I speak to Alice?Sorry,shes away ?AWhat are you up to? BCan you help me? CDoes it matter? DCan I take a message for you?10Having been ill in bed for nearly a month,he had a hard time the examAwith passing Bto pass Cin passing Dto passing11The reason she was ill that day was actually made up by her brotherIn fact,the reason she was absent was she went to see a filmAthat; why; that Bfor which; why; thatCthat; why; because Dwhy; that; because12So experienced is he that he is used to the matters that I dont know Adealing with; what to do with them Bdealing with; how to deal withCdo with; what to do with Ddo with; how to deal with them13It was not until he got home he remembered the door key where he had played basketball with his classmatesAwhen; leavingBwhen; to leave Cthat; leavingDthat; to leave14What I do in my free time has with the teacherAnothing Banything Cno to do Dnothing to do15Jane,will you go with me to the Xian 2020;2020 International Gardening Exposition this Friday? ,Kate,but I promised Mary Id go with herAThanks BMy pleasure CTake it easy DForget it16 How do you like the football match you watched last night,Alice? I want to watch it a second timeAJust so soBThats boring!CThat depends!DThat couldnt be better!17 How do you know Peter will win the first prize in the competition? Hes very clever and studies hard as wellAWhy not?BWell done!CIts my guessDIts up to you18Make sure all the preparations for the meeting will have been finished by May Day, youll just end up being severely punishedAother than Brather than Cor elseDand then19I dont suppose South African could have done well in the security for the 2020;2020 World Cup, ? ,they almost failed in itAhad they; Yes Bdid they; No Cdo I; Yes Dcould they; No20Im quite sorry,MaryI dropped some water on your notebook when I watered the flowers just now It will be dry soonAAll right BBad luck CNot at all DNever mind21Ive got some wonderful newsWe have been invited to work as volunteers for the 2020;2020 London Olympic GamesReally? AI dont believe so BI believe not CI cant believe it DI dont believe it22Better get along with your work,TomDavid, AIts my pleasure BNot to mention itCMind your own businessDYoure welcome23A number of people,especially children,were reported to diseases after Japanese Earthquake in March,2020;2020Ahave suffered from Bhave suffered Csuffer Dsuffer from24I am afraid Tom cant finish his graduation paper within ten days APlease go ahead BThats all right CNot at all DTake his time25I hear Tom doing the voluntary work in Wen Chuan since May 12,2020;2020 no wonder that I cant find himAhas been devoted to;There is Bdevotes;There isCdevotes;It is Dhas been devoted to;It is26I had a really wonderful time in the National Stadium AOhThats very nice of you BCongratulationsCIts a pleasure DOhIm glad to hear that27It was this year he the class meetingAfor the first time;havent attended Bthe first time; hadnt attendedCthe first time; didnt attend Dfor the first time; doesnt attend28 Would you please turn down the radio a bit? Is it disturbing you?AForget it BThats all right CIm sorry DBe careful29 an hour earlier,Mary wouldnt have been caught in the heavy rainAIf she has returned BHad if she returnedCHad she returned DIf she returned30On getting off the bus at the station,the foreign visitors stopped and looked as if whether they had forgotten something the busAto see Bsee Cseen Dseeing31It is high time that the Chinese government pollution control an official goal,because severe pollution throughout the country has caused significant medical problems,including rising rates of cancer and respiratory diseaseAhas made Bmade Cwould have made Dcould make32Could you take a message for me to Helen when you pass by her office? I dont go to my office today because I have to go to ShanghaiAIm glad to BNo way CI dont know her DIm afraid not33So much interest take in surfing that they go to Hainan Island every summerAdoes the family Bthe family does Cdo the family Dthe family do34The college student is driving his dads car at full speed down the way on the campus of the university it is!AWhat a dangerous scene BWhat dangerous a sceneCHow a dangerous scene DHow dangerous the scene35 I toured Taihangshan Gorge in May 2020;2020,a famous scenic spot located in the Henan province of China,I was deeply impressed with its beautiful sceneryAFor the first time BAt first CIt was the first timeDThe first time36Chinese scientist Yuan Longping has been working on agricultureIt will be 60 years soon since he Aleft Bstayed Cgraduated Dlived37We could have walked to the Shanghai World Expo Park; it was so nearYesA taxi at all necessaryAwasnt Bhadnt been Cwouldnt be Dwont be38As