2020届高三英语一轮复习 Module 3 Literature语言知识案(无答案)外研版选修7

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2020届高三英语一轮复习 Module 3 Literature语言知识案(无答案)外研版选修7_第1页
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2020届高三英语一轮复习 Module 3 Literature语言知识案(无答案)外研版选修7_第2页
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2020届高三英语一轮复习 Module 3 Literature语言知识案(无答案)外研版选修7_第3页
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Module3 Literature语言知识探究案.词形变换【自主学习】1. cruel (adj.)冷酷的_(n.)冷酷,残忍2. serve (v.)服务_(n.)服务_(n.)仆人3. eager (adj.)渴望的_ (adv.)渴望地_(n.)渴望,热切4. desperate (adj.)绝望的_(adv.)绝望地_(n.)绝望5. reward (n.) 酬谢,奖赏_(adj.)有益的,报酬高的6. intend (v.)打算_(n.)打算_(adj.)故意的7. _(adj.)违法的illegally (adv.) 违法地_(adj.)合法的8. distribute (v.)分发,分配_(n.)分发,分配9. nutrition (n.)营养_(adj.)有营养的_(n.)营养物10. accumulate (v.)积累_(n.) 积累11. mourn (v.)哀悼_(adj.)哀伤的12. _(v.)挨饿starvation(n.)挨饿_(adj.)挨饿的. 短语盘点1. 惊讶地_11. a huge amount of _2. 用声音(说)_12.let go of_3. 刚一就_13. be put in prison_4. 使某人关注_14. be wild with hunger_5. 盯着看_15. intend to do_6. 一直_16. be of concern to sb. _7. 习惯于_17. because of a lack of._8. 抓紧_18. bunches of flowers_9. 打他脑袋_19. in his early thirties_10. 张贴_20. have a heart attack_III. 重点知识l scene:正确翻译scene的短语在下句中的意思。1. The doctor was on the scene very quickly after the accident. _2. She witnessed some very moving scenes. _3. The sunrise was a beautiful scene. _4. The king comes to the castle in Act 1, scene 2. _5. The students were able to go behind the scenes to see how programs are made. _选词填空: scene/scenery/sight/view1. The Great Wall of China is one of the wonderful _ worth seeing.2. You will get a fine _ of the town from the top of the hill.3. After the train crash, the station was a _ of absolute panic.4. She looked out of the train window to enjoy the beautiful _ outside.l intend 打算,有意图intend to do 打算做 intend sb./sth. to do sth. 打算让做be intended for/to do 针对,打算have (no) intention of doing sth./to do sth. 有的打算,意图用以上短语的正确形式填空:1. These books _ children.2. Did he _ us _ share the cost of the dinner?3. I didnt _(come) to Germany to work.4. I have _(go) to the wedding, though I have been invited.5. This experiment _test the theory.l concernbe concerned about 对担心,关心 be concerned with 关于as/so far as be concerned 就来说 with concern关切地concerning 关于用以上短语的正确形式填空:1. _, there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking.2. They are very seriously _ the problem involved.3. She stared at me _.4. You heard nothing _ this matter, did you?5. The film _ unemployment.l a huge amount of有关“大量的”短语汇总:修饰不可数名词的:a large/huge amount of; large amounts of; a great/good deal of修饰可数名词的:a large/great number of; a great many可数不可数都能修饰的:plenty of; a large quantity of; large quantities of链接:amount to 总计=add up toHis earnings are said to amount to $ 300000 per year.l attention用恰当的动词介词填空:1. He didnt _ any close attention to the details.2. Before I close I must _ your attention to a problem we have to face.3. All his attention was concentrated _ the great blue circle.4. Lenin devoted much attention _ the work of training.5. During the year, President Mariam turned his attention _ improving agriculture.6. Something on the floor _Lannys attention.7. As the youngest child, he was always the center _ attention.8. His attention was fixed _ the ceiling as he was lying in bed.9. He brought the unemployment problem _ the attention of all people present.


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