we all know,with the development of technology,the more we master, Athe more for life are we prepared Bthe more prepared for life we areCthe more life we are prepared for Dwe are prepared the more for life39I really cant thank you any more ANo problem BThink nothing of it CWith pleasure DGlad to hear that40John got injured in the gameWould it be at least a fortnight he could recover and return to school?Awhen Bthat Csince Dbefore41It I had stayed in the United States for a couple of weeks I found I couldnt get used to its way of lifeAwas until;when Bwas until;that Cwasnt until;when Dwasnt until;that42Well,personally,I think he is dishonest ASo he is BSo is he CSo does he DSo he does43 your wasting the valuable time,or youll end up being a failureAStop spending BTo stop to spend CStop to spend DStopping spending44If you study hard and carefully,you will be successfulIf you are more addicted to the Internet,this is no good, ?Ado you Bdont you Cis it Disnt it45There is no light or sound in the houseThe students must have gone to the cinema, ?Adidnt they Bdont they Cmustnt they Dhavent they46Was it at the Shanghai World Expo Park he went this summer he met lots of foreigners?Athat;that Bwhere;where Cwhere;that Dthat;where47 the picture on the screen doesnt changeI take the mobile the right as a mouse!ANo way BNo doubt CNo reason DNo wonder48Not only concerned about how to improve the quality of their products but beginning to concern themselves about itAthe manager himself is; all his staff are Bthe manager himself is;are all his staffCis the manager himself; are all his staff Dis the manager himself;all his staff are49 ,our class teacher was there before usAEarly did we get there BEarly as we got thereCAs we got early there DEarly when we got there50How did you know how much it would take you to buy a ticket for sporting events of the 2020;2020 Olympic Games?It is in the website wwwticketsLondon 2020;2020uk you can buy the tickets for the opening ceremony I found the full details about tickets prices for themAwhere;that Bwhich;that Cthat;which Dwhere:which51As a matter of fact,what Qian Xuesen good to our countrys international positionsAdid do does Bdid does do Cdoes did do Ddo do did52He is afraid to face the difficulty he thinks hell have the driving test tomorrow;he finds it difficult rid of the worriesApassed;got Bpassing;to getCto pass;getting Din passing;in getting53Only when I failed in the entrance examination I should have followed my teachers adviceAhad I realized Bhave I realized Crealized I Ddid I realize54Thanks for your trouble ,I enjoyed itAAll right BNo way CNot at all DI dont believe it55If the meat products,made by Chinas largest meat processor Shuanghui Group,are of high quality,well buy some;if , Ano;no Bnot;not Cnot;no Dno;not56Will David go to work as the cheerleader for the game tomorrow? No,he finally decided Anot to be Bnot to do Cnot going Dnot to57We had scarcely reached the school it began to rainAwhile Buntil Cwhen Das58How long do you think the construction company finishes the project for the 30th Olympic Games?Ait will be before Bwill it be until Cwill it be when Dit will be that59If there is any doubt the rockets engines,there is no doubt we ought to cancel the launchAfor;whether Babout;that Cabout;what Dof;why60It to me that I will go with him to Huangshan Scenic Area in southern Anhui province in eastern ChinaAhappened Boccurred Ckept Dincluded61If she were not ill,she would go to volunteer for the people of Zhouqu of Gansu province ,she has to stay at homeAAs it is BAs it was CAs a result DAs it were62The number of traffic accidents caused by drinking is as the number of those caused by non-drinking drivingAas twice manyBmany as twiceCas twice largeDtwice as large63It remains whether LiuXiangll be fit enough to play in the 2020;2020 London Olympic GamesAseen Bto be seen Cseeing Dto see64You didnt like the performance at the 2020;2020 Shanghai World Expo,did you? I liked it very muchANot at all BOn the contrary CNext to never DOn all sides65Were you caught in the rain during yesterdays travel?Good luckNo sooner the hotel than it poured downAI had reached Bhad I reached Cdid I reach DI have reached66He does work as a Youth League secretary,so reasons he takes great interest in the ideas,feelings,and actions of youthAtherere;whyBtherere;which Ctheyre;why Dtheyre;which67It is well known that it is not enough only the grammar rules if you want to learn English wellAkeeping in the mind Bto keep in mindCto keep in your mind Dkeeping in your mind68We should try our best,in my opinion,to do all that we can these ancient treasures in the Palace MuseumAto protect Bprotecting Cprotected Dand protect69Only after the anaesthetist (麻醉师)gave the patient an anaesthetic conductedAcould the operation be Bcan the operation beCthe operation could be Dthe operation can be70You look so upset,Li Hua ?I failed to pass the driving test last weekAWhats up BWhats forCWhat are you up to DSo what71Secrecy is necessary; the who learn of the project for the 2020;2020 London Olympic Games Ignition before the opening ceremony the Afewest; better Bfewest; best Cfew; good Dfewer; better72It was in the very pavilion is built with stones by Italians the tourist spent his day during the summer holidayAthat;that Bthat;where Cwhich;that Dwhich;where73It is generally believed that does seem to have been much difficulty in the Japanese governments solving the present earthquake problemAit Bthat Cthere Dhe74Now that you cant persuade him to change his mind,why dont you stick by one another?Well, AI believe not BI dont care CNever mind DI might as well75Never before more popularized in the countryside than it is todayAhas television been Btelevision has been Cwas television Dtelevision was76It a Sunday morning my mother could arrange for me to meet my music teacherAwas until,when Bwas until; thatCwas not until,when Dwas not until; that77 Mr.Smith,Im afraid my friend Li Hua cant complete the work in time today How about tomorrow?AGood for youBIt wont bother me CNot at allDThats OK78 Make sure you have got everything ready before going traveling to Chang Baishan Mountain AHeard it BMade it CGot it DForgot it79 Jack,I lost your Tom Sawyer book at school yesterdayIll buy you a new one Oh, I have one moreAtake it easy Bby no means Cyou got it Dforget it80At the top of the Wudang Mountain is an ancient temple, houses mainly built of woodAwhere Bwhich Cits Dwhose81At that moment I heard a noise to my side and turned my head a giant black wolfAThere stands BThere stood CHere stands DHere stood82There is a possibility that these children could be terrified during their travel, frightening animals such as snakesAbeing there Bshould there be Cthere was Dthere having been83Im sorry to have kept you all waiting so long,but itll be soon the machine gets repairedAafter Buntil Cbefore Dwhen84 Now that we are now in Shanghai,what about having a look at the World Expo Park this afternoon? AGo ahead,please BMe,too CGood ideaDMy pleasure85At last,the visitors found themselves in a pleasant and flat place with trees around and down to prepare their picnic lunchAto sit Bhaving sat Csitting Dsat86 What do you think of this service offered by that restaurant? It couldnt be any The waiters there are often inconsiderate to customersAgood Bbetter Cbad Dworse87 I really appreciate you offering me such friendly help during my stay at your country AAll rightBPlease dont be thankful CWith pleasure DDont mention it88When from a distance,to tell the truth,the scenery appears more beautifulAseeing Bbeing seen Cseen Dhaving seen89We handed in our exercise books last Wednesday morning Why didnt you tell me then?AGood luck! BYou did? CIts no surpriseDYou are welcome90 Would you mind my turning off the light while youre sleeping? Go aheadANever mind BNo way CNot at all DNoYoud better not91According to statistics,those with AIDS in the developing countries are as those in the developed countriesAas more than twice many Bas many more than twiceCmore than twice as many Dmore than twice many as92 Tom,please give me some advice on whether I am supposed to lose weight by swimming? Swimming is fine for good healthAWhy not? BWhat for? CIt just dependsDYoure joking93 the Chinese were that the Chinese famous tennis player Li Na won the French Open!AHow pleased BWhat a fun CHow happily DWhat pleasure94 How about going swimming this afternoon? ,but I have to do my homeworkAAll right BI cant CSounds great DNo problem95 ,well realize the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round wayAHowever great difficulty may be BBe great difficulty mayCHowever great may difficulty be DBe great however difficulty may96It was in Bei Da Huang they met each other for the first time the two young fell in loveAwhere;that Bthat;that Cwhere;when Dthat:when97How terrible it is today! A very bad day for swimming,isnt it?ASo it is BIt is so CIs it so DSo is it98Our teacher seems unhappyWe dont understand it was that made him feel that wayAwhich Bwhat Cwhy Dhow99Talking about his success,Hong Zhanhui,one of the top ten China-moving characters in 2020;2020,said,“Ive been moved there are many people who have supported me”Aprovided that Bnow that Cso that Din that100Jane, cleaning in the classroomeverybody else,plant trees outsideAdo Bdoes Cto do Ddoing


